There was a massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon; it killed over 130 and counting; it injured over 4,000 and counting. It destroyed the port of Beirut; which will lead to food shortages.
Why does this explosion in far off Beirut serve as a predictor of the future of Joe Biden’s America?
Joe Biden will turn 78 in November, 2020, right after the Presidential Election. If he is elected President, it is very conceivable that he might die in office. Joe Biden believes in rampant multiculturalism; therefore he has proudly proclaimed that he will choose a woman of color as his Vice President. That means that Joe Biden is prepared to turn over the future of the Republic to a woman of color, MERELY BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN OF COLOR.
That is Lebanese multiculturalism in a nutshell; which is why Lebanon is one of the most incompetent, corrupt and negligent countries on Earth, in 2020.
“Lebanon’s high-ranking offices are reserved for members of specific religious groups. The President, for example, has to be a Maronite Christian, the Prime Minister a Sunni Muslim, the Speaker of the Parliament a Shi’a Muslim, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eastern Orthodox. This system is intended to deter sectarian conflict and to represent fairly the demographic distribution of the 18 recognized religious groups in government.”
Joe Biden is deliberating steering the American Experiment away from meritocracy, to multicultural cronyism. A woman of color is qualified to be Vice president in Joe Biden’s America because she is a woman of color. Very Lebanese.
And where has that Joe Biden multiculturalism brought Lebanon?
‘BEIRUT-—…..Economic collapse, exacerbated by a coronavirus lockdown in March, is the latest disaster to befall the Lebanese people. Years of financial maneuvering and debt mismanagement by the government, the banks and the central bank led to a depletion of the country’s foreign currency reserves, which caused depreciation of the Lebanese pound — long pegged to the dollar — by more than 80 percent since October.
People have lost their life savings overnight, and prices of food and basic goods have inflated over 50 percent for the third month in a row.
Lebanon’s economy is based on services; the country produces little and imports a lot. The plummeting value of the Lebanese lira and the lack of access to dollars means many stores can’t afford to remain open. Salaries that haven’t been slashed outright have lost their spending power. Tourism, once one of the pillars of the economy, has been severely hit in recent months from the worsening political and economic situation….Nearly 1,000 restaurants have been forced to close, and 25,000 people have lost their jobs in the restaurant sector alone.
…..the cumulative effect of these factors is that much of the middle class — about 3.25 million people, or 65 percent of the country — has slipped into poverty. The poor are now destitute, near starvation. Once again, people must scramble to find solutions for the government’s ills.
Facebook barter groups have sprung up, with people seeking to exchange whatever they have, in order to secure what they so desperately need: fancy dresses for baby formula; a set of drinking glasses for a bag of rice. One man held up a pharmacy for diapers. Another mugged someone at knife point only to return, sobbing and apologizing that he is unable to feed his family, that he’s only doing this to survive.
While the mass protests that erupted on Oct. 17, 2019 — against the corruption of the ruling elite and the sectarian system they uphold — succeeded in toppling the government, the new government appointed in its place has done little to alleviate or address worsening living conditions.
Misery is now palpable across the country, in the rows of shuttered shops, in the garbage piling up in different neighborhoods as basic services are disrupted, and in the darkness of the nighttime streets of Beirut as electricity cuts soar to 20 hours a day….. now it has become clear that there is nothing truly resilient about Lebanon except its politicians ……. who refuse to step down, even after their profiteering has bankrupted the country and its people. And while Lebanese banks have long been deemed resilient by economists, the current situation reveals that this designation belongs only to the bankers themselves.Even the International Monetary Fund, the so-called “lender of last resort,” cannot bring the banks to agree on the audit of financial losses required to unlock a loan. Two high-ranking officials have so far resigned over the stalled negotiations. One of them, Alain Bifani, a former director general of the Finance Ministry, revealed that bankers smuggled close to $6 billion outside the country while preventing small depositors from withdrawing so much as $100.….a state so corrupt it cannot provide a bare minimum of public services…..NEW YORK TIMES.”
Police work in Beirut has been taken over by sectarian militias; bad news if you are a Druze who has been violated in a Sunni neighborhood, seeking justice and redress. That lack of justice will happen in a Joe Biden Minneapolis, when a drunken outsider stumbles into a Sunni Somali neighborhood, policed by Sunni Somalis.
‘In a list of 180 countries, the 2017 Corruptions Perceptions Index, produced by the NGO Transparency International, ranked Lebanon as the 143rd "least corrupt nation" out of 175 countries – in other words, there are only 32 countries where corruption is worse. According to its website: “Lebanon’s power-sharing arrangement” – that’s the delicate governmental balance it’s forged between the country’s many sects – “fuels patronage networks and clientelism, which undermines further the country’s governance system.”….BBC.”
That is Joe Biden’s America in a nutshell, power sharing corruption based on Diversity.
Which leads us back to the BIG BLAST in Beirut.
“The timer was ticking from six years ago, when 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate were taken from an impounded ship and stored in the port of Beirut. It was a massive bomb just waiting to go off; a disaster equivalent to an earthquake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale.
At least 100 are dead and an astonishing 4,000 are injured in a catastrophe in one of the Middle East’s greatest cities. About 300,000 more are homeless.
….Not for nothing was ammonium nitrate, used in farming as a powerful fertiliser, the explosive of choice for the IRA during the Troubles. The high-profile mainland bombings at the Baltic Exchange and Bishopsgate in the City of London in 1992 and 1993, and the blast at Canary Wharf in February 1996, bringing the first IRA ceasefire to an end, were all fuelled by it. Even the most potent of those devices contained just one five-thousandth of the ammonium nitrate which exploded in Beirut on Tuesday.
It was also used by Timothy McVeigh in his two-tonne bomb that claimed 168 lives in Oklahoma City in 1995. And it is the Taliban’s preferred option too.
For all that, ammonium nitrate can be safely stored. It is stable, under the right conditions. There are international protocols on how much can be held, where, and under what security precautions. It must be kept away from fuel and sources of heat, and many countries require carbon carbonate to be added, which makes it safer.
Leaving it dumped in one place since 2014 and in such quantity was always likely to end badly, said Stewart Walker, associate professor in Forensic, Environmental and Analytical Chemistry at Flinders University in south Australia……...”
The nitrate came from the Rhosus cargo ship, which was carrying the explosive chemical from Georgia to Mozambique in 2013 when it made an unscheduled stop in Beirut, according to reports from the time.
While commonly used as an industrial fertiliser, ammonia nitrate is also a component in mining explosives. Mozambique has significant mineral and mining industries.
Mr Grechushkin declared bankruptcy and was forced to abandon the ship there after Lebanese authorities prevented it from sailing on, crew members said. Several sailors were stranded in the country for months.
“Owing to the risks associated with retaining the ammonium nitrate on board the vessel, the port authorities discharged the cargo onto the port’s warehouses,” a shipping report from 2015 said…......telegraph.”
In replacing meritocracy, Multiculturalism births negligence ; for no honest man wants to rock the boat in a multicultural society, for every decision is political rather than circumstantial.
In Joe Biden’s America, those Beirut explosions will be coming to America.
“… there is a more fitting nuclear metaphor for what shook Beirut: the Chernobyl meltdown. Tuesday’s warehouse blast does not seem to have been a product of conflict or an act of deliberate violence. Instead, like the Soviet disaster, it is the work of gross incompetence, endemic corruption, and negligence—and its impact will spread far beyond the initial explosion.
…. World Food Program recording that nearly half the Lebanese population was struggling to meet basic food needs. Speaking to the Telegraph in June, Martin Keulertz, an assistant professor at the American University of Beirut, said: “By the end of the year, we will see 75 percent of the population on food handouts, but the question is whether there will be food to hand out.”
…. Food prices had already risen by 247 percent, and with the blasts destroying tons of Lebanon’s remaining food stocks and wrecking a port vital to the nation’s infrastructure, the situation is set to deteriorate rapidly. Even before the explosions, some Lebanese protesters had gone as far as self-immolation.
Lebanon’s foreign minister, Nassif Hitti, had even resigned the day before the blasts, warning that “Lebanon today is sliding toward becoming a failed state.”’s not violence that has been poisoning the country in the last three decades. It’s corruption.
While details are still emerging, the official story from Lebanese authorities is that a warehouse fire ignited a seized shipment of ammonium nitrate, impounded from a ship at the port in 2013 and seemingly left there ever since.
Ammonium nitrate has a place in the annals of terrorism, such as when the white nationalist terrorist Timothy McVeigh detonated 2 metric tons of the industrial chemical in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people and damaging 300 buildings.
But without McVeigh’s malice, just deadly negligence, 2,750 metric tons of ammonium nitrate—over a thousand times the amount he used—was allowed to pile up in a warehouse for more than six years in the heart of Beirut, seemingly “awaiting auction.”
…..The Lebanese ruling classes have bled the country dry with near total impunity for generations. Their corruption and greed have repeatedly plunged Lebanon into crisis, and that’s without even considering the rampant sectarianism of the political elite,. Regulatory failure and routine incompetence haunt the country.
From a sanitation crisis that has left mountains of rotting garbage choking the air to the tanking economy, hyperinflation and poverty are driving families to the brink of starvation, with dire warnings of a potential famine.
….(the blast is)… a condemnation of the entire ruling class and a repudiation of the country’s sectarian political system.
…..Chernobyl was not just the story of a disastrous testing accident in a Soviet nuclear power plant. It was the product of how endemic arrogance, negligence, careerism, and authoritarianism created a system that allowed that disaster. It was the Soviet Union in a microcosm, a deadly outcrop of decades of political failure and negligence that would ultimate help bring down the entire nation.....FOREIGN POLICY.”
America’s Ruling Elite: the Bushes, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas, want to carve up America into multicultural divots, letting multiculturalism protect corruption, negligence and incompetence.
The end result of Joe Biden’s policies will be to bring Lebanon to America……the self immolations of Americans, after Joe Biden’s election, are on the hands and souls of the Americans who enabled him, by voting for him.

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