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Will the Next American Civil War Start in.......MINNESOTA?

Once upon a time, this Blogger was asked to appraise the fighting skills of Somalis. This Blogger believed, and believes them to be brave, fierce, capable of accepting the risk of death…..if they think they are going to win. Somalis are incapable of accepting casualties in the pursuit of accomplishing the impossible…..organized Somalis are incapable of being the 1 st Minnesota at Gettysburg, or the 1st Battalion, the   Gloucestershire Regiment  (the Glorious Glosters) at Hill 235, ("Hold on where you are"), or the Big Red One on Omaha Beach. Somalis are capable of war, incapable of sacrifice. Somalis have the courage of bandits, which means they never defeat the superior force; the Ethiopians defeated a superior Italian Army at the Battle of Adowa; the spear carrying Zulus defeated a modern British detachment at the Battle of Islawanda; the Sudanese under the Mahdi defeated a superior Egyptian Army under the British Colonel Hicks at the Battle of El Obeid. The S...

Liberals' Alternative Fact-Torture Does Not Work;Gen.Massu,Col.Bigread and Saadi Yacef of The Battle of Algiers Disagreed

In its first week, the Trump Administration tossed out the concept of alternative facts; Liberals were apoplectic. The Liberals’ conniption fit was a supreme irony, for it was Liberals who invented alternative facts, and are fervent practitioners of that Orwellian concept. The most famous alternative fact that the Liberals imposed on America was when they no longer dealt with the FACT that illegal aliens were illegal aliens. Liberals gave America the Orwellian  alternative fact that illegal aliens were immigrants or undocumented workers, or non-authorized residents or DREAMERS. Liberals initiated the Orwellian concept of alternative facts; now, as their Frankenstein blob has oozed everywhere, they are having the vapors. Liberals did it, invented alternative facts, now they must live with it. Currently, Liberals are indulging in the alternative fact that Torture does not work; they reached this alternative fact after President Trump declared that Torture does work. ...


Since the election of Donald Trump as America's 45th President, this Blogger has subscribed to the NEW YORK TIMES. Why? Because this Blogger is particularity interested in the reaction of Anthropocene Liberal Neanderthals to the rise of the Anthropocene Trumpian Cro-Magnons; reading the NEW YORK TIMES is like reading William Golding's THE INHERITORS in real time. (THE INHERITORS by Nobel Laureate Golding tells the tale of the rise of Cro-Magnons, from the Neanderthal viewpoint....useless, ineffective grunts). In the time frame since the Trump electoral victory, the NEW YORK TIMES has been striking in its obsolete  and misguided flat earth  worldview, especially concerning the future of the world, and the current state of America. In 2017, against all known facts, the NEW YORK TIMES believes that the world's future progress depends on  benighted Africa, AFROFUTURISM. Liberals have been peddling the cant that the future is Afro since...