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On April 17. 2011. Gerry Maxey Warned the American Rich About Losing their Freedom , to Ayn Rand Beliefs

On April 17, 2011, this Blogger, appalled and disgusted by the Republican Party naming the Prat from Wisconsin, Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, went Jeremiah on his budget, and how the adoption of his Ayn Rand philosophy of shooting the wounded, would be devastating to the long term freedom and joy of the American Rich. Ryan was an acolyte of Ayn Rand, and was attempting to impose the philosophy of that Russian atheist on the American people. 

Now, in 2022,  the dire predictions of 2011 are coming to pass; in Los Angeles, the shock troops of the coming jacquerie, the Black gangs of South Central, are stalking and targeting the wealthy, the American Rich. This stalking is not an anomaly; but a deadly, nihilistic and revolutionary precursor of the future, triggered by the betrayal of America by the American Rich.

In 2011, Gerry Maxey published the following:“Prat is defined by the Urban Dictionary as: " an English term, primarily used in United Kingdom. The literal meaning is "bottom" or "rump"; aka backside, buttocks  This lends itself to the slang meaning of "ass," or "clueless person of arrogant stupidity."

The word Prat was introduced to me by a British lady, who lives in England; I had never heard the word before she uttered it. When she did, my epiphany was instant, our omnipresent, impotent government is run by PRATS, leaders who are individually and collectively, " clueless persons of arrogant stupidity."

Rep. Paul Ryan is a Prat extraordinaire, and as such has produced one of the dumbest deficit reduction  plans in recorded history. His plan, in a nutshell, is to defund or outlaw Medicare and every gracious plan supported by the government.

This defunding is coupled by cutting taxes on the rich, those 30,000 who work at Goldman Sachs, and make an average of $500.000 a year.

The Ryan Plan is devastatingly stupid for the American Rich, for it would create social conditions in which the Rich could not enjoy their money except behind massive moats, giant walls and battalions of body guards, a la Mexico.

What is the point of being rich if you cannot take in a Broadway show without fear of being kidnapped?

Enacting the Ryan Plan will take all the fun out of being Rich in America. If you are a Rich person, it is not worth the tax breaks to live in fear of the retribution of your fellow citizens….Gerry Maxey” 

In April, 2022, that warning has come to past. 

Authorities have identified at least 17 Los Angeles gangs who have been targeting some of the city’s wealthiest residents for violent attacks—robbing them of expensive jewelry, designer handbags, high-end vehicles and other fine goods.......The latest findings come from a Los Angeles Police Department task force established late last year to identify the cause of an uptick in “follow-home” robberies in which victims are robbed shortly after leaving lavish restaurants, boutiques, nightclubs, or other locations where gangs are scouting for targets, the Los Angeles Times reports.  Most of the gangs are based out of South L.A. and have been operating independently, according to Capt. Jonathan Tippet who leads the task force. In 2021, there were 165 such robberies and there have been 56 so far this year, including several over the weekend, he told the Times. 

……Tippet did not indicate how many robberies authorities attributed to which gangs, but said individuals allegedly affiliated with both the Bloods and Crips have been identified. Some suspects who have been identified have pleaded not guilty and their cases are pending. Tippet’s team is working to build cases against other suspects, he said. During some of the robberies, police have identified gangs—via surveillance and other evidence—rolling three to five cars deep, then jumping out to catch their victims by surprise. 

“There’s no chance or opportunity for these victims even to comply. They’re just running up to people and attacking them, whether that’s putting a gun in their face or punching them and beating on them,” Tippet told the Times. “Pistol whipping them as well.” Tippet, who also leads the LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide Division, said shots have been fired in 23 cases and two victims have been killed.

“In my 34 years on the job, I’ve never seen anything like this,” he said….LA MAGAZINE.” 

This Blogger considered Paul Ryan a Prat in 2011; this Blogger reinforced that opinion on August 8, 2012, when he published this:  “In my lifetime, I have been in the room with two politicians that wanted to do the Right Thing for America, Robert F Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. They both, from different political viewpoints, promised to do the right thing, come hell or high water, for their Nation. That is why the shepherds came down from their flocks, in legions, to follow them.

The greatest philosophical influence on Paul Ryan seems to be Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand is good to read, good to believe in, but NEVER good to implement on  civic society. Rand was a Russian atheist .......f
or many years, the AYN RAND INSTITUTE was located on Admiralty Way in Marina del Rey, right around the corner from where I am writing this Blog. Many a day, I would stop by their office and shoot the breeze with her acolytes. In the end, her policy is simple-shoot the wounded. Philosophically, I have no problem with shooting the wounded, just so the wounded are not AMERICAN wounded.  

Rand was a Globalization  freak before Globalization; she placed the Globalized Gifted above Americans.  The sole purpose of American politicians should be to MAKE SURE no one is above Americans. RFK and Reagan knew that. Not  one of the four politicians seeking power  in America in 2012 understand that raison d'etre.

When I was growing up, and what is missing now, is that everything that American Leadership did, in our Golden Age, in all fields of endeavor, was to make life for AMERICANS better. Our Leadership put American well being above Multiculturalism, Diversity, Globalization, even profit. During America's Golden Age, our political, academic  and media Elite did not make war on American Citizens. …..GERRY MAXEY.” 

The American Rich had a rich man's paradise in America; vast wealth coupled with freedom of movement, without security, without jealousy, without fear of the unwashed,

In return, the American Rich gave America: The Rockefeller University, Stanford, Duke, Vanderbilt, and Carnegie Mellon. Alas, Paradise was not enough for the American Rich; they wanted to lord it over the American  working class, by imposing Globalization, Multiculturalism and Social Engineering. The American Rich did this switch in allegiances, assuming the American working class, poor, underclass would not notice. But they did notice.

Now it is the beginning of Paradise Lost; now the Rich are being stalked, relying only  on the protection of unfaithful body guards. They will be prisoners in their own opulence, a Gilded Gulag; never to enjoy a free life again.


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