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THE MAXEY CHRONICLES' 2018 PERSON of the YEAR- Mad Chinese Geneticist, Dr. He Jiankui

When this Blogger was growing up in the Paleozoic Era( prior to 1992), the criteria for being named PERSON OF THE YEAR was the impact said person had on the future of the world, or Mankind, for better or worse. That was why TIME magazine named Adolf Hitler PERSON OF YEAR one year.
Since the election of Bill Clinton as President, the criteria has devolved into standards corrupted by a Reality TV mentality, and uber sensitivity. Society became so sensitized that it became desensitized.
TIME Magazine announced its finalists for PERSON OF THE YEAR, 2018.
They are:
  1. SEPARATED FAMILIES, the families of illegal aliens separated at the US/Mexican border.

    b)American President Donald Trump

    c)Russian President Vladimir Putin

    d)Meghan Markle- the talentless cable tv actress who seduced the modern Duke of Windsor, Prince harry.

    e) Ryan Coogler, who directed the film BLACK PANTHER, which empowered  empowering black slogan: “Wakanda forever!” into the cultural lexicon. The original concept was formulated by a Jewish writer.

    f) Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

    g) Feminist martyr Christine Blasey Ford, who went to one too many parties as a bathing suit wearing teenager.

    h) The murdered pro-Osama bin Laden Saudi Journalist Jamal  Khashoggi( Chris Matthews on MSNBC declared Khasgoggi an American, he was not).

    i) March for Our Lives activists, including the poor man’s’ Zac Efron, the one and only David Hogg.

    j)  South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

    That list is venal in its triviality, Meghan????????

    The editorial board of TIME is one of the cornerstones of the Global Elite; their 2018 list confirms the incapacity of the Global Elite to understand the world we live in. That incapacity is why the world is in such a diminished, entropic state.


    Why did the MAXEY CHRONICLES choose Dr. He?

“Chinese Scientist Claims to Use Crispr to Make First Genetically Edited Babies”

CRISPR is a cheap method for gene editing, first discussed in this Blog in May, 2015.

In his book, BRAVE NEW WORLD, set in 2540, the offspring of the world are genetically designed; the Chinese have developed a cheap way to alter the DNA of the human race, and design the children of the future.

a Chinese team revealed last month that it had used a new laboratory technique to alter a gene in human embryos….The technology makes genetic manipulations that were theoretical in the past seem easy to achieve — and soon…..
…. the new gene editing tool, known as CRISPR/Cas9, might provide an easy means for molding a person when he or she is just a single-celled embryo.
CRISPR/Cas9 makes it possible for nearly any scientist to edit DNA in nearly any cell. 
…. alterations in a single-celled embryo would be copied into all the rest of the embryo's cells as it developed — and passed down via sperm or egg to the embryo's children, grandchildren and generations beyond.

….Scientists have made steady progress in their ability to edit DNA, but the CRISPR/Cas9 system marks a major advance in ease and flexibility of use….. It uses strands of RNA called clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, or CRISPRs, to direct DNA-chopping enzymes from the Cas protein family to sever the viral genome…..

….The CRISPR/Cas9 method is much simpler — and cheaper — than earlier gene editing technologies in which scientists had to synthesize complex proteins to carry out the same work. …. Uptake in labs has been so enthusiastic that CRISPR has become a verb, a la Google….. People could use gene editing for "non-therapeutic genetic enhancement" — making designer babies with blue eyes and high IQs……LOS ANGELES TIMES”

Once CRISPR was developed; scientists erected a flimsy wall, made of tissue ethics, to stop its application on humans. Dr. He shredded that flimsy wall.
CRISPR is the most significant contribution science has made to the eventual downfall of Mankind since the Atomic Bomb. It is horrendous in its ramifications; it replaces Natural Selection with CRISPR alteration.
Dr. He used CRISPR gene editing to make twin girls immune to AIDS. That is wonderful right?
But- if one can gene edit a baby to be immune to a disease, that means, one can create a disease which will kill anyone except the gene edited babies.
Deep State geneticists are working now on a disease, the so called DISEASE X, which will only kill targeted sub-Saharan blacks; the created virus will only kill humans without Neanderthal DNA. Of all the races in the world, only sub-Saharan blacks have no Neanderthal DNA in their genes. They are an easy target for targeted murderous viruses. Dr. He has hasten the day that one can unleash a murderous virus on sub-Saharan Blacks: Congolese, Zulus, Luos, Somalis, Kikuyu, Bantus and Xhosa.
If the society is worried about the transgender explosion, Dr. He’s friends will  find the gene which causes dysphoria, and edit out that gene in future generations.
As this Blog is being written, this Blogger has been informed that fundamentalist Muslim nations, and steadfast Communist states are funding an effort to find the Gay gene, and edit it out of future  generations.
Now that Dr. He has opened Pandora’s Box, now that he has breached the ethical wall; now that he has blown up the dam blocking unethical behavior, all bets are off.
Within a decade, the homosexual gene in men will be identified, and Christians will no longer have to send their gay sons to sexual rehab, Conversion Therapy; in Dr. He’s future, all that Christian parents will have to do is go  for a gene test; that test  will identify future gays, and CRISPR will eliminate that Gay gene.
The Dyke gene will also be identified and eliminated. Scientists want to keep the femme lesbian gene for, as a KGB agent once told this Blogger in Moscow, “Homosexuality is an abomination, but lesbianism is an art form.
In the CRISPR future, there will no longer be a Rosie O’Donnell or an Ellen DeGeneres…..they are too manly; but the lesbian women they marry will be safe, with their genes intact.
Dr. He has opened the door to a future of Gene Fascism; and this Blogger does not think that door will ever be closed again.
“…. Dr. He’s announcement about genetically edited babies prompted a statement from a group of 122 scientists condemning his actions as “crazy.”

Ever since scientists created the powerful gene editing technique Crispr, they have braced apprehensively for the day when it would be used to create a genetically altered human being. Many nations banned such work, fearing it could be misused to alter everything from eye color to I.Q.

Now, the moment they feared may have come. On Monday, a scientist in China announced that he had created the world’s first genetically edited babies, twin girls who were born this month.

The researcher, He Jiankui, said that he had altered a gene in the embryos, before having them implanted in the mother’s womb, with the goal of making the babies resistant to infection with H.I.V…. his previous work is known to many experts in the field, who said — many with alarm — that it was entirely possible he had.RTISEMENT

“It’s scary,” said Dr. Alexander Marson, a gene editing expert at the University of California in San Francisco…..If human embryos can be routinely edited, many scientists, ethicists and policymakers fear a slippery slope to a future in which babies are genetically engineered for traits — like athletic or intellectual prowess — that have nothing to do with preventing devastating medical conditions…...

......What is Dr. He’s background?
Dr. He, 34, first worked with the Crispr gene-editing technology while obtaining a doctorate in biophysics from Rice University in Houston. He did postdoctoral research at Stanford and returned to his native China in 2012 under a program designed to draw Western-trained Chinese researchers back home. There, he founded two genetic-testing companies, and became affiliated with the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen.

….Changing the genes in an embryo means changing genes in every cell. If the method succeeds, the baby will have alterations that will be inherited by all of the child’s progeny.

….. Dr. He went ahead and disabled a perfectly normal gene, CCR₅. While people who are born with both copies of CCR₅ disabled are resistant to H.I.V., they are more susceptible to West Nile virus and Japanese encephalitis….. Crispr often inadvertently alters genes other than the one being targeted, and there are also circumstances, called mosaicism, where some cells contain the edited gene and others do not. Dr. He claimed in a video that Crispr did not affect other genes in the twins and that the babies were “born normally and healthy,” but there is no way to know if that is true.

…..Many scientists are concerned that Dr. He’s experiment could have a chilling effect on support for legitimate and valuable gene-editing research.

…..Some worry that this is the first step toward using gene editing to create people with extreme intelligence, beauty or athletic ability. But that, for now, is not possible. Such traits are thought to be affected by possibly hundreds of genes acting in concert, and affected in turn by the environment.

The biggest ethical concerns for now are with rogue scientists enticing couples who do not realize the risks to babies that might result from the experiments. And when those children grow up, the altered genes will be passed on to their children, and to their children’s children, for generations to come.

….And, of course, we do not know if other scientists will be emboldened to try their own experiments editing the genes of human embryos….NEW YORK TIMES.”

But that, for now, is not possible”…..what does for now mean? Will it be possible in 2019? 2020? 2025? 2030?

The first Atomic Bomb was exploded in 1945; the first Hydrogen Bomb was exploded in 1952, seven years. Using that matrix, seven years from now the not possible will be possible, in 2025.

What Dr. He has done will echo through the ages, much more influential than any dress Meghan wears. That is why Dr. He is THE MAXEY CHRONICLES’ 2018 PERSON OF THE YEAR.
Related imageDr.  He Jiankui


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