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Jungian Reflections on Los Angeles' Latinx Elite's Racism Against Blacks and Brown Oaxacans

A short while ago, in the City of the Angels, Los Angeles, a Mecca of Multiculturalism, Inclusion and Diversity; a city in which white Liberals believe they have outlawed racism and exclusivity; because white Liberals believe Disney Cartoons and AFTERNOON SPECIALS are the new social foundations of the 21st Century, a power conference was held, behind closed doors. 

Liberals were shocked, SHOCKED when this private meeting revealed Mexican-American racism against Blacks, brown Mexicans, white people and bigotry against Gays. That SHOCK is more important than the meeting itself, for it revealed the fatal flaw in the philosophy undergirding the Liberal creation of the new American multicultural society; Liberals have convinced themselves that oppressed minorities are above being oppressors and bigots because they have been oppressed and mocked.

Liberals seem incapable of understanding that minorities are human; and that every oppressed minority, if given the chance, will become oppressors.

Nelson Mandela was not the precursor of a new way of thinking, but a sui genesis, like Lincoln, a one of a kind.

Liberals have romanticized Mexicans and Mexican American culture because of the DISNEY cartoon, COCO, and CINCO DEL MAYO parties. Mexicans are a great people, capable of artistry worthy of the La Belle Époque, endurance worthy of Russian serfs, pyramid building skills worthy of ancient Egyptians and heroism worthy of the Spartans at Thermopylae (see los Niños Héroes). 

But Mexicans, being a mixture of two fierce tribes, Aztecs and Conquistadors from Extramadura, are perfectly capable of bigotry, exclusion and oppression. It was Mexicans who slaughtered Yaquis and Apaches; it was the Mexican revolutionaries of Francisco Madero ,who tried to kill every Chinese migrant in Mexico ,during the glorified Mexican revolution of 1910; and it was the politicos of President Callas who turned killing Catholic priests into a national sport.

Just because Mexicans are a beautiful people, with wondrous music and food and have been oppressed does not mean that they are incapable of oppression. The Dragon of oppression lurks within them; as it does in all Mankind.

This power meeting was attended by three powerful LatinX politicos, and one  labor honcho, the Latinx President of the Los Angeles Labor Council, who pines to transform Los Angeles  labor Unions into the American version of the powerful but  corrupt Mexican labor union, CMT, with himself as the Los Angeles equivalent of Felix Velazquez, the perpetually powerful and corrupt  head of Mexican labor.

The three LatinX  politicos in the room were: the President of the Los Angeles City Council, the very comely Nury Martinez, the former President of the California Senate, Kevin DeLeon, and the man most responsible for turning Los Angeles, nay California, into a province of Mexico, Gil Cedillo. The would-be Felix Velasquez was Ron Herrera. 

Out of the four, three were Mexican Americans: the comely Martinez, Cedillo and Herrera. The fourth was a wannabe Mexican, a Guatemalan, who passes himself off as a Mexican; because he has a Mexican step father, Kevin DeLeon. 

The meeting was to enhance LatinX political power at the expense of Black voters, with the ultimate goal being to force Black voters to relocate to Moreno Valley. 

During the LatinX banter, savage racism reared its ugly head; the comely Ms. Martinez described the then two-year-old,  adopted Black son of a gay white Councilman as a “parece changuito,”  like  little monkey. The comely Ms. Martinez also took umbrage that the white gays were raising the little monkey like he was a white child; so, he was prone to misbehaving and needed a LatinX beat down; which she would provide. She called the gay father of the Black toddler, “a  little bitch.” 

The would be Mexican, DeLeon stated that the white gay Father treated his Black son as an accessory, a fashion accessory.  

Unbeknownst to the four LatinX in the room, their conversation was being taped. This Blogger believes that either the room was bugged beforehand or someone in the room taped it in real time. 

This Blogger humbly suggests that person was Gil Cedillo. 

Why Cedillo? 

Because out of the four, his future in politics was most problematic. In fact, he later lost his seat on the Council to a young activist, who did not have his track record of obtaining drivers licenses for illegal Mexicans. 

“After weeks of silence, City Councilman Gil Cedillo conceded defeat today in his bid for a third term, with final election tallies confirming an upset victory for community activist and public policy advocate Eunisses Hernandez. Hernandez prevailed in the District 1 race with 16,108 votes, or 54.04%, while Cedillo collected 13,700 votes or 45.96%....EASTSIDER.” 

Cedillo is the only one in the room bitter about his future; for he knew, that after all he had done for LatinX, they were about to boot him. 

Not content  with attacking a Black toddler, the comely Ms. Martinez attacked Jews and Armenians. 

“LOS ANGELES — In the same leaked audio clips posted to Reddit in which former Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez made racist remarks about Black people and Oaxacans, she also made crude remarks about Jewish people and Armenians.….In an audio clip reviewed by the Los Angeles Times, Martinez can be heard saying the “Judíos” — which means Jews in Spanish — “cut their deal with South L.A.” 

Martinez was responding to former Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera, who had concluded, “I’m sure Katz and his crew have an agenda,” referring to former state Assemblyman Richard Katz. Herrera resigned Monday night amid backlash over the controversial audio clips. 

“They are gonna screw everybody else,” Martinez said in the recording.…..Martinez also spoke about Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, who is of Armenian descent, and Councilmember Paul Krekorian, the first Armenian American to be elected to public office in Los Angeles.

“He also wants his guy elected,” said Martinez, referring to Krekorian. “So he needs a district that Adrin Nazarian could win it. That’s what they want. They want to assure, they want to be reassured that they have, not an Armenian district in the Valley, ‘cause that doesn’t exist, but they want as many Armenians in that district as possible to be able to play.”

Martinez added that she didn’t know whether Nazarian could get elected in a “pretty white” district. 

“Now, I don’t think Adrin ... gets elected. If a white, a reputable white businesswoman was in that district ... (it) is still pretty white. But that’s on them,” she said. “I’m not — I’m not cutting that deal with anybody because I don’t know. I don’t know that he can win.” 

Later in the conversation, Martinez described Nazarian as “the guy with the one eyebrow.”

When Martinez asked what his last name was, de León responded: “It ends in i-a-n, I bet you.” 

….in one of the leaked audio clips, Martinez said of Councilman Mike Bonin’s young Black son “parece changuito,” or “like a monkey,” and said Bonin handled his son as though he were an “accessory.” At one point, she also called Bonin a “little bitch.” Martinez also mocked Oaxacans and said “F--- that guy … He’s with the Blacks” while speaking about Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.,,,los angeles times.” 

The comely Ms. Martinez savaged Oaxacans, Mexicans, as short, brown and ugly people. 

That is both nerve and a lack of appreciation of Mexican history; the greatest Mexican who ever lived was Benito Juarez; the man, the President, who saved Mexico from becoming a French colony, and sent the Hapsburg Emperor, Maximillian to the wall, a la pared. He was a brown, short, ugly Oaxacan. When he was a young man, he was a waiter. One night, while serving the eleven times President of Mexico, General Santa Ana( of the Alamo fame); the General  insulted him as a short, brown monkey. Ms. Martinez gets her racism honestly from Mexican history.

Since the tape was leaked, Cedillo, Martinez, DeLeon and Herrera have apologized. 

The comely Ms. Martinez and Herrera have resigned from their positions. Cedillo has been stripped of all his Council duties, but has not resigned; regardless he will be out of office in January; booted by his ungrateful LatinX voters. 

That leaves the Guatemalan, Kevin DeLeon. He had a television interview in which he stated he will not, NOT, resign because the LatinX masses need him( see EVITA). During the course of the interview, it became obvious, Mr. DeLeon considers himself indispensable to Los Angeles. Then again, Mr. DeLeon comes from a very poor background; he is currently making in excess of $229,000 a year, as a racist Los Angeles Councilman. That is a lot of money to give up for principle. 

Also the interviewer asked DeLeon: why didn't he stop or admonish the comely Ms. Martinez as she was stacking up her insults against many segments of Los Angeles’ population, including two-year-old Black toddlers. 

He hemmed and hawed. This Blogger will answer that question for Mr. DeLeon: have you seen the comely Ms. Martinez, at 49 ,she is still a knockout. And the 50-year-old Guatemalan Kevin DeLeon has an affinity for strong, comely, intelligent, powerful Mexican female politicians. 

He has a child with the Mexican-American San Jose Councilwoman Magdalena Carrasco; who bears a remarkable resemblance to the comely Ms. Martinez ( see picture below). 

The old teenage urges kept him from interrupting the comely Ms. Martinez. When one has a crush on a woman, it is tough to admonish her.

Then again, perhaps DeLeon could not bring himself to admonish the comely Ms. Martinez, because as a Guatemalan, he felt inferior to the Mexican.  

Tolstoy called Lincoln "Christ in miniature ,; the same could be said for Mandela. Everyone else is either racist, or tribal or exclusive. Mexicans against Central Americans, Mexican against Puerto Ricans, Mexicans against Cubans, Turks against Kurds, Sunnis against Shiites, Hindus against Muslims, Sinhalese against Tamils, Burmese against Rohingyas, Arab against Berber, Kikuyu against Luo, Ibo against Hausa, Tigrayans against Amhara,  or Zulus against Bantu. 

While Los Angeles was experiencing shocking racism; in Edison, New Jersey there was bitterness  exploding between Hindu Indians and Muslim Indians over a bulldozer being in a parade honoring Indian independence. Muslim Indians consider the bulldozer a symbol of Hindu oppression. The ancient vendettas are alive in a multicultural society; and America is merely the new venue for the ancient vendettas.

This Blogger was once invited to watch a softball game between actors of Mexican descent versus actors of Carib descent( Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Central and South Americans.). The Mexicans team played the game in spikes; the Caribs were hesitant to compete; but did, for the sake of LatinX unity. 

The game was called early, when a Mexican player spiked a famous Cuban-American player at second base. 

In the end, the only thing multiculturalism will add to the American experience is being a  new arena for vendettas between tribes, castes, cultures, races, and religions. America will not be able to cope, DISNEY cartoons notwithstanding. 

The dragon is the inherent Jungian urge to exclude. The dragon may be beyond being vanquished. 

DeLeon and Martinez

Magdalena Carrasco


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