One of the leitmotifs of this Blog is that the biggest joke in the universe is the joke that one should trust the science of astrophysics over the myth of religion. One of the few joys of living in 2020 is relishing the decline of astrophysics, cosmology, and physics to the level of religion for Yahoos. Every day, new discoveries in astrophysics prove that what scientists thought they knew, had as much credibility as the beliefs of shamans, dwelling on some mountaintop.
“Black holes are getting stranger — even to astronomers. They've now detected the signal from a long ago violent collision of two black holes that created a new one of a size that had never been seen before.
“It’s the biggest bang since the Big Bang observed by humanity,” said Caltech physicist Alan Weinstein, who was part of the discovery team.
Black holes are compact regions of space so densely packed that not even light can escape. Until now, astronomers only had observed them in two general sizes. There are “small” ones called stellar black holes that are formed when a star collapses and are about the size of small cities. And there are supermassive black holes that are millions, maybe billions, of times more massive than our sun and around which entire galaxies revolve.
According to astronomers' calculations, anything in between didn't quite make sense, because stars that grew too big before collapse would essentially consume themselves, leaving no black holes.
Star collapses couldn't create stellar black holes much bigger than 70 times the mass of our sun, scientists thought, according to physicist Nelson Christensen, research director of the French National Centre for Scientific Research.
Then…two detectors picked up a signal that turned out to be the energy from two stellar black holes — each large for a stellar black hole — crashing into each other. One was 66 times the mass of our sun and the other a husky 85 times the mass of the sun.
The end result: The first ever discovered intermediate black hole, at 142 times the mass of the sun.
Lost in the collision was an enormous amount of energy in the form of a gravitational wave, a ripple in space that travels at the speed of light. It was that wave that physicists in the United States and Europe, using detectors called LIGO and Virgo, captured last year. ….Because the detectors allow scientists to pick up the gravitational waves as audio signals, scientists actually heard the collision. For all the violence and drama, the signal lasted only one-tenth of a second.
“It just sounds like a thud,” Weinstein said. “It really doesn’t sound like much on a speaker.”
This crash happened about 7 billion years ago, when the universe was about half its current age, but is only being detected now because it is incredibly far away.
Black hole collisions have been observed before, but the black holes involved were smaller to begin with and even after the merger didn't grow beyond the size of typical stellar black holes.
Scientists still don't know how supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies formed, Christensen said, but this new discovery may offer a clue…..the results chart new astronomical territory.
And indeed the bigger of the two black holes involved in this crash could have been the result of an earlier merger, both Weinstein and Christensen said, further bolstering that theory.
"It’s conceivable that this pair of black holes formed entirely differently, possibly in a dense system with lots of dead stars whizzing about, which allows one black hole to capture another during a fly by," said Barnard College astronomer Janna Levin, who wasn’t part of the research and is author of the book “Black Hole Survival Guide.”
On the other hand, scientists can't quite explain how merged black holes, flying around the universe, would meet so many others to merge again and grow ever bigger. It could instead be that supermassive black holes were formed in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang…..”
On October 15, 2015, this Blogger published The "Spooky Things" in Quantum Theory are Proven:God's Speed of Information is FASTER than Einstein's Speed of Light....
The following is excerpted from that Blog;
“….Einstein was calling the unknowns beyond hidden variables in quantum theory "Spooky things", but what that latest European experiment in physics informs us is that the term spooky things applies to both physics and God.
…..The key cosmology of physics is quantum theory. As a layman, this Blogger has been studying quantum theory since 2006; and after a decade he can admit he understands barely a whisper or whimper of it. It is gobbledygook on an operatic scale, much like the Old Testament….
“Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.”
All well and good except there is a reason that it is a THEORY.
Supposedly light, the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, according to Einstein. However, within the quantum theory there is the worm of ENTANGLEMENT, forever interlocking the fates of subatomic particles, regardless of their separation. So if a photon on one side of the galaxy spins up, an instant later on the other side of the galaxy its twin photon will spin down
This was very upsetting to Einstein, because the suggestion that information travels faster than light is a no-no in his special theory of relativity.
He dismissed it as unworthy “spooky things”, and invented the concept of hidden variables. Hidden variables are mystical science, much like miracles; consider them miracles for physicists. Their sole purpose is to find an explanation within the universal speed limit of light to explain the speed of information traveling above the universal speed limit.
In 1964, a British physicist, John Bell worked out the Bell Inequality which was an equation which supposedly worked out the maximum effect hidden variables could have on any experiment in physics. Beyond his limit, physicists attributed spooky power to their results.
Last week, European physicists did a test which banned Einstein’s hidden variables from the lexicon of physics. They proved mystical things are indeed happening in the speed of information, unexplainable by any scientific mumbo jumbo like hidden variables.
….Or : “There remains, alas, one hitch that could explain all these counterintuitive findings. Just maybe, every single event that will ever be, from experimenters’ choices of the means of measurement to the choice of article you will read next, were all predetermined at the universe’s birth, and all these experiments are playing out just as predetermined…THE ECONOMIST.”
Every experiment in quantum theory is driving Mankind to the conclusion that it is all pre-determined….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….. Astrophysics is the easiest path to believing in the existence of God.
Lately, the only thing which astrophysics has been doing is proving the existence of a Creator, a God.
....Einstein’s spooky things are God’s mysteries; ENTANGLEMENT may well be predestination, pre- ordered by a Creator....THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
On January 23, 2020, this Blogger published: 2020 Astrophysics Devolves into Divine Confusion
The following iss excerpted from that Blog:
“Time is a seminal problem for physicists, and astrophysicists. By all the applied laws of physics, Mankind should be able to go both back in time, and forward in time; physics tells us that should be possible. But against the laws of physics, Time is an arrow, going only one way- forward. If one built a time machine in 2020, one could go to the year 2050; but the Time Traveler would not be able to return to 2020. Time goes against physics; astrophysicist Stephen Hawking in his tome A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, asked his Readers to imagine a time without Time, before the Big Bang. If anyone can imagine a time before Time, without Time, one can believe in a whale swallowing Jonah, and Jonah coming out alive.
Not satisfied with creating a myth that there was a time before time without Time, astrophysicists have doubled down. Now they have created a fantasy that there is a parallel universe in which Time goes backwards. Sort of a MERLIN Universe, in which everything ages backwards.
“Why does time seem to move forward? It’s a riddle that’s puzzled physicists for well over a century, and they’ve come up with numerous theories to explain time’s arrow. The latest, though, suggests that while time moves forward in our universe, it may run backwards in another, mirror universe that was created on the “other side” of the Big Bang.
Two leading theories propose to explain the direction of time by way of the relatively uniform conditions of the Big Bang. At the very start, what is now the universe was homogeneously hot, so much so that matter didn’t really exist. It was all just a superheated soup. But as the universe expanded and cooled, stars, galaxies, planets, and other celestial bodies formed, birthing the universe’s irregular structure and raising its entropy.
One theory, proposed in 2004 by Sean Carroll, now a professor at Caltech, and Jennifer Chen, then his graduate student, says that time moves forward because of the contrast in entropy between then and now, with an emphasis on the fact that the future universe will so much more disordered than the past. That movement toward high entropy gives time its direction.
The new theory says a low entropy early universe is inevitable because of gravity, and ultimately that’s what gives time its arrow. To test the idea, the theory’s proponents assembled a simple model with nothing more than 1,000 particles and the physics of Newtonian gravity. Here’s Lee Billings, reporting for Scientific American:
The system’s complexity is at its lowest when all the particles come together in a densely packed cloud, a state of minimum size and maximum uniformity roughly analogous to the big bang. The team’s analysis showed that essentially every configuration of particles, regardless of their number and scale, would evolve into this low-complexity state. Thus, the sheer force of gravity sets the stage for the system’s expansion and the origin of time’s arrow, all without any delicate fine-tuning to first establish a low-entropy initial condition.
But here’s the twist: The expansion after the simulated Big Bang didn’t just happen in one direction, but two. The simple Big Bang they modeled produced two universes, one a mirror of the other. In one universe, time appears to run forwards. In the other, time runs backwards, at least from our perspective…..
Here’s Billings again, interviewing lead author Julian Barbour from the University of Oxford:
“If they were complicated enough, both sides could sustain observers who would perceive time going in opposite directions. Any intelligent beings there would define their arrow of time as moving away from this central state.
They would think we now live in their deepest past…..PBS.”
Readers, this layman of a Blogger has a prima facie problem with that Time in Reverse Universe Theory; it fails to explain why any universe should exist, let alone a Time in reverse Universe. By the applied laws of physics, no Universe should exist, including the current one we are experiencing, with Time as a Straight Arrow.
“One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time.
….All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” says Christian Smorra, a physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration.
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”….The standard model predicts the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter
– but that’s a combustive mixture that would have annihilated itself, leaving nothing behind to make galaxies or planets or people….cosmosmagazine.”
But this Universe does exist; perhaps Jonah in the belly of the whale knows why.
Mankind is living through an explosion of astrophysics which is proving there are physical things which exist which should not exist, including the Universe itself.
The Big Rip, the Big Crunch, the Big Bang, spooky things, cosmic entanglement, information traveling faster than light,(which implies predestination, which implies John Calvin was the greatest astrophysicist ever), Black holes devouring neutron stars, …astrophysics is in A TOTAL STATE OF CONFUSION; cosmology is in a total state of confusion.
The seminal question is this- can Science explain how Nature created an existing universe where a universe,by all the laws of physics, should not exist?
In 2020, astrophysicists must grapple with the following: Can Science explain Cosmological Confusion?
Confusion humbles Mankind, and who, save the Creator, would have a vested interest in confusing and humbling Mankind? ….As a religious experience, following astrophysics in 2020 is really fascinating….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”

. . . And joy suddenly stirred in his soul, and he even stopped for a minute to take breath. "The past," he thought, "is linked with the present by an unbroken chain of events flowing one out of another." And it seemed to him that he had just seen both ends of that chain; that when he touched one end the other quivered.
ReplyDeleteThe Student --Anton Chekhov (said to have been his favorite short story)
The blessings of relinquishing and "casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God". Funny how you can't lay a burden down that does not exist. Or as Job said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself ..
Your friend,