In 1960, the greatest thing to be, in the known world, was an American Liberal; for to be an American Liberal in 1960 was to endeavor to make the nation, the Republic, a better place,based on the most significant civic ethic, the cornerstone civic ethic , of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) civic philosophy.
And what was the cornerstone of the WASP civic philosophy? It was not empathy, 1960 Liberalism did not demand social empathy for its members; one was still allowed to dislike criminals and hate pedophiles. It was not love; the expectation that American society should love its members, was an invention of 1990s cable television.
The cornerstone philosophy was FAIR PLAY; if we could treat each other fairly, it did not matter if there was empathy or love. If society could only marshal fair play, the world would be a better place.
In the 1970s, American Liberalism was defined by the rise of conservatism. In 1970s America, what was a Conservative? Merely a Liberal who had been mugged.
At the turn of the 20th Century, American Liberalism mutated or devolved into something new and frightening; to paraphrase the erstwhile Hungarian Liberal, Viktor Orban: “Liberalism was a political philosophy, now it is a mental disease.”
In 2020, American Liberalism has re-invented itself into a new phenomenon, which incorporates the worst of both political philosophy and mental disease.
The 2020 American Liberal is a Maoist, a practicing Maoist.
The 2020 American Liberal practices Group Think, street violence, public shaming, public humiliation, closed minded righteousness, sloganeering and indoctrination to the extreme. An indoctrination so extreme, it borders on prenatal indoctrination.
Mao Zedong, the founder of Maoism, created THE LITTLE RED BOOK, a collection of his pithy quotes, which everyone in Communist China was made to buy, and present as proof of their devout Maoism.
“During the Cultural Revolution, in which millions were persecuted or killed, owning it "became a way of surviving", says Daniel Leese, professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Freiburg. Paramilitary "Red Guards" mobilised by Mao to purify the Communist Party would check whether those suspected of bourgeois tendencies were carrying it or whether they could quote from it.
As the regime attempted to export its ideas as a form of "soft power", millions of copies were published in translation and sold abroad. It was taken up by Western radicals such as the Black Panthers and passed around…..History of Little Red Book.”
In 2020, American Liberals, aka American Maoists, have created their own LITTLE RED BOOK, for kids.
“IBRAM X. KENDI is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University, and the and the founding director of the BU Center for Antiracist Research. Kendi is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a CBS News correspondent. He will also become the 2020-2021 Frances B. Cashin Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for the Advanced Study at Harvard University.”
Mr. Kendi is also a Maoist.
He has created a Maoist children’s book ANTIRACIST BABY, to be read to two year olds in order that parents can “meaningfully raise race-conscious kids.”
American Maoists love this book.
“I love this book. It fills a hole in children’s literature and I love the conversations it is going to start with my 3 year old son. Looking forward to reading it to my 7 month old too.
Some of the lower star reviews talk about a few things I want to push back on:
1. How the book needs to have a “love everybody” and “play with everybody” message. Those books exist already, y’all. And they are not anti-racist. This book is trying to do something different. See the page about colorblindness.
2. That the language is too advanced and the ideas are too complicated for kids. This lays groundwork for powerful conversations with our kiddos. Neutrality, policy, access, diverse, cultural, transcend... all great words for our kiddos (AND US!) to know. This is not a book you can read and put down without engaging in some convos. I love this book. It fills a hole in children’s literature and I love the conversations it is going to start with my 3 year old son. Looking forward to reading it to my 7 month old too….a review on the internet.”Mr. Kendi posits that the way to combat racism in America is to read his book to a 2 year old kid, all the while discussing, with a two year old kid, neutrality, policy,access, and diversity. His Maoist acolytes want to read it to seven month old kids; soon American Liberals will be reading it to babes in their wombs.
Some of the lower star reviews talk about a few things I want to push back on:
1. How the book needs to have a “love everybody” and “play with everybody” message. Those books exist already, y’all. And they are not anti-racist. This book is trying to do something different. See the page about colorblindness.
2. That the language is too advanced and the ideas are too complicated for kids. This lays groundwork for powerful conversations with our kiddos. Neutrality, policy, access, diverse, cultural, transcend... all great words for our kiddos (AND US!) to know. This is not a book you can read and put down without engaging in some convos. I love this book. It fills a hole in children’s literature and I love the conversations it is going to start with my 3 year old son. Looking forward to reading it to my 7 month old too….a review on the internet.”Mr. Kendi posits that the way to combat racism in America is to read his book to a 2 year old kid, all the while discussing, with a two year old kid, neutrality, policy,access, and diversity. His Maoist acolytes want to read it to seven month old kids; soon American Liberals will be reading it to babes in their wombs.
“At 18 months, most children have a vocabulary of from 5 to 20 words, although some do reach the 50-word milestone by the time they are 2 years old. In their second year, most children increase their vocabulary to up to 300 words.”
The Kendi Maoist Plan is to insure that American kids have the words Racism, White Racism, Black Lives matter, policy and diversity in their 300 word vocabulary by the beginning of their third year on earth. Goodbye Mommy and Daddy.
What is the purpose of this children’s book, from a Maoist perspective?
This Blogger is the son of a Trotskyite; he sees the Maoist perspective as this- the Maoists think they have a chance of taking over American society and culture. Therefore the purpose of this book, in a Maoist world, is a loyalty test. In a Dystopian Maoist future, supported by MSNBC and The NEW YORK TIMES, every parent in America, to prove their loyalty to Maoism, will be forced to upload videos of themselves reading the Maoists’ ANTIRACTST BABY to their 2 year olds, not as an education tool but AS A SURVIVAL ACT, in a Maoist society. Even the Amish will have to do it.
It is as if all those educated bourgeois Liberals buying ANTIRACIST BABY, have never met a Maoist in person, away from their disguises as rational people.
This Blogger has; Maoists are, to put it discreetly, NUTS.
This Blogger’s father was a Trotskyite, Marxist opponents of Maoists; he forbade his sons to have manicures, he demanded that they always had callouses on their hands.
Because when the Maoists take over, they will go from house to house and look at the hands of the men and the women in the houses. If the men and women have manicures, the Maoists will shoot them on the spot or send them to labor camps in the wilds of Alaska; for manicures will inform the Maoists that the inhabitants of the house are not working class but bourgeois.
We know this to be true, look at Communist China during the Maoist Cultural Revolution, or in Cambodia, during the Maoist Pol Pot Khmer Rouge regime.
Maoists are not to be toyed with; they are not an afternoon special. They will kill everyone they think are thinking anti- Maoist thoughts; for the simple reason, the Revolution is not a tea party; eggs must be broken and people must be killed to make revolutionary omelettes.
They are MADAME DEFARGE Marxists; they will kill you; eventually they would even kill all the boot licking MSNBC commentariat, and the obsequious kneeling Democratic politicians.
It is an understatement to say that ANTIRACISM BABY is against racism.
But what is racism?
To this Blogger, racism is tribalism based on skin color. If we got rid of all the racism in America tomorrow what would replace it?
We know. Tribalism.
Inclusiveness is a Disneyified fantasy; Exclusivity is within the very DNA of Mankind.
You can get rid of all the white racists in American society, you can topple all the Confederate statues; you can burn all the Stars and Bars flags; you can have Speaker Pelosi spend the next five years of her life on her knees; you can uplift American Blacks to a new elite, what is going to happen?
The American Black Monolith will splinter; American Blacks with Slave blood will form an interest group within Black society opposing West Indians like Eric Holder, Kamala Harris and Colin Powell and Africans in America like Barack Obama.
If Hispanics become the new Elite, what will happen? Mexicans will form tribes against Puerto Ricans; Argentines against Brazilians and everyone against Central Americans.
If Asians will become the new American Elite, what will happen? Japanese against Koreans, Vietnamese against Cambodians, Filipinos against Indonesians and everyone against Chinese.
If Muslims become the new Elite, what will happen? Shiites versus Sunnis.
If Indians become the new Elite, what will happen, Hindus versus Muslims.
In Rwanda, they ousted white racism, and got Hutu massacring Tutsis; in Kenya, they ousted white racism and the Kikuyu Kenyetta informed Barack Obama Senior that he would never be president of Kenya, even though he was the smartest man ever produced in Kenya, because he was a Luo and not a Kikuyu, and the Kikuyu considered Luos a cowardly tribe.
South Sudan got rid of white and Arab supremacy and what happened? Dinka and Nuer started killing each other with abandon.
There will always be exclusivity, Mankind loves forming tribes, cliques, gangs, mobs, armies against others.
In Russia, same ethnic people, Russians, same religion, Russian Orthodox, they formed two tribes based on the number of fingers used to make the sign of the cross.
“Old Believers use two fingers while making the Sign of the Cross (the pointer finger straight, middle finger slightly bent) while new-style Orthodoxy uses two fingers and the thumb for the sign of cross (the thumb and two fingers are held together at point, two fingers folded.”
1960 Liberals had it figured out; empathy and love will not prevail over innate tribal exclusivity. American parents should not be teaching their children Maoist fantasies nor Maoist dogma but the old WASP virtue of FAIR PLAY; on that rock we can built a better world.

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