The Roman Republic fought a war over
Citizenship, the Social War. The war ended in a Roman victory and the genocide of
Samnites, an Italian tribe, which wanted full Roman citizenship.
The Citizenship War was debilitating to the Republic, causing the rise of military strongmen like
Sulla, Marius and eventually Julius Caesar.The vaunted Roman Republic, which had
survived hundreds of years, began to die, over a war about who should be a
citizen of Rome.
Citizenship is very important
to Republics. A Monarch can claim subjects by birth, decree or conquest. To be a citizen of a Republic, this American Republic, one has to be either born
lucky or meet the criteria of the citizens who came before you.
Because American
Citizenship is so valuable, such a cohesive force in the existence of the
Republic, it cannot and should not be enterprised upon.
DACA (Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals) is the executive order by President Obama which allowed
some individuals who were brought to America illegally as children, to be
deferred from deportation, allowed a work permit, and allowed a drivers
DACA recipients are
called DREAMERS. There are 800,000 of them.
The DACA recipients are
innocent of wrong doing; they were smuggled into the Republic by parents
enterprising upon American resources in the hope of gaining amnesty for their
wrong doing, and citizenship for their offspring.
Vestigial humanity tells
Americans it is wrong to punish DREAMERS because they are innocent of any
original wrong doing; however vestigial obedience to the rule of civilized law
tells Americans that the parents of DACA Recipients should and must be punished
for they originated the wrong doing by
entering the Republic illegally,
in an effort to scam the Republic out of resources, including education and
medical care, for their children. The parents of DACA Recipients stole
resources meant for American kids, for their own progeny.
If the DREAMERS are
innocent, then surely their claim jumping parents are Bernie Madoffs, scamming
all of America for the benefit of their children’s lifestyles.
This Blogger’s solution
to the DREAMERS conundrum is neither Draconian nor Solomonic; it comes from
American Blood memory, the Miners Court of the Old West- free the innocent,
punish the guilty.
All DACA recipients will
be allowed to apply for American Citizenship, and will obtain citizenship status
after 10 (TEN) years of crime free residency in the Republic. That way the
innocent are protected.
However, no DREAMER can
apply for this Ten Year Citizenship Process unless their parents (both parents or one, widow or widower or divorcee)
and/or their guardians who brought them to America, self deport. No DREAMER
can become a citizen unless their
parents or guardians self deport; those guilty of claim jumping American resources must be
punished. It is the law of a Republican society
intent on surviving, unlike the Roman Republic.
This Blogger has met with
many DREAMERS' parents; in unison they all stated that their law
breaking and claim jumping was done for the sake of their children.
This Blogger’s proposal
allows those parents the opportunity to prove it. If they want Citizenship for
their kids, go home.
And there is one more
caveat, the self deported parents and/or
guardian must sign a waiver that they will NEVER apply for American
citizenship, nor accept an amnesty relating to American Citizenship.
This Blogger’s Proposal will inform History which DREAMERS' parents so loved their children they were prepared to leave them. Perhaps it is a Solomonic solution.
What modern American Liberals have been deficient at is an appreciation that there is a spiritual component in Governance, even secular Governance. There must be a karmic balance between mercy and obligation. There are many native born families who have had family members or friends or lovers who have fought in the Republic's wars since 1917, in the Argonne, on Anzio, at Tarawa, at Inchon, and Hue, in Fallujah and in Helmand. Outright amnesty to DREAMERS, which rewards their parents' scam, makes their families' sacrifice a travesty. This Proposal melds mercy and obligation together.
This Blogger's Proposal gives DREAMERS a future in America, with American citizenship; the price is their parents’ futures. That is a a fair trade, an American Blood Memory Trade.
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