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Joe Biden's Military is Learning the Meaning of Demigender; Not the basics of Winning Wars

 When this Blogger was serving the military/Industrial complex, in its Twilight War against the Soviet Union; he learned the distinct difference between the terms BROKEN ARROW and BROKEN ARROWS.

BROKEN ARROW is when an American infantry unit, be it Army or Marine, is about to be overrun by the enemy; the American Infantry Commander on the site,  calls upon every American aircraft  available, to come bomb and strafe the enemy, within  spitting distance of the American position; even if it means the friendly fire deaths of American troops.

BROKEN ARROWS are nuclear weapon accidents; since 1950, there have been 32 BROKEN ARROWS, involving accidental launches, misfirings, thefts or losses of weapons.

This Blogger thought it was always of vital importance that Cadets at the Air Force Academy learned the difference between the terms; since the Air Force is intimately involved in both BROKEN ARROW and BROKEN ARROWS. Lives depended on it.

But, it seems in Joe Biden’s military, the Cadets are being taught the definition of Demigender, before necessary military terms.

Now, to confess, this Blogger had never heard the term demigender, until the Air Force General running the Academy, was asked about it in a Congressional Hearing.

The General did not know what the term meant either; even though his Cadets are being exposed to the term.

Therefore, as a public service to the General:“Demigender people: Individuals who feel a partial connection to a particular gender identity. Examples of demigender identities include demigirl, and demiboy, and demiandrogyne.”

That was the definition of demigender; now what in the hell does it mean?

Was Ellen Page a demigirl; before she became a trans Elliott Page?

Somewhere, in the catacombs of an Ivy League school, there is a group of LGTBQIA2S+  wordsmiths and nomenclature fanatics, as weird as the monks in THE NAME OF THE ROSE, drafting new terms for the new religion of WOKENESS.

“LGTBQIA2S+ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.”

What can be discerned regarding these LGTBQIA2S+ nomenclature fanatics?

First, they are envious of Christianity; why should Christianity have more sects than LGTBQIA2S+ have affirmative ways to self-identify?

Christianity has Catholics, Lutherans, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Maronites, Methodists, Shakers, Quakers, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Christian Scientists, Mennonites, Amish, Unitarians, Baptists, Dutch Reformed and on and on.

Second, LGTBQIA2S+ nomenclature fanatics are envious of Marxists and Marxism ( that secular Christianity). Why should Marxism  have more sects than LGTBQIA2S+ have affirmative ways to self-identify?

Why should religious, patriarchal cisgender males and atheistic, patriarchal cisgender males be able to make religion and Communism complicated? Why can’t LGTBQIA2S+ nomenclature fanatics make sex  and gender complicated? That is their true measure of progress, complications.

Readers,  we know, empirically, that the LGTBQIA2S+ intellectuals were educated and trained by Marxist academics; therefore  they suffer nomenclature envy. Their goal  is to have more variants in their nomenclature than Marxism has its matrix.

Here are some Marxist variations: Orthodox Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, MaoismNeo-Marxism, Trotskyism, Prachanda Path, Shining Path, Marxism-Third Worldism, Madanism,  Naxalism, Hoxhaism, Titoism, Castroism, Guevarism, Sankarism, Kaysone Phomvihane Thought, Libertarian Marxism,[Austro-Marxism Left communism, Ultra-leftism, Autonomism, Council communism, De Leonism, Situationism, Impossibilism and/or Primitive communism.

LGTBQIA2S+ intellectuals feel duty bound to create more variations in the LGTBQIA2S+ nomenclature; than exist in either cisgender Christianity or Marxism.

And to show the world how brilliant they are; they have accomplished their goals. 

They have made sex and gender complicated; and Joe Biden is forcing the American Military to spend time learning all the variations under the rubric of DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION.

The following is the 2023 LGTBQIA2S+ nomenclature canon; which is now the new manual for the American Military:

Aces or asexual people: Individuals who generally do not experience sexual attraction to others of any gender. Some do experience romantic attractions. Asexuality differs from celibacy in that celibates have a sexual attraction, but choose to abstain from sex.

 AGs or aggressives: Lesbians who express themselves in a masculine manner, such as by binding their breasts. They are also called studs. The terms are more commonly used in communities of color.

Agender people: Individuals who identify as not having a gender. Some describe themselves as genderless, while others see themselves as gender neutral.

Alloromantic people: Individuals who experience romantic attraction to others of any gender (i.e., people who are not aromantic).

 Allosexual or zsexual people: Individuals who experience sexual attraction to others of any gender (i.e., people who are not asexual).

 Allosexism: The societal, institutional, and individual beliefs and practices that assume that everyone experiences or should experience sexual attraction. Allosexism privileges allosexual or zsexual people and leads to prejudice and discrimination against asexual people.

Androgynes: Individuals who identify androgynously. They have a gender which is both feminine and masculine, although not necessary in equal amounts. 

Androsexual people: Individuals who experience sexual attraction toward men, males, and/or masculinity, regardless of whether they were assigned male at birth.

Aros or aromantic people: Individuals who experience little or no romantic attraction to others of any gender.

Bi or bisexual people: Individuals who experience sexual, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to people of more than one gender or people who are attracted to genders similar to their own and to genders different from their own.

Bigender people: Individuals who experience their gender identity as two genders at the same time or whose gender identity may vary between two genders.

Biromantic people: Individuals who are romantically, but not necessarily sexually, attracted to people of more than one gender.

Bois: Individuals assigned female at birth who identify their gender as nonbinary. Because they are not maleidentified, they are “bois” and not “boys.”

Butches: Individuals of any gender or sexual identity who present and act in traditionally masculine ways, which could include being the “dominant” partner in sexual relationships.

Cis or cisgender people: Individuals who identify with the gender that was assigned to them at birth (i.e., people who are not transgender).

Crossdressers: Individuals who, at times, wear clothes traditionally associated with people of a gender different from one’s own.

Demigender people: Individuals who feel a partial connection to a particular gender identity. Examples of demigender identities include demigirl, and demiboy, and demiandrogyne.

Demiromantic people: Individuals who do not feel romantic attraction to someone unless they have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person.

Demis or demisexual people: Individuals who typically do not feel sexual attraction to someone unless they have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person.

Dyadic people: Individuals who are born with chromosomes, a reproductive system, and a sexual anatomy that fit into the prevailing standard for “female” or “male” individuals (i.e., people who are not intersex).

 Dyadism or binarism: The societal, institutional, and individual beliefs and practices that assume that there are only two “biological” or “natural” sexes—female and male.

 Dyadism/binarism privileges dyadic people and leads to prejudice and discrimination against people with intersex variations.

 Femmes: Individuals of any gender or sexual identity who present and act in traditionally feminine ways, which could include being the “subordinate” partner in sexual relationships.

 Gay men: Men who experience sexual, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to other men.

 Gender binary: The social system that sees only two genders and that requires everyone to be raised as a man or a woman, depending on the gender assigned to them at birth.

 Gender fluid people: Individuals whose gender varies over time. A gender fluid person may at any time identify as male, female, agender, or any other non-binary identity, or some combination of identities.

Gender-nonconforming people: Individuals who do not to adhere to the traditional gender expectations for appearance and behavior of people of their assigned gender. Some identify as transgender, but others (like butch lesbians) do not.

 Genderism or cissexism: The societal, institutional, and individual beliefs and practices that assume that there are only two genders and that gender is determined by one’s gender assignment at birth.

Genderism/cissexism privileges cis people and leads to prejudice and discrimination against trans and gender-nonconforming people. Genderqueer people: Individuals who identify as neither male nor female (but as another gender), as somewhere in between or beyond genders, or as a combination of genders.

Graces, gray A’s, or gray asexuals: Individuals whose sexual attraction exists within the gray area between sexual and asexual. They experience sexual attraction infrequently or not very strongly. Other terms that are used to describe this identity are semisexual, asexual-ish, and sexual-ish.

Gray romantics: Individuals whose romantic attraction exists within the gray area between romantic and aromantic. They experience romantic attraction infrequently or not very strongly.

Gynesexual/gynosexual people: Individuals who experience sexual attraction toward women, females, and/or femininity, regardless of whether they were assigned female at birth.

 Heteroflexible people: Individuals who are primarily attracted to people of a different sex and who typically identify as heterosexual, but who may engage in same-sex sexual activity in certain situations. As it is defined by the Urban Dictionary, “I’m straight but shit happens.”

Heterosexism: The societal, institutional, and individual beliefs and practices that assume that all people are heterosexual. Heterosexism privileges heterosexual people and leads to prejudice and discrimination against asexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, and other people with non-heterosexual sexual identities.

 Heteroromantic people: Individuals who are romantically, but not necessarily sexually, attracted to people of a gender different from themselves.

Heterosexual people: Men who experience sexual, romantic, and/or emotional attractions attraction to women, and vice versa. Also known as “straight.”

Homoflexible people: Individuals who are primarily attracted to people of the same sex and who typically identify as lesbian or gay, but who may engage in sexual activity with people of a different sex in certain situations.

Homoromantic people: Individuals who are romantically, but not necessarily sexually, attracted to people of a gender similar to themselves. Intersex: An umbrella term used to describe a wide range of natural biological variations of individuals who are born with a chromosomal pattern, a reproductive system, and/or sexual anatomy that does not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies.

Lesbians: Women who experience sexual, romantic, and/or emotional attractions to other women.

Masculine of center (MoC) people: Lesbians, queer women, and non-binary trans people who tend toward the masculine in their gender expression. The term is more commonly used in communities of color.

 Monosexism: The societal, institutional, and individual beliefs and practices that assume that all people are attracted to only one other sex or gender—that one is either exclusively heterosexual or exclusively lesbian/gay.

 Monosexism privileges people with binary sexual identities and leads to prejudice and discrimination against bisexual, pansexual, queer, and other people with non-binary sexual identities.

Neutrois people: Individuals who identify their gender as neutral or null. They may also identify as “agender.” Non-binary gender, gender creative, and gender expansive people:  Umbrella terms for individuals who do not fit into traditional “male” and “female” gender categories.§  Includes individuals who identify as agender, bigender, gender fluid, genderqueer, and various other§ genders.

 Pangender people: Individuals whose gender identity and/or gender expression is numerous, either fixed (many at once) or fluid (moving from one to another, often more than two).

Panromantic people: Individuals who are romantically, but not necessarily sexually, attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Pansexual people: Individuals who are attracted to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex.

Polysexual people: Individuals who are attracted to more than one gender and/or form of gender expression, but not to all.

 Queer: An umbrella term to refer to all LGBTQ+ people. It is also a non-binary term used by individuals who see their sexual orientation and/or gender identity as fluid.

Queerplatonic: Non-romantic relationships that involve close emotional connections that are often deeper or more intense than what is traditionally found in friendships. QPOC and QTPOC (pronounced “cutie poc”):

Queer people of color, and queer and trans people of color. Same-gender loving people: Individuals who experience same-gender attraction. The term originated within communities of color as an alternative to “lesbian” and “gay,” which they feel does not speak to their cultural heritages. Sapiosexual people: Individuals who are attracted to people based on intelligence, rather than gender identity or biological sex.

Sexually fluid people: While many people will experience changes in their sexual orientation over their lifetimes, individuals who are sexually fluid experience changes in their sexual orientations more frequently.

 Skoliosexual people: Individuals who are sexually attracted to people with non-binary gender identities.

Studs: Lesbians who express themselves in a masculine manner, such as by binding their breasts. They are also called AGs or aggressives. The terms are more commonly used in communities of color.

Trans or transgender people:  Umbrella terms for individuals whose gender identity and/or expression is different from the gender§ assigned to them at birth.  Among individuals who might identify as transgender include trans women and trans men; individuals§ who cross-dress or who present androgynously; agender, demigender, and genderqueer individuals; and others who cross or go beyond traditional gender categories. Trans men: Individuals assigned female at birth who identify as male.

Trans women: Individuals assigned male at birth who identify as female.

 Two spirit people: A Native American term for individuals who blend the masculine and the feminine. It is commonly used to describe individuals who historically crossed genders. It is also often used by contemporary LGBTQIA Native American people to describe themselves…..U of Mass.”

Ah Readers, you were naïve enough to believe  Quantum Physics was difficult to understand; or Transfiguration or the future of Marxism; none of those intellectual challenges compares to the 21st Century  Sex/Gender nomenclature.

And America’s future officer class has to learn all that nomenclature to rise in Joe Biden’s Military, to defend the Republic.

While Joe Biden's military becomes WOKE in the ways of gender and sex; it is decaying in logic and readiness. How do we know that?

Joe Biden’s Military, his Military can no longer do elemental things: such as keep track of its equipment, or act  quickly on reported miscreants.

“The Pentagon is investigating a “critical compromise” of communications across 17 US air force facilities, according to reports. 

The US Department of Defense’s investigation comes amid a tip from a base contractor that a 48-year-old engineer at the Arnold air force base in Tennessee had taken home various government radio technologies, Forbes first reported on Friday. 

According to a search warrant obtained by investigators and reviewed by Forbes, the equipment allegedly taken by the engineer cost nearly $90,000. It also added that when law enforcement agents searched his home, they found that he had “unauthorized administrator access” to radio communication technology used by the Air Education and Training Command (AETC), which is one of the nine major commands of the air force and in turn affected 17 defense department installations.

Investigators also found an open computer screen that showed the engineer running a Motorola radio programming software. According to the warrant, the software “contained the entire Arnold air force base (AAFB) communications system”, Forbes reported.

The outlet also reported that, according to the warrant, a document detailing the forensics on technologies seized from the engineer’s home revealed that he had a USB which contained “administrative passwords and electronic system keys” for the AETC radio network.

Other items seized included flash drives that contained “local law enforcement radio programming files” and “Motorola radio programming files” which presented a warning banner that indicated they were government property.

Installer files which were recovered in the search opened with a “CONFIDENTIAL RESTRICTED” pop-up, according to Forbes.

The warrant also recounted how witnesses and co-workers informed investigators that the engineer had allegedly “sold radios and radio equipment, worked odd hours, was arrogant, frequently lied, displayed inappropriate workplace behavior and sexual harassment, had financial problems, and possessed [Arnold air force base land mobile radio] equipment”.

It added that a colleague had reported him twice due to “insider threat indicators” as well as unauthorized possession of air force equipment, according to investigators.

Investigators also reported to have found evidence which indicated that the searched contractor had possible access to FBI communications…..The Forbes report comes only three months after one of the worst leaks in US intelligence in over a decade. In that case, 21-year-old Jack Teixeira, an air national guardsman at the time, was arrested on suspicion of leaking hundreds of Pentagon documents.

He has since been charged under the Espionage Act.

In another potential security issue facing the government, the New York Times reported on Saturday that the Joe Biden White House was hunting alleged Chinese malware that it believes is hidden across various American facilities.

The malware is a “ticking timebomb” that could allow China to interrupt or hinder American military deployments by cutting off power, water and various communication channels to US military bases, according to one congressional official speaking to the New York Times….THE GUARDIAN.”

No Military, which prioritizes the exploration of the infinite subtexts of sex and gender,  above winning wars can win a war. Joe Biden is transforming America's corps of professional soldiers into a gaggle of amateur sex therapists. How can an officer class maintain peak readiness, when it is consumed by the over arching study of demigender?

It can't. 

Ancient Egypt was the only power in civilization which survived the Bronze Age Collapse; it did so because of its Military. Civilization is cascading into a Modern Age Collapse; and  Joe Biden is content to strut and preen in a decaying world; a misguided world, in which misgendering is made a crime.  And the Military becomes an enabler of collapse, rather than a Defender against Collapse. 


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