To WIN a Palestinian State, Palestinians Must Forego the 2 State Solution, and Seek Israeli Citizenship
Blogger just finished listening to Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech about
the imbroglio in the Middle East, specifically between Israel and Palestine.
The speech started off as the best, most passionate speech John Kerry has ever
given, and,then in typical Kerry fashion, deteriorated into mediocre tedium.
As the speech never ended, this Blogger thought about
the last Israeli lion, Shimon Peres, who died in this year 2016, at the age of
93. It is one of the great sins of 20th Century History that an
Israeli/Palestinian accord could not be forged when other great Israeli lions
were alive: Moshe Dayan, David
Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Rabin, and Abba Eban. Alas, the great Arab lion of
that age was Gamal Abdel Nasser; who was delusional. He threatened Israel with annihilation;
then,rather than plan for an armed Israeli reaction to his threats, a
preemptive strike, he spent hours discussing the future of Jews in a post
Israeli, Palestinian state. With lions like Dayan, one does not plan post
victory parties before winning the victory.
Alas, it is now 2016 and that wish for peace among lions
is neither here nor there.
Alas, the current Prime Minister of Israel is that less than
great Bibi Netanyahu, brother of the late great Yonatan Netanyahu, who was
killed during the 1976 Entebbe Raid, while leading the elite commando unit,
Sayeret Matkal. Yonatan was the only Israeli soldier killed while rescuing 102
out of 106 Israeli hostages held by Palestinian terrorists in Uganda.
Bibi Netanyahu is a very shrewd politician, who wants a
powerful Israel, even at the cost of a SAFE Israel. Historically he is direct
descendant of Guy of Lusignan, the last King of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem;
Guy wanted a powerful Crusader Kingdom at the cost of a safe Crusader Kingdom. Guy
wound up with no Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
It is now quite obvious that Bibi of Lusignan wants to
dismantle the concept of a two state solution, Israel living side by side with a West Bank Palestinian
state, hopefully in peace. Bibi wants to replace the two-state solution with a
one state solution, a greater Israel from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the banks of the Jordan River, the mythic Ersatz Israel(Greater Israel).
Bibi will be capable of imposing his vision on the world
by force of Israeli arms. Sobeit.
Palestinians should not waste their lives in resisting the declaration of the mythic Ersatz Israel; instead Palestinians should renounce a state of the own, renounce the two state solution, renounce violence, and begin the epic voyage of asking for Israeli citizenship, with voting rights.
first step in seeking Israeli citizenship for all West Bank Arabs,
Palestinians, is to dissolve the quasi-state, the Palestinian Authority.
they should translate WE SHALL OVERCOME into Arabic as their peaceful hymn of
voting rights in Israel.
granted voting rights in an estatz Israel, Palestinians will have an Arab Prime
Minister of Greater Israel by 2050; then they could weigh the value of a two
state solution.
Palestinians should not waste their lives in resisting the declaration of the mythic Estatz Israel; instead Palestinians should renounce a state of the own, renounce the two state solution, renounce violence, and begin the epic voyage of asking for Israeli citizenship, with voting rights.
The first step in seeking Israeli citizenship for all West Bank Arabs, Palestinians, is to dissolve the quasi-state, the Palestinian Authority.
If granted voting rights in an estatz Israel, Palestinians will have an Arab Prime Minister of Greater Israel by 2050; then they could weigh the value of a two state solution.
This Blogger humbly
suggests that the Palestinian people give considerations to suggestions, he
published on January 1, 2009.
“ New Year, 2009, and
Israelis and Palestinians are still killing each other, as has happened every
year since Jehovah knows when. This conflict is something out of Gabriel Garcia
Marquez; so it will take a solution out of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
…..the Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict, must be based on a Two State solution,
using methods out of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Step One-The
Palestinians pull a Chief Joseph and stop fighting, period.
” From where the sun
stands, I will fight no more.”
Step Two-The Palestinians execute some of their own die hards as proof of life examples to the Israelis.
Step Three-The Palestinians disarm, and give up all their claims to a State of the own.
Step Four-The Palestinians ask for Israeli citizenship, and the right to vote in Israeli elections.
Step Five-The Palestinians start peacefully marching for the Israeli vote and start singing, “WE SHALL OVERCOME.”
Step Six-The Palestinians calmly wait for the Israelis to open discussions on a two state solution; the alternative not being war but the REAL threat of Palestinians becoming Israeli citizens.”
The future of Israel is
quite stark, if it does not accept a two state solution; the Palestinians will
force a one state solution, and overwhelm the Jewish state by
demographics…….Gerry Maxey in THE DAILY GRAND and SUNDRY.”
On May 5, 2012, this Blogger published: THE MAXEY CHRONICLES Offers A Palestinian/Israeli
Conflict Solution Using Garcia Marquez
And Gandhi
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“The Palestinian/Israeli Conflict has
been around since the 19th Century; it is something out of Gabriel
Garcia Marquez; so it will take a solution out of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
this solution to the Palestinian Arab-Israeli Conflict, based on a Two
State solution, using methods out of Gandhi and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
It is not war but the Israeli vote which will set the Palestinians
Faced with Palestinian Arabs seeking full Israeli
citizenship, Israel will just LEAVE the West Bank. (The Gandhi input to
the Peace Solution).
"Mahatma Gandhi had once demanded, in a
meeting with the British appointed Governor of India, the unconditional
withdrawal of Britain’s colonial occupation. A high ranking British official
who was present at the meeting retorted: “Do you expect Her Majesty’s
Government just to get up and leave India.” “Yes, I do”, Gandhi replied. “One
day you will just leave.”And not too many years later, that is exactly what
On July 24, 2014, this Blogger
published::A Contrarian Revisionist Theory of Everything-"Bibi"
The following is excerpted from
that Blog:
“Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
is the most gifted, the most articulate politician currently on the
American political scene. He is sparkling and dazzling in his grasp and command
of the American vernacular and American idiom. ….he is truly the greatest
American communicator extant….. his political skill set is perfect for America
yet lacking for Israel, and certainly deficient for the Middle East. Bibi
understands Americans, but does not understand Arabs, specifically
Palestinians. It is arguably better for an Israeli Prime Minister to understand
Arabs than Americans.
….Israel’s Founding Father
Ben-Gurion knew Arabs; he did not disdain them as inconsequential, as Bibi
Israel is a state that has no
room for error. It not only needs a nuclear bomb, a fabulous Army and an Iron
Dome (a shield of anti-missiles missiles), it needs Ben-Gurion smarts.
survive under the pressure of no errors, Israel needs allies, and not just
America. Palestinians may never be allies of Israel, but it is well within
David Ben-Gurion’s dream that Palestinians can live a benign, dignified,
honorable co-existence with a non-expansive Israel.
Peace need not be a group hug;
Peace is not killing each other.
…Once in Cairo, during the Gulf War of 1991, this Blogger had a drink
with a Christian Palestinian on the banks of the Nile. He thought the life span
of Israel would be 88 years, for the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted 88
years, and he compared Israel to that Crusader state.
He thought it would take 88 years for the brilliant leadership of the founding fathers of Israel to entropy into the leadership of Guy of Lusignan, the obtuse Crusader King who lost all that the Crusaders had built in the Middle East in an ill advised battle with Saladin, the Battle of Hattin.
The Palestinian Christian noted that the Crusader states could have survived; the Shiites of Egypt had offered them a pact but the Crusaders saw all Arabs as the same, and refused an alliance with the Shiites, which lead to their doom.
Bibi recently declared that Israel was at war with both Sunnis and Shiites: “Netanyahu … said that Washington should stay out of the Iraqi conflict – and let the ISIS Sunni militants defeat the Shias…. and break-up Iraq….”
Israel, with or without American aid, cannot defeat all of Islam; the numbers don’t add up. Israel needs an ally in Islam to survive, It had the Druze but have thrown that alliance away. It needs Secularist Palestinians and/or Shiites to forestall the fate of the Crusaders…THE MAXEY CHRONICLES”
March 18, 2015 this Blogger published: Bibi
Disavows Two State Solution, Wins Big: The Smart Palestinian Reaction Should be.
The following is excerpted from
that Blog:
“Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu,
of the Likud Party, has won a smashing victory in the Israel election.
Likud won 29 seats (or 30, final count soon) to smash the Labour/Moderate
Zionist Union Coalition, which won 24.
The Joint Arab List came in
third, with 14 seats.
….Bibi has won a smashing
victory over the left wing in Israel; and by extension, President Obama, who
sent former staff members from his successful 2012 campaign to aid the left
wing effort….Within the golden apple of Bibi’s victory, there is a bitter
worm; Bibi, just days before his smashing victory, disavowed and renounced a two
state solution to the Palestinian Quagmire. He intends to leave the Palestinian
people stateless….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
First rule of survival
as a nation: NEVER make war on a nation which desires peace with your nation.
Guy spurned peace, two
years later Saladin had overthrown his Kingdom.…
Prime Minister Bibi
Netanyahu has caught the pathology of Guy de Lusignan.
Israel has nuclear
weapons, atomic bombs. It may have 6 bombs, or sixty bombs or 600 bombs.
Obviously, Bibi thinks that possessing such a mighty nuclear arsenal precludes
Israel from defeat.
First of all,
Palestinians must, MUST, fore-swear any fourth intifada; ...The Palestinians of the
West Bank must launch a campaign of civil disobedience asking for an end to
Israeli occupation, and for a one state solution, Israel. In that one state,
Israel, Palestinians should humbly demand Israeli citizenship, based on a one
man-one vote foundational principle.
The Palestinian people,
asking for Israeli citizenship is a WIN-WIN for them. If they get Israeli
citizenship, by demographics alone, they will take over
the Israeli State. If they do not get citizenship,
but continue a massive civic campaign for Israeli citizenship,
Bibi will have one of those political epiphanies, and give them their
own state.
If Bibi Netanyahu wants
a Greater Israel, the Palestinians of the West Bank should give him that, and
let History roll the dice.
Bibi and Barry

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