In the 21st Century, we are living through the consequences of two divorces, splits; Jungian Carl Jung splitting from his mentor, Freudian Sigmund Freud and Hungarian ultra-nationalist Viktor Orban splitting from his Hungarian mentor, Globalist George Soros.
In his youth, Orban was a valued and prized protégé of George Soros; Soros was and is the leading exponent, advocate for Globalism in the world. He never met a local culture he liked, except perhaps for the Jivaro.
Orban evolved into a fierce nationalist, nay, ultra-nationalist. In his time, John Calvin was too big for Geneva; so his world view, Calvinism, became a worldwide phenomenon. Orban is now too big to be merely Prime Minister of Hungary( elected four times). Orban's influence is currently growing exponentially, beyond his limited role as dear friend of Vladimir Putin, founder of the illiberal democracy philosophy, archdeacon of anti-gay legislation, and vociferous anti-migrant zealot.
Last week, he ventured into Texas, and gave a keynote speech at the American CPAC convention; CPAC stands for the Conservative Political Action Committee.
He was treated like a rock star; especially after his biting comment: “The globalists can all go to hell; I have come to Texas.”
That is good stuff.
“Dallas, Texas, US – During the last decade, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has consolidated power over Hungary’s judiciary and press and chipped away at the country’s democratic foundations. He has called “ethnic homogeneity” the key to economic growth, and deployed the army and erected razor wire fences to stop Syrian refugees from entering the country.
Orban has championed a law banning teaching LGBTQ topics in schools, and in a speech in July, criticised creating peoples of ”mixed-race” and seemed to joke about Nazi gas chambers, prompting a longtime adviser to call his comments “pure Nazi” and “worthy of Goebbels.
To critics around the world, Orban’s Hungary is a cautionary tale of demagoguery, authoritarianism and nationalism run amok. But to hundreds of dyed-in-the-wool US Republicans listening to him speak at a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, Orban’s Hungary is something else entirely — a Christian, anti-woke, conservative utopia and an aspirational model for what they want the United States to become.
……..Andrew Gawthorpe, a lecturer in US history at Leiden University in the Netherlands, says the Hungarian prime minister’s strategies resonate with conservatives.
“Cultural/religious conservatives absolutely do see [Orban] as a big example to follow”, Gawthorpe told Al Jazeera in an email. “They love how he aggressively takes cultural and racial fights up with the left.”
Addressing the CPAC crowd in Dallas, Orban said: “I am an old-fashioned freedom fighter … the leader of a country under the siege of progressive liberals.”
In his speech, titled “How we Fight,” Orban excoriated the media and non-governmental organisations. “They hate me and slander me as they hate you and slander you,” he said to loud applause.
“We must address migration, gender and the clash of civilizations,” Orban said. “If you separate Western Civilisation from its Judeo-Christian heritage, the worst things in history happen.”
“We were the first country in Europe to stop illegal migration,” Orban continued.
Texas resident Gene Lukacsy migrated from Hungary to the US in 1973. A retired engineer, Lukacsy calls himself a “big fan of Orban” and hopes US Republicans will learn from him.
“Orban is a strong leader who tells you like it is,” Lukascy said. He knows that “just letting immigrants into your country is not a good thing”.
“Their culture is so different, bringing them into the country doesn’t help anything,” Luckascy added.
Asked about Orban’s critics who say democracy has withered in Hungary under his leadership, Lukascy responded: “The liberal, trash media is very skilled at lying.”
…..Last month, the European Commission began legal proceedings against Hungary over the law, which was enacted last year and bans the use of materials seen as promoting homosexuality and gender change in schools.
…..Orban urged attendees to follow Hungary’s lead and fight for what he called the future of Western civilisation.
“We Hungarians know how to defeat the enemies of freedom on the political battlefield,” he said.
Orban framed the fight for political power as existential.
“The world looks to you for the future,” Orban told his audience in Texas. “The future of the West is in grave doubt.”….al jazeera.”
The rise of Viktor Orban in America was caused by Liberals and their inability and/or unwillingness to control America’s borders.
This rampant illegality, the unbridled breakdown in the Rule of Law caused by illegal immigration, has resulted in an American multicultural society which is ungovernable; because multicultural democracies, are, by definition, UNGOVERNABLE.
Orban in his address nailed his brilliant insight: “They want us to give up our zero-migration policy because they also know that this is the decisive and final battle of the future”…Viktor Orban.”
Everything that Viktor Orban stands for; everything that is a precursor for; everything that he predicts is a direct result of Liberal Malfeasance in Governance.
This Blogger first published about Viktor Orban on April 5, 2016.
The following is from that Blog: “In 2008, Dr. Lloyd Rossiter, a renowned psychiatrist wrote a tome declaring that Liberalism as not a political philosophy but “actually a mental disorder.”
"THE LIBERAL MIND: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CAUSES OF POLITICAL MADNESS, Dr. Rossiter,trained at the University of Chicago, stated that Liberals had strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions."
He wrote:“….The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind….” .
Is Liberalism a Mental Disorder?
The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban has declared it so.
Orban “…. is one of Europe’s great protean figures….. he is arguably the most important right-wing leader on the continent — FOREIGN POLICY.”.
Since Mr. Orban believes that Liberalism is a mental disease, it follows that Liberal Democracies are spawns of madness. His cure is to end liberal democracies as the cure for liberalism.
“…a year ago at Tusnádfürdő/Baile Tusnad, Viktor Orbán delivered a speech that caused worldwide consternation. In his speech he rejected democracy as we understand it and championed the cause of “illiberal democracy,” an autocratic form of government in which, although there are free elections, citizens lack civil liberties. The speech created quite a storm…... Viktor Orbán now sees himself as the leader of a new Christian, national era that will follow “the age of liberal blah blah.”
In his view, with the refugee crisis came “the crisis of liberal identity.” …... Liberal ideals, among them the right to freedom of movement and universal human rights, brought on this catastrophe, which proves that the continuation of these policies is no longer possible. Right now Europe is rich but weak, which is “the most dangerous combination that can exist.” Liberalism is responsible for Europe’s weakness. And soon enough its riches will be taken away by the less fortunate. If Europe wants to defend itself, it must get rid of its liberal political philosophy.
As things stand now, even conservative politicians are liberals because of the pressure of the media, which is in liberal hands. This liberal tyranny in Europe is so strong that even talking about a turn away from liberalism is dangerous…….
Liberalism has been undermining the very foundations of European security, and the refugee crisis made the bankruptcy of liberalism crystal clear. Orbán further elaborated on this theme today in his regular Friday morning interview on Magyar Rádió. He called western liberalism “suicidal” and said it will lead to a decline in living standards. Thus, while a year ago he tried to hide his antagonism to liberalism, now Orbán has come out and openly attacked it as the cause of the “migrant invasion.” Obviously, he thinks that foreign public opinion will be more receptive to his anti-liberal talk given the pressures of the refugee crisis.
Orbán spent a considerable amount of time on his plans for Hungary’s future. He came up with four essential ingredients. The first is the necessity of defensible borders. As he put it, “a country that has no borders is not a country.”…...
The second is “the defense of ethnic and cultural composition,” not only of Hungary but also, he hopes, of Europe. Every nation has the right to decide whether they want to change or not. He seems to think that this is the most important component of his new Europe “because at the very end this is the battle that must be won.”
Third, Hungary must remain economically competitive ....economic success, however, is not an end in and of itself. It is only a vehicle for the ultimate goal: national sovereignty. ….HUNGARIAN FORUM.”
Viktor Orban, the leading right-wing politician in Europe considers Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany,.... a liberal and mentally ill because of how Ms. Merkel has handled the migrant crisis; she allowed over one million unvetted migrants into Germany. Mr. Orban considers that liberal madness.
Is Angela Merkel mentally ill?
One of the most salient attacks against Ms. Merkel is that she would rather lead in a world of comfortable illusions than uncomfortable facts.
“Ms. Merkel’s detractors may have a point: Her choice possibly put the safety of her country at risk. Her impractical humanism will likely cost her the chancellorship….NEW YORK TIMES”.
Why are Dr. Rossiter, Orban and Merkel important to the American Republic in 2016?
Because Hillary Clinton is a leading personage to be the next President of the United States; and Ms. Clinton greatly admires Ms. Merkel.
……..This Blogger humbly submits that Liberalism is a vestigial gene from extinct Neanderthals, not a mental illness.
The Liberal Gene serves Humanity when there are no existential crises, when there is no evil to be confronted; when there are times of abundance. The Liberal Gene is good for speechifying, organizing superfluous organizations, shaming tradition, demanding exotic equal rights, atheism and uplifting illusions.
Neanderthals were riddled with the Liberal Gene, which is why they are now extinct. Homo Sapiens were riddled with the killer ape gene,(See the book AFRICAN GENESIS by Robert Ardrey) which is why they were triumphant.
Because of Climate Change, Islamist Sunni Terror, and Mass Migration, Western Civilization faces existential threats to its very existence.
Because Merkel and Hillary carry the Neanderthal Liberal Gene in abundance, they are incapable of leading Civilization through these crises; under their leadership Western Civilization is doomed to go the way of the Neanderthals; it is in the Genes.
Hillary admires Merkel’s Management skills, and she shares Merkel’s Management skill set, which is a skill set only capable of presiding over the decline of one’s nation into Third World Status.
….Neanderthals were incapable of making the hard decisions which would have insured their survival; in a zero sum world that is a very deficient skill set.
….William Golding, who won a Nobel Prize for Literature and wrote LORD OF THE FLIES, also wrote THE INHERITORS about the extinction of one of the last remaining Neanderthals at the hands of Homo sapiens.
Golding thought Neanderthals had the following traits: “They have powerful sense impressions and feelings…. they don't kill mammals themselves. They have a spiritual system centering on a female principle of bringing forth, but their lives are lived so much in the present…., living in something like an eternal present….”
And there it is, the fatal Neanderthal Gene, the fatal Liberal Gene, the fatal Merkel and Hillary Skill Set gene… in the eternal present.
Both Merkel and Hillary live in the eternal present, without homo sapient foresight, or vision, or an ability to see the downside risk of their actions; or an instinct to see the consequences of their foolish behavior.
Merkel opened Germany’s doors to hordes of people and believes it will work out….because she lives in the eternal present, the Neanderthal Liberal Gene.
Hillary wants to not only amnesty every illegal alien in the United States, but invite deported illegal aliens back to America so they can be amnestied also……the Neanderthal Liberal gene, the eternal present of feel good.
Neanderthals died out for a reason; Merkel and Hillary personify that reason, the eternal present.
Those with the Neanderthal Liberal Gene, such as Merkel and Clinton, have no instinct for survival in a zero-sum world. They can only survive in the smooth world of rational abundance. The seminal defect in the Leadership Skill Set of those who have the Neanderthal Liberal Gene is an inability to recognize, appreciate and anticipate the future actions of their adversaries' criminal or savage or completely homo sapient minds.
In a zero-sum world, the Neanderthal Liberal Gene renders leaders like Merkel and Clinton inappropriate and incapable of leading the tribe to safety or security.
….. an American Viktor Orban and illiberal democracy will arise in America; the homo sapien gene pool in all of us will demand it….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
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