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Will Someone Please tell Gerry Maxey Why Nazca Lines are on Jupiter's Moon, Europa?

This Blogger’s brother had an urge to see Urubamba, in the Sacred Valley of Peru. This was during some dangerous times in Peru; so, this Blogger tried to talk his brother out of such a fool hearty adventure. Instead, this Blogger’s brother talked him into going with him. 

The Brothers went and saw Urubamba, the Urubamba River, Cuzco, the Sacred Valley, and Machu Picchu; as befits two foolish brothers in a revolutionary war zone; they were shot at by revolutionaries. Shots which were not warning shots. 

After ducking revolutionary bullets, the Brothers decided to see the  Nazca Lines. The Nazca Lines are an archaeological mystery; created in the Peruvian desert by pre-Inca Native Americans. Science knows they were created between 500BC and 700 AD by the Nazca, Topara and Paracas tribes. 

They are magnificent geoglyphs. 

Anais Nin once stated :”There is always more mystery.”  

The mystery of the Nazca Lines is that Inca, conquistadors, explorers and scientists knew they were there; but only knew the Lines as elaborate lines in the desert. 

Only after mankind began to fly, could the Lines be seen for what they were: magnificent geoglyphs. The Nazca Lines only make sense if you see them from a flying machine, or balloon. More confounding, the Nazca Lines could have only been designed from an aerial prospective. 

Which begs the question: who in the hell had a flying machine or balloon in 500 BC? 

“The lines have been a source of fascination and wonder for decades. Created by pushing aside the top layer of red desert pebbles to reveal the pale layer underneath, these geoglyphs span vast tracts of the Nazca Desert, between the towns of Nazca and Palpa. Some of them form geometric shapes, some are simple lines, and some are combined into elaborate depictions of animals and objects.

The most wondrous thing about these ancient symbols is that you often can't see what they depict from ground level. You have to get up in the air to discern the patterns, which is why their full glory wasn't understood until after the invention of airplanes….National Geographic.” 

This Blogger’s brother rented a plane to view the Nazca Lines from above; but the plane was so ancient and rickety, he decided that if both brothers went on the same flight, it would be pushing their luck; especially since they had survived the revolutionaries. He thought their mother could handle two of her sons killed by revolutionaries; but not two killed by a plane crash over the Nazca Line, after surviving revolutionaries. 

So, this Blogger’s brother rented the plane for two  separate flights. 

After seeing the Nazca Lines from above; this Blogger rested assured that they were unique in the Universe. 


The giant planet Jupiter has 80 known moons; Europa is one of the larger ones; in fact it is the sixth largest moon in the Solar System. 

Europa has the smoothest surface of any known solid object in the Solar System. The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have led to the hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath the surface, which could conceivably harbor extraterrestrial life.” 

On September 29, 2022, the American spacecraft, JUNO flew within 220 miles of the smooth moon. And it took some pictures. 

Which begs the question- why does the JUNO pictures of Europa, taken in September, 2022 remind this Blogger of the Nazca Lines created in 500 BC? 

Coincidence? Cosmic coincidence? 


This Blogger believes that every mysterious discovery in astrophysics or space exploration  is a bread crumb to a revelation of Divine Creation. 

On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published the following: 

What astrophysics is proving is this- that the Universe which exists even though it should not exist, has too many consistencies (mathematical principles applicable throughout the Universe), abiding with too many anomalies ( Galaxies without Dark Matter, ENTANGLEMENT) not to have been created by a Creative Divinity. People of Faith don’t despair; soon there will no longer be a need for Miracles as confirmation of the existence of God; the only thing People of Faith have to do is finance Astrophysics, and let Astrophysics do its thing. The proof that God exists will be found by Science….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.” 

The Nazca Lines on Europa are incongruous mysteries and blatant absurdities, all signs of Divinity.




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