Since the election of Donald Trump as America's 45th President, this Blogger has subscribed to the NEW YORK TIMES.
Because this Blogger is particularity interested in the reaction of Anthropocene Liberal Neanderthals to the rise of the Anthropocene Trumpian Cro-Magnons; reading the NEW YORK TIMES is like reading William Golding's THE INHERITORS in real time. (THE INHERITORS by Nobel Laureate Golding tells the tale of the rise of Cro-Magnons, from the Neanderthal viewpoint....useless, ineffective grunts).
In the time frame since the Trump electoral victory, the NEW YORK TIMES has been striking in its obsolete and misguided flat earth worldview, especially concerning the future of the world, and the current state of America.
In 2017, against all known facts, the NEW YORK TIMES believes that the world's future progress depends on benighted Africa, AFROFUTURISM.
Liberals have been peddling the cant that the future is Afro since the early 1960s; it was astute Eric Hoffer who destroyed that Liberal cant then.
It has been one of the great joys of this Blogger's life that Mr, Hoffer engaged in substantive conversations with him.
On July 17, 2012, this Blogger published this:
Hoffer was a young man when his father, a cabinetmaker, died. The cabinetmaker's union paid for the funeral and gave Hoffer a little over three hundred dollars. Hoffer then took a bus to Los Angeles in 1920. He spent the next 10 years on Los Angeles' skid row, reading, occasionally writing, and working odd jobs.
Hoffer said:" As everyone was touring the building, me,
the old stevedore was checking the janitor's not one country, not
in one janitor's room did I find a mop, or a broom or cleanser. How can you
advance if you cannot maintain?" ......GERRY MAXEY"
In 2017, there can be no AFROFUTURISM because Africa still does not have brooms or mops in the closets.
This Blogger does stipulate that Africa will shape the world's future, but not in a progressive way, but in an entropic way.
Because, to be blunt, there are too many Africans coming.
Because this Blogger is particularity interested in the reaction of Anthropocene Liberal Neanderthals to the rise of the Anthropocene Trumpian Cro-Magnons; reading the NEW YORK TIMES is like reading William Golding's THE INHERITORS in real time. (THE INHERITORS by Nobel Laureate Golding tells the tale of the rise of Cro-Magnons, from the Neanderthal viewpoint....useless, ineffective grunts).
In the time frame since the Trump electoral victory, the NEW YORK TIMES has been striking in its obsolete and misguided flat earth worldview, especially concerning the future of the world, and the current state of America.
In 2017, against all known facts, the NEW YORK TIMES believes that the world's future progress depends on benighted Africa, AFROFUTURISM.
Liberals have been peddling the cant that the future is Afro since the early 1960s; it was astute Eric Hoffer who destroyed that Liberal cant then.
It has been one of the great joys of this Blogger's life that Mr, Hoffer engaged in substantive conversations with him.
On July 17, 2012, this Blogger published this:
Eric Hoffer was one of the great
men of the 20th Century, a blind man who then could see, a migrant worker, a survivor of a
suicide attempt, a stevedore, an essayist, a genius. President
Reagan awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983, no one has deserved
it more.
He wrote a wonderfully
insightful tome, THE TRUE BELIEVER;THE TRUE BELIEVER is one of the
politically seminal books of the 20th Century, along with 1984, ANIMAL FARM, and BRAVE NEW WORLD. Hoffer ranks with Orwell, and Huxley.
Hoffer was a wunderkind,
the son of immigrants. By the age of five, he could read in both German and
English. Reading was his passion.
When he was
five, his mother fell down a flight of stairs, with him in her arms. She
never recovered, and died two years later; Hoffer was traumatized, and went
blind. No doctor could figure out why he was struck blind.
Hoffer himself
said it was trauma, "I
lost my sight at the age of seven. Two years before, my mother and I fell down
a flight of stairs. She did not recover and died in that second year after the
fall.I lost my sight and for a time my memory".
Reader, please
imagine Hoffer, 15 years old, blind, in total darkness, not able to read,
mother dead, father withdrawn.
Imagine if you
will, this teenager, walking down a New York street, in total darkness, with a
cane, doomed to a life of total darkness, unable to read.
Walking down
the street, turning a corner; as he turned that corner, "HIS EYESIGHT
One minute
Hoffer was walking down the street, seeing nothing, then he turned a corner and
without warning, he could see everything.
" Fearing
he would again go blind, he seized upon the opportunity to read as much as he
could for as long as he could. His eyesight remained, and Hoffer never abandoned his
habit of voracious reading."
Hoffer was a young man when his father, a cabinetmaker, died. The cabinetmaker's union paid for the funeral and gave Hoffer a little over three hundred dollars. Hoffer then took a bus to Los Angeles in 1920. He spent the next 10 years on Los Angeles' skid row, reading, occasionally writing, and working odd jobs.
In 1931, he attempted suicide by drinking a solution
of oxalic acid, but the
attempt failed as he could not bring himself to swallow the poison. The
experience gave him a new determination to live adventurously. It was then he
left skid row and became a migrant
worker. Following the harvests along the length of California, he collected library
cards for each town near the fields where he worked and, living by preference,
"between the books and the brothels".
A seminal event for Hoffer
occurred in the mountains where he had gone in search of gold. Snowed in for the winter, he
read the Essays by Montaigne... He also developed a great respect for America's underclass,
which, he declared, was "lumpy with talent".
When I met Hoffer, he
was in self imposed exile, after falling out with the Liberal Elite. over
Africa, In the early 1960s, France, Britain and Belgium freed a ton of African
colonies. Liberals were delighted.
A grand tour of the
newly independent nations was arranged for the America Media, CBS sent Eric
Sevareid and Eric Hoffer.
The newly independent
African nations gave the Liberal Media wonderful excursions, in the new
capitals, among the newly finished buildings. The American Liberal Media was
euphoric, except for Hoffer.
He went on national
television and said to Sevareid, that the newly independent African nations
were in for a tough slough and probably would fail.
Sevareid, aghast, asked
Hoffer, how could he say that?
In 2017, there can be no AFROFUTURISM because Africa still does not have brooms or mops in the closets.
This Blogger does stipulate that Africa will shape the world's future, but not in a progressive way, but in an entropic way.
Because, to be blunt, there are too many Africans coming.
“The Population Reference Bureau report shows
that women in sub-Saharan Africa currently average 5.2 children during their
lifetime, compared to averages of 1.6 in Europe and 1.9 in North America. In
some African countries, such as Niger, the birth rate is as high as 7.6 children per
DAKAR — A new report predicts that sub-Saharan Africa will record the world's
largest population growth between now and 2050. According to the Population
Reference Bureau, the world's poorest region will more than double in
population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion.
By the year 2050, the report states Africa's population is likely to grow by a staggering 1.3 billion people -- the largest growth of any region in the world, including Asia, which currently has about 60 percent of people on the planet.
Sub-Saharan Africa, where fertility rates are among the highest in the world, will account for the majority of the increase. In sub-Saharan Africa, the population is expected to grow from 926 million people to nearly 2.2 billion people.
By the year 2050, the report states Africa's population is likely to grow by a staggering 1.3 billion people -- the largest growth of any region in the world, including Asia, which currently has about 60 percent of people on the planet.
Sub-Saharan Africa, where fertility rates are among the highest in the world, will account for the majority of the increase. In sub-Saharan Africa, the population is expected to grow from 926 million people to nearly 2.2 billion people.
Overpopulation is a huge problem for the peoples of Africa. Countries like Ethiopia and Nigeria are about to triple in population
within the next fifty years. If Africa remains on this course catastrophic
consequences such as mass starvation and global war will occur."
AFROFUTURISM is merely another word for over population, leading to Mass Migration, leading to Global War.
The Russians have developed a missile and warhead, the SATAN-2; one SATAN-2 can destroy everything living in an area the size of Texas or France.
It is not inconceivable for AFROFUTURISM that Russia will use the SATAN-2 on the Sahara to wipe out a Mass Migration of African migrants. It is well within foreseeable probability that Western futurists, in cooperation with Russian futurists, have already formulated plans to interdict the Sahara Africa to Europe migrant routes by use of SATAN-2s, turning the Sahara into a Dead Zone. A barbarous notion, but over population causes barbarous notions, and actions.
As for the future of America, the NEW YORK TIMES is still locked into a war with the legacy of Eric Hoffer because The NEW YORK TIMES is still locked into the idolatry of Diversity.
Diversity’s basic tenet is that the different is better than the better.
This Blogger submits that Better is Better than Different; This Blogger submits that Diversity does not add to Better.
Diversity, in Hoffer terms, is Feminine Social Entertainment.
Diversity, in Hoffer terms, is Feminine Social Entertainment.
Diversity is the Feminine Liberal Response to the paucity of entertainment playing at the local theater; Diversity is a by-product of Feminine “MADAME BOVARY” boredom.
Diversity does not lead to innovation, or problem solving, or great thinking, Diversity leads to dead thinking. When this Republic did not worship at the altar of Diversity, it built the Panama Canal, wiped out yellow fever and polio( we are currently spending billions of diverse dollars and cannot cure cancer or AIDS), surmounted insurmountable odds on D-Day, pulled off the Berlin Airlift, and sent men to the Moon.
Now, in this diverse society, America cannot accomplish anything, except teach diversity.
The world is beginning its journey into the Anthropocene Era, a geological era in which the environment of the Earth is being maimed, wounded, and destroyed by man-made activities. Prior to the Anthropocene, there was abundance, and Diversity for the sake of Diversity was an affordable diversion.
The Anthropocene will be marked by shortages of food, water, and educational resources. The United States can no longer be allowed to indulge in the frivolity of Diversity for the sake of Diversity. In the Anthropocene Era, it will be a zero sum game, every day Americans will face an existential threat to their existence. Survival will trump the cult of Diversity.
If only the NEW YORK TIMES and by extension Liberals everywhere understood that the planet Earth now resides in the Anthropocene, and must react accordingly.
The NEW YORK TIMES and Liberals believe, as an act of faith, that Diversity in and of itself is inherently a superior thing; it is not. Diversity is merely diversity. Diversity is not more righteous, not more effective, nor more moral than BETTER.
If only the NEW YORK TIMES and by extension Liberals everywhere understood that the planet Earth now resides in the Anthropocene, and must react accordingly.
The NEW YORK TIMES and Liberals believe, as an act of faith, that Diversity in and of itself is inherently a superior thing; it is not. Diversity is merely diversity. Diversity is not more righteous, not more effective, nor more moral than BETTER.
Diversity defeats progress; while America is wasting time teaching its engineers Diversity mantras, the world is teaching its engineers, ENGINEERING.
America has tried Diversity and it has not worked. Diversity has led to entropy. Under the regime of Diversity the United States has fallen from 1st to 39th in the world in BASIC KNOWLEDGE. America has not gotten smarter under the Regime of Diversity, but dumber, dumber to the point of mediocrity.
To survive the zero sum age of The Anthropocene, America must cleanse its palate of the worship of Diversity; to survive The Anthropocene, Diversity as policy in America must exit history, like vaudeville; for Diversity is vaudeville. So that my Liberal friends clearly understand, Diversity as Policy is on the wrong side of history.
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