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Joe Biden Has Devolved from Having Bad Karma, to being a Jonah, to Being a Destroyer of Worlds

 When he saw the first atomic bomb explode, the lead scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, quoted from sacred Hindu text,  Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

 But can it be true that Joe Biden is a Destroyer of Worlds? Let's follow the trail.

 On  June 29, 2019 this Blogger published the following: “JOE BIDEN-….This Blogger  thinks he (Joe Biden) is bad karma and will bring that bad karma to America....... THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”

He did. The very soul of the nation feels Joe Biden's bad karma. The Biden Administration tries to attack the feelings of bad karma with data and statistics. But Data has never defeated feelings.

Manipulated Data has never defeated raw feelings.

As Joe Biden aged; he morphed beyond being bad karma into a Jonah, “a person who  will bring bad luck to any enterprise.”  ( See the American withdrawal from Afghanistan).
Joe Biden tells everyone breathing; that his son, Beau should have been President, not him. But Beau is dead.
Joe Biden does not believe in Matthew 8:22: “Follow me: and let the dead bury their dead.”

When Joe Biden decided not to bury the dead; it left him vulnerable to destroying the living worlds.
What worlds has Joe Biden destroyed?
Let’s start with the Homeland, America.
He is following in the footsteps of the Roman Emperor Valens; who felt sorry for the  Goth migrant masses, fleeing the hard times caused by the Huns. Valens developed an OPEN BORDERS immigration policy; which allowed Goths to mass migrate into the empire. They responded by killing him and beginning the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Biden's OPEN BORDERS policy follows in the footsteps of Ming Dynasty General Wu Sangui; who opened the gates of the Great Wall of China, to let Manchu barbarians into China, destroying the Ming Chinese.

Joe Biden has brought his destroying the world karma to the  most important enterprise on Earth, maintaining the Peace.
His bad karma has cried havoc on the planet and unleashed the dogs of war….EVERYWHERE.
Under Joe Biden, there is a ferocious, MERCILESS, dystopian, Biblical War being waged in the Gaza Strip, between Israel and HAMAS, a sturdy  Palestinian organization of fanatics.
The Security of Israel has been destroyed; Gaza itself has been destroyed.
 Back in 2009, this Blogger published a Blog which theorized that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could be best understood, within the context of a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel. Interminable war, events foretold, magic realism turned deadly. 

The event foretold, in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, was told to this Blogger, by a Christian Palestinian, over drinks, during the Gulf War, in 1991, in Cairo. This Blogger happened to be in Cairo, on vacation, during that war.
The Palestinian, who was an activist, revealed the Grand Strategy of the Palestinian collective purpose; to wait out the acknowledged brilliant leadership of the Israeli Founding Fathers; then strike when Israel self indulged in stupid leadership.
His theory was that all empires, nations, states, monarchies, autocracies, military juntas, regimes  and peoples, even companies, even artistic disciplines, throw up brilliant clusters of leadership, in a specific period of time. And then, inevitably, stupidity arises to devour brilliance.
Sooner or later, the brilliance of Cromwell’s coterie of Grandees, will be replaced by the stupid British generals of World War I. Russian leadership will descend from Peter the Great to Czar Nicholas II, French leadership from Henri of Navarre to Louis XVI, American Leadership from America's awesome Founding Fathers to Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan. 
Sometimes, the immutable process is slow, sometimes very fast. The Palestinian calculated that 88 years from the founding of Israel; Israel would outlive its brilliant leadership and be governed by fools. 
HAMAS was waiting for stupidity in the opposite camp; but got bad karma. That was enough. HAMAS accelerated their attack on Israel, killing 1200 in one day, because Joe Biden, of the Bad Karma; a Jonah, and a Destroyer of Worlds was President.
Joe Biden's  bad karma has brought unspeakable total war to the steppes.
Joe Biden thought his personal charisma could forestall Russian President Vladimir Putin from invading the ancient seat of Russian culture, Ukraine.
But Putin saw that Biden had bad karma, and was a Jonah; and could not defend worlds from being destroyed.
On January 26, 2022, before the Russo-Ukrainian War began, this Blogger published the following:  

“As war drums beat across Europe, the steppes, Russian soldiers  under the Czar and the Soviet Union fought some formidable military machines: the  Golden Horde, Tatars, Teutonic Knights, the Grand Armee , the Ottomans, and the Wehrmacht. The Russian soldier has fought some brilliant military minds: Charles XII of Sweden, Frederick the Great of Prussia, Napoleon, Ludendorff, von Manstein, Model, and Guderian.   

In over one thousand years of warfare,  Russia has won more than it has lost; the key to that record is the Russian soldier.    

As Frederick the Great so aptly stated:” It takes two bullets to get a Russian soldier off the battlefield; one to kill him and one to stop him, in that order.”   

The Russian soldier is not only the Walking Dead; he is the Fighting Dead……the MAXEY CHRONICLES.” 

Joe Biden thought Russia’s initial defeats would destroy Russia and topple Putin.

Maybe it would have, but Biden has bad karma.

On March 19, 2022, a month after the Russo-Ukrainian War began, this Blogger published the following: 

“….The Russians have been famous, notorious for their Lincolnesque approach to wartime Generalship. They start off every war with extraordinarily incompetent, inept, corrupt and rotten generals until they find a masterful general.   

Against Charles XII, Peter the Great suffered many defeats until he found his footing and crushed Charles at Poltava( in Ukraine); the Russians suffered defeats, by the Ottomans, until they found, from the cauldron of combat, Suvorov; from Napoleonic defeats, Kutuzov, in World War I, after disasters, the Russians found Brusilov, who was so good the Bolsheviks kept him alive after the Revolution; and in World War II, after, numerous disasters, the Soviets found Zhukov.   
Putin is waiting for the Russo-Ukraine war to deliver up to him, his Zhukov.   
Putin is a Russian. …THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.” 
As this Blog is being written, Putin is winning his war on the steppes; and according to German secret Intelligence; he is planning a war on NATO; BEFORE Biden leaves office. 

Putin likes to make war against Men of Bad karma, Jonahs.
The Shiite branch of Islam split off from the dominant Sunni branch of Islam .in the 7th Century, when the Sunnis killed the grandson and great grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
It is 2024; and the Sunnis and Shiites are fighting the Religious Wars between Catholics and Protestants; which in Christianity  were fought in the 16th and 17th Century.
On June 2, 2018, this  Blogger outlined the possibility of a great war between Sunnis and Shiites. For, though many say Islam is a religion of peace; it has produced very few pacifist Shiites and fewer still Sunni Quakers.
As this Blog is being written, the powerhouse nation of Shiite Iran and the nuclear armed Sunni nation of Pakistan are bombing each other.
That war is happening under bad karma Joe Biden.
"“ISLAMABAD and LONDON -- An unprecedented turn of events took place between Iran and Pakistan this week when the neighboring nations exchanged cross-border airstrikes on what they claim were militant hideouts and safe havens being used against one another.
First, Iranian airstrikes targeted what Tehran described as bases for the Sunni separatist group Jaish al-Adl in southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday. At least two children were killed and three others were injured, according to the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which called the attack an "unprovoked violation of its airspace."
Then, Pakistani airstrikes targeted what Islamabad described as training camps belonging to Baluch insurgents in southeastern Iran on Thursday in retaliation for Tuesday's attack. At least nine people -- four children, three women and two men -- who were non-Iranian citizens were killed, according to Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi, who condemned the strikes.

…..Ijaz Khan, an Islamabad-based researcher and the former head of the University of Peshawar's Department of International Relations, said this week's cross-border airstrikes are the first high-profile attacks to take place between the two countries and that bilateral ties "cannot go back" to how they were.
…..Pakistani-Iranian relations have taken a turn for the worse at a time when the wider region is already roiled by Israel's ongoing war with Iran-backed Palestinian militant group Hamas in the neighboring Gaza Strip. Since the war began last October, Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels have repeatedly used drones and missiles to target commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, supposedly in support of Hamas and the scores of suffering Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The United States has since led large-scale retaliatory airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen.

"Iran restrained itself from jumping into it, but there was always fear that this may happen and this may escalate," Khan told ABC News. "A lot of realignment may take place in the region."

Now, Iran has simultaneously opened three fronts by striking Syria, Iraq and Pakistan within a week. Tehran conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria late Monday in response to a suicide bombing that killed more than 90 people earlier this month, for which the Sunni militant group Islamic State claimed responsibility……Khan said he and other regional analysts are "baffled" by Iran's recent decision-making and worry that further escalation on any of the fronts will trigger warfare.

"Before this, thinking of an open conflict between Iran and Pakistan was not a serious topic for discussion," Khan told ABC News. "But now, it cannot be ruled out. It can never be ruled out ….abcnews.
This Blogger posits that there is no bafflement  in 2024; Joe Biden is BAD KARMA, a Jonah, a Destroyer of Worlds  and WAR will be everywhere.

All across the globe, more Joe Biden Wars are brewing, in Africa ,between Ethiopia and Somalia over Ethiopia's deal with a renegade Somali province; in Asia, Communist China is tempted to make war on Taiwan, before Biden leaves office( sound familiar?)

The real question being debated in the backrooms of Heaven is this-how can a society, so cavalier about its survival, that it elected Joe Biden  President, not be destroyed?


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