This Blogger believes that there are two theories of the case concerning the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.
One theory is that the CORONAVIRUS is organic, a natural mutation or evolutionary response to over population. Over population always causes new diseases.
On August 2, 2009, this Blogger published this: “I, Gerry Maxey, believe that the planet Earth is living in the Anthropocene, a geological epoch caused by man-made activities. One of the man-made activities is Climate Change, which will result in famine and drought, mass migrations and social disruption. I believe that the Anthropocene is caused by over population(According to the 2006 Revision, the world population will likely increase by 2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050);the planet Earth can reasonably sustain 3 billion people. …...If Mankind does not slow down the population explosion, Nature will, for Nature always corrects over population......GERRY MAXEY.”
On January 27, 2016, this Blogger published:Anthropocene Nature Strikes Back at Mankind's Overpopulation-the ZIKA Virus
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“This Blogger posits that just as Climate Change is a product of over population, so too is the mutation in the ZIKA virus…Nature will not tolerate Mankind’s over population, and unless Mankind regulates its numbers, Nature will mutate more viruses into killing us. Nature’s intention is clear, it intends to cull the herd, and keep Mankind’s numbers in check.
Nature seemingly intends to make the 21st Century a rerun of a horror movie about unstoppable viruses. ….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
The Communist regime in China has been dabbling in genetically altered or designed viruses for this entire century, in the bio-weapon labs, located in Wuhan, China. The Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, supposedly in a wild life market( where Chinese consumers can buy wild animals to consume). The world does not know that for a certainty , for once the existence of the Coronavirus was made public; the market was closed, and sterilized. All, ALL the wild animals were killed and buried at a secret location, so there can be no testing of them.
There has not been a PATIENT ZERO identified in this pandemic; which suggest a man made pathogen versus an organic mutation.
On March 12, 2018, this Blogger discussed DISEASE X in the Blog: WHO Warns of DISEASE X; In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“WHO-World Health Organization,Last week, the WHO warned the world that a new disease, DISEASE X, was about to be unleashed, potentially killing millions of earthlings.
…..DISEASE X, WHEN it comes; will be either a man-made pathogen, or a man nurtured pathogen...…. Mankind cannot do it,(create DISEASE X), Artificial Intelligence certainly might be able to; DEEPMIND is A.I. at its apex.
And DEEPMIND, A.I., did the following:
“SAN FRANCISCO — ….DeepMind specializes in “deep learning,” a type of artificial intelligence that is rapidly changing drug discovery science. A growing number of companies are applying similar methods to other parts of the long, enormously complex process that produces new medicines. These A.I. techniques can speed up many aspects of drug discovery and, in some cases, perform tasks typically handled by scientists…..If scientists can predict a protein’s shape, they can better determine how other molecules will “bind” to it — attach to it, physically — and that is one way drugs are developed. A drug binds to particular proteins in your body and changes their behavior…...….DeepMind’s victory showed how the future of biochemical research will increasingly be driven by machines and the people who oversee those machines.…….NEW YORK TIMES.”
If A.I. can discover the solution to the protein folding problem, it can create DISEASE X.
Every day over population pushes the Planet Earth toward BRAVE NEW WORLD solutions….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger believes that the Coronavirus was a man made pathogen; developed in the deep state laboratories of the Communist regime, to alter the world’s population. However, the pathogen escaped controls to ravish the world.
On February 2, 2018, this Blogger published: In 2014, Gerry Maxey Predicted How The Deep State Would Handle Overpopulation.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“There is shocking news abroad in the land, the Center for Disease Control is reducing by 80% its financial commitment to prevent global diseases from running rampant.But is that news more shocking than the projection that the planet Earth may have over 9 billion inhabitants living on it by the year 2050?
The human race has survived epidemics which depopulated the land; but can humanity survive overpopulation? This Blogger thinks not.
It is a fact of life that deep state thinkers believe that overpopulation is a greater threat to mankind's future than diseases cascading down from monkeys.….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
The seminal question is why would the Chinese Communists be developing a doomsday pathogen?
To kill sub-Saharan Blacks.
On May 14, 2015, this Blogger published:” Michelle Obama at Tuskegee: in the Brave New World of CRISPR/Cas9.”
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….On an Aldous Huxley level, Mrs. Obama’s speech was both a disaster, and a disservice to the Tuskegee graduates.
In his book, BRAVE NEW WORLD, set in 2540, the offspring of the world are genetically designed. As Mrs. Obama was looking backward, and kvetching about suspicious clerks, the Chinese were developing a cheap way to alter the DNA of the human race, and design the children of the future.
“….a Chinese team revealed last month that it had used a new laboratory technique to alter a gene in human embryos….The technology makes genetic manipulations that were theoretical in the past seem easy to achieve — and soon…..
…. the new gene editing tool, known as CRISPR/Cas9, might provide an easy means for molding a person when he or she is just a single-celled embryo.
CRISPR/Cas9 makes it possible for nearly any scientist to edit DNA in nearly any cell. …. alterations in a single-celled embryo would be copied into all the rest of the embryo's cells as it developed — and passed down via sperm or egg to the embryo's children, grandchildren and generations beyond.
….Scientists have made steady progress in their ability to edit DNA, but the CRISPR/Cas9 system marks a major advance in ease and flexibility of use….. It uses strands of RNA called clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, or CRISPRs, to direct DNA-chopping enzymes from the Cas protein family to sever the viral genome…..
….The CRISPR/Cas9 method is much simpler — and cheaper — than earlier gene editing technologies in which scientists had to synthesize complex proteins to carry out the same work. …. Uptake in labs has been so enthusiastic that CRISPR has become a verb, a la Google….. People could use gene editing for "non-therapeutic genetic enhancement" — making designer babies with blue eyes and high IQs……LOS ANGELES TIMES”
The insular Chinese are racists; over 5,000 years, their society has perfected an ethics free zeitgeist….The greatest threat to American Blacks in the future are not frightened white ladies, or suspicious clerks, or satirists, or trigger happy cops, or even lynch mobs, but Chinese scientists, without ethics, who can eliminate the black race.…..….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES."
On November 28, 2018, this Blogger published the following:
“However, last week there was a more important milestone on the highway to earthly dystopia; a mad Chinese scientist went into the forbidden zone, and using CRISPR, he gene edited children.
That act was profound and profane.
It will lead to the rise of designer babies;CRISPR is FRANKENSTEIN Eugenics.
Since 2015, there has been a common morality among scientists not to use CRISPR; mankind would not venture into the forbidden zone of gene editing.
Yet a Chinese Scientist did.
“Ever since scientists created the powerful gene editing technique Crispr, they have braced apprehensively for the day when it would be used to create a genetically altered human being. Many nations banned such work, fearing it could be misused to alter everything from eye color to I.Q.Now, the moment they feared may have come. On Monday, a scientist in China announced that he had created the world’s first genetically edited babies, twin girls who were born this month.The researcher, He Jiankui, said that he had altered a gene in the embryos, before having them implanted in the mother’s womb, with the goal of making the babies resistant to infection with H.I.V. .....But his previous work is known to many experts in the field, who said — many with alarm — that it was entirely possible he had.
“It’s scary,” said Dr. Alexander Marson, a gene editing expert at the University of California in San Francisco.
While the United States and many other countries have made it illegal to deliberately alter the genes of human embryos, it is not against the law to do so in China, but the practice is opposed by many researchers there. A group of 122 Chinese scientists issued a statement calling Dr. He’s actions “crazy” and his claims “a huge blow to the global reputation and development of Chinese science.”
If human embryos can be routinely edited, many scientists, ethicists and policymakers fear a slippery slope to a future in which babies are genetically engineered for traits — like athletic or intellectual prowess — that have nothing to do with preventing devastating medical conditions.o enter cells….
….Many scientists in the United States were appalled by the developments.
“I think that’s completely insane,” said Shoukhrat Mitalipov, director of the Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy at Oregon Health and Science University. …..THE NEW YORK TIMES.11-27-18'
…. this Blogger once attended a seminar with Sovietologist Boris Nicolaevsky, head of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, under the Bolsheviks, from 1917 to 1922( he was arrested and deported for being too ‘moderate"); he stated that he knew of a meeting in which Stalin promised Africa to Mao for the Chinese people to populate after the triumph of World Communism, and gave Mao license to depopulate blacks by any means necessary, in order to effectuate a Sino colonization of Africa.
With CRISPR, the Chinese Communists can create a generation of edited/altered Typhoid Marys, who can carry diseases specifically targeting sub-Saharan blacks, who among all the races of the world do not carry Neanderthal genes. Dr. He has shown that the edited humans will be immune to any test tube concocted disease. That is the covert horror of his experiment.
CRISPR is a tool in that kit of depopulation; now that the forbidden zone has been entered, gene editing can do away with entire races.....…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
In this Blogger’s opinion, CORONAVIRUS is a genetically modified virus which went rogue, escaped and starting killing humans, including those with Chinese DNA, before it was perfected to kill a certain type of human.
The horror of this situation is that while, Liberals and Globalists attack Americans as racists, for using the nomenclature CHINESE VIRUS; the Communist Chinese regime is continuing to develop killer pathogens; in the hope that the new ones will be capable of exempting Chinese DNA from being victims.

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