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Astrophysicists Attempt to RECTIFY Stephen Hawking's NOTHING Before The Big Bang Theory

The main problem this Blogger had with Stephen Hawking’s cosmology was him begging his scientific followers to imagine a time before the Big Bang, a time without time.

This Blogger felt if he had to imagine a time without time in order to be scientific, he might as well believe in Eternity to make sure he got to Heaven.

Now, in December, 2018, astrophysicists have floated a theory that tries to explain the time before the Big Bang.

Before we get to that new theory, this Blogger would like to refresh his Readers on his Cosmological Manifesto.

On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe.

The following is excerpted from that Blog:

This Blogger believes there are three paths to the realization God exists.

1)Personal Experience-This path involves family, tradition, faith, heritage, being a recipient of a miracle, or visitations by angels, or having an epiphany, or Grace. That is the most difficult path to God.
2) The Russian Path-Reading Dostoevsky's THE GRAND INQUISITOR, and realizing that because the Devil does  exist, God exists.
3) Astrophysics is the easiest path to  believing in the existence of God.

Lately, the only thing which astrophysics has been doing is proving the existence of a Creator, a God.

....Astrophysics is close to proving that Divine Mankind  is the most intelligent life in the Universe, because intelligent life on Earth is the oldest intelligent life in the Universe because of GRBs. (The inexplicable THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD, in which mankind learned language and became Divine in practice is 50,000 years ago).

....The latest developments in quantum theory are leading astrophysics to the conclusion God exists…..

Supposedly  the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, according to Einstein. 

However, within the quantum theory there is the worm of ENTANGLEMENT, forever interlocking the fates of subatomic particles, regardless of their separation. So if a photon on one side of the galaxy spins up, an instant later on the other side of the galaxy its twin photon will spin down …..Suggesting that INFORMATION TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT.

This was very upsetting to Einstein, because the suggestion that information travels faster than light is a no-no in his special theory of relativity.

He dismissed it as unworthy “spooky things”, and invented the concept of hidden variables. Hidden variables are mystical science, much like miracles; consider them miracles for physicists. Their sole purpose is to find an explanation within the universal speed limit of light to explain the speed of information traveling above the universal speed limit.

European physicists did a test which banned Einstein’s hidden variables from the lexicon of physics. They proved mystical things are indeed happening in the speed of information, unexplainable by any scientific mumbo jumbo like hidden variables.
Einstein’s spooky things are God’s mysteries; ENTANGLEMENT may well be predestination pre- ordered by a Creator.

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear research, it operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world at the Swiss/French border.

It was CERN that discovered the Higgs Boson-the God Particle.

CERN came close to announcing the existence of God, by announcing that the Universe should not exist.

“One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time.
….All  of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” says Christian Smorra, a physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration. 
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”….The standard model predicts the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter – but that’s a combustive mixture that would have annihilated itself, leaving nothing behind to make galaxies or planets or people….cosmosmagazine.”

Readers, Science, Physics, astrophysicists,  and cosmologists are on the verge of proving the Universe, and Mankind SHOULD NOT EXIST.

But the Universe does exist.

What greater proof is there?
The Universe exists where and when it should not exist means that God exists.

Last week, astrophysicists announced another mystery, another something which should not exist in an Universe which should not exist, but does exist, a galaxy  without DARK MATTER.

....What astrophysics is proving is this- that the Universe which exists even though it should not exist, has too many consistencies (mathematical principles applicable though out the Universe) abiding with too many anomalies ( Galaxies without Dark Matter, ENTANGLEMENT) not to have been created by a Creative Divinity.

People of Faith don’t despair; soon there will no longer be a need for Miracles as confirmation of the existence of God; the only thing People  of Faith have to do is finance Astrophysics, and let  Astrophysics do its thing. The proof that God exists will be found by Science…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”

Recently a team of Canadian and Egyptian cosmologists attacked Hawking's Theory of nothing before the BIG BANG. They did that by applying Buddhist and Hindu principles to cosmology.

Buddhism believes that there is no beginning nor end to the Universe, merely a perpetual recycling of the Universe, the Samsara Theory, endless cycles of rebirth. In Samsara, there are FIVE realms through which the universe will travel; post Samsara thought added another realm.” Buddhist thought holds that the six cosmological realms are interconnected, and everyone cycles life after life.”

Hindu cosmology has competing theories of Creation, letting the Believer pick his own Cosmology.

What here are many scientific and non-scientific varieties of the answer about what came before Big Bang. Some say there was literally nothing and some say a black hole or a multiverse. But now a group of mathematicians from Canada and Egypt have analyzed some cutting edge scientific theory and a complex set of equations to find what preceded the universe in which we live. Their research paper has been published in Nature.

To explain it in simple and easily understandable terms; they applied the theories of the very small i.e. the world of quantum mechanics, to the entire universe - explained  by general theory of relativity, and discovered the universe essentially goes through four different phases.

More importantly they discovered what came before this universe was.. Another universe or more accurately another ‘cosmological phase’.

Despite being infinite in size our universe is cyclical and has always existed in one of four stages.

The universe is expanding, and the expansion is speeding up, but the team believes that certain modification motivated by quantum mechanics will ultimately halt the expansion and pull the whole lot back to a near infinite point – at which stage the universe will start expanding again.

The paper, called ''Non-singular and Cyclic Universe from the Modified GUP'', written by Maha Salah, Fayçal Hammad, Mir Faizal, Ahmed Farag Ali… It predicts four distinct phases for our universe - the present phase of the universe being just one of those phases.

There is a phase before the big bang in this cosmological model, and it is possible to know about that phase of the universe by studying the physics of present phase of our universe.

Professor Mir Faizal said:“In our cosmological model the universe did not start with the big bang, but there was a phase transition from one phase of the universe to another.  This is possible because  the universe can  exist in four different phases,  like ordinary water can exist in three different phases. Just as we can know about the properties of ice, by studying water which has formed from it, we can know about pre big bang cosmology by studying the physics of this universe.

…in their model they have been able to study the pre Big Bang state of the universe. 

The equations in their model predict that the expansion of the universe will come to a halt and then will immediately be followed by a contracting phase.….This new cosmological  model  does away with such  singularity. The big bang singularity can therefore also be avoided by using the modified GUP-corrections to the cosmology.

In their cosmology model, the cyclic nature of the universe occurs as a result of incorporating quantum effects into a cosmological model of the universe.

Prof Faizal explained that even though there are many different mind-bending approaches to quantum gravity, like string theory and loop quantum gravity, what most of these different approaches have in common is that there is a minimum length below which space does not exist.'....NATURE."

To this Blogger, what the Canadians/Egyptians are postulating is that the Universe is somehow stuck in a Major Washing Machine, constantly, perpetually going through four cycles:wash, spin, dry and fluff.

What does this new cosmology(borrowed from the old Hindu and Buddhist belief systems) mean for Believers in the Christ?


If one believes the Christ; he was sent here, as a Carpenter, to offer Eternity, to effectively end the perpetual Cycles. That is both a comforting and alarming thought. 

With these endless Washing Machine Cycles, perhaps it may have been better if God had sent Christ the Plumber, rather than Christ the Carpenter.

A book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“…life does not end when the body dies and can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Robert Lanza, has no doubts that this may be possible.
…. not so long ago, the scientist turned his attention to physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since.
The theory implies that death simply does not exist. It is an illusion which arises in the minds of people. It exists because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking that their consciousness will disappear too.
In fact, consciousness exists outside of the constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. That fits well with the basic postulates of quantum mechanics, according to which a certain particle can be present anywhere and an event can happen in several, sometimes countless, ways.
Lanza believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. These universes contain multiple ways for possible scenarios to occur. In one universe, the body can be dead. And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated to this universe.
This means that a dead person while traveling through the ‘tunnel’, ends up in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive. And so on, infinitely. 
….In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, a scientist from the Lebedev Physical Institute in Russia, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.
Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.

This Blogger is a skeptic of multiple universes. The concept of multiple universes is chaos writ large.

Do the multiple universes have the same physical order? If they don’t, how were the different Orders formulated?  Or the different Disorders?  And if they do have the same order, who created the universal order in the multiple universes?

Our universe, the one scientists say should have been destroyed by anti-matter  at the BIG BANG has order; we know that from ENTANGLEMENT, Einstein’s spooky things, a divine Order, in which information travels faster than light.

So what is one to make of the Theory of Multiple Universes if one believes in the Christ? One believes that they are there. They are named Heaven and Hell, and if one is a Catholic: Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.

Every sighting of a Ghost, every paranormal experience, every visitation, every act of Fate, Destiny is an ENTANGLEMENT between the multiple universes of Earth, Heaven and Hell. Those events are examples of Divine information traveling quicker than Life.

All these scientific, astrophysical, cosmological discoveries/theories have convinced this Blogger, Mankind is cascading to some form of revelation.

One astrophysicist believes that the new space telescopes, which Mankind is hurtling into space, will look so far back into time that we will see the Big Bang itself, which he deemed the Face of God.

If Mankind’s telescope does see the face of God, there should be a cautionary note applied.

Moses saw the face of God, and his face so frightened his fellow Israelites that he was forced to wear a veil. Because everyone was afraid to come near Moses (verse 31), he wore a veil over his face to shroud the glory ( EXODUS 33–35).
Stephen Hawking, en la tele: sus apariciones en los programas más vistosHAWKING IN MULTIPLE UNIVERSES.


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