The British Decide to follow the MAXEY CHRONICLES' White Paper on Terrorists- Extrajudicial Assassination
The British Army most renowned special forces unit is
the Special Air Service (SAS), the Royal
equivalent to the American Navy Seals. They were founded during the British
Army’s North African campaign against Rommel’s Afrika Corps (picture below of
the original SAS). They do what has to be done so that Great Britain can
survive; their motto is WHO DARES WINS.
Now, the SAS is daring appropriate extrajudicial
assassinations of British subjects who are Sunni Salafists, ISIS extremists,
jihadists of the Caliphate of Ibrahim on the battlefields of Iraq.
“Special forces currently
working in Iraq have been handed a list of around 200 names of British jihadis
they need to kill or capture in a bid to prevent them returning home and
launching a terror attack in the UK.
They are regarded as some
of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet and at least 12 bomb-makers on
the list studied electronics whilst at universities in the UK.
According to the DAILY STAR, SAS have been told to 'use
whatever means possible' to stop them leaving Iraq.
Troops have been warned
that this operation could be seen as the most important in the regiment's
75-year history and that their success is vital to keep people in the UK safe.
Any British
jihadis from the black list who are captured alive will be handed over to the
Iraqi authorities, tried and possibly executed if found guilty of terror
The order was issued
after intelligence suggested hundreds of British terrorists are attempting to
return to the UK....….DAILY MAIL”
This Blogger has been advocating extrajudicial assassinations of
terrorists, including proactive and/or preventive assassinations of jihadists, since
it was obvious Western Civilization was AT WAR with Sunni Fanaticism, an
existential war.
On September 4, 2014, this Blogger published
his Blog:”How To Defeat #Hashtag “FiveStarJihadists"…..
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“A society in peril, as Western nations are, from Muslim
extremists cannot take the risk of de-radicalization. …. America and its
allies must kill jihadists on their way to Syria, in Syria and on their way
This Blogger has addressed the blatant immorality of his
On January 9, 2015 this Blogger published: COLONEL
MATHIEU Reflections on the Massacre at CHARLIE HEBDO by Islamist Terrorists…
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
….Western Civilization can win the war against ISIS
terrorism by killing its way out of it; if Western Civilization has the
political will and the moral hypocrisy to do it.
Terrorism has been exterminated before; Islamist terrorism has
been extinguished before. Islamic terrorism is not invincible.
It is common knowledge that there are few terrorist in the world, either on
a per capita basis or on an absolute basis; with that common knowledge it is
possible to develop a working strategy to defeat terrorism. The strategy is
simplistic, pragmatic and deadly.
Kill as many terrorists as
possible, as fast as possible, so that they can’t replenish their ranks.
Terrorism dies from aggressive attrition.
It can be done.
Western Civilization KNOWS how to win this war against terrorism.
Western Civilization KNOWS who the terrorists are; Western
Civilization also KNOWS who the potential terrorists are.
…….Assassinate them.
The terrorists should
be assassinated, on their journey
to the Caliphate (all terrorists’
journeys are seemingly announced on social media) to fight for the Caliph. They
should be assassinated in Turkey,
Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq. They should be assassinated on their way home from
the Caliphate, or any other point of departure. They should be assassinated sightseeing in Cyprus.
the only moral justification for an
assassination campaign is this- better their innocents die than ours………THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
On March 23, 2016, this Blogger amplified his acknowledgement of
the immorality of his advocacy of extrajudicial assassinations of Sunni
terrorists by publishing this Blog: By Killing Belgian Innocents, ISIS Terrorists Reach Jannah (Paradise)
and Houri......................
following is excerpted from that Blog:
“On March 22, 2016, ISIS
terrorists attacked Brussels, Belgium, the literal capital of Europe; in
suicide bombings at the Brussels Airport and in the Brussels metro, 31 innocent
people were killed, and over 200 wounded or maimed.
Instantly makeshift
memorials of flowers and teddy bears popped up all over Brussels, the seemingly
pre-ordained ritual of a victimized society.
After the memorial
flowers came the pre-ordained second victimization of Western Civilization; the
governing Liberal Elite started to lament the failure of the West to assimilate
young Muslim men; that failure caused the young Muslim men to take a day off
and slaughter innocent people.
"Why is it that Muslims and other
immigrants in Belgian have such problem integrating with local society? …. Why
is it that they are ghettoized into these communities?”… Evan Kohlmann”…..
MSNBC “terror analyst, 3-22-16.”
Hey it is all Belgium’s fault.
Marie Harf is a Senior Advisor to Secretary of
State John Kerry; she stated her solution to defeating ISIS terrorism last year
after the CHARLIE HEBDO killings of journalists by Islamists terrorists.
Her views reflected and reflect the inner thinking of President Obama and his inner circle of
Sorority Sisters (Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Samantha Power, and Valerie
Jarrett).We know this because she was promoted after making the following inane
and asinine comments.
Her comments are an accurate portrayal of the
Obama Grand Strategy for defeating ISIS Terrorism, and why that grand strategy
is a dangerous failure.
"We’re killing a
lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them….. But we cannot win
this war by killing them, we cannot kill our way out of this war, we
need, in the longer term, medium and longer term, to go after the root causes
that lead people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for
We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies, so they can have job opportunities for these people.
.... it’s not just a fight about dropping bombs on terrorists. It’s really how we stop the causes that lead to extremism …. there’s no opportunity for young people, it lets groups like ISIL grow ….Marie Harf.”
What Ms. Harf is saying
is that Belgium deserved being bombed by suicidal fanatics because it did not
provide enough jobs for alienated Muslim youths.
This Blogger begs to
differ; ISIS terrorism is not about sociology but religion.
Let us say, for argument
sake, that Belgium found a job for every alienated young Muslim youth in its
nation, would that stop ISIS terrorism?
Why not?
Let us say that
somewhere in the ranks of the gainfully employed Muslim youth in Belgium is a
young Muslim man who does not like his job, or his boss. That he is having
difficulty learning the three national languages of Belgium, the languages one
needs to be successful in Belgium- German, French, and Flemish (a variation of
He goes to work every
day to a job he hates.
He is too poor to marry,
and the white Belgian girls pay no attention to him.
What to do?
The answer is simple for
a devout Sunni, become a suicide bomber.
That way, just by
killing innocent people, one reaches Jannah(Paradise).
In Islamic Paradise, the
suicide bomber will get 72 virgins(houri).
In the Koran, Paradise
for the believing male,( and a suicide bomber is a believing male) will be wed
to virgins with “ "full
grown", "swelling" or "pears-shaped breasts..”
Believing females will
only get one man in Paradise but “ "will be satisfied with him".
“…. al-Ghazali (died
1111 CE) and al-Ash'ari (died 935 CE) have all discussed the sensual pleasures
found in Paradise, relating hadith that describe Paradise as a
slave market where there will be "no buy and sale, but... If any man
will wish to have sexual intercourse with a woman, he will do at once."
“A hadith is a saying of Muhammad or a report
about something he did…..”
“the hadith of Ibn
Majah wrote that the
perpetual virgins will all "have appetizing vaginas", and that the
"penis of the Elected never softens…the erection is eternal.” (BLOGGER’s NOTE- what suicide bomber is going
to pass up a chance at an eternal erection?).
The sensual pleasures
between believers and houri in Paradise are also confirmed by the hadiths of
Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, where we read that they will be
virgins who are so beautiful, pure and transparent that "the marrow of the
bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the
flesh", and that "the believers will visit and enjoy them.”
Seemingly there is no celibacy in Sunni Heaven, only
massive amounts of heterosexual sex….. by definition, Gays ….cannot get
into Heaven. To this Blogger, the exclusivity of heterosexual sex in
Jannah, precluding Gay Sex and celibacy, is the key reason that Sunnis loathe
Gays on this Earth.
The virgins in Paradise, the houri will be doe eyed or dark eyed and white, all the houri are white. So if you cannot get a white Belgian girl while alive in Brussels, just kill them and you will have 72 white girls in Heaven. (which may also explain why so many Muslim men are raping white Swedish women, they are too impatient to wait for their reward in Jannah).
Seemingly the most segregated entity in the Universe, in the Cosmology of the Universe, is the houri of Sunni Heaven. By definition, they are all white, no Halle Berrys will be awarded to any believing Sunni male in Jannah, just slim versions of Elizabeth Taylor.
….Jobs don’t matter;
only the hadiths matter.
“ we cannot kill
our way out of this war.”
Western Civilization
can win the war against ISIS terrorism by killing its way out of it;if
Western Civilization has the political will and the moral hypocrisy to do
Terrorism has been
exterminated before...….Terrorism dies from aggressive attrition. The
goal is to have fewer Islamist terrorists than there are Shakers (the pacifist,
celibate Christian denomination which has only three current living
members ).
….It can be done.
…Assassinate them.
To keep its Liberte, and
its First Amendment rights, Western Civilization must clad itself in the armor
of righteous hypocrisy and wade into a river of blood.
….There is an obvious
moral downside risk; innocents will be assassinated by mistake, much like the
innocent Arab waiter who was mistakenly assassinated by the Israeli Mossad in
Lillehammer, during their assassination campaign.
Innocents die in war,
innocents died during the Dresden firebombing; innocents certainly died at
What is the alternative
to mass assassination of terrorists? …. To watch the best and brightest of our
people massacred at the whim and timing of Islamist terrorists?
If Western Civilization
is at war, what does that mean?
It means this: until the war is won, there is no
morality except necessity….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger firmly
believes that if Hillary is elected president, her policy will be finding jobs
for Sunni fanatics rather than killing them. That policy will leave Liberals
smug in their delusional moral self righteousness. However Hillary's policy will mean more innocent
Americans will die needlessly, slaughtered at the hands of gainfully employed jihadists, buying their ticket to those 72 virgins
in Jannah.
This Blogger also firmly believes that if Trump is elected president, America
America will end Sunni terrorism and Sunni terrorists by SAS attrition.

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