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By Riot or the Ballot, Islamophobes Are Conquering Europe: FRANCE, IRELAND, NETHERLANDS

 The raison d’être of the Biden Administration, nay Globalists’ everywhere, is WISHFUL THINKING.

This is tragically so; as it relates to Mass Migration. This wishful thinking pathology was aptly summed up by an Irish commentator, commentating on the worldview of Irish Globalists:” Ireland, you see, does not have a problem with immigrants but with people who have a problem with immigrants…”

Alas, contrary to Globalist delusions, Europe has a grievous problem with immigrants….and the natives who dislike migrants.

On October 15,2015, this Blogger published  Migrants, Refugees and Illegal Aliens Cause "Rechtsrutsch"

Rechtsrutsch" - a "slide to the right" , that is one of the natural consequences of massive influxes of illegal aliens, migrants and refugees.

All across Europe, there is a rise in the fortunes of anti-immigrant political parties, because the Globalized Elite are incapable of managing the influx, except by surrender to the influx.

The other natural consequence of a massive, unending influx of illegal aliens, migrants and refugees is violence. Any nation which cannot control its borders risks a rising of its native born citizens. ..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”

The great flaw in the Globalist Wishful Thinking is that it decries and denies the three T’s of Human Nature; since Mankind slogged up from the slime.




Fascism can be defined, by the adherence to Territoriality, Tribalism and Tradition.

In 2023,  Italy, governed by neo-Fascists has decided to solve its migration problem by opening up concentration…err detention camps, in Albania. Great Britain wants to solve its migrant problem by shipping migrants to the Heart of Darkness, in Africa.

Sweden wants to mass deport all its migrants; to any poor nation on earth who will take them in exchange for krona, Swedish dollars.

Last week, France, Ireland and Netherlands  societies exploded in  backlash against migrants.


A French teenager,(16) known only as THOMAS (because of privacy laws) was stabbed to death at a village dance party in Crepol, a suburb of Lyon.

THOMAS was a French native; the alleged assailants were migrants, from public housing who has gate crashed the party.

Nine others were knifed, four seriously.

The Globalist French government asked for calm.

But, in response to the stabbing, heavily armed French men, civilians,  marched into the migrant neighborhood, demanding retribution.

“Conservative and hard-Right politicians have cast the death as evidence of danger from immigrants and minorities.

During a visit to the village of Crepol on Monday, Interior Minister Véran said that the death of Thomas was “a tragedy that puts us at risk of a tipping-over of our society if we don’t rise to the occasion,” he said.

“It’s up to the judiciary to mete out justice. Not for the French public themselves,” he warned while acknowledging that the death of Thomas was the result of more than a “simple fight at a village dance”.

More than 100 hard-Right activists travelled to the nearby town of Romans-sur-Isere on Saturday looking for a fight….

…..Nine people have been charged over the Crépol attack for offences including murder and attempted murder. Six of these, including two minors, have been remanded in custody. Although prosecutors have not released the identities of the suspects, Right-wing politicians and newspapers said they were of North African origin.

Prosecutor de Caigny said the violence appeared to have broken out for “petty reasons” rather than being a premeditated attack based on “race, ethnicity, nationality or religion” – …. prosecutors have added that ….witnesses interviewed reported hearing hostile language “about white people” during the fight.

Hard-Right groups(BLOGGER’S NOTE: the right wing are those French who have a problem with migrants).  have called for revenge and claim this was a premeditated “anti-white” attack by “thugs” of immigrant origin. Left-wing and anti-racism groups ( The Left wing are those French who have a problem with the French who have a problem with migrants) branded the hard-Right march a “ratonnade” (rationally-motivated attack) and called on the government to act. ….Amid the hostilities, death threats were daubed on a mosque in Cherbourg in Normandy…TELEGRAPH UK.”

Seemingly the Globalist French Elite was shocked at how quickly and efficiently right-wing vengeance militias organized and deployed into migrant neighborhoods. A portent.


In  downtown Dublin, an Algerian migrant to Ireland, stabbed five students outside of a school where Gaelic was taught.

A Brazilian migrant, helped by enraged Irish mothers, subdued the migrant, Seemingly, a lynch mob was being formed; when an American woman stepped in to protect the migrant.

The half Indian/Half Irish Globalist  (a mixture of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden)  Prime Minister of Ireland tried to calm Irish revenge, by stating that the migrant has mental health problems.

Alas, his pleas for calm did not work; Irish men, descendants of the men who fought the Easter Rebellion ransacked downtown Dublin, burning hotels and hostels housing migrants and viciously fighting Irish police trying to protect migrants.

The Globalist Elite of Ireland were stunned by the riot.

They should not have been; for they, like America’s Elite, were sleeping on a volcano.

“…Business Post poll that found that 75 per cent of Irish respondents feel the country is “taking too many” newcomers, a figure that rises to 83 per cent among Sinn Fein supporters, and it’s easy to see why. 

Today around one in five residents was born abroad, an astonishing demographic change. Ireland has admitted about 100,000 Ukrainians, which is admirable, but they’ve often been housed in hotels, at considerable cost. Online opinion has been scandalised by the case of Jozef Puska, a Slovakian migrant who knifed a woman to death. For years he lived on benefits, gambling his cash away in tatty casinos, prompting social media to ask “is this how our generosity is repaid?”

The country has a housing crisis. It is feared that some arrivals disrespect women’s rights, implying that a liberal migration policy is itself perceived to threaten liberal norms. European nations are beginning to realise that tolerance hinges on border control, that if you permit too much change too soon, you risk a bigger nativist pushback down the line.

Sound familiar? Ireland’s experience of mass migration, despite its elites’ sense of moral superiority, has been very similar to Brexit Britain’s. The difference is we talk about it, and while having parties like Ukip might do little for our global reputation, it does act as a pressure valve for discontent. Ireland, by contrast, has chosen to double-down on the liberal narrative and Varadkar has even promised new laws to police hate speech, only driving debate into the darker recesses of the internet or, one fears, back on to the streets. 

(Irish Prime Minister)Varadkar ….is unquestionably at his most comfortable playing the politics of language, the notion that if we speak in banalities, this will encourage the population to think in banalities, and the underlying social conflicts will melt away.

Last year, when Boko Haram murdered 40 Christians in Nigeria, the president of Ireland, Michael Higgins, blamed the massacre on global warming. By embracing such embarrassingly literal woke clichés, the Irish elite fulfils its mission of making its country “like the rest of the world, only more so”. The problem with embracing hyper-modernity, however, is that when the world goes to Hell, Ireland will get there first….telegrahpuk.”


Geert Wilders is a rabble rousing, Islamophobe; he has been on the Dutch political scene most of this century; a gadfly, mocked by the MSNBCs of the Netherlands.

He wants a Muslim ban; to tear down mosques and deport Muslims back to their home countries, by force if necessary. He wants the Dutch homeland for the Dutch.

Two weeks ago, the bland Dutch held an election, and guess what?

The Islamophobe won the most votes.

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders won a huge victory in Dutch elections, according to a near complete count of the vote early Thursday, in a stunning lurch to the far right for a nation once famed as a beacon of tolerance.

The result will send shockwaves through Europe, where far-right ideology is on the rise, and puts Wilders in line to lead talks to form the next governing coalition and possibly become the first far-right prime minister of the Netherlands.

With nearly all votes counted, Wilders’ Party for Freedom was forecast to win 37 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament, two more than predicted by an exit poll when voting finished Wednesday night and more than double the 17 he won at the last election.

“I had to pinch my arm,” a jubilant Wilders said.

Wilders’ election program included …. a total halt to accepting asylum-seekers and migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders.

It also advocates the “de-Islamization” of the Netherlands. He says he wants no mosques or Islamic schools in the country…

“Voters said, ‘We are sick of it. Sick to our stomachs,’” he said, adding he is now on a mission to end the “asylum tsunami,” referring to the migration issue that came to dominate his campaign.

The Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders said. “The people must get their nation back.”

….Wilders, has in the past been labeled a Dutch version of Donald Trumps ….The historic victory came one year after the win of Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, whose Brothers of Italy’s roots were steeped in nostalgia for fascist dictator Benito Mussolini….Wilders was long a firebrand lashing out at Islam….and migrants -— …..Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who boasts of turning Hungary into an “illiberal” state and has similarly harsh stances on migration and EU institutions, was quick to congratulate Wilders. “The winds of change are here! Congratulations,” Orban said.

…the  result is the latest in a series of elections that is altering the European political landscape…..NBC NEWS.”

A Reader of this Blog, a Friend of this Blog, a Contributor to this Blog,  a Supporter of this Blog, once lived in Den Hague. She was back there visiting during the election.

The son of  one of her Dutch  friends, in his mid-twenties, went on a group date. After dinner, the young Dutch citizens went back to his flat and began talking politics.

All the Dutch men in the group had voted for Wilders; the Dutch women in the group were aghast. They began to cry at the horror, literally crying. Then, in unison, the women left, en masse.

By riot or the ballot, it seems Islamophobes are conquering Europe.

Note the Cross of Lorraine on the tricolor

Geert Wildera


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