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Showing posts with the label Hillary Clinton

Why did the Globalized Elite Overthrow Libya's Muammar Kaddafi? One Egyptian's 5 BILLION Dollar Theory

When the first Gulf War began, this Blogger was in Luxor, Egypt, on the Nile. (See UP THE NILE, the Greatest Question Ever Asked Results in MAXEY PASHA… ). As a consequence of being the last American on the Nile, this Blogger was assigned a Nubian Guardian as a personal bodyguard, and a squad of Egyptian Tourism Policemen to protect him. Eventually, a Tourist Police Captain arrived to protect this Blogger. The Captain Ali (his nom de guerre), told me he was there, protecting me, to take the bullet meant for me. This Blogger was flattered. Ali and this Blogger became friends and pen pals. He would write letters to this Blogger, in English; and this Blogger had to reply to the letter accompanied by a corrected copy, and an enhanced, more eloquent version  of his original letter.  He was honing his English writing skills. Later, Ali became a valued member of Egypt’s “deep state”.

Responding to Readers' Demands- This Blog Goes Nostradamus on Hillary Clinton

There is a cabal of Readers of this Blog who are redundant in their annoyance; they have annoyingly lobbied for the MAXEY CHRONICLES to read and review the book HARD CHOICES by Hillary Clinton. To that end, they even sent this  Blogger a copy of said book.  This Blogger attempted to read HARD CHOICES but failed to finish HARD CHOICES. HARD CHOICES commits the sin of being self serving, sobeit, a lot of biographies are self serving. What is worse, HARD CHOICES makes the mistake of being BORING. How boring is it? MOBY DICK is livelier; in truth reading everything you never wanted to know about whales in MOBY DICK is livelier than reading HARD CHOICES. When this Blogger conveyed his failure to finish the book to his annoying Readers, they asked for a compensatory Blog, a prognostication on the viability of Madame Clinton’s preordained Presidency. The odds of Madame Clinton winning the Democratic Party’s nomination for President are 90% to 10%. The odds of Madame Cli

2012 American Politics, The Democrats Go PRI;The Republicans Go Falange

During the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, Rep. Gene Taylor of Mississippi, a Blue Dog Democrat( a Conservative), who lost his re-election in 2010, remarked that he was concerned about how Latinized American politics was becoming. He was prescient. The Democrats have become a Latin Party, with Hillary Clinton aspiring to be Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the current Peronista  President of Argentina, who married and succeeded a President, Nestor Kirchner. She was the second female President of Argentina, the first was Isabel Martínez de Perón, who became Argentina's President by marrying a  President, Juan Peron, and succeeding him. The Democratic Party of 2012 is rife with Peronism. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner That said, the  2012 Democratic Party gone beyond Peronism, transforming itself into something even more Latino than Peronism. The American Democratic Party in 2012 is an American version of the Mexican PRI,  institutional corruption of interest based gove