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MIGRANT IMPERIALISM, Details of Biden's Open Borders Plan Emerge; Accepting 75 Million Migrants in Ten Years

All across American Liberal Media and Academia, there are bitter  jeremiads against Americans opposed to mass migration. Liberals are waging a concerted and relentless assault on Americans opposed to open borders; calling them ignorant, racist Yahoos and troglodytes. 

Was and is America a racist society? Yes.  

But History itself teaches all living Americans that the racism never squelched the innate sense of Protestant fair play; upon which the American Experiment was founded.  

How do we know that? 

For there has never been an American Diaspora because of racism; American Blacks had a chance to return to Africa in the 1820s; the nation of Liberia was seized from Africans, so American Blacks could have a homeland on the African continent, free from American racism. That Diaspora never occurred. Lincoln offered free passage to freed slaves to Africa; Frederick Douglass turned the offer down. Marcus Garvey offered to lead an American Black Diaspora back to Africa in the 1920s;  that effort sputtered out. 

Even Maya Angelou came back from Africa to the racist hellhole of America. 

The Lakota went to Canada; but they returned. The Apache went to Mexico; but they returned. 

If American racism is so bad; why is every persecuted minority in the world attempting to violate its borders? 

One is not a racist, if one believes that mass migration is a fatal disease to the existing native population. One is not a racist, if one believes that multiculturalism is fatal to democracy. 

If America continues to succumb to multiculturalism in the 21st Century, diversity bred tribalism  will replace racism as the number one killer of its citizens and communal comity.  

For multiculturalism, by definition, will breed murderous tribalism to replace racism; a tribalism more deadly than racism, because it will be surreal in its ancient provocations. 

How  do we know this? 

Look at England in 2022, England is far more advanced that backward America in its multiculturalism, brought on by a mass migration of South Asians to England. As this Blog is being written, packs of Indian Hindu males and Pakistani  Muslim Males, masked and armed with knives, are roaming the streets of Leicester, seeking to mutilate and murder each other. 


For the most surreal and real of multicultural reasons; India defeated Pakistan in a cricket match, five thousand miles away from England. 

Liberals see migrants as a cure all to America’s problems; a better cure to all of America’s problems than the dialectic, or rational discourse. Liberals see migrants as workers, consumers and purveyors of boring diversity entertainment.   

Attorney General Merrick Garland recently gave a teary speech after swearing in new citizens on Ellis Island. One of the new citizens was a 34 year old baby sitter from Africa. Does this country need to lavish citizenship on baby sitters? Or more Somali translators? Or Karine Jean Pierre? Will those questionable acts help America survive the 21st Century?

No, giving unproductive aliens citizenship is foolish; America has more than enough unproductive native born citizens. There is really no need to import  and honor more. 

There is a new Danish horror film out, SPEAK NO EVIL; some people like it; some people hate it. 

For the purpose of this Blog, we must pay attention to the press notes, drafted by the film’s Director,  Christian Tafdrup. "(he) explains his belief that social conditioning has made us too refined, blunting our survival instincts and even our common sense……NEW YORK TIMES.” 

Liberals have engaged in social conditioning on the issue of mass migration, since at least 2007; ferociously attacking American common sense and survival instincts  as  it concerns mass migration. 

In 2007, Liberals produced a film, THE VISITOR, dedicated to subverting American common sense and survival. In the film, a Liberal professor discovers an immigrant from Syria, and his Senegalese partner, claim  jumping his Manhattan apartment. Both are illegal immigrants; but since they have no place to go, the Liberal allows them to stay in his home, his territory; he acquiesces to their claim jumping. How un-American can one get, giving in to claim jumpers?

The Syrian teaches the Liberal how to beat a drum; to a Liberal, that compensates for squatting on one's territory. The illegal aliens are deported….the Liberal is devastated. He starts playing the drum in public places as atonement. 

No American needs to atone for his sense of territoriality. 

It is our birthright. Americans have a  right to pick and choose who comes into the Beloved Country legally. 

THE VISITOR  plays havoc with the sense of New York territoriality, as explained by Henry Silva, the late great actor. 

“It was the kind of place,where if you lived on one block and you wanted to go a few blocks away, you had to take a couple of guys with you, or else you would get your ass kicked. I mean, that’s the only way to put it…Henry Silva.” 

Henry Silva’s America had common sense and survived, and beat the Nazis and Soviets in the bargain.  The Liberal America of the professor in THE VISITOR has no common sense, and WILL NOT SURVIVE MASS MIGRATION BY WELCOMING IT. 

Deepak Bhargava is an immigrant from India, who went to Harvard. He has helped craft Biden's Open Borders Immigration Policy, and is a leading advocate for it. He wants 75 million migrants resettled in America in ten years. How is that for ignoring territoriality , common sense and survival instincts?

Bhargava's Open Borders Policy is a patina of compassion hiding the true nature of the policy, MIGRANT IMPERIALISM

Bhargava  recently published the following essay on Immigration; it could well have been written by Kamala Harris' maternal uncle, Gopalan Balachandran, a leading advocate for migration to America, who also is a prized member of India's deep state and intelligence community.

“Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s cruel scheme to lure and transport vulnerable asylum seekers from the south to Massachusetts marks a new low in the immigration culture wars. The refugee crisis in our hemisphere demands bold and humane solutions, but the policy debate is frozen by the politics of fear and racism. Republicans grandstand about the issue for political advantage, while many Democrats would prefer to change the subject. 

We propose a “Statue of Liberty Plan” for the 21st century that would set a goal for the US to become the most welcoming country on Earth for migrants and refugees and bring order and humanity to a dysfunctional system. The antidote to the venomous nativism that poisons our politics is to embrace immigration as a pillar of civic and economic renewal. 

Expanded migration is necessary to fix a broken system that invites demagoguery. There are few accessible legal pathways for prospective immigrants. People who seek to come to the US wait in lines that extend for years or decades, or have no migration pathway at all. With no other options, migrants trek thousands of miles, risking death to seek asylum. 

Contrary to our national myth of being a welcoming nation, the US currently lags well behind Australia, Canada and other countries in the share of its population that are immigrants. Under our proposal, the US would admit 75 million immigrants over the next decade, which would double the foreign-born population from 15% to over 30%, giving it the largest share of any developed nation. Admitting 7.5 million people a year would be a dramatic increase compared with recent history – in the Obama years, the US admitted 1 million immigrants a year, and that number shrank dramatically under Trump. 

Under our plan, immigrants could enter the US based on family ties or through a revamped humanitarian visa that would recognize factors such as economic hardship and the climate crisis as well as political persecution. 

….. The country’s population growth rate has flatlined. Population growth between 2010 and 2020 was the second lowest in the country’s history, largely because of declining birth rates among native-born Americans. We face a crisis of “age dependency” as the number of seniors rises dramatically relative to working age adults. Demographic decline is feeding a nationwide care crisis and imperils the sustainability of programs like Medicare and social security. Immigration is a necessary solution. 

…... The future of multiracial democracy depends on a new immigration paradigm…THE GUARDIAN.”. 

75 Million new American residents within a decade; that is the Liberal game plan. That is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are implementing, an explosion of migration acceptance; as the Colorado River runs dry, and the Ogallala Aquifer is depleted by Climate Change and current population level. 

This Blogger began to comment on MIGRANT IMPERIALISM when, on  December 3, 2014, he published: Millennials #Hashtag This-35 Years From Now, Bangladesh Wants America to Accept 30 Million of its  People. 

The following is excerpted from that  Blog: 

“….. In the year 2000, Bangladesh had 129 million citizens, making it the world’s eighth most populous country. It is arguably the most densely populated.” 

…..“Bangladesh is a poor country, of hard working people, an overflow of hard working people, with more coming. By the year 2050, Bangladesh will have a population of 205 million people, a 58.75% increase over the 2000 population." 

Bangladesh can barely sustain and feed its people today; in 2050, with a population of 205 million people, that would be a very difficult task. 

Difficult will not be true, it will be impossible for Bangladesh to feed its population internally in the year 2050, because of Climate Change. By 2050, 25-30% of Bangladesh will be under water, lost to the Bay of Bengal. 

“Up to 20 million Bangladeshis may be forced to leave the country in the next 40 years because of climate change, one of the country's most senior politicians has said. Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Bangladesh's finance minister, called on Britain and other wealthy countries to accept millions of displaced people. 

 In a clear signal to the US and Europe ...Abdul Muhith said Bangladesh wanted hosts for managed migration as people began to abandon flooded and storm-damaged coastal areas. 

"Twenty million people could be displaced [in Bangladesh] by the middle of the century," Abdul Muhith told the Guardian. "We are asking all our development partners to honour the natural right of persons to migrate. We can't accommodate all these people – this is already the densest [populated] country in the world," he said. 

…..... this is the first time that a senior politician from a developing country has openly proposed that those countries considered responsible for climate change should take physical responsibility for the refugees created. 

 ....The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the scientific body that assesses the impact of climate change, has said there could be 200 million climate change migrants by 2050. 

 Abdul Muhith said managed migration could be positive for Bangladesh and the west: "We can help in the sense of giving the migrants some training, making them fit for existence in some other country. 

 Managed migration is always better – we can then send people who can attune to life more easily." But he added, in another warning  where money will be a critical issue, that current levels of aid were inadequate……." 

 "If you had 30 or 40 million migrating to other parts of the world, that's a sizable problem for which we have to prepare. And if it requires changes to immigration laws and facilitating people settling down and working in the developed countries, then I suppose this will require legislative action in the developed world," he said…......THE GUARDIAN UK”. 

….. India believes it will be 30 million Bangladeshis on the move. 

Bangladeshi think tanks, think it could be up to 40 million. 

“Bangladesh is on the front line of climate change. This densely populated, low lying nation already faces regular catastrophic flooding. By 2050, when its population will top 200 million, Bangladesh stands to lose 20% of its land mass to rising seas. Thirty-forty million Bangladeshis will be displaced. Where will they go? Major General (Ret.) ANM Muniruzzaman, President of the Bangdladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies looks at how climate change will affect Bangladesh and the impact it will have on regional and global security....foreign policy."” 

Where will they go? 


India has already made its decision about whether to let into their Hindu predominate nation, 30 to 40 million Bangladeshi Muslims. 

India has built a border fence along the entire length of its border with Bangladesh … as this Blog is being written, India is electrifying that fence, the total, entire fence, every kilometer. 

India has created a Border Patrol, a Grande Armee, of 240,000 members to patrol the India/Bangladeshi border; they have killed over 1200 Bangladeshi migrants since Climate Change migration has been memorialized. 

India will not take the Bangladeshis. 

Bangladeshi intellectuals have formulated a plan to help their 30 million fellow citizens in peril, The U.S. Navy. 

Bangladeshi intellectuals are developing an action plan for the US Navy to retrofit, to get out of the war and defending business, and dedicate all its resources to ferrying Bangladeshis to either San Francisco or Los Angeles in 2050. They anticipate that the U.S. President, following in President Obama’s footsteps, will give them Executive Amnesty. 

America currently has a population of 321 million; it is low on water…. In 2050, the American population should grow by 16%, up to 372 million, with less fresh water and fewer jobs( because of robots) than it has now; the seminal question of the 21st Century is this: will the pampered Millennial Generation allow 30 million Bangladeshis (fervent Muslims who oppose Same-Sex Marriage and Gender Equality) to arrive and settle in California? Or leave them in salty Bangladesh to starve….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.” 

The Deepak Bhargava/ Gopalan Balachandran Plan  is, one its face, migrant imperialism. On a scientific basis, it  does not factor in the immutable Climate Change fact that, the United States has the land but not the WATER for the population that they  want relocated to  America. If Americans lose their survival instincts and/or common sense, the future is set in stone; Americans  will be selling their daughters.....for water.

Finally, when Mr. Balachandran's niece, Vice President Kamala Harris says, in an interview,  the American Southern border is secure; she means it is secure for 75 million migrants to cross the border, in ten years.


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