Why did the Globalized Elite Overthrow Libya's Muammar Kaddafi? One Egyptian's 5 BILLION Dollar Theory
When the first Gulf War began, this Blogger was in Luxor, Egypt,
on the Nile. (See UP THE NILE, the Greatest Question Ever Asked Results in MAXEY
As a consequence of being
the last American on the Nile, this Blogger was assigned a Nubian Guardian as a
personal bodyguard, and a squad of Egyptian Tourism Policemen to protect him.
Eventually, a Tourist Police Captain arrived to protect this Blogger.
The Captain Ali (his nom
de guerre), told me he was there, protecting me, to take the bullet meant for
me. This Blogger was flattered.
Ali and this Blogger
became friends and pen pals. He would write letters to this Blogger, in
English; and this Blogger had to reply to the letter accompanied by a corrected
copy, and an enhanced, more eloquent version of his original letter.
He was honing his English
writing skills.
Later, Ali became a
valued member of Egypt’s “deep state”.
On his recent visit to
America, to attend his daughter’s gradation, we had lunch, and he informed this
Blogger that he really was not sent to Aswan to protect me per se, but to make
sure that there were no American hostages taken by Sunni fanatics; in the grand
scheme of things, an American corpse was better than an American hostage. This Blogger was not flattered.
Ali still writes letters,
as a member of the deep state he does not trust emails.
This Blogger sent a
letter to Ali, lamenting America’s role in the overthrow of Libya’s Moammar
Kaddafi, and how irrational that was.
Ali replied that if any
governmental action is not rational, it is by definition, corrupt. Egypt’s 5,000
year old culture had taught him that.
In June of 2009, Kaddafi
went to Italy. During that trip, he informed the Italian government that
massive waves of African refugees were penned up in their respective nations,
waiting for the opportunity to migrate to Italy, and he was the only bulwark
between forestalling Europe from becoming a part of black Africa.
“Italy today rolled out the red carpet for
Muammar Gaddafi as the Libyan leader arrived at the head of a 300-strong
delegation to mark strengthening ties between the two countries.
….Human rights groups have criticised the visit because of the co-operation between the two countries in their treatment of migrants.
"Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Muammar Gaddafi are building their friendship agreement at the expense of people from other countries whom both regard as expendable," said Bill Frelick, refugee policy director at Human Rights Watch. "It looks less like friendship and more like a dirty deal to enable Italy to dump migrants and asylum seekers on Libya and evade its obligations."….In return, Libya agreed to crack down on the thousands of illegal migrants smuggled each year for the hazardous trip across the Mediterranean to Italy.
In a much-criticised deal, Italy will repatriate migrants setting off from Libya who are intercepted before they reach Italian shores. The UN refugee agency and the Vatican have criticised the agreement as a violation of migrants' human rights since they cannot apply for asylum in Italy….…the guardian,UK”
In 2011, Kaddafi was brought
down by the Globalized Elite, which includes President Obama, then Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton, and US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power.
They wanted, WANTED
Kaddafi overthrown.
On June 24, 2014, this Blogger published this Blog…..Samantha Power Proven Wrong Yet Again-Libya
The following is excerpted from that
“Samantha Power is the Irish born Globalized Elitist who currently
serves as President Obama’s Ambassador to the United Nations. Since the
beginning of his Administration, she has been the intellectual nexus of his
foreign policy; as such she has wielded enormous political influence, moral
guidance and power, even up to the point of governance. .....
…..Ambassador Power is the archangel in President Obama’s adrift,
besotted and defeated foreign policy; she is the embodiment of everything wrong
about the Globalized Elite governing a proud nation…..…..
In Libya, she has been wrong, on a cosmic level.
The following is excerpted from the New York Times:” Samantha Power took the podium at Columbia University ….Ms. Power, the fiery human rights crusader who now advises Mr.
Obama on foreign policy… was among those
encouraging President Obama to use military force in Libya. “Our best
judgment,” she said, defending the decision to establish a no-fly zone to
prevent atrocities, was that failure to do so would have been “extremely
chilling, deadly and indeed a stain on our collective conscience.”
… from her perch on the National Security
Council, she is in a position to make that case to the commander in chief
— and to watch him translate her ideas into action.....she has Obama’s ear.”............The Irish-born Ms.
Power,…. was by no means alone in advocating military intervention in Libya — Hillary Rodham Clinton, the secretary of state,
was a pivotal voice — the president’s decision to pursue that course is
something of a personal triumph for her.
…. Critics say Ms. Power
is pushing the United States into another Iraq….. (Critics) complain President
Obama has outsourced foreign policy” to Ms. Power……. Aside from her Pulitzer
and two Ivy League degrees (Yale
undergraduate, Harvard Law), she has posed in an evening gown for Men’s Vogue and once
played basketball with George Clooney. The Daily Beast calls her “the femme fatale of the humanitarian assistance world.”
When she married the
constitutional law scholar Cass Sunstein — he now runs the White House Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs — Esquire dubbed them “The Fun Couple of the 21st Century” and photographed them on the squash court, in tennis whites. …
On Libya, Ms. Power’s
critics — and even some admirers — suggest she may be helping to set a
precedent that will invariably fail. ” NEW YORK TIMES, MARCH 30, 2011.”
Power is considered to be a key figure within the Obama administration in persuading
the president to intervene militarily in Libya…..She has been described
as instrumental in convincing Obama to push for a UN Security Council
resolution to authorize a coalition military force ….."
…..Samantha Power prodded and pushed for the
overthrow of Libyan dictator, Kaddafi…...
The following is excerpted from the Los Angeles Times:“More than 50,000 people,
including refugees from Syria and migrants from North Africa, have flooded into
Europe through Libya's porous borders, …...
U.S. officials, now
scrambling to reverse Libya's downward spiral, say blame rests with the Libyans
who took control of a country that has proved more dysfunctional than
expected…..Those who argued against the 2011 intervention say problems were
…"We were all taken
by surprise, when Kadafi left, by the sheer lack of government
institutions," Anne Patterson, the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East,
told a congressional panel Wednesday…..….Los Angeles Times.”
Ambassador Power is cool,
hip, Millennial, half of a fun couple and always wrong…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
does not believe that Obama, Clinton, Power, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Anne
Patterson, Gayle Smith, or Lisa Monaco were surprised by the dysfunctional
collapse of Libya after Kaddafi’s overthrow and murder.
fact, Ali believes that the Globalized Elite running America WANTED that dysfunctional result.
that most basic of reasons, MONEY.
“The U.S.-backed bombing
campaign that helped bring down Moammar Kadafi in 2011 also destroyed a number
of Libyan coast guard and naval vessels deployed during Kadafi's rule to
intercept illicit migrant traffic. But Libya's previous cooperation with Italy on
immigration matters has gone by the wayside since the strongman's violent
ouster and Libya's subsequent descent into chaos. Kadafi warned during a 2010
trip to Italy that Europe could become "another Africa" because of
mass illegal immigration.
Smugglers charge $1,000 to $1,500 per person for the treacherous
voyage from Libya to Italian waters, authorities say. The smugglers' aim is not
to reach the Italian coast, but to be intercepted by Italian naval authorities
or passing merchant crews, who transport the migrants to Italy. They can then
apply for political asylum or move on to other countries in Europe….
The price has gone up;” Smugglers have raised prices.”
Ali noted that Italian prosecutor Maurizio Scalia, who
investigates human trafficking, said the price is as high as $5,000 per person.
“According to estimates by the European Commission, nearly one million people are waiting in Libya to make their trip to Europe.”
Ali was kind enough to do the math for this Blogger: $5,000 PER PERSON times 1 MILLION refugees
waiting to be smuggled into Europe EQUALS FIVE BILLION DOLLARS. The Globalized
Elite, by overthrowing Kaddafi, created a new $5 Billion business in Libya, a
human trafficking Silicon Valley. The Globalized Elite by overthrowing Kaddafi
created a new commodity market, a 5 billion dollar trade of humans on hoof.
Ali noted that there must, MUST be, a lot of people, at the
highest levels of government benefiting from that high growth corruption and
Some of the refugees waiting in Libya to be cattle herded to Europe
are from Syria. If the Alawite(Shiite) government of President Assad falls,
that number will increase exponentially.
Readers, remember that salient fact as you digest Ambassador
Power’s comments to Charlie Rose on May 4, 2015.
“The U.S. Amabassador to the United Nations tells Charlie Rose
that Syrian President Bashar Al Assad must leave power before the problem of
ISIL can be addressed in Syria and elsewhere in the middle east.
During a televised interview, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Samantha Power said that
“Assad lost his legitimacy and he must go … The core
belief of President Obama is that you will not deal with the ISIL problem
sustainably until the Assad problem has been resolved because part of the
reason that foreign terrorist fighters are flowing into Syria is because they
want to fight Assad and because they see barrel bomb attacks and chlorine
attacks. So you can’t separate these two things.”.... (Source: Syrian Coalition
+ Agencies).
overthrowing Kaddafi, the Globalized Elite created a FIVE BILLION DOLLAR market; just think Readers,
how much money the Globalized Elite will make if President Assad is overthrown
and all the prosperous Syrian Shiites, Christians, Armenians, Alawites,
and Druze must flee for their lives?
On June 14, 2014, this Blogger published this:” In Syria, Samantha
Power … supported Sunni rebels to the point of proposing to bomb Syrian Shiites
and Syrian Christians. Only Russian President Putin's astute diplomacy, and the
fierce opposition of the American people stopped her from orchestrating a
foreign policy disaster, war with the Alawite regime of Syria for the
betterment of Salafists…THE MAXEY CHRONCILES.”
Power is still pushing for that overthrow of Assad, and the creation of a new market
of refugees.
Blogger humbly suggests that all the Republican Senators running for President:
Rubio, Cruz, and/or Paul, and the House of Representatives begin an
investigation of who benefited financially from the overthrow of Kaddafi; and
who will benefit, financially, from the overthrow of Assad.
Republic needs to know what $5 billion dollars in corruption has wrought.

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