November 9, 2019 is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall,or more accurately, the Berlin Walls ( see picture below). This Blogger was intending to bypass commentary on the anniversary, but a German friend of his emailed him, and stated that people who were living witness to the wall's existence were dying; so it was important that all eyewitness accounts be memorialized.
This Blogger went into East Germany in 1988, for an appointment in Samarra.
This Blogger flew into West Berlin from Amsterdam. The landing pattern was interesting; the plane circled West Berlin before it touched down, so the passengers could see that the mythic Berlin Wall was indeed a wall, a wall, around the ENTIRE CITY of West Berlin.
This Blogger has seen walled cities before, Avila in Spain; but this medieval phenomenon in the 20th century was a shock.
There were two walls, one abutting West Berlin, and one abutting East Berlin; between them was a no man’s land, a cordon sanitaire, in which everything moving was shot, man, woman, child, dog.
To escape East Berlin, one had to jump the East Berlin Wall, and run across the open area( some of which was mined), then scale the West Berlin Wall. It was urban legend that the East German snipers would wait until the freedom loving jumpers reached their goal of the West Berlin Wall before they killed them.
Life inside the walled city of West Berlin was Weimar, Isherwood Weimar Berlin, on George Grosz steroids.There was so much decadence that Jeffrey Epstein would be the most moral man in town. The hookers in the walled city of West Berlin were the ugliest hookers this Blogger had ever seen, even uglier than the hookers in the windows of the De Wallen red light zone in Amsterdam. He was informed that most of the pretty hookers had left for West Germany, more career advancement.
One German girl told me that living in the walled city of West Berlin was like living on a spaceship, on the edge of a Black Hole; all one did was wait to be devoured and subsumed.
To leave the walled city of West Berlin, to go into East Berlin, Communist Germany, the Black Hole, one had to go through Checkpoint Charlie. When this Blogger went through, the American side was manned by two casual American soldiers, laughing. The laughter was bemusement; conveying their feelings that if you were stupid enough to cross over into East Berlin and lose our protection, you deserve everything you get. They waved this Blogger and his interpreter through.
This Blogger has been told to take two cameras with him, one fairly decent, and a cheap one. When his car got to the East Berlin side of Checkpoint Charlie, he was asked to step out of the car. He was patted down, and sure enough the fairly decent camera was confiscated by the East Germans as inappropriate. They let the Blogger keep the cheap one.
The Communist East Germans asked this Blogger why he was in East Berlin; he informed them he was there to see Museum Island. They seemed skeptical.
Then the East German lady guide showed up to expedite this Blogger's transit. The guide who had seen him through the Checkpoint, returned to West Berlin, leaving this Blogger alone in the Black Hole of Communism.
This Blogger was in Communist East Germany in 1988, 43 years after the separation of Germany into the democratic West and the Communist East; and in those 43 years, the German people had been split into Jungian halves. East Germans were not an easy going people; in fact ALL the easy going people in East Germany had been culled out by the Communists.
The East German guide was a STASI agent( surprise);later we had lunch in London, we discussed how long a time frame it takes to change a people’s ambiance, zeitgeist…..forty years suffices.
This Blogger has had some interactions with Communists; Communists are the biggest hypocrites in the history of the world. One can always cut a deal with Communists; they believe in nothing; certainly not Socialism, and its Panglossian crap.
Socialists like Elizabeth Warren, AOC, the Squad, and all the other young Millennial Democrats believe in Socialist crap; Communists don’t.
What is Socialist crap?
The belief that there are no bad people, just bad societies; that one can socially engineer bad people out of society by perfecting society.
Communism has only one purpose, to set up an intellectual rationale, an intellectual architecture which allows intellectuals to become gangsters. The raison d’être of Communism is to empower, and enable intellectuals: teachers,lawyers, seminarians, poets, journalists et al to become Mafioso, under the rubric of Socialism.
One can cut any deal with any Communist, and if that deal falls within his Mafioso perspective, but outside the party rules, the Communist will merely re-write the prevailing rules.
A good example of that is modern Sweden; Sweden, under Democratic Socialism, has imported vast numbers of migrants from undeveloped nations.
The tension between native Swedes and migrants is so tense, civil war is in the air.
“The cultural divide between native Swedes and new arrivals from the Middle East and Africa is too great to bridge in a single generation, former Scania CEO Leif Östling told Swedish outlet SwebbTV on Saturday. He warned that clashes between migrants and locals, which have already turned some areas into "no-go zones" where even the police fear to tread, could spiral into "internal wars" requiring the military to get involved.
The future is grim for Sweden's economy, Östling continued, "and it's because we've taken in far too many people from outside," with no thought toward whether they would be able to assimilate and acclimatize to Sweden's "incredibly complicated society."Those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago.”
Many corporate executives share his views, Östling said, but they are afraid to speak up for fear of hurting their companies. Sweden has long had a reputation as a country that is welcoming to migrants, and its government appears determined to keep up that image….local swede.”
The Democratic Socialists in Sweden want to resolve the problem by more education; the Swedish Communist party has launched night patrols of citizens, vigilantes, to maintain order among the migrants.
One of the first thing one notices in a Communist country is that all the cities are occupied. In East Berlin, there were at least four types of uniformed soldiers walking the streets, and that is not counting the regular police or the undercover police. The second thing one notices is that all the uniformed occupiers carry AK-47s, with THEIR SAFETIES LEVERS OFF.
East Berlin was a dour and sad place; which is why the Communists built the wall, to keep their people from fleeing.
This Blogger was driven around East Berlin in a TRABANT, one of the worse cars ever built.
On the way back to CHECKPOINT CHARLIE, this Blogger's car, with the STASI lady driving it, was hailed down by three trigger happy soldiers. This Blogger had to exit the car. The East Germans searched him, again, and the car. They stuck a pole, with a mirror on it, under the car to see if we had any East German hanging on to the muffler. They waved the car and the STASI driver on to CHECKPOINT CHARLIE; this Blogger had to walk the last hundred yards.....alone. Every fifteen or twenty yards, someone would yell HALT....and this Blogger would freeze, waiting to be shot.
The voice would never say CONTINUE; the Blogger would just make a dumb decision and move on, until another HALT stopped him. Finally, this Blogger reached the East German side of CHECKPOINT CHARLIE where his bag was waiting for him, unopened. He closed his bag, and walked across the no man's land to the American side.
Waiting for him were two American soldiers, smiling, triumphantly.
East Berliners knew the following, which may be of some service to Liberals:
- Walls work, the exodus of East Germans west dropped into non existence with the building of the Wall.
- Torture works- unlike Matt Damon’s pronouncements, torture works, and people will usually tell you the truth under torture, for if they lie the torture would become more profound.
- Without President Ronald Reagan placing Pershing Missiles in West Germany, the Berlin Wall would still be standing.
This Blogger was not present when the Berlin Wall fell, dismantled brick by brick by freed people; protected by American might. He has received thanks from Germans who knew him during the halcyon days.
Speaking for this Blogger’s friends and comrades, who brought the Soviet Communists down; we would not do it again. If we had known our victory would have led to Western Civilization being overrun by a passel of Migrants, we would have not given any blood, nor sweat nor tears to victory over Communists.

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