It seems that every given day, the Liberal media wakes up with the mission of re-writing nasty history; soon 2023 will pronounce that the Spartans won at Thermopylae, with all surviving.
On January 12, 2023, the NEW YORK TIMES published the following:
" A frothy musical comedy from Weimar Germany, starring an actress whose unexpected death at 31 may have been a Gestapo murder.“Private Secretary” stars Renate Müller, whose death in 1937 has never been firmly resolved. It may have been a suicide or a murder by the Nazis. (Some sources suggest that Hitler was interested in her, but Drössler said that Müller “loved Georg Deutsch, a Jew who had to emigrate and whom she visited as often as possible.”) She plays a bank typist who does not realize that the man she has fallen for is the bank’s director...NEW YORK TIMES."
Up to that 1-12-23 revision, it was fairly common knowledge, both in America and Germany, that Renate was a Hitler lover, desperate for Adolf to marry her. When she rejected him, she threw herself out of a hotel window; after repeatedly telling Adolf that she would kill herself if he rejected her. The Gestapo did not have to break a sweat to defenestrate Renate; she did it to herself.
On May 29, 2018, this Blogger published the following: "FRANZ LIEBKIND:"Y"ou know, not many people knew it, but the Führer was a terrific dancer. (now shouting with rage) That is because you were taken in by that verdammte Allied propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they? No! "Win with Winnie!" Churchill! With his cigars, with his brandy. And his ROTTEN painting! Rotten! Hitler, THERE was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! TWO COATS! Churchill. He couldn't even say "Nazi". He would say "Nooooozeeehz, Nooooozeeehz!" It wasn't NOSES, it was NAZIS! Churchill! Let me tell you THIS! And you're hearing this straight from the horse - Hitler was better looking than Churchill. He was a better dresser than Churchill. He had more hair! He told funnier jokes! And he could dance the PANTS off of Churchill!"..FRANZ LIEBKIND, the Nazi in Mel Brooks' Classic film, THE PRODUCERS.
Hitler did have THREE women commit suicide over him, and one attempted to kill herself over him. Whereas Churchill stayed married to one woman for 57 years(1908-1965).
The THREE women who killed themselves over Adolf Hitler-

"When he heard the news ( of her suicide) Hitler threatened to take his own life but was talked out of it by senior members of the Nazi Party. One consequence of Geli's suicide was that Hitler became a vegetarian. He claimed that meat now reminded him of Geli's corpse."(That is as funny as anything Mel Brooks wrote for FRANZ LIEBKIND, in fact Mr. Brooks should have used that line in his film, THE PRODUCERS.)
" Renata Mueller's Hitler's girlfriend, an actress, committed suicide by throwing herself out of a hotel window in Berlin."
"Eva was extremely jealous of Hitler's other girlfriends and in 1932 she also attempted suicide by shooting herself in the neck. Doctors managed to save her life," She completed the task of suicide in 1945,by poison.
Below is the highly intelligent, Sorbonne educated, Clementine Hozier, the one woman who survived being married to Churchill for 57 years.
Churchill had five children, "Hitler had no desire to have children. He told several people that if he had children they were certain to disappoint him as they would never match his own genius."
One final note on Clementine Hozier, as a beautiful young woman she was madly infatuated with the painter Walter Sickert,(who tried to seduce her). Author Patricia Cornwell thinks Walter Sickert was JACK THE RIPPER.
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