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Magic Realism: PRI Mothers,the Ayotzinapa 43, 2017 California Democrats and Antebellum California Trumpians

Since the Aztec FLOWER WARS, Mexicans have institutionalized paradoxes; the height of their paradoxical institutionalization is MAGIC REALISM. The institutionalization of paradox, Magic Realism, is deeply ingrained in Mexican culture and Mexicans, beginning with the faux wars of the Aztecs, THE FLOWER WARS. The Aztecs were so caught up in the Magic Realism of war, they turned war itself into a ritualistic pageant, a Flower War, a production rather than a war. Thus they became easy pickings when the conquistadors  from Extremadura showed up, under Cortes, to wage un-magic war, a truly realistic war. Only a society inculcated with the institutionalization of paradox would open a Museum dedicated to Corruption, honoring the spoils of a corrupt Mexico City Chief of Police( the Museum was housed in his sumptuous home). Only a society which has institutionalized  paradox would loathe the conqueror , Cortes, yet be slavishly devoted to the language of conquest, the Spanish o...

To WIN a Palestinian State, Palestinians Must Forego the 2 State Solution, and Seek Israeli Citizenship

This Blogger just finished listening to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech about the imbroglio in the Middle East, specifically between Israel and Palestine.  The speech started off as the best, most passionate speech John Kerry has ever given, and,then in typical Kerry fashion, deteriorated into mediocre tedium. As the speech never ended, this Blogger thought about the last Israeli lion, Shimon Peres, who died in this year 2016, at the age of 93. It is one of the great sins of 20 th Century History that an Israeli/Palestinian accord could not be forged when other great Israeli lions were alive: Moshe Dayan, David  Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Rabin, and Abba Eban. Alas, the great Arab lion of that age was Gamal Abdel Nasser; who was delusional. He threatened Israel with annihilation; then,rather than plan for an armed Israeli reaction to his threats, a preemptive strike, he spent hours discussing the future of Jews in a post Israeli, Palestinian state. With lions like D...

The British Decide to follow the MAXEY CHRONICLES' White Paper on Terrorists- Extrajudicial Assassination

The British Army most renowned special forces unit is the  Special Air Service (SAS), the Royal equivalent to the American Navy Seals. They were founded during the British Army’s North African campaign against Rommel’s Afrika Corps (picture below of the original SAS). They do what has to be done so that Great Britain can survive; their motto is WHO DARES WINS. Now, the SAS is daring appropriate extrajudicial assassinations of British subjects who are Sunni Salafists, ISIS extremists, jihadists of the Caliphate of Ibrahim on the battlefields of Iraq. “Special forces currently working in Iraq have been handed a list of around 200 names of British jihadis they need to kill or capture in a bid to prevent them returning home and launching a terror attack in the UK. They are regarded as some of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet and at least 12 bomb-makers on the list studied electronics whilst at universities in the UK. According to the  DAILY STAR, SAS h...