Joe Biden believes in an OPEN BORDERS immigration policy; he just won't say it.
Because he believes in OPEN BORDERS, Joe Biden has taken America into a war with Water over America's immigration policy. It is a war America cannot win.
America with all its might, all its technology, all its weaponry, all its diversity, is not controlling the world in 2022, or will it in the future..
Water is and will.
Water, the DON DIVINO.
The world in 2022 has either too much water in certain places: St. Louis Missouri, Kentucky, Pakistan, or too little water: China, Europe, Somalia, and the American West.
Joe Biden is incapable of contending with the power of water, floods or drought; he is locked into a paradigm that diversity, government spending, and calling opponents names will fix the problems of the 21st Century.
The most dangerous aspect of Joe Biden’s mental ossification is his belief in Open Borders. He cannot grasp a simple truth, more people mean more people drinking water.
Joe Biden firmly believes America needs more people, to combat a labor shortage, a supposed labor shortage. He has allowed, by some estimates, over 2 million illegal aliens in the country during this fiscal year, which will end September 30, 2022.
Joe Biden is clueless; he is incapable of understanding that it is better to have a lack of workers than a lack of water. It is a more likely scenario that, in the lifetime of Joe Biden’s grandchildren, Western America will be subject to mass desertification.
Yet Joe Biden continues to support the mass importation of illegal aliens, in the midst of the Anthropocene. The over-riding climatic matrix, and the immutable logic of that climate matrix is that welcoming illegal immigration is unsustainable. There is not enough water.
On January 31, 2013, this Blogger staked out his Anthropocene Immigration Policy when he published the following Blog:New Thinking on Immigration Reform: Base Reform On America’s Dwindling Supply of Fresh Water
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“Contrary to what the CNN commentators say about 2013 Immigration Reform, it is not about the American economy; contrary to what the MSNBC literati say, it is not about social justice....That is OLD thinking, Immigration Reform in 2013 is about something more basic than all those illusory reasons; it is about America’s dwindling natural resources, specifically, and most critically, fresh water. Immigration Reform in 2013 needs NEW thinking; any Reform has to be based on an acknowledgement that American natural resources cannot sustain a more liberal immigration policy. ….
The future of American Immigration Policy is not about the economy…future American Immigration policy should be based on America’s dwindling natural resources. America does not have enough fresh water to maintain a liberal immigration policy….
The Immigration Reform Policy of Liberals is amnesty; that policy is philosophically equal to encouraging Polynesians to come live and work in the Beautiful Sahara, and then offering them amnesty as they die of thirst.
It makes no sense to have an Open Immigration Policy when the nation is RUNNING OUT OF WATER.
This Blog has described this absurd Liberal Immigration Policy as the Anthroprocene Oxymoron……THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
On January 24,2014, this Blogger followed up his position by publishing this Blog: Mother Nature Seizes Control of America's Immigration Policy from Millennials.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“Millennials can invent FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and YOUTUBE; they can self-produce videos and selfies; they can create a religion centered on vampires and zombies but they cannot invent rain; nor can they conjure up drinking water. For all their EMPOWERMENT, Millennials are and will be subject to the Power of Mother Nature over their lives…..
…It will be Mother Nature who will be the ultimate decider of America’s Immigration policy; and the ultimate decider, Mother Nature will not allow the Millennials a feel-good, Open Immigration Policy of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens….. the Liberal Immigration Policy is not on the side of Mother Nature; therefore it is doomed, to die of thirsty good intentions…..
Immigration Reform is not about partisanship, nor politics, nor racism, nor the whims of Millennial Billionaires, nor the frenzy of Professional Latinos; it is about the foolishness of Liberals who want to bring people out of the shadows into the glaring sunlight …to wither and die from lack of water….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
On July 2, 2014, this Blogger published this Blog: The Liberal Anthropocene Oxymoron Flounders America- Drought…..
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“…There is not enough water for the legal Americans currently in America, let alone illegal aliens. However, Liberals are clueless to that scientific fact. Liberals are the biggest Luddites in captivity, for they dismiss immutable scientific facts which don’t fit their Liberal Madness.
….….Liberals believe, as Hillary Clinton stated, that if America grows the economy America can absorb 12 million illegal aliens. Perhaps we can grow the economy; but we cannot grow the water supply. Water is finite; which is why it is called the Don Divino; water is divine and God is not creating more water.
The madness of the Liberal Response to the upcoming chronic shortage of resources in the Anthropocene is to grow the economy, immigrant entrepreneurship. Alas, unless the economy is founded on alchemy, there is no growing an economy where there is no water. The IPOs of Silicon Valley do not matter if the population is dying of thirst, or famine. To a thirsty man, one sip of water is worth a million FACEBOOK LIKES.
….Liberals want the population to join them and believe in Climate Change, and what that entails. This Blogger does believe in Climate Change and what it entails: food shortages and droughts. Yet amid famine and drought, Liberals advocate accelerating the depletion of the nation’s resources by granting amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens, the Liberal Madness of the Anthropocene Oxymoron.
Bringing in more people during a famine is a bad idea, unless you intend to cannibalize the new people for food. Bringing in new people during a drought is a bad idea, unless you intend to drink the sweat and the blood of the new people, a society of vampires.
The pathological delusions at the foundation of Liberal Madness is that Liberalism is always on the right side of history, and that Liberalism is always the correct steward of the future. The Anthropocene will disabuse Liberals of their pathological delusions…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES”.
In 2022, NINE years after this Blogger sounded the alarm about lack of fresh water, the Liberal journal PROPUBLICA has sounded its belated alarm, with an interview with the leading expert on water depletion, James Famiglietti.
The following is excerpted from that interview:
“The western United States is, famously, in the grips of its worst megadrought in a millennium. The Colorado River, which supplies water to more than 40 million Americans and supports food production for the rest of the country, is in imminent peril. The levels in the nation’s largest freshwater reservoir, Lake Mead, behind the Hoover Dam and a fulcrum of the Colorado River basin, have dropped to around 25% of capacity. ......It’s a national emergency…. The Colorado River crisis is urgent, Famiglietti said, but the hidden, underground water crisis is even worse. We talked about what U.S. leaders either won’t acknowledge or don’t understand and about how bad things are about to get.
PP.“Let’s start with the Colorado River because it’s in the news. The federal government has put some extraordinary numbers out there, suggesting water users cut between 2 and 4 million acre-feet of water usage starting this year — roughly 40% of the entire river’s recent flow. How could that possibly happen?
FAMIGLIETTI-It’s going to be really hard. We’re looking at drastically reduced food production and the migration of agriculture to other parts of the country and real limits on growth, especially in desert cities like Phoenix. My fear is that groundwater will, as usual, be left out of the discussion — groundwater is mostly unprotected, and it’s going to be a real shit show.
PP-Remind us how that happens. States and farmers cut back on the Colorado River, and California and Arizona just start pumping all the water out of their aquifers?
FAMIGLIETTI-Yeah. This started with the drought contingency plan [the 2018 legal agreement among the states on the Colorado River]. Arizona had to cut nearly 20% of its Colorado River water. To placate the farmers, the deal was that they would have free access to the groundwater. In fact, something like $20 million was allocated to help them dig more wells. So, it was just a direct transfer from surface water to groundwater. Right away, you could see that the groundwater depletion was accelerating. With this latest round, I’m afraid we’re just going to see more of that.
PP.Some of that groundwater actually gets used to grow feed for cattle in the Middle East or China, right? There’s Saudi-owned agriculture firms planting alfalfa, which uses more water than just about anything, and it’s not for American food supply. Do I have that right?
FAMIGLIETTI-There’s been other buyers from other countries coming in, buying up that land, land grabbing and grabbing the water rights. That’s happening in Arizona.
PP-What about in California? Groundwater depletion has caused the earth to sink in on itself. Parts of the Central Valley are 28 feet lower today than they were a century ago.
…. FAMIGLIETTI-I don’t think we’re talking about sustainability. I think we’re talking about managed depletion…..
PP-Will we run out of water? Are we talking about 10 years or 100 years?
FAMIGLIETTI-Yes. We are on target to. Parts of the Central Valley have already run out of water.
PP-Then what happens? What does California or Arizona look like after that?
FAMIGLIETTI-It looks pretty dry. …
PP-What does that mean for the country’s food supply?
FAMIGLIETTI-This is the big question. I don’t want to be flippant, but people don’t understand the food-water nexus. Do we try to bring more water to the southern high plains, to Arizona, to California, because if the food system’s optimized, maybe that’s the cheapest thing to do? Or does agriculture move to where the water is? Does it migrate north and east? It’s not just food production. What about the workers? Transportation? If we were to move all of our agriculture to northern California, into Idaho, into North Dakota over the next decade, that’s a major upheaval for millions and millions of people who work in the ag industry.
PP-It’s really interconnected, isn’t it? The nation essentially expanded West beginning in the 19th century in order to build a food system that could support East Coast growth. The Homestead Act, the expansion of the railroads, was partially to put a system in place to bring stock back to the meat houses in Chicago and to expand farming to supply the urban growth in the East.
FAMIGLIETTI-I don’t think a lot of people really realize that, right? …… Sadly, we’re at a point in our history where people are not afraid to express their extreme points of view in ways that are violent. That’s the trajectory that we’re on. When you put those things together, especially in the southern half or the southwestern United States, I think it’s more of a tinderbox than it ever has been….PROPUBLICA.”
WATER OUTSIDE AMERICA- Too little/too much -
Mother Nature is playing tricks on America’s future, and America’s future immigration policy.
There is great drought in Communist China.
“China’s largest freshwater lake has shrunk to 25% its usual size amidst drought and extreme temperatures.
Poyang Lake, which typically feeds irrigation channels to nearby farmlands, is now just 285 square miles, down from its average of 1,400 square miles, the Associated Press reported.
The lake in southeastern Jiangxi Province is experiencing its dry season at the earliest date since records began in 1951, and the water may be at its lowest level in recent history.
Work crews have been digging trenches to keep the water flowing to the rice farms that depend on the lake. Due to the dangerous heat, workers have had to use excavators to dig at night.
Some areas of China have reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit in recent weeks. The country has experienced a more than two-month-long heat wave that one climatologist argued is the most severe heat wave on record the world-over.
The heat wave has fueled fires in southern China and caused droughts so serious that factories have been forced to cut production as hydroelectric plants have had to lower their electricity output.
The heat wave and drought in China comes as much of the world has experienced both heat wave and drought this summer. The latest report from the Global Drought Observatory suggests that Europe is experiencing the worst drought in 500 years. At least 47% of the continent is under “warning” drought conditions, with another 17% under the lower “alert” drought category. This week, more than 39% of the U.S. and close to 47% of the lower 48 are experiencing some level of drought, according to….scmp.”
With Joe Biden’s Open Borders, where will most of those starving and thirty Chinese farmers migrate to?
In Pakistan it is raining too much. The following is excerpted from an interview with the Pakistani Climate Minister, on PBS NEWSHOUR.
"Nawaz: Now to Pakistan, where a torrential monsoon season accelerated by climate change has led to catastrophic flooding. One-third of the country, an area the size of Colorado, is underwater. At least 1,100 people are now dead and untold numbers have lost everything.
Here now is Nick Schifrin with the top Pakistani official trying to manage the climate crisis.
Nick Schifrin:The toll is staggering, a million homes damaged or destroyed, two million acres of agricultural land submerged, and 33 million people affected ....To discuss the enormity of what confronts Pakistan, we turn to Sherry Rehman, Pakistan's minister of climate change.
….Sherry Rehman, Pakistani Minister of Climate Change: The scale of the crisis is unprecedented. It's of a magnitude never seen before in living history in Pakistan. It's affecting more than 33 million people, which is the size of a small country. Right now, as we speak, more than one-third of Pakistan is underwater, more than one-third….. it's been eight weeks of unrelenting rain, which Pakistan has never seen. ….The water cover is so heavy and high in Sindh and Balochistan that we have had the Pakistan navy inside inland in the country.So it's been very traumatic seeing bridges collapse in the north, seeing people isolated and marooned on rooftops. We have had like over 160 bridges just collapse, and the water just rip through it. It's a real climate disaster of epic proportions…….Climate — the climate decade of our reckoning is here and now, Nick. It's not 2050. That tipping point is absolutely visible to us. And I think many thresholds are being crossed, while global leaders dither over which emissions are good and which are not. It's time to make decisions. Otherwise, the — it won't just be Pakistan.
Glaciers are also melting. By the way, this year, we have had three times as many glacial melt episodes added to the volume of water gushing down south, and send them below — actually embracing for the floods from the north. I really don't know how we will absorb this amount of rushing-in water over standing water right now…..
For instance, our entire crop cover — and 90 percent of it certainly is gone for the year…..the next crop is also wiped out because there's too much standing water, and the soil is not going to be ready for what is known as the Rabi, or the winter planting season. We do have a crisis. PBS.”
With Joe Biden’s Open Borders, where does one think the majority of those 33 million defeated and starving Sunni Muslim Pakistani farmers will immigrate to? Hindu neighbor India? Buddhist Sri Lanka? Shiite Iran?
They will come to Uncle Joe and his OPEN BORDERS.
This Blogger did not see Climate Change Pakistani refugees because of flooding; but in 2014, he did see Climate Change refugees from Bangladesh, because of flooding. And he chronicled the plans of the Bangladeshi deep state to use the United Nations, to demand that the United States Navy, transport Bangladeshi climate change refugees to California, en masse. Om December 3, 2014, this Blogger published that Blog:…Millennials #Hashtag This-35 Years From Now, Bangladesh Wants America to Accept 30 Million of its People
Water will defeat Joe Biden and his immigration policy, by the weapons of too little water or too much water. For the good of Americans, in the midst of Climate Change, Joe Biden must end his OPEN BORDERS policy NOW.
America's water supply welcomes Joe Biden's OPEN BORDERS' migrants
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