Sentient observers of the American Republic are already crafting autopsies to explain its decline and extinction. Liberals are blaming the breakdown in Congressional cordiality, as will be noted in the NEW YORK TIMES article excerpted in this Blog.
This Blogger blames the banyan tree of Multiculturalism; the same Multiculturalism which strangled the Roman Republic.
As this Blog is being written, the Republic is involved in antebellum foreplay; a black Trump supporter in Milwaukee, Bernell Trammell, was gunned down amid his pro-Trump paraphernalia; in Austin, Texas, a white, armed BLACK LIVES MATTER protestor, Garrett Foster, was gunned down while pushing the wheelchair of his black fiancée, at a BLM rally.
The next step down the ladder to Civil War is the tic for tac assassinations of celebrities; exchange the assassination of Primo de Rivera for the assassination of Garcia Lorca. Then will come vicious street battles between the armies of the night, those loyal to Clodius, against the armies of the night loyal to Milo.
Then will come proscriptions; then finally the Civil War.
The Banyan tree is an epiphyte, a plant which grows on another plant. Banyan seeds germinate in a crack or crevice of a host tree, and then eventually takes it over. A Banyan tree cannot grow on its own; it has to be a parasite of another living entity.
“a Banyan seedling that germinates on the ground is unlikely to survive. However, many seeds fall on the branches and stems of other trees or on human edifices, and when they germinate they grow roots down toward the ground and consequently may envelop part of the host tree or edifice. For this reason banyans bear the colloquial name " strangler fig". A number of tropical banyan species exhibit this strangling habit.”
Multiculturalism is the strangler; and the American Republic is its victim.
The American republic is inherently incapable of governing a multicultural, strangler society; and that seminal fact, that immutable fact, is what will lead, is leading the Republic to Civil War and collapse.
“During his travels to America, Alexis de Tocqueville was interested not only in gathering facts and searching for the soul of democracy. He also embarked on an intellectual journey in which he confronted a number of questions about race and national character, the sources of national unity, whether racial characteristics are permanent, and whether a nation with a new identity can be created out of the diverse European peoples that had migrated to the New World. In his search for the essential American identity and culture, based on the assumption that a multicultural society could not survive for long, Tocqueville discovered the American Dream, a dream that he eventually deemed to be a great and possibly fatal cultural weakness…YALE SCHOLAR.”
John Stuart Mill, in 1861, wrote that Multiculturalism was corrosive to Democracy as a viable institution.
In his tome, REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, Mill argued “free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities..because the same incidents, the same acts, the same system of government, affect them in different ways; and each fears more injury to itself from the other nationalities than from the common arbiter, the state.”
Only American Liberals think they are smarter than de Tocqueville and Stuart Mill.
In January 2013, this Blogger published: DIVERSITY’S EVENT HORIZON, echoing Mill’s fear.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“Diversity, as a goal of American society, has reached the Event Horizon, no further social good can come from it. Diversity, as a social goal, has reached the point of no return; it cannot contribute any further value added social progress…. There may be a historical immutable fact-Republics cannot survive Diversity.
Perhaps no state can survive Diversity, the Roman Empire could not; the Austro-Hungarian Empire could not(World War I merely revealed the Diverse Rot) ; the Aztec Empire could not; the Soviet Union could not; Yugoslavia could not. Diversity is a killer of Republics, a killer of Empires, a killer of States.
Diversity will not protect America from its enemies, nor strengthen its democratic roots. Diversity is junk food.
We know from history’s withered republics, kingdoms and empires that Diversity is a code name for ossification. Diversity is deadly to vibrant states.
Diversity is incapable of adding greatness to the common good. .......GERRY MAXEY.”
In the Periclean Age of America, from 1944 to 1992, America defeated the Nazis and outlasted the Soviets with one mainstream culture; during that Age, immigrants came to America, to improve themselves and America. Now migrants come to America to change it, not necessarily for the better, but only to give their interest group more traction, representation, and/or power. Since 1992, migrants to America have not come as potential Americans but as colonizers, determined to Balkanize America.
America was the greatest nation in the History of the world; alas, being the greatest ever, was not good enough for Liberals; Liberals over loaded the system with multiculturalism, and Civil War is looming.
America was the greatest nation in the History of the world; alas, being the greatest ever, was not good enough for Liberals; Liberals over loaded the system with multiculturalism, and Civil War is looming.
Now Liberals are blaming the Decline of the hallowed republic on a dysfunctional Congress.
“WASHINGTON — A conservative Republican House member profanely accosts a Democratic congresswoman as she strides up the Capitol steps to do her job during multiple national calamities.
With expanded jobless benefits supporting tens of millions of fearful Americans about to expire and a pandemic raging, Senate Republicans and the Trump White House cannot agree among themselves about how to respond, let alone begin to bargain with Democrats.
In a private party session, archconservative Republicans ambush their top female leader and demand her ouster over political and policy differences.
And that’s just the past few days.
By nearly any measure, Congress is a toxic mess seemingly incapable of rising to the occasion even at a time of existential threats. No one knows that better than those who, until recently, served there.
Congress has largely become a dysfunctional institution unable to meet the critical needs of our country,” says a new report, “Congress at a Crossroads,” produced by the Association of Former Members of Congress. Scheduled to be issued publicly next week, it is a damning indictment of the steady deterioration of a congressional culture that today rewards power over progress and conflict over consensus.
And it warns that, while recent moves to allow Congress to function safely during the pandemic may be necessary, they could make things worse.
… it paints a grim portrait of an institution that has ceased to work as it should. A course correction may be more critical now than ever before, the report says, as the nation faces “outsize challenges” that place congressional shortcomings in stark relief.
“The pandemic alone is a call to our elected officials for the type of leadership and vision we expect at a moment of crisis,” says the report, which grew out of interviews conducted by Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of communication at American University, and Mark Sobol, an author and expert on organizational development and executive leadership. “But we are also facing another reckoning, one over our nation’s original sin and the racial inequities that have beset our country since its founding.”
The study ticks through familiar themes when it comes to assessing the sorry state of Congress: the lack of any real across-the-aisle relationships, a schedule that limits opportunities for interaction, too much power concentrated in leadership, constant fund-raising demands, discouragement of bipartisanship, the negative influence of round-the-clock media, the fact that the most important election for lawmakers is often their primary, and the shutting out of minority-party voices….. a new system of proxy voting in the House that allows lawmakers to cast their votes without traveling to Washington, could exacerbate the existing problems. If the idea of a remote Congress takes hold, the report suggests, it would be a serious setback to efforts to enhance bipartisan interaction.
....The document says Congress needs “more and not less in-person interaction among members of Congress. They need to learn more about each other’s districts, hold civil conversations aimed at finding common ground, build relationships of trust that can lead understanding and solutions.”
….It is a longstanding complaint about Congress that with time spent in Washington now deemed a negative, lawmakers just do not interact socially, and consequently find it much easier to dismiss the other side. The disconnect has been exacerbated in recent years as the polarization intensified and Republicans and Democrats now have little contact with one another. The authors say that situation must change if there is any chance for Congress to become more functional.
“Those relationships are the secret sauce for getting things done, understanding each other and building bridges across geography and ideology,” said Mr. Steinhorn.
… the lawmakers they interviewed acknowledged that they did not have the answers or a magic wand to make the polarization that promotes gridlock and conflict disappear.
“This condition that we find ourselves in has been decades in the making,” said Mr. Sobol. “There is no quick fix.”
Yet the authors and the former lawmakers who informed them said the time to make institutional changes is now. Otherwise, they warn, Congress risks continuing the downward spiral that is depleting the trust of the public and the capability to serve the nation at a time when a functioning legislature is vital….NEW YORK TIMES.”
Liberal drivel.
Multiculturalism is the banyan tree strangling Congress; just as it is strangling all of America.
For example, let us take Minnesota Rep. Ihlan Omar; she was born in Mogadishu, Somalia and grew up in a refugee camp in Kenya. Now she sits in the American Congress, governing the Republic.
Liberals find her story bracing and uplifting; so uplifting that trendy Speaker Nancy Pelosi changed the House of Representative Rules to allow Rep. Omar to wear a head covering on the floor.
Somalis are a beautiful people, and exotic. Liberals like that.
But what great political thinkers or institutions have the Somalis produced?
And what civic institutions have Somalis maintained through the ages?
And there is a reason for that; even though the Somalis have been around for thousands of years, they did not create their own written language or alphabet. Somalis had no written language ( they used Arabic), until one was GIVEN to them by the United Nations in the 1970s. The American Republic is allowing itself to be governed by people whose written language is YOUNGER than the existence of the NEW YORK METS baseball team.
Does anyone in their right mind think any good can come from that?
The Roman Republic, which had defeated the super powers Carthage and Macedonia, was fatally wounded when the dictator Julius Caesar brought the banyan tree of Multiculturalism into the Roman Senate, by allowing Gauls in the Senate.
“Caesar returned to Rome where he became first the consul, then a dictator. Many Gauls had become Roman citizens and Caesar admitted some to the Roman Senate. This contributed to the dissatisfaction which, in 44 BC led to his assassination the Ides of March. A popular song of the time ran:
Caesar led the Gauls in triumph,
Led them uphill, led them down,
To the Senate House he took them,
Once the glory of our town.
'Pull those breeches off', he shouted,
'Change into a purple gown'.”
To the Senate House he took them,
Once the glory of our town.
'Pull those breeches off', he shouted,
'Change into a purple gown'.”
History shows us that the banyan tree of Multiculturalism strangled the Roman Republic when Caesar allowed Gauls into the Senate; however one of the great flaws of Liberals is that they think they are smarter than the immutable lessons of History.
The Liberals defiance of History’s lessons; their abdication of a just governance, before being seduced and overwhelmed by the banyan tree of multiculturalism, has led the Republic to where?
To this point in national entropy-“No national anthem was played before Wednesday’s scrimmage, but Black Lives Matter is a feature at all three game sites, emblazoned on the court in large lettering just in front of the scorer’s table….NEW YORK TIMES.’
That little tidbit is revelatory; the outlook for a Republic which does not play its national anthem is bleak. The banyan tree has won, by strangulation.

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