This Blog will explore Lincoln and The White Slave Holding Class
“ The Stono Rebellion,a slave rebellion that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies prior to the American Revolutions, in an armed march south from the Stono River (for which the rebellion is named).
Twenty rebellious slaves recruited nearly 60 other slaves and killed 22–25 whites before being intercepted by the South Carolina militia near the Edisto River. In that battle, 20 whites and 44 slaves were killed….Over the next two years, slave uprisings occurred independently in Georgia and South Carolina, perhaps inspired, as colonial officials believed, by the Stono Rebellion. Conditions of slavery were sufficient cause. (South Carolina) passed the Negro Act of 1740 to tighten controls: it required a ratio of one white to ten blacks on any plantation. It prohibited slaves from growing their own food, assembling in groups, earning money, or learning to read.”
The other major rebellion was led by “Nathaniel "Nat" Turner (October 2, 1800 – November 11, 1831) an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, 1831 that resulted in 60 white deaths and at least 100 black deaths,the largest number of fatalities to occur in one uprising prior to the American Civil War in the southern United States….. Turner was captured and hanged. In the aftermath, the state executed 56 blacks accused of being part of Turner's slave rebellion. ….Across Virginia and other southern states, state legislators passed new laws prohibiting education of slaves and free blacks, restricting rights of assembly and other civil rights for free blacks, and requiring white ministers to be present at black worship services.”
The Nazis oppressed for twelve years, the American White Slave Holding Class oppressed for 220 years, without any Spartacus Rebellion, that massive slave rebellion against Rome. In Haiti, the black slaves rose up, destroyed an army sent by Napoleon and killed every French slave holder they could find. In Brazil, the black slaves broke away and forged their own independent kingdom for decades. In America, the White Slave Holders endured, brilliantly oppressive, ruthlessly oppressive.
The White American Slave Holding Class is arguably the gold standard of oppressing classes.
The key was the Slave Patrol, initiated in South Carolina in 1704; every white male, unless invalided, regardless of politics or class or religion, had to give a night a week to riding the byways of the South, oppressing blacks. The Slave Patrol made the White American Male the most martial Western man since the Cossack, and made the South, the most militarized Western society since the heyday of the Normans in England.
In 1860, the White Slave-holding Class, and Cotton had made the South Rich; Mississippi was REALLY Rich.
Lincoln reacted in 1861 to the power and endurance of the America White Slave Holding Class: “….- In his first Inaugural Speech, in March 1861, President Abraham Lincoln approved a Constitutional Amendment that would guarantee permanent slavery in the United States.”
"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. Holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."
The Slavery Amendment that Lincoln endorsed was passed on March 2, 1861 by a vote of over 66% of both Houses of the U. S. Congress,….”
Lincoln offered the South, in 1861, an enduring Constitutional Amendment which would have ensured slavery in the South, in perpetuity.
An oversight? Poetic License? A New Age Whitewash?
The South rejected the 1861 offer, why?
Because they were afraid of Lincoln, not the gifted politician but Tolstoy’s Lincoln, Lincoln as Christ in Miniature.
Perhaps to understand Lincoln, we must see him through the eyes of his enemies, the Mandarins of Mississippi, the Grandees of Georgia, the Cavaliers of Virginia, the Patricians of Louisiana, the Aristocrats of South Carolina.
Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President was a Mandarin from Mississippi. He was a Mexican War hero, a son-in-law to an American President, a former US Senator, and a former Secretary of War. A West Point Graduate, he was brave, able, well educated, experienced and astute. He had argued against secession in the US Senate, when he was Mississippi’s Senator.
The able politician Lincoln, offered the South, an enduring Constitutional Amendment legalizing slavery and Davis rejected it…for War.
Davis and the other Southern Mandarins KNEW that Lincoln was more than a politician, more than an able politician, more than a gifted transactional politician. They knew what they had in Lincoln. They had been evaluating him since his time as a one term Congressman. In 1846, Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served one two-year term. Lincoln….spoke out against the Mexican–American War, which he attributed to President Polk's desire for "military glory—that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood".
The Mandarins had been closely eyeing and gauging Lincoln since the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, and the Cooper Union Speech. They had sized him up. The Southern Mandarins saw Lincoln as Tolstoy did, a towering figure of moral suasion, able to craft prose as if he was an Old Testament Prophet. It is Lincoln’s Southern enemies who saw him as more than a gifted politician. They, perhaps quicker than everyone else, saw him as Christ in Miniature.
The South rejected Lincoln’s offer in 1861, and opted for War.
What changed Lincoln’s mind about slavery?
Was he just a transactional politician who changed with the wind? We ALL know better than that.
See Lincoln as the Southern Mandarins saw him; he always intended to abolish slavery, that was his raison d’être,all the hesitancy, all the consideration of shipping freed slaves back to Africa, all magic tricks to divert the citizenry for his real, radical goal, the end of American slavery. In Peace or War, Lincoln would have found a way to end American slavery. If the South had accepted the 1861 offer of Slavery Ensured, Lincoln would have merely found a peaceful way to end. He was undeniable.
The Southern Mandarins, Grandees, Cavaliers, Patricians, Aristocrats saw Lincoln for what he was, and were afraid.
The South was afraid that, in 1861, after the Enshrining Slavery Amendment passed, Lincoln would come South and lay hands on them, changing their minds. The Mandarins of the White Slave Holding Class saw Tolstoy’s Lincoln in 1861, and went to War to escape him. In hindsight that was a bad decision because the South lost the ensuing Civil War; but perhaps in dealing with a Christ In Miniature, war was the only choice for the oppressors.
Lincoln in 1860
One of the most disturbing things about living in 21st Century America is being subjected to a New Age Liberal dismissive opinion of the effectiveness of the White Slave Holding Class. Modern Americans seem to think white slaveholders were either effete and decadent Truman Capotes in white suits or dumb redneck crackers.
The American Slave Holding Class was the most effective, most efficient, most ruthless oppressive class in modern times, ranking in oppressive efficiency with the Mongol Golden Horde, that oppressed medieval Russia, and Ancient Rome that oppressed everyone.
The American Slave Holding Class oppressed a proud, creative, resilient people from 1620 to 1860, with only four minor rebellions opposing the oppression.“ The Stono Rebellion,a slave rebellion that commenced on 9 September 1739, in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising in the British mainland colonies prior to the American Revolutions, in an armed march south from the Stono River (for which the rebellion is named).
Twenty rebellious slaves recruited nearly 60 other slaves and killed 22–25 whites before being intercepted by the South Carolina militia near the Edisto River. In that battle, 20 whites and 44 slaves were killed….Over the next two years, slave uprisings occurred independently in Georgia and South Carolina, perhaps inspired, as colonial officials believed, by the Stono Rebellion. Conditions of slavery were sufficient cause. (South Carolina) passed the Negro Act of 1740 to tighten controls: it required a ratio of one white to ten blacks on any plantation. It prohibited slaves from growing their own food, assembling in groups, earning money, or learning to read.”
The other major rebellion was led by “Nathaniel "Nat" Turner (October 2, 1800 – November 11, 1831) an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, 1831 that resulted in 60 white deaths and at least 100 black deaths,the largest number of fatalities to occur in one uprising prior to the American Civil War in the southern United States….. Turner was captured and hanged. In the aftermath, the state executed 56 blacks accused of being part of Turner's slave rebellion. ….Across Virginia and other southern states, state legislators passed new laws prohibiting education of slaves and free blacks, restricting rights of assembly and other civil rights for free blacks, and requiring white ministers to be present at black worship services.”
The Nazis oppressed for twelve years, the American White Slave Holding Class oppressed for 220 years, without any Spartacus Rebellion, that massive slave rebellion against Rome. In Haiti, the black slaves rose up, destroyed an army sent by Napoleon and killed every French slave holder they could find. In Brazil, the black slaves broke away and forged their own independent kingdom for decades. In America, the White Slave Holders endured, brilliantly oppressive, ruthlessly oppressive.
The White American Slave Holding Class is arguably the gold standard of oppressing classes.
The key was the Slave Patrol, initiated in South Carolina in 1704; every white male, unless invalided, regardless of politics or class or religion, had to give a night a week to riding the byways of the South, oppressing blacks. The Slave Patrol made the White American Male the most martial Western man since the Cossack, and made the South, the most militarized Western society since the heyday of the Normans in England.
In 1860, the White Slave-holding Class, and Cotton had made the South Rich; Mississippi was REALLY Rich.
Lincoln reacted in 1861 to the power and endurance of the America White Slave Holding Class: “….- In his first Inaugural Speech, in March 1861, President Abraham Lincoln approved a Constitutional Amendment that would guarantee permanent slavery in the United States.”
"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. Holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."
The Slavery Amendment that Lincoln endorsed was passed on March 2, 1861 by a vote of over 66% of both Houses of the U. S. Congress,….”
Lincoln offered the South, in 1861, an enduring Constitutional Amendment which would have ensured slavery in the South, in perpetuity.
An oversight? Poetic License? A New Age Whitewash?
The South rejected the 1861 offer, why?
Because they were afraid of Lincoln, not the gifted politician but Tolstoy’s Lincoln, Lincoln as Christ in Miniature.
Perhaps to understand Lincoln, we must see him through the eyes of his enemies, the Mandarins of Mississippi, the Grandees of Georgia, the Cavaliers of Virginia, the Patricians of Louisiana, the Aristocrats of South Carolina.
Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President was a Mandarin from Mississippi. He was a Mexican War hero, a son-in-law to an American President, a former US Senator, and a former Secretary of War. A West Point Graduate, he was brave, able, well educated, experienced and astute. He had argued against secession in the US Senate, when he was Mississippi’s Senator.
The able politician Lincoln, offered the South, an enduring Constitutional Amendment legalizing slavery and Davis rejected it…for War.
Davis and the other Southern Mandarins KNEW that Lincoln was more than a politician, more than an able politician, more than a gifted transactional politician. They knew what they had in Lincoln. They had been evaluating him since his time as a one term Congressman. In 1846, Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served one two-year term. Lincoln….spoke out against the Mexican–American War, which he attributed to President Polk's desire for "military glory—that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood".
The Mandarins had been closely eyeing and gauging Lincoln since the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, and the Cooper Union Speech. They had sized him up. The Southern Mandarins saw Lincoln as Tolstoy did, a towering figure of moral suasion, able to craft prose as if he was an Old Testament Prophet. It is Lincoln’s Southern enemies who saw him as more than a gifted politician. They, perhaps quicker than everyone else, saw him as Christ in Miniature.
The South rejected Lincoln’s offer in 1861, and opted for War.
What changed Lincoln’s mind about slavery?
Was he just a transactional politician who changed with the wind? We ALL know better than that.
See Lincoln as the Southern Mandarins saw him; he always intended to abolish slavery, that was his raison d’être,all the hesitancy, all the consideration of shipping freed slaves back to Africa, all magic tricks to divert the citizenry for his real, radical goal, the end of American slavery. In Peace or War, Lincoln would have found a way to end American slavery. If the South had accepted the 1861 offer of Slavery Ensured, Lincoln would have merely found a peaceful way to end. He was undeniable.
The Southern Mandarins, Grandees, Cavaliers, Patricians, Aristocrats saw Lincoln for what he was, and were afraid.
The South was afraid that, in 1861, after the Enshrining Slavery Amendment passed, Lincoln would come South and lay hands on them, changing their minds. The Mandarins of the White Slave Holding Class saw Tolstoy’s Lincoln in 1861, and went to War to escape him. In hindsight that was a bad decision because the South lost the ensuing Civil War; but perhaps in dealing with a Christ In Miniature, war was the only choice for the oppressors.

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