“Girls will be boys, and
boys will be girls
It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world”….Lyrics by THE KINKS’
It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up world”….Lyrics by THE KINKS’
Who knew then that the true prophets of the 1960’s would be
THE KINKS, a British band.
The Millennial Age is awash with transgenders, from Cox to
Jenner to film movie directors whose last name this Blogger cannot spell.
What is historically most interesting about this rise of Transgenderism (A state or condition in
which a person's identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional ideas
of male or female gender.) is how many young children 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 years of age are
self declaring themselves as transgender.
This is a great shock to my generation, the boys of Brooklyn;
when we were that age our debate was centered on what classmate had died during
the summer from polio, would hiding under a desk really save us from a nuclear
attack?(we practiced surviving a nuclear holocaust by squirming under our
school desks every week) or who was the better centerfielder? Duke Snider, Willie
Mays or Mickey Mantle? All three went to the Hall of Fame, which meant
something grand before the recent nepotistic election of Harold Baines(but that
is another Blog).
Why is transgenderism waxing?
Is it the diet of the children? Too much fast food?
Is it the diets of their mothers? Too much fast food?
Is it the lack of potency in their fathers? Sperm counts in
American males is collapsing. Men’s sperm have been decreasing
in number and getting worse at swimming for some time now—and, at least in the
United States and Europe, new research says it’s getting worse. A pair of new
studies unveiled this week at the Scientific Congress of the American Society
for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) in Denver suggest that American and European
men’s sperm count and sperm motility—that is, the “swimming” ability of sperm
cells—have declined in the past decade, which follows a similar, broader trend
observed by many scientists over the past few decades….THE ATLANTIC.”
Is it Nature’s
subtle way of fighting back at Mankind’s over population?
Is it a shift in
role models? Brooklyn Boys had Billy the Kid(Brooklyn born), Audie Murphy, Jackie Robinson as role models, it was inconceivable that Angela Ponce, Miss
Spain, would be a role model for boys. (Angela
Ponce, better known as the reigning Miss Spain,
didn’t win the Miss Universe pageant Sunday.But she didn’t seem to mind. Simply
by representing her country this year, Ponce became the first transgender woman
to compete in Miss Universe. After the preliminary rounds, the 27-year-old
model said it was “an honor and pride” to be part of the history of the
“This is for you, for those who have no
visibility, no voice, because we all deserve a world of respect, inclusion and
freedom,” Ponce wrote on Instagram on Friday. “And today I am here,
proudly representing my nation, all women and human rights.”
Though Miss Universe — and other beauty
pageants — have undergone scrutiny (and changes) in recent years to avoid
objectifying women, Ponce said she embraced the competition as a chance to
fulfill not only her personal ambitions but also to be an ambassador for
Spanish culture…..NBC NEWS.”
OBVIOUSLY, Ms. Ponce has had a profound
effect on the new generation in Brooklyn.
Desmond Napoles.
young boy from New York has created the first ever drag club specifically for children.
Napoles is a 10-year-old self-professed 'drag kid' from
Brooklyn. Ever since Napoles was a baby, he would wrap his mother’s towels
around his body, don her heels and unleash his inner sass by strutting around
the house.
Napoles says
he realised he was gay at a young age when he started developing crushes on
boys. ….DAILY MAIL UK.’
A 10-year-old
transgender boy says he is founding the world's first dating site for
transgender children.Desmond Napoles, aka "Desmond is Amazing," is
launching the new website that aims to "encourage" kids to switch
genders in an "online drag club."…NYPOST.”
Ms. Napoles even made an appearance as a guest on the ABC morning
Blogger does not know if DESMOND THE AMAZING is an enhancement on Western
civilization, or an adequate Revelation of the decline of the West.
Blogger does know this: his flinty father had respect for only one kid, his hero in raising his family, the kid Reuben
1918, Harold Loomis was abandoned by his mother at a Catholic facility, because he had
had heavy braces, and could not go up and down stairs. The other boys carried
“One day, Father Flanagan asked Reuben
Granger, one of those older boys, if carrying Howard was hard.
replied, “He ain’t heavy, Father… he’s m’ brother.”
This Blogger knows this:
that his Father, the Father who raised sons willing and capable of defending the Republic, would not think DESMOND THE AMAZING was so damn amazing compared
to Reuben Granger.
this kiddie transgenderism is a manifestation of Mass Hysteria in kids.
has seen that before.
“The first Children's Crusade started in
1212, when a young shepherd named Stephen of Cloves allegedly bumped into Jesus
himself. Evidently, Jesus wanted Stephen to deliver a letter to the king of
France. After sharing God's message, Stephen would lead an army to reclaim
Jerusalem. As it turns out, Stephen was a pretty powerful speaker, because he
convinced up to 30,000 people to join his crazy quest….
…. several of his followers headed to
Germany where they joined up with a prophet named Nicholas. Like Stephen,
Nicholas of Cologne was a young guy with the gift of gab. Thanks to his fire
and brimstone sermons, he whipped up an army of 12,000 …. who planned on
marching over the Alps and into Italy. Then using his miraculous powers,
Nicholas would part the Mediterranean, allowing his followers to march toward
the Holy Lands. Needless to say, his scheme didn't pan out. Not only was the
hike over the Alps incredibly grueling, but the damn sea just wouldn't
According to some sources, a few of
Nicholas's followers tried sailing to the Middle East, but diabolical seamen
sold them into slavery……..
…Back in the 17th century, there was a
witch hiding under every rock. At least, that's how it seemed, anyway. People
were constantly worried the Devil was going to show up, or some warlock might
start cursing everyone for fun. That's probably why, in 1639, so many kids lost
their minds when a creepy teacher started telling some truly disturbing
… Realizing she was in danger, the teacher
dressed up as a man, and made her great escape. ….
…….In Glasgow, Scotland, there's a
cemetery called the Gorbals Necropolis, or the "City of the Dead."
Established in the 1840s, the graveyard contains over 250,000 corpses. And one
dark night in 1954, the cemetery was invaded by an army of vengeful kids.
On September 23, a constable named Alex
Deeprose spotted hundreds of children swarming the graveyard. The kids were all
14 or younger, and most were armed with knives, clubs, and sharp sticks. One
was even carrying a crucifix! Dumbstruck, the constable asked the kids what
they were doing, and they matter-of-factly replied they were hunting a vampire.
Evidently, this undead demon stood seven feet tall, possessed iron teeth, and
had supposedly devoured two boys. The children wanted revenge, and they were
scouring the cemetery for the bloodsucker.
….. Some historians claim the kids were
likely terrified by the local legend of the murderous Iron Man, or perhaps they
were scared by a passage from the Biblical Book of Daniel, describing an
iron-fanged monster. Or, yeah, maybe the kids did read a copy of Dark Mysteries
#15, a comic featuring a vampire with iron teeth. But whatever sparked their
imaginations, the children eventually packed up their weapons and went home…..grunge.com.”
Transgenderism is perhaps Kiddie Religious Mass Hysteria in a Secular Age; for
this Blogger has noticed that while kiddie transgenderism has grown exponentially,
kiddie stigmata has declined precipitously.
Prior to the secularization of society, religious societies had kiddie stigmata as its manifestation of mass hysteria.
Prior to the secularization of society, religious societies had kiddie stigmata as its manifestation of mass hysteria.
"Stigmata is the term used in Christian mysticism to describe the manifestation of bodily wounds, scars, and pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ,such as hands, wrists,and feet. An individual bearing the wounds of stigmata is referred to as a stigmatist or stigmatic."
The last known stigmatic was MILLHOUSE VAN
HOUTEN.(Picture below).
Kiddie Transgenderism is merely kiddie
stigmata in a secular age.
The next logical step for kiddie transgenders
is kiddie castratos.
“A castrato (Italian,
plural: castrati) is a type of classical male singing voice equivalent to that
of a soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto. The voice is produced by castration
of the singer before puberty, or it occurs in one who, due to an
endocrinological condition, never reaches sexual maturity.”
It is obvious that the ultimate reconciliation will be a
kiddie castrato with stigmata.

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