It has become abundantly clear to this Blogger that the philosophical avatar of this Liberal New Age is Timothy Treadwell. Mr. Treadwell was the subject of Werner Herzog’s sublime and brilliant 2005 documentary, THE GRIZZLY MAN. Mr. Treadwell was a devotee of anthropomorphism, the attribution of human characteristic to an animal. He moved from Malibu to live among grizzlies, giving them cute Disney like names….he was living a live action Disney cartoon, or an ABC sitcom, take your pick. Eventually, the bears got hungry and ate him and his girlfriend. The key word being reverted; as the wise Native American said in the film: “they are grizzly bears.”
Liberals seemed to be obsessed with diluting ancient atavism, in not recognizing danger and dangerous men or dangerous situations. They attribute qualities to men and situations that are not there. Liberals want to impose feel good sitcom values on atavism. That approach is not realistic.
How does a society, which defeated Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, slip into the dementia of Disney Anthropomorphism? First it devalues life experience for the non-reality value of show business.
A while ago, the LOS ANGELES TIMES had a magazine section in its Sunday paper. One Sunday, the Magazine ran a flattering article on Ben Stiller, who at the time was young and hot. In the article, Ben’s father, comedian Jerry Stiller was quoted as saying:”I gave him a camera as a kid ,and by the time he was 16 he had seen everything.”
A while ago, the LOS ANGELES TIMES had a magazine section in its Sunday paper. One Sunday, the Magazine ran a flattering article on Ben Stiller, who at the time was young and hot. In the article, Ben’s father, comedian Jerry Stiller was quoted as saying:”I gave him a camera as a kid ,and by the time he was 16 he had seen everything.”
That is show business thinking, entertainment thinking, I AM A CAMERA thinking; that Life itself can be bent to the will of entertainment precepts.
Then the slipping society devalues the nomenclature of danger, turning it into an appendix of show business.
Recently THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER did a feature story on Amy Poehler, the lady comedian, the funny lady comedian. Two concepts jumped out at this Blogger; Poehler was called a bad ass; and Poehler called her lady comedian friends-assassins, because they could steal scenes.
Recently THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER did a feature story on Amy Poehler, the lady comedian, the funny lady comedian. Two concepts jumped out at this Blogger; Poehler was called a bad ass; and Poehler called her lady comedian friends-assassins, because they could steal scenes.
Calling lady comedians badasses and assassins is the anthropomorphism of language, applying terms used to describe dangerous men into show business compliments.
In and of itself, that is not dangerous; but as entertainment logic permeates the society, and society’s social thinking, that show biz thinking IS VERY DANGEROUS.
On the streets of Brooklyn, this Blogger knew an assassin; he played stickball and Chinese handball with a kid who grew up to become a button man( a killer) for the Brooklyn Mafia. Trust this Blogger, he was not an assassin because he could steal a comedy scene from other female comedians; he was an assassin because HE KILLED PEOPLE.
This Blogger has heard many women described themselves or the female friends as badasses.
They are not; one of my first bosses had won a Bronze Star in the Battle of Manila. The Japanese Imperial High Command had surrendered Manila to American forces; but the Imperial Japanese Marines refused to accept surrender. 16,000 Japanese Marines went into the ancient walled city of Intramuros, in the heart of Manila. This Blogger’s boss was one of the Americans sent in to root them out; out of the 16,000 Japanese marines who went in, less than 20 were alive when the battle was over.
This Blogger’s boss was a badass.
America, mired in Disney cartoon think, is no longer capable of recognizing potential danger. Any Military is full of dangerous men, danger is the profession of any Military.
America, mired in Disney cartoon think, is no longer capable of recognizing potential danger. Any Military is full of dangerous men, danger is the profession of any Military.
The American Military is full of badasses; which may indeed be the righteous thing, for a Military is not a social organization per se but a refined killing machine.
Under Liberal Anthropomorphism the American Military is and was not seen as killers restrained by codes of honor but as Disney special episode fodder, awaiting enlightenment. Enlightenment in the form of female soldiers.
Bringing women into the American Military was the delight of Liberal Timothy Treadwells. Anderson Cooper was and is the Timothy Treadwell of Liberals.
On January 5, 2011, this Blogger published ANDERSON COOPER VS. THE TRUTH ABOUT WOMEN IN THE MILITARY.
The following is from that Blog:
“One of the philosophical underpinnings of the successful repeal of DON’T ASK/DON'T TELL spearheaded by Lady Gaga and Anderson Cooper was the premise that the Armed Forces could easily protect openly Gay Soldiers just as it was SUCCESSFULLY protecting American women in the Armed Forces.
Basically, if they can protect women, why not Gays? So what is the Big Deal?
This is from Mr. Cooper's television show on January 3, 2011, concerning Captain Honors, former Captain of the USS Enterprise, and the impact of his raunchy videos.
"COOPER: ..... Jokes about gays is also a recurring theme....: Twice, the X.O. has negative things to say about gays, including using the F-word to describe them.
There were no doubt gay sailors on board at the time. And Honors is now in command of a major vessel and a Navy in the process of dropping don't ask, don't tell. Now, the tapes were made in 2006 and 2007. And according to "The Virginian-Pilot," there were complaints from crew members back then. Yet, somehow, they apparently never moved the Navy to do anything until the story and the tapes finally came out.
Joining me now is Kirk Lippold, former commander of the USS Cole, and Katie Miller of OutServe. She is a former West Point cadet who was discharged under don't ask, don't tell.
Katie, when you saw this videotape, what did you think?
KATIE MILLER, SPOKESPERSON, OUTSERVE.ORG: You know, I was immediately appalled.
I mean, these are the same anti-gay attitudes that sparked me to leave the academy. I mean, under this kind of command climate, it's almost impossible to operate. So, I mean,it's just really...
COOPER: How common is it to hear, you know, the F-word being used, you know, against a gay person or someone who is a person -- you know, as a joke?
MILLER: So I think the military will be able to adapt as a body of professionals into the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, and eliminate these derogatory anti-gay slurs,just as they have been able to transition with racial integration and with female integration. You know, we have the world's most professional, the finest military."
Ms. Miller as a Lesbian woman should know better; what she stated has no basis in reality.
The integration of Women soldiers has failed.
How does this Blog know that the integration of Women in the Armed Forces has failed?
This Blog counts the rapes on the ground.
"ABC News' Luis Martinez reports:
The Pentagon released its annual report of sexual assault and harassment at the three service academies and the numbers have risen 64 percent from last year. There were 41 incidents during the 2009 to 2010 school year, up from 25 the previous year. .... The report defines sexual assault as including “the crimes of rape, unlawful sexual contact, forcible sodomy, and attempts to commit these offenses.”
"…. By Bryan Bender – – January 3, 2011
WASHINGTON — Soon after she arrived in Congress three years ago, Representative Niki Tsongas attended a luncheon in the Capitol honoring wounded soldiers. The Lowell Democrat, chatting with a military nurse who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, heard something that shocked and motivated her.
“She made the astonishing statement to me that she was more fearful of our own soldiers than she was of the enemy,’’ Tsongas recalled in an interview.
“The military services have worked hard to address the issue, but we hear of the failings, especially the way in which victims are treated,’’ Tsongas said. “The numbers are alarming.’’
The Pentagon says there were 3,230 reported sexual assaults involving military members in fiscal year 2009. That was an 11 percent increase from 2008, according to the statistics.
At the same time, military officials estimate that as much as 90 percent of sexual assaults in the ranks go unreported. According to the Government Accountability Office, many victims remain silent because they fear ridicule or believe that no action will be taken.
...Those familiar with the issue contend the problem has grown more prevalent with the share of women in the ranks. Women now constitute 15 percent of the armed forces,
including up to 20 percent of new recruits, according to Pentagon statistics.
Women in the military are twice as likely to be victims of sexual assault as their civilian counterparts, studies show, while sexual abuse is the leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder among female soldiers."
This society has thrown women into the rape pit and called it progress. Now, before this society has found a way to protect women serving in the ranks,we are going to place
Openly Gay soldiers into a bunch of homophobes with easy access to guns.
Because the Anderson Coopers and Lady Gagas of the world think that they know the military best. They are talk show hosts, who confuse cocktail party chatter with experience.
To base military policy on their carping is madness. There is only one way to insure the safety of women and openly gay soldiers in the Armed Forces, the return of the Draft. If men like Anderson Cooper were serving the nation, rather than talking about other people serving the nation, then the incidence of rape and the future incidence of murder(oops, Friendly Fire) would be reduced…..GERRY MAXEY.”
Anderson Cooper is Timothy Treadwell, and the American Military is stocked with grizzlies. That is how a Republic wins wars, stocking its military with grizzlies and not Treadwells.
Anderson Cooper's world view prevailed, so here is where the nation is in 2019-
“Sexual assault in the American military surged in the last two years, driven almost entirely by a 50 percent increase in assaults on women in uniform, according to a survey released on Thursday by the Defense Department.
The department’s annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military estimated that there were 20,500 instances of “unwanted sexual contact” in the 2018 fiscal year, based on a survey of men and women across the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. That was an increase of 38 percent from the previous survey in 2016.
….The survey found that while assaults on men in the military remained flat, assaults on women recorded their biggest increase in years.
Women now make up only about 20 percent of the military, but are the targets of 63 percent of assaults, the survey found, with the youngest and lowest-ranking women most at risk.
Overall, one out of every 16 military women reported being groped, raped or otherwise sexually assaulted within the last year.
…The figures come from a survey of about 100,000 active-duty troops, …A separate report in January showed that the number of sexual assaults at the nation’s service academies had risen by 50 percent since 2016, suggesting that the problem is just as widespread among the military’s future leaders as it is in the current ranks…..
…assaults increased across all branches, but the Marine Corps, which has proportionally more young, low-ranking troops and far fewer women than the other services, reported by far the highest rates. One in 10 surveyed women in the Marines reported being assaulted, twice the rate of either the Army or the Air Force.
“Sexual assault erodes the trust and cohesion within the Marine Corps team, degrades our lethality and readiness, and is incompatible with our core values of honor, courage and commitment,” the Marine Corps said in a statement. “In the end, this is an issue of trust — trust that fellow Marines will look after each other.”..NEW YORK TIMES.”
Before Liberal Governance and Liberal Thought was dominated by Disney Anthropomorphism, this Blogger was asked by a Liberal think tanker his opinion on women in the military.
This Blogger told him that women could not be protected in a volunteer military; the best way to protect women in the Military was a Universal Draft.
This Blogger stands by that assessment. Women in the Military, under a universal draft, would be protected by NUMBERS. Half the services would be women, that alone should cut down on rapes. Combat units would still be volunteer.

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