Chinese Communists, Sinophiles, Sinologists, and Globalists tell the world that the 21st Century will be the Chinese Century.
“The Chinese Century (simplified Chinese: 中国世纪; traditional Chinese: 中國世紀; pinyin: Zhōngguó Shìjì) is a neologism suggesting that the 21st century will be geopolitically dominated by the People's Republic of China, similar to how "the American Century" refers to the 20th century and "Pax Britannica" ("British Peace").”
What is the secret ingredient which will allow Communist China to supplant the Republic as the world’s dominant power?
The answer is simple, evident for all to see. America is being relegated to a has been status by its devotion to its new religion- DIVERSITY.
The secret ingredient is LACK OF; it is Diversity, Multiculturalism, which is forcing the Republic into early retirement as the Champion of the World. Communist China is in its Ascendancy because of its lack of Diversity.
“There are more foreign-born residents in …Los Angeles than in the whole of mainland China….THE ECONOMIST.”
No society can maintain universally accepted and recognized standards with a Diversity overload; Diversity becomes a centrifugal force; Diversity brings down standards, or as a Chinese Communist once told me:” DIVERSITY IS MEDIOCRITY IN TECHNICOLOR.”
Diversity devours the common; it turns group against group, devouring common goals.
The current American lust for Diversity sees Diversity as a morally superior state in and of itself. That lunacy is most apparent in the decline in American education, so precipitous it imperils the nation’s future.
Because of Diversity, America is turning out a generation of illiterates and mathematical incompetents.
‘WASHINGTON — America’s fourth and eighth graders are losing ground in their ability to read literature and academic texts, according to a rigorous national assessment released Wednesday that is likely to fuel concerns over student achievement after decades of tumult on the educational landscape.
Two out of three children did not meet the standards for reading proficiency set by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a test administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, the research arm of the Education Department.
The dismal results reflected the performance of about 600,000 students in reading and math, whose scores made up what is called the “nation’s report card.” The average eighth-grade reading score declined in more than half of the states compared with 2017, the last time the test was given. The average score in fourth-grade reading declined in 17 states. ….
Only 35 percent of fourth graders were proficient in reading in 2019, down from 37 percent in 2017; 34 percent of eighth graders were proficient in reading, down from 36 percent. Overall student progress in reading has stalled in the last decade, with the highest performers stagnating and the lowest-achieving students falling further behind.
White, black, Hispanic, Native American and multiracial students all lost ground in eighth-grade reading, while there was no significant change for Asian students. Eighth grade is crucial because it prepares students for high school and beyond.
……This year, eighth-grade reading scores in 31 states dropped two to seven points — which the federal government deemed significant — compared with their performances in 2017. Indiana, New Hampshire and Virginia had the largest declines. Fourth-grade reading scores dropped in 17 states, with New Jersey’s six-point drop the largest. Only one state, Mississippi, improved, the data showed.
…..American students have made large gains in math and small gains in reading since 1990. But those improvements began to level out around 2009. There is no consensus on why that happened…..NEW YORK TIMES.”
This Blogger has a consensus, that there are too many migrants, from too many cultures to make the system work, let alone prosper.
“there are over 800 languages spoken in New York City. For this reason, New York is often recognized as the world's most linguistically diverse city”
…. More than 145 different languages are spoken in Houston. … More than a third of Houstonians older than five speak a language other than English at home”
How can the Republic stand, in the face of all that Diversity? It can’t.
America has too many migrants to teach English and mathematics, to win the Century.
And because of the cult of Diversity, once the children of migrants are in school they are not learning to read in English or do mathematics; instead they are having theological discussions over DIVERSITY.
“The debate in California highlights some of the difficult questions that educators will face: Which groups, and whose histories, should be included? Is the purpose to create young, left-leaning activists, or to give students access to a broad range of opinions? And are teachers, the majority of whom are white, ready to teach a discipline that is unfamiliar to many of them?
“We’re fighting for the history we don’t see,” said Jorge Pacheco Jr., a member of the committee that wrote the draft and an ethnic studies teacher in the Mountain View Whisman School District.
The California course materials focus on people of color, such as African-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, Arab-Americans, Central American immigrants and Pacific Islanders. Much of the material is uncontroversial, including lessons that ask students to examine a 1943 real estate deed restricting occupancy to white tenants, or to learn about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.
But after California released the draft of the materials for public comment in June, some Jewish legislators and organizations complained that anti-Semitism was not an area of emphasis, while the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel came up repeatedly. Armenian, Greek, Hindu and Korean organizations later joined the Jewish groups in calling for revisions.
Shereen Bhalla, director of education for the Hindu American Foundation, said the curriculum should include information on the contributions Indian-Americans have made to the United States, and on the discrimination they have faced through immigration restrictions and hate crimes….It did not help that some of the terms used throughout the more than 300 pages of documents — “hxrstory, “cisheteropatriarchy,” “accompliceship” — were inscrutable to many in Sacramento and beyond.
The documents are “progressive to the point of self-parody,” Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, a Republican, said. “Ethnic studies is a serious topic and should be treated as such, not as an opportunity to infuse classrooms with ideology.”
About a fifth of the state’s high schools currently offer an ethnic studies class, according to the California Department of Education.
….The ethnic studies laws in Oregon and Vermont include the study of ethnic minorities, but also other marginalized “social” groups. The Vermont law mentions “groups that have been historically subject to persecution or genocide,” and both states specifically include people of “Middle Eastern descent.”
...The goal of the California model curriculum was to “honor ethnic studies as the academic field it is and honor students as young intellectuals” able to grasp complex concepts and language, said R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, a chair of the committee that wrote the draft and an ethnic studies teacher in the Los Angeles public school system.
The curriculum goes beyond ethnicity to talk about gender, class and many other forms of identity.
According to a glossary included with the documents, “hxrstory,” pronounced “herstory,” is history written from a gender-inclusive perspective. “Cisheteropatriarchy” is a system of power based on the dominance of straight men who are not transgender.
“Accompliceship” is the process of building relationships grounded in trust and accountability with marginalized people and groups.
The public school student body of California is much more diverse than the teacher corps that would be tasked with adapting college-level concepts for the K-12 classroom. More than three-quarters of California students are nonwhite, but 62 percent of their teachers are white.
But the area of the draft curriculum that proved most divisive is how it treats Palestinians and Jews. Lara Kiswani, executive director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center in San Francisco, said that for too long, Arab-American issues had received short shrift in the curriculum.
Ethnic studies highlights activism against oppression, which is one reason the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement should be included, she said.
“You can’t talk about the Palestinian people without talking about the struggle against apartheid,” she said.
The California Legislative Jewish Caucus wrote a letter saying the draft lacks “meaningful discussion of anti-Semitism,” “singles out Israel for condemnation” and “denigrates Jews” using a narrative that “echoes the propaganda of the Nazi
....The letter cites translated song lyrics included in one of the model lesson plans, in which a hip-hop artist raps, in Arabic: Israeli colony is expanded. For each greeting, a thousand houses were demolished. They use the press so they can manufacture.”
The reference to the press, the letter says, is “a classic antisemitic trope about Jewish control of the media.”…NEW YORK TIMES.”
Diversity has empowered America to teach its children rap songs in Arabic but leaves them incapable of reading in English, or the ability to do simple Mathematics.
This Blogger is not concerned that Communist China will exploit the Chinese Century; for this Blogger on August 7, 2012, this Blogger published: Omens Predicting The Demise Of Communist China In 2021
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….Communist China is close to the Soviet shelf life expiration. They can manufacture every damn product known to God and Man, and it still won't matter; they have a maximum of 9 years left before imploding, like Communist Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union....…THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
If not Communist China then who?
This Blogger does believe that in the 21st Century, mono-cultural societies will prevail over multiculturalism, which is why Modi of India is creating a Hinduva India, and Putin is creating a Russian Orthodox Russia.
America, genuflecting to Diversity, is producing dysfunctional illiterates and mathematical dunces.Diversity is a historical dead end, the wrong side of history; America, intoxicated on Diversity, will soon find out that is true.

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