Liberals' Alternative Fact-Torture Does Not Work;Gen.Massu,Col.Bigread and Saadi Yacef of The Battle of Algiers Disagreed
its first week, the Trump Administration tossed out the concept of alternative
facts; Liberals were apoplectic. The Liberals’ conniption fit was a supreme
irony, for it was Liberals who invented alternative facts, and are fervent practitioners
of that Orwellian concept.
most famous alternative fact that the Liberals imposed on America was when they no longer dealt with the FACT that illegal aliens were illegal aliens. Liberals gave America the Orwellian alternative fact that illegal aliens were immigrants or undocumented
workers, or non-authorized residents or DREAMERS.
initiated the Orwellian concept of alternative facts; now, as their Frankenstein
blob has oozed everywhere, they are having the vapors.
did it, invented alternative facts, now they must live with it.
Liberals are indulging in the alternative fact that Torture does not work;
they reached this alternative fact after President Trump declared that Torture
does work.
Trump is NOT creating an alternate fact
on this issue; he is learning the lessons of the BATTLE OF ALGIERS, of the
victor in that Battle, General Jacques Massu, of the front line commander in
that battle, Colonel Marcel Bigread, and of the defeated –tortured Arab Nationalist in
that Battle, the legendary Saadi Yacef.
worked in the Battle of Algiers; Torture may work all the time, which is why it
has lasted for five thousand years as a tactic of war.
is immoral; but Liberals are not basing their objection on that fact; they are
basing their opposition on the alternative fact-torture does not work.
the issue of Torture, and its effectiveness, this Blogger has already
published(03/16/20160:From Generals Massu, Bigread, Pershing and Citizen Trump
The following is excerpted
from that Blog:
“…. General Jacques Massu
(picture below) and Colonel Marcel Bigread (pictured below) defeated the
courageous Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN)in the brutal battle of
In the 1960s, there
was a Homeric film made about the Battle of Algiers, co-written and co-starring
Saadi Yacef( who is still alive as this Blog is being written).
In May, 1956, Yacef
was the FLN military commander in Algiers; it was he who was defeated by Massu
and Bigread.
The FLN was defeated
in the battle of Algiers, by the systematic application of torture by French
General Jacques Massu
died in 2002, at the age of 94; Colonel(nee General) Marcel Bigread died in
2010 at the age of 94.
In the early 1990s,
this Blogger was in Paris, and through the good offices of friends of my
brother got to meet both of them for extended lunches.
Jacques Massu was a
towering figure, larger than life.
The specific of the
French torture was simple; they shocked the gonads of their victims with
electricity. This Blogger was not interested in the specifics of the
This Blogger was
interested in how General Massu thought up the cost benefit of using torture to
defeat a terrorist army.
General Massu informed
this Blogger that few men stand up against torture, but a few do.
The key is that all
men think all men crack under torture; no man believes any man can stand up
under torture; therefore by using torture on a terrorist, whether it is
successful or not, breaks the bonds of trust between terrorists, because the
terrorist's comrades will automatically assume he gave up information.
Even if a terrorist
never breaks under torture, his co-terrorists will never believe it.
Bigread may have
been one of the most interesting men of the 20th Century, look how much art has
been devoted to him.
"The character of
Pierre-Noel Raspeguy in the novels The Centurions and The Praetorians by Jean
Larteguy is modeled largely on Bigeard, In LOST COMMAND, the 1966 movie
adaptation of The Centurions, Raspeguy was played by Anthony Quinn..
The character of Colonel Philippe Mathieu, played by Jean Martin, in the film The Battle of Algiers is widely believed to be a composite of Bigeard, and Jacques Massu."
The character of Colonel Philippe Mathieu, played by Jean Martin, in the film The Battle of Algiers is widely believed to be a composite of Bigeard, and Jacques Massu."
Bigread held 25
citations for bravery, including 17 palms.
He was not trained as an officer; unlike most French officers he did NOT go to the French West Point, The École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr.
He was not trained as an officer; unlike most French officers he did NOT go to the French West Point, The École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr.
He was not blessed with any social advantages, nor connections, nor fancy law degrees, nor any wealth.
The son of a poor man, he could not get out of the Draft, he was called up. He entered the French Army as a Second Class Private (the lowest rank possible); he left the Army as a General. How did he get from Private to General? He fought.
During the German defeat of France in 1940, he was captured by the Germans and made a Prisoner of War. He escaped on his second try, finally making it to England. There he became a paratrooper,a para.
He was a ruthless and brilliant killer; so much so that the British, who have this knack of knowing what it takes to be a ruthless and brilliant killer, parachuted him, as commander of a team of four, into Occupied France to wreck havoc on the Germans. Which he did.
After World War II, he was shipped to French Indo-China(Vietnam), and Dien Bien Phu.
"Bigeard ... returned to Dien Bien Phu parachuting in to reinforce the now besieged garrison. .... Towards the end of the battle he was promoted ….as a thank you for his valiant command of his troops before the expected massacre at the end of the battle.”
"During the
Algerian War Bigeard, was given command of the 3e RPC (Colonial Parachute
Regiment) part of Massu’s 10th Parachute Division...He led the 3e RPC
through numerous operations, the most famous nbeing the 1957 Battle of Algiers. The 'battle'
was a martial control of the Algiers region to stop the bombing and threatening
of civilian targets by the FLN(the Algerian/Arab Insurgency) and to
eliminate the organisation which was organising the bombing and starting to
dominate the civilian population. During that battle the 3è RPC was
responsible for the Casbah, a stronghold of the FLN.
The parachutists were
able to eventually identify and neutralize the FLN organization in Algiers
through intelligence garnered by torture….the systemic use of
torture. ..."
….Bigeard wrote
Manuel de l’officier de renseignement (Intelligence Officer's Handbook).
Among these concepts
was the acceptance of the use of torture against suspected insurgents to gain
Many of these same
concepts would later appear in the seminal book La Guerre moderne, by Roger
….…Bigeard was to return to the issue of torture in Algeria when he
published his memoirs…. Referring to bomb attacks carried out on French
civilians by the FLN, he wrote: "Was it easy to do nothing when you had
seen women and children with their limbs blown off by bombs?"
The following year he caused more controversy by referring to torture -- which in Algeria involved electric shocks to the genitals and waterboarding -- as "a necessary evil".
Bigeard was known to be "Colonel Mathieu", the brutal French parachutist depicted in Gilles Pontecorvo's 1966 film "The Battle of Algiers",which was banned in France for five years after its release.
….Wounded five times in battle, he was one of France's most decorated soldiers, having among other awards the Medal of the Resistance,
the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour, the British Distinguished Service Order and the rank of Commander of the American Legion.
He also wrote 15 books."
To the best of this
Blogger’s knowledge no French paratrooper refused on moral grounds to torture
FLN terrorists….they had seen the victims.
It is better to win a
war and then debate morality, than debate morality and lose a war.
Donald Trump has
recommended the use of water boarding in the war against ISIS.
Mr. Trump has stated
that during the crushing of the Muslim Moros during the Moro War in
the Philippines, at the beginning of the 20th Century,
General Pershing dipped his bullets in pig’s blood to kill Muslim rebels. That
may be an urban legend.
However, what is not
an urban legend is what Pershing himself wrote:” Vic Hurley's history of the Moros,
"Swish of the Kris The Story of the Moros" tells the story of
Col. Alexander Rodgers using pigs to subdue
the Moros in the Philippines. Hurley wrote that Col. Rodgers was known as
"the Pig" to the Moros…….
Pershing wrote...These
terrorists) were materially reduced in number by a practice the army
had already adopted, one that the Mohammedans held in abhorrence. The bodies
were public ally buried in the same grave with a dead pig. It was not pleasant
to take such measures but the prospect of going to hell instead of heaven
sometimes deterred the would-be assassins.”
The question which Mr.
Trump is forcing America, and by extension, Western Civilization to ask is
simple: Is there any immoral way to kill religious fanatics who want to behead
American men, sell American women and girls into slavery and rape American
General Micheal Hayden
thinks so.
General Hayden is a
former Air Force General, former head of the National Security Agency (NSA) and
former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
He has fought a moral
war against Sunni terrorists; a war which America is losing. Under his moral
aegis, Sunni terrorists have established a terrorist Caliphate in Syria and
Iraq; reinstated female and boy slavery in the cradle of civilization,
and reveled in the beheadings of Christians and immolation of homosexuals…..
“Former CIA Director
Michael Hayden blasted Donald Trump's rhetoric in a recent interview, saying
that the U.S. military would refuse orders from him, even as
commander-in-chief, to kill the families of terrorists, as Trump has pledged to
Appearing on HBO’s REAL
TIME WITH BILL MAHER" to promote his latest book, Hayden expressed concern
about Trump's language, including the Manhattan real-estate magnate's vow to
bring back waterboarding and worse because "they deserve it."
“I would be incredibly
concerned if a President Trump governed in a way that was consistent with the
way that candidate Trump expressed during the campaign," Hayden said….’
If America loses the war
against Sunni Terrorism, American women will be raped and sold into slavery,
what rules of international conflict covers that?
The Sunni-Shiite Split
in Islam occurred because the Sunnis killed the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson and
murdered, MURDERED the Prophet’s six month old great- grandson. If Sunnis could
do that to the family of the Prophet, the person who founded their religion,
what in the hell do one think Sunni terrorists have planned for Americans?
Massu and Bigread
tortured terrorists; can America do any less in trying to defeat Slavers intent
on enslaving American women?
Who among us would not
water board a Sunni slaver, if he held information which if known could save
American women from rape and slavery?
Michael Hayden's track record fighting Sunni terrorism confirms that the chief component of his skill set is brown nosing an ineffectual Elite. Under his watch, Sunni terrorism expanded all across the world. His skill set is most suited for running a Maintenance Department in a small Midwestern city….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
anyone accepts the Liberal alternative fact that Torture does not work, this
Blogger recommends that he or she view THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS, written by and starring
Saadi Yacef. Yacef, the brave Arab Nationalist who was tortured in one of the
great urban battles of the 20th Century, thought torture worked.
must believe the facts as reported by Yacef, or the alternative facts, created
from thin air by Liberals.
This Blogger accepts Yacef's facts over Liberals' alternative facts.

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