Century Beat Generation Poet Allen Ginsberg once conjured up a
dangerously Orwellian aphorism, sublimely applicable to the 21st
Century up to this date:
"Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the
TIME Magazine named German Chancellor Angela Merkel as its 2015 PERSON OF THE YEAR for her humanitarian response to the refugee crisis; she single handedly allowed over ONE MILLION, none vetted, refugees into Germany.
However, Chancellor Merkel’s response, which will change German culture forever, was a response…..to an image, nothing more, nothing less.
The image was the corpse of a three year old Syrian refugee, Aylan Kurti, washed up on a Turkish beach(see below), drowned trying to get to Europe.
In 375 AD, the Goth Nation was systematically attacked by the Huns, driving them West, toward the Eastern Roman Empire.
The Goths were trapped on the north bank of the Danube River, with the Huns closing in. Their chieftain asked the Romans to allow them to enter the Empire as refugees.
Emperor Valens, the Chancellor Merkel of his day, allowed the Goths to enter the empire as refugees.
“Valens even assisted the Goths in their crossing of the river.”
The Empire’s resources were not sufficient to succor the added refugee population; a famine ensued. Two years later, the Goths revolted over what they perceived to be mistreatment and slew their benefactor, Emperor Valens, at the Battle of Adrianople.
Chancellor Merkel, being so inspired by Aylan Kurti, has devolved into hubris; thinking that she could do what Emperor Valens could not do, integrate a vast refugee population into a new culture, without bloodshed, or pain being inflicted on the host people.
Angela Merkel became unhinged because of Aylin Kurti(Fingerspitzengefühl Lost, Merkel Unhinges Germany into a Failed State…http://themaxeychronicles.blogspot.com/2015/11/fingerspitzengefuhl-lost-merkel.html) .
Unhinged, Merkel is no longer capable of managing the present or the future of Germany, for the safety and betterment of the German people.
What Merkel has done, because of Aylan Kurti, is more than dangerous; danger can be contained, mitigated, even defeated. The decision Chancellor Merkel made, in defiance of History, is entropic; she has created facts on the German ground which will lead to inevitable social decline and degeneration.
It is a sobering and frightening empirical observation to note, that in the Merkel tsunami of refugees flooding into Germany, there are more men of fighting age than were present in the Gothic refugee invasion of the Roman Empire.
The Czech President has made that empirical observation.
“The Czech president, Milos Zeman, has called the movement of refugees into Europe “an organised invasion” and declared that young men from Syria and Iraq should stay in their countries to “take up arms” against Isis.
““They shouted slogans in Corsican meaning "Arabs get out!" and "This is our home!", an AFP correspondent reported.”
Because of the image of Aylan Kurti, the culture of Europe has already changed; Europe is back to burning books again.
This Christmas, Aylan’s father Abdullah published a message; the following is excerpted from that message:
How should one respond to that plea from a refugee? This Blogger does not have the words, but Liberal commentator Chris Matthews does:
“MATTHEWS: …. -- that other number is 4 million. That`s how many Syrian refugees there are, 4 million including all those able- bodied men we`ve seen aboard those boats to Europe.…. Four million people fleeing ISIS and Assad and just four trained to regain their country? Is there just one in a million Syrians willing to fight for Syria? Is that the deal? Is it?
The sheer size of this humanitarian crisis puts the world’s compassion to the test – not only to express sympathy but also to help them, -especially because the possibility of returning is getting more complicated. According to the UNCHR, the chance that a refugee will return home is the lowest it has been in the past 30 years.
Close to a million refugees from Africa and Syria arrived in Europe. The exodus of hundreds of thousands of people crossing European borders to seek refuge is the Old Continent’s biggest challenge in decades. Germany has greeted them, looking at the upside of the incoming young people who will update an aging workforce. Others, like the Czech Republic, saw it as an “organized invasion.”…..
….Refugees should not be seen as a threat to our security or way of life. They are just people who are leaving fear behind to rebuild their lives and contribute to the new land that welcomes them.”
TIME Magazine named German Chancellor Angela Merkel as its 2015 PERSON OF THE YEAR for her humanitarian response to the refugee crisis; she single handedly allowed over ONE MILLION, none vetted, refugees into Germany.
However, Chancellor Merkel’s response, which will change German culture forever, was a response…..to an image, nothing more, nothing less.
The image was the corpse of a three year old Syrian refugee, Aylan Kurti, washed up on a Turkish beach(see below), drowned trying to get to Europe.
Therefore this Blogger has named
Aylan Kurti, the drowned boy whose heart wrenching end birthed that momentous
Aylan Kurti’s death, and the image of
his death, has changed, perhaps irrevocably,
the following nations: Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Poland,
Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece and other European nations to come.
Merkel wants to relocate her refugees to other European Union nations under a quota system she devised. That idea has been rejected by Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Hungary. Merkel is suing Poland,under EU rules, to force Poland to accept refugees. Those refugees are in Europe by her decision alone. The Polish people are being omitted from the process of who can live in their nation. The death of Aylan Kurti has empowered Angela Merkel to wield dictatorial power.
Aylan Kurti’s image inspired Chancellor Merkel to cast aside History, to defy the lessons of History. She single handedly and summarily opened the gates of her nation to refugees, ignoring democracy, and her own people in the process.
Merkel wants to relocate her refugees to other European Union nations under a quota system she devised. That idea has been rejected by Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Hungary. Merkel is suing Poland,under EU rules, to force Poland to accept refugees. Those refugees are in Europe by her decision alone. The Polish people are being omitted from the process of who can live in their nation. The death of Aylan Kurti has empowered Angela Merkel to wield dictatorial power.
Aylan Kurti’s image inspired Chancellor Merkel to cast aside History, to defy the lessons of History. She single handedly and summarily opened the gates of her nation to refugees, ignoring democracy, and her own people in the process.
In 375 AD, the Goth Nation was systematically attacked by the Huns, driving them West, toward the Eastern Roman Empire.
The Goths were trapped on the north bank of the Danube River, with the Huns closing in. Their chieftain asked the Romans to allow them to enter the Empire as refugees.
Emperor Valens, the Chancellor Merkel of his day, allowed the Goths to enter the empire as refugees.
“Valens even assisted the Goths in their crossing of the river.”
The Empire’s resources were not sufficient to succor the added refugee population; a famine ensued. Two years later, the Goths revolted over what they perceived to be mistreatment and slew their benefactor, Emperor Valens, at the Battle of Adrianople.
Chancellor Merkel, being so inspired by Aylan Kurti, has devolved into hubris; thinking that she could do what Emperor Valens could not do, integrate a vast refugee population into a new culture, without bloodshed, or pain being inflicted on the host people.
Angela Merkel became unhinged because of Aylin Kurti(Fingerspitzengefühl Lost, Merkel Unhinges Germany into a Failed State…http://themaxeychronicles.blogspot.com/2015/11/fingerspitzengefuhl-lost-merkel.html) .
Unhinged, Merkel is no longer capable of managing the present or the future of Germany, for the safety and betterment of the German people.
What Merkel has done, because of Aylan Kurti, is more than dangerous; danger can be contained, mitigated, even defeated. The decision Chancellor Merkel made, in defiance of History, is entropic; she has created facts on the German ground which will lead to inevitable social decline and degeneration.
It is a sobering and frightening empirical observation to note, that in the Merkel tsunami of refugees flooding into Germany, there are more men of fighting age than were present in the Gothic refugee invasion of the Roman Empire.
The Czech President has made that empirical observation.
“The Czech president, Milos Zeman, has called the movement of refugees into Europe “an organised invasion” and declared that young men from Syria and Iraq should stay in their countries to “take up arms” against Isis.
a Christmas address to the Czech Republic, Zeman said he wondered why young
male migrants "are not taking up arms to go fight for the freedom of their
countries against the Islamic State."…..BBC”.
The social entropy stemming from Merkel’s decision
is already visible; before the Nazis burned Jews in ovens, they burned books.
Since 1945, no one has burned books in Europe, until now, post Aylan Kurti.
That prescient line is from Heine’s play,
written in 1821, ALMANSOR.
The line in the play was referring to the
Spanish Inquisition first burning Korans and then Muslims. The quote is most associated with the May 10, 1933 burning of
Jewish books by a Nazi crowd in Berlin’s “Babelplatz” (Babylon Plaza).
Last weekend in
Corsica, a mob of native Corsicans ransacked a mosque and burned Korans.
““They shouted slogans in Corsican meaning "Arabs get out!" and "This is our home!", an AFP correspondent reported.”
Because of the image of Aylan Kurti, the culture of Europe has already changed; Europe is back to burning books again.
It is common folklore, empirical observation, and scientific fact
that single young men are prone to
violence; having refugee status does not immunize single young men from
violence. Merkel has allowed a minimum of 350,000 single young men into Germany.
There is nothing more predictable in the universe than the following destiny:
there are Germans alive today who will meet a violent death at the hands of
single young male refugees.
This Christmas, Aylan’s father Abdullah published a message; the following is excerpted from that message:
message is I'd like the whole world to open its doors to Syrians. If a person
shuts a door in someone's face, this is very difficult. When a door is opened
they no longer feel humiliated... At
this time of year I would like to ask you all to think about the pain of
fathers, mothers and children who are seeking peace and security.
ask just for a little bit of sympathy from you.
Syrians leave our country due to war. We all are afraid for our children, for
our honour.
are barrel bombs, explosions and also Daesh. We have hundreds of thousands of
problems."…..Abdullah Kurti.”
Because of the death of Abdullah’s son, Aylan,
those "hundreds of thousands of problems" are now Europe’s problems.
Syrians leave our country due to war.”
How should one respond to that plea from a refugee? This Blogger does not have the words, but Liberal commentator Chris Matthews does:
“MATTHEWS: …. -- that other number is 4 million. That`s how many Syrian refugees there are, 4 million including all those able- bodied men we`ve seen aboard those boats to Europe.…. Four million people fleeing ISIS and Assad and just four trained to regain their country? Is there just one in a million Syrians willing to fight for Syria? Is that the deal? Is it?
Would just one in a million Americans be willing to fight for
our country if it were taken from us, if it came to that?
There are dread implications to these numbers. They signal that
ISIS is not only winning the war for Syria. They`re taking the country
from people who would rather leave for the west, either that or no one in the United
States is doing something to alter their decision-making.
…. Why isn`t the United States and other countries trying
to build a Syrian army of the millions of people who have a birth right to
the fight for that country?
Some said here last night that we can`t ask Syrians to fight for
their country because they have families. Well, tell that to the American families, those we care most about, who have a member of their family on their fourth deployment right now….. Is it too much to ask that the Syrians
lead to fight to retake Syria? It is their country, unless they`re willing
to abandon it. And what do we think of people who do that?….CHRIS MATTHEWS.”
We think they are
Chancellor Merkel has allowed 1 million
refugees into her nation; that one million contains at least 500,000 male
cowards, who would rather run than fight for their future; and if they are not
cowardly, they are part of what President
Zeman has identified as an organized invasion.
It is one or the other.
The Globalized Elite in America supports the
refugees, regardless of the damage they do on the host nation.
The image of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, lying face-down in a Turkish beach in
September, directed the world’s attention to the drama of millions of Syrians
trying to escape their country’s bloody civil war. The Middle East is today the
primary source of refugees, but we have seen the same story of men, women and
children fleeing persecution, violence and poverty from Central America to Asia
and Africa in 2015.
The United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimated that
nearly 60 million people were displaced this year. That means that, each day,
around 42,500 were forced to leave their homes and find protection elsewhere.
The sheer size of this humanitarian crisis puts the world’s compassion to the test – not only to express sympathy but also to help them, -especially because the possibility of returning is getting more complicated. According to the UNCHR, the chance that a refugee will return home is the lowest it has been in the past 30 years.
Close to a million refugees from Africa and Syria arrived in Europe. The exodus of hundreds of thousands of people crossing European borders to seek refuge is the Old Continent’s biggest challenge in decades. Germany has greeted them, looking at the upside of the incoming young people who will update an aging workforce. Others, like the Czech Republic, saw it as an “organized invasion.”…..
….Refugees should not be seen as a threat to our security or way of life. They are just people who are leaving fear behind to rebuild their lives and contribute to the new land that welcomes them.”
million refugees in less than a year is a threat to German security and the
German way of life, as the future will soon attest.
so many refugees in such a short period of time is entropic to the host country;
the Romans taught all future generations that. But Chancellor Merkel is above
the lessons of History. She put the
image of Aylan Kurti above the well being of her people. Who needs that in any
Kurti changed the world, which is why he is THE MAXEY CHRONICLES’ 2015 PERSON
THE YEAR- The Kurdish Woman Warrior Battling
ISIS' Sex Slavers

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