During the Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, Rep. Gene Taylor of Mississippi, a Blue Dog Democrat( a Conservative), who lost his re-election in 2010, remarked that he was concerned about how Latinized American politics was becoming. He was prescient.
The Democrats have become a Latin Party, with Hillary Clinton aspiring to be Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the current Peronista President of Argentina, who married and succeeded a President, Nestor Kirchner. She was the second female President of Argentina, the first was Isabel Martínez de Perón, who became Argentina's President by marrying a President, Juan Peron, and succeeding him. The Democratic Party of 2012 is rife with Peronism.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
That said, the 2012 Democratic Party gone beyond Peronism, transforming itself into something even more Latino than Peronism. The American Democratic Party in 2012 is an American version of the Mexican PRI, institutional corruption of interest based governance. The Democratic Party has jettisoned the Anglicized principles of Locke, Jefferson Jackson,FDR and Kennedy; it now espouses the principles of the PRI( Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI).of Mexico.
The 2012 Democratic Party no longer represents the interests of the body politic, or good governance, but merely an amalgam of different interest groups, just as the PRI did and does.
"The Institutional Revolutionary Party is described by some scholars as a "state party", a term which captures both the non-competitive history and character of the party itself, ... Institutionalism in Mexico is a concept that is based in the non-morphological character of consolidated human organizations,..."
The PRI was the party of the State, which accumulated interest groups and institutionalized them, to the detriment of the individual.
One of the bulwarks of the PRI was and is the SNTE ( Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación(the Mexican Teachers Union.
"The Mexican National Educational Workers Union (SNTE) is the largest trade union in Latin America, with over 1.4 million members. Formed in 1949, ... the SNTE has been a corporatist union allied with the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and has been accused of having government-appointed leaders and anti-democratic tendencies."
The United States has grievous educational problems, systemic educational problems. To solve those problems the Democratic Party has aligned itself with the corporatist teachers union.
Does that alliance represent the best interests of the students? Or the children? Or the parents?
How do we know this?
From Albert Shanker, "Albert Shanker (September 14, 1928 – February 22, 1997) was president of the United Federation of Teachers (AFT) from 1964 to 1985 and president of the American Federation of Teachers from 1974 to 1997."
His famous quote, which could have some from the mouth and brain of a PRI Teachers Union Leader was this: "When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children."
I was in Mexico when the PRI was at the height of its corrupt power, under President Carlos Salinas.(the PRI returns to power, in December, 2012).
At the height of its power, the police chief of Mexico City was Chief Arturo Durazo. He was so corrupt that he build TWO lavish palaces, one in Mexico City and one by the sea at Zihuatanejo. When Durazo finally fell, it was discovered that his financial empire was based on his police force taking enormous bribes and kicking his portion up.
In Mexico City his palace was " opened as a corruption museum and has become a popular attraction.". I toured it. It reeked of future America.
I toured it....it was banal, and faux and lavish and corrupt. It reeked of future America.
However it was his Palace by the Sea which was awesome, built to replicate the Hearst Castle's Roman villa.
"Arturo Durazo's "Parthenon" of Zihuatanejo, Mexico."
Durazo was a Chief of Police of Mexico City.
Now that California and New York are PRI, aka Democratic Party, one party states, look for their politicians to build lavish Roman villas, on the salaries of politicians.
If the Democrats went Latino, the Republicans also Latinized themselves. The went Hispanic, and transformed themselves into a Hispanic Falangist political party. the party of Primo de Rivera. "The Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive (Spanish: Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, FE de las JONS), known simply as the Falange... Members of the party were called Falangists (Spanish: Falangistas). In Spain, the Falange was a political organization founded by José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, during the Second Spanish Republic."
All that is missing from the Republican party of Ryan and Mourdock, Akin and Palin is the Falangist salute as a welcoming gesture.
The Republicans has jettisoned the principles of Lincoln, and Teddy, Eisenhower and Reagan for those of Primo de Rivera. It has adopted an Ayn Rand philosophy of non control of business and the plutocrat coupled with absolute control of women's bodies.
The Plutocrat can do no wrong; a woman can do no right. That is the philosophy of the 2012 Falangist Republican Party of America.
I was in Spain during Falangist power; the country, except for the bullfights, was banal, noted for its oppression of the witty, the weak and the woman.
There was order but no hope.
The Falangist had leeched everything memorable out of Spain, except the cool and funky hats of the Civil Guard.
Spanish Civil Guard Officer's Tricorne
A Falangist society is a society that would not stop at putting Sacco and Vanzetti in jail, nor Norman Thomas; it would also jail Mark Twain, Jon Stewart and Will Rogers, even Bob Hope, who made fun of politicians, would be suppressed.
That society is unacceptable to America and Americans, and it is time the Republicans of Mourdock, Palin and Akin discovered that.
A Falangist society is unacceptable to America and if the Republicans don't know that then they don't know America.
Spanish Falangists saluting, acting like/Akin/Mourdock/Palin/Ryan Republicans.
The political history of 2012 in a nutshell; the Democrats went Latino Corruption; the Republicans went Hispanic Oppression.
Good luck America.
The Democrats have become a Latin Party, with Hillary Clinton aspiring to be Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the current Peronista President of Argentina, who married and succeeded a President, Nestor Kirchner. She was the second female President of Argentina, the first was Isabel Martínez de Perón, who became Argentina's President by marrying a President, Juan Peron, and succeeding him. The Democratic Party of 2012 is rife with Peronism.
That said, the 2012 Democratic Party gone beyond Peronism, transforming itself into something even more Latino than Peronism. The American Democratic Party in 2012 is an American version of the Mexican PRI, institutional corruption of interest based governance. The Democratic Party has jettisoned the Anglicized principles of Locke, Jefferson Jackson,FDR and Kennedy; it now espouses the principles of the PRI( Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI).of Mexico.
The 2012 Democratic Party no longer represents the interests of the body politic, or good governance, but merely an amalgam of different interest groups, just as the PRI did and does.
"The Institutional Revolutionary Party is described by some scholars as a "state party", a term which captures both the non-competitive history and character of the party itself, ... Institutionalism in Mexico is a concept that is based in the non-morphological character of consolidated human organizations,..."
The PRI was the party of the State, which accumulated interest groups and institutionalized them, to the detriment of the individual.
One of the bulwarks of the PRI was and is the SNTE ( Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación(the Mexican Teachers Union.
"The Mexican National Educational Workers Union (SNTE) is the largest trade union in Latin America, with over 1.4 million members. Formed in 1949, ... the SNTE has been a corporatist union allied with the long-ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and has been accused of having government-appointed leaders and anti-democratic tendencies."
The United States has grievous educational problems, systemic educational problems. To solve those problems the Democratic Party has aligned itself with the corporatist teachers union.
Does that alliance represent the best interests of the students? Or the children? Or the parents?
How do we know this?
From Albert Shanker, "Albert Shanker (September 14, 1928 – February 22, 1997) was president of the United Federation of Teachers (AFT) from 1964 to 1985 and president of the American Federation of Teachers from 1974 to 1997."
His famous quote, which could have some from the mouth and brain of a PRI Teachers Union Leader was this: "When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children."
I was in Mexico when the PRI was at the height of its corrupt power, under President Carlos Salinas.(the PRI returns to power, in December, 2012).
At the height of its power, the police chief of Mexico City was Chief Arturo Durazo. He was so corrupt that he build TWO lavish palaces, one in Mexico City and one by the sea at Zihuatanejo. When Durazo finally fell, it was discovered that his financial empire was based on his police force taking enormous bribes and kicking his portion up.
In Mexico City his palace was " opened as a corruption museum and has become a popular attraction.". I toured it. It reeked of future America.
I toured it....it was banal, and faux and lavish and corrupt. It reeked of future America.
However it was his Palace by the Sea which was awesome, built to replicate the Hearst Castle's Roman villa.
Durazo was a Chief of Police of Mexico City.
Now that California and New York are PRI, aka Democratic Party, one party states, look for their politicians to build lavish Roman villas, on the salaries of politicians.
If the Democrats went Latino, the Republicans also Latinized themselves. The went Hispanic, and transformed themselves into a Hispanic Falangist political party. the party of Primo de Rivera. "The Spanish Phalanx of the Assemblies of the National Syndicalist Offensive (Spanish: Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista, FE de las JONS), known simply as the Falange... Members of the party were called Falangists (Spanish: Falangistas). In Spain, the Falange was a political organization founded by José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, during the Second Spanish Republic."
All that is missing from the Republican party of Ryan and Mourdock, Akin and Palin is the Falangist salute as a welcoming gesture.
The Republicans has jettisoned the principles of Lincoln, and Teddy, Eisenhower and Reagan for those of Primo de Rivera. It has adopted an Ayn Rand philosophy of non control of business and the plutocrat coupled with absolute control of women's bodies.
The Plutocrat can do no wrong; a woman can do no right. That is the philosophy of the 2012 Falangist Republican Party of America.
I was in Spain during Falangist power; the country, except for the bullfights, was banal, noted for its oppression of the witty, the weak and the woman.
There was order but no hope.
The Falangist had leeched everything memorable out of Spain, except the cool and funky hats of the Civil Guard.
A Falangist society is a society that would not stop at putting Sacco and Vanzetti in jail, nor Norman Thomas; it would also jail Mark Twain, Jon Stewart and Will Rogers, even Bob Hope, who made fun of politicians, would be suppressed.
That society is unacceptable to America and Americans, and it is time the Republicans of Mourdock, Palin and Akin discovered that.
A Falangist society is unacceptable to America and if the Republicans don't know that then they don't know America.
The political history of 2012 in a nutshell; the Democrats went Latino Corruption; the Republicans went Hispanic Oppression.
Good luck America.
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