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U.S. Supreme Court Overturns ROE vs. WADE, Abortion Rights as a Right; Thus becoming a HOGWARTS' SORTING HAT

Almost fifty years ago, during a tidal wave of modernity, the United States Supreme Court discovered a constitutional right, the right of abortion ,in all the states and territories of the Republic. That was the famed ROE VS. WADE Decision. 

On June 24, 2022, during a tsunami of backlash against modernity, the United States Supreme Court discovered that the Justices of 20th Century America were wrong; there was no right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution. The Five Catholics, plus one semi-Catholic ,on the Court, overturned ROE vs. WADE, empowering each state to decide whether abortion is legal in that state. 

What has the Supreme Court done? 

In the HARRY POTTER books, HOGWARTS is the school for wizards; it has a SORTING HAT; which informs each student where he or she should domicile. 

The U.S. Supreme Court ,in overturning ROE VS. WADE, became America’s SORTING HAT. If one believes in abortion, in infanticide, one should live in the abortion friendly states of California or New York; however, if one is a misogynist and believes in femicide, one should move to Texas or Florida. 

See how nicely that sorts out. 

The reaction to this decision has been, Jean Paul Genet, Jules Feiffer,  surreal;; one young American woman, perhaps 20 years old, interviewed in front of the Supreme Court, for European television, broke down in tears and lamented how: “ My government does not love me.” 

This Blogger does not think that lament is justified by this reversal of ROE; what is justified is that the reversal is a cluster bomb thrown at uppity women of all ages, at Joy Behar, at Lady Gaga, at Madonna, at Nancy Pelosi, at Ilhan Omar, at Pramila Jayapal, at Leslie Jones, at Samantha Bee, at Karine Jean Pierre, at all the women on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, at women admirals, at NEW YORK TIMES’ feminist columnists (Michelle Goldberg) , and every female commentator on MSNBC and CNN. 

The reversal is a salvo in the about to be bloody war against modernity. The reversal firmly places America in the same matrix as Afghanistan, prior to the Taliban takeover. Or Iran, prior to the overthrow of the Shah’s pro-modernity regime. 

The reversal is a hosanna that Modernity itself is not on the right side of History; reversion is; retrogression is; retrenchment is the right side of History.  

On June 26, 2011, this Blogger published this: “.... in Afghanistan, America did not fail; the philosophy of modernity failed.     


The great cultural shock of this Afghan War is that the majority of Afghan fighting men, regardless of what VANITY FAIR, Hillary Clinton, Tina Fey, Oprah, Anderson Cooper, Samantha Power, Mrs. Jay Leno, Lady Gaga, Tina Brown proselytize, do not want modernity. In fact, they so do not want modernity they will fight, kill and die to keep it out of their children's lives.      


….This Blogger suggests that American modernity learn its lesson and end its sway at the Hindu Kush, for the great surge of 21st century modernity has crested in Kabul…..What this debacle in Afghanistan should have taught us and our leadership is this-there are discernible limits to the spiritual and emotional satisfaction that modernity brings. Modernity did not and does not satisfy the Afghan fighting man….…   


…….The American Ruling Elite is full of modern men and women; they know lecture halls, TV studios, seminars, book tours, and MSNBC hosts. They have never been exposed to fundamentalism, except academically.  ……GERRY MAXEY”. 


This reversal means that the lessons, America should have learned in Afghanistan, should be applied to 2022 America. Modernity itself is at risk of being extirpated. 


Reading the Alito opinion, this Blogger recalled a mediocre Kirk Douglas film. The film starred Mr. Douglas, and Edward G. Robinson. Mr. Douglas’ character  was still intoxicated by his ex-wife; the Robinson character admonished him, saying :” You have been married, didn’t you learn anything? Women are monsters.” 


The Court considers modern American women, monsters. 


On a more ominous note, this reversal is a challenge, a provocation, a gauntlet thrown at modernists by American traditionalists, American Carlists; they want modernists to start street fighting; for they firmly believe they can win that armed struggle, and clean house now; making America unlivable for modernists and ungovernable for believers in Modernity.

This is a great yearning in 2022 America to go back to 1955 America; blame TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES. This reversal is one step in the return to pre-Modernity.

As Readers of this blog know, this Blogger's morality is one of the least of his virtues; which is why he is so trustworthy.

This Blogger is for abortion rights; he thinks that the Republic would be in a much better state if Sirhan Sirhan had been aborted.


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