Western Civilization has had three epochs of wonder; the Bronze Age, which was ended by the Mass Migration of the Sea Peoples, followed by a Dark Age; the Classical Period, ending when mass migrants sacked Rome in 476 AD, followed by a Dark Age; and Modernity, which is being assailed on all sides by Mass Migrations, to be followed by a Dark Age.
One of the immutable laws of Mankind’s History is that Mass Migrations destroy settled civilizations. That Law will never change, regardless of how many times Globalists and Liberals click their ruby red slippers.
One of the immutable laws of Mankind’s History is that Mass Migrations destroy settled civilizations. That Law will never change, regardless of how many times Globalists and Liberals click their ruby red slippers.
Mass Migration and Civilization are blood enemies, like a mongoose and a cobra, like a lion and a hyena.
Mass Migration and Civilization are incompatible, mutually exclusive concepts.
The Globalist Elite and their Media Machine inform Nationalists that Mass Migration is a human right; this Blogger will stipulate that. In addition, this Blogger stipulates that surviving a Mass Migration is also a human Right; that right is ignored by Globalists and Liberals.
Western Civilization in 2019 is in danger of being smothered by the coming tsunami of Mass Migrations. In 2019, Western Civilization is on the verge of a collapse, equal in intensity to the Bronze Age Collapse, which destroyed Bronze Age Civilization in the Eastern Mediterranean, between 1200BC and 1140 BC.
Forty years, half a modern lifetime; that is all the time it took for the sophisticated Bronze Age Civilizations to Collapse under the onslaught of Mass Migration.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed over one million Sunni migrants into Western Civilization in 2015; by 2055, Western Civilization will be entering another Dark Age, if historical extrapolations can be believed, and this Blogger believes them.
The main grievance this Blogger has with Globalist/Liberal paradigms is their belief that the Mass Migrations can be managed with an interview on Stephen Colbert or a tweet.
In 2019, this Blogger does not see merely the fall of the American republic because of Mass Migration, nor the fall of the West because of unfettered migration, but the fall of Western Civilization itself; this Blogger believes that Western Civilization is drifting, because of the Panglossian lunacy of its Liberal governance, into a period which will rival the Bronze Age Collapse.
Western Civilization reached a towering period of learning, medicine, building, architecture, engineering, and exploration during its Classical Age. That age lasted from the 8th century BC, starting with Homer’s poetry, until the fall of Rome in 476 AD to Migrants.
Before the rise of the Classical Age, there was a Dark Age, lasting from 1150 BC to 8th Century BC.
Before 1150 BC was the Bronze Age; Bronze is an alloy, one third tin and two thirds copper. Tin is rarer on earth than uranium. During the Bronze Age, most of the tin was mined in modern day Turkey.
The Bronze Age was a flowering of Mankind; literacy was abundant, writing was formulated and developed. Cities and trade flourished. Medicine thrived.
“The Bronze Age Civilizations have played a huge role as far as human development and technological innovations are concerned. During this age the human brain produced many wonderful tools and inventions which not only assisted in the advancement of everyday life but also formed the basis for the future nations and civilizations to excel.”
In Modernity, Mankind has gone to the Moon, and Mars, invented computers, electricity, cellphones, airplanes, automobiles and all manner of things, sundry and grand.
However, the Bronze Age Civilizations were no slouches at invention; they invented soap, booze, rope, umbrellas, locks, kites, the plow, the wheel, and chariots.
It should be humbling to Moderns to place a value added comparison on the following inventions:which is the more valuable invention to Mankind, the Modern Iphone or the Bronze Age Wheel?
It should be humbling to Moderns to place a value added comparison on the following inventions:which is the more valuable invention to Mankind, the Modern Iphone or the Bronze Age Wheel?
The apex of Bronze Age Civilization was located in the Eastern Mediterranean; an area which sustained large, interconnected cities. There were roads, and shipping lanes, and vast trade networks.
The three most powerful entities were the Mycenaean kingdoms of Greece and Crete, the Hittite Empire in modern day Turkey and Syria and the Egyptian Empire.
It was really good times; famine had been abolished because the centralized states stored food in anticipation of droughts. Irrigation was mastered. Populations boomed. There were written treaties between the powers, all very civilized.
Then in 1200 BC, the good times began to unravel; by 1140 BC, the good times were dead and buried. The Bronze Age Collapse, everything swept away in the span of 40 years.
Take heed 2019 Globalists, Civilization fell within a span of 40 years, a lifetime, half a lifetime.
Who dispatched the Bronze Age Civilizations? Migrants, THE SEA PEOPLES.
The sophisticated trade based economies were smashed, and replaced by village economies of subsistence.
Literacy was extinguished.
The native populations retreated into the hills, back into caves. Writing became a lost art.
History shows us again and again and again that contact between Mass Migrants and Natives always leads the diminution of the natives. If you doubt this Blogger ask the Ainu of Japan, the Hawaiians, the Lakota, the Aboriginals of Australia, the Maoris, or the Celts retreating before the Romans.
Contact between Mass Migrants and Natives is a Zero Sum game; every benefit acquired by the Migrants comes at a cost to the Native, a benefit which would have succored the Native.
The Globalist solution to Mass Migration is to stuff small town America, like Utica New York and Willmar, Minnesota with migrants. That is such a feel good solution, however, who in their right mind thinks that small town America can handle 405 million migrants?
“We are now witnessing the highest levels of movement on record. About 258 million people, or one in every 30, were living outside their country of birth in 2017.That is both a record high – there were 173 million in 2000 – and an alarmingly volatile figure: a 2003 projection anticipated that by 2050, there would be up to 230 million international migrants. The latest revised projection is that there will be 405 million international migrants by 2050….GUARDIANUK.”.
Those 405 million migrants will be THE SEA PEOPLES, and if Western Civilization takes them in, it will suffer the fate of the Bronze Age Civilizations, COLLAPSE.
The Bronze Age iteration of Mass Migrants, the SEA PEOPLES did the following: “In modern day Turkey, every center of population was destroyed, abandoned and never reoccupied."
On Cyprus, all the major population centers were sacked, and abandoned.
In modern day Israel, all population centers north of Gaza were destroyed and abandoned.
In Greece, “The Peloponnese was the worst affected in Greece by far with up to 90% of small sites in the region being abandoned, suggesting a major depopulation in the region."
Egypt suffered great tribulations, leading to the fall of the dynastic system.
The Bronze Age Collapse caused chaos and impoverishment among the native populations; all Mass Migrations cause chaos.
This indelible fact is lost on Liberal Governance; Liberals and Globalists have Hitlerian hubris. One of the axioms of History is-NEVER INVADE RUSSIA. Hitler did. Liberals and Globalists are Hitlerian in their defiance of the axioms of History. They want to tolerate, encourage and manage Mass Migrations. Mass Migrations cannot be tolerated, encouraged nor managed. THEY MUST BE RESISTED.
Liberal Governance, as it pertains to Mass Migrations, and the consequences of Mass Migrations is beyond fantastic; it is bizarre. Liberals have abandoned historical indicators, historical critical mass, historical axioms, downside risk analysis and even contrary evidence for a grotesque,suicidal policy of welcoming.
Liberal Governance, as it pertains to Mass Migrations, and the consequences of Mass Migrations is beyond fantastic; it is bizarre. Liberals have abandoned historical indicators, historical critical mass, historical axioms, downside risk analysis and even contrary evidence for a grotesque,suicidal policy of welcoming.
“the migrants came in a "hostile" and "aggressive" way, and accused them of also attacking local police in Metapa, a Mexican village that lies between the border and the nearby city of Tapachula.
The group of 350 pushed past police guarding the bridge and joined a larger group of about 2,000 migrants who are walking toward Tapachula in the latest caravan to enter Mexico.
Claudia Jaqueline Sandoval, 43, from El Progreso, Honduras, was walking toward Tapachula with her 6-year-old daughter. Another son and a daughter are already in the United States.
"I have been HIV positive for 16 years," said Sandoval, but her reason for going north was not just medical treatment. "It has been two years since I heard from my son" in the United States, and money is scarce, she said….washington post.”

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