problem with 2017 America is quite simple, and very evident; the Liberal Elite,
a subset of the Global Elite, did everything under Heaven and above Hell to
create a multicultural society based on Diversity. Alas for America and Western Civilization, Liberals
are incapable of managing, administering or governing a multicultural society;
multiculturalism to Liberals is a constant atrophy of the American culture, an
endless hunt for exotic figures to exalt, above native born Americans.
This Blogger does not believe that
Diversity, in of itself, has any value added benefit to America; in fact this
Blogger agrees with philosopher John Stuart Mill, who, in 1861,
wrote that Diversity is corrosive to Democracy as a viable
GOVERNMENT, Mill argued “free
institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different
nationalities..because the same
incidents, the same acts, the same system of government, affect them in
different ways; and each fears more injury to itself from the other
nationalities than from the common arbiter, the state.”
In January 2013, this
Blogger published: DIVERSITY’S EVENT HORIZON, echoing Mill’s fear.
The following is excerpted from that
“Diversity, as a goal of American
society, has reached the Event Horizon, no further social good can come from
it. Diversity, as a social goal, has reached the point of no return; it cannot
contribute any further value added social progress…. There may be a
historical immutable fact-Republics cannot survive Diversity.
Perhaps no state can survive
Diversity, the Roman Empire could not; the Austro-Hungarian Empire could
not(World War I merely revealed the Diverse Rot) ; the Aztec Empire could not;
the Soviet Union could not; Yugoslavia could not. Diversity is a killer of
Republics, a killer of Empires, a killer of States.
Diversity will not
protect America from its enemies, nor strengthen its democratic roots.
Diversity is junk food.
We know from history’s
withered republics, kingdoms and empires that Diversity is a code name for
ossification. Diversity is deadly to vibrant states.
Diversity is incapable of adding
greatness to the common good. .......GERRY MAXEY.”
The Liberal obsession with Diversity
has compelled Liberals to codify false and dangerous Priorities, placing the good
of the illegal alien and the Somali refugee above the common American good.
Liberal priorities have driven Liberals down an inherently
flawed and reckless path toward Nullification; a path that has placed the
Republic in an antebellum state of mind.
In 2017, the Republic is closer to
Civil War than at any other time since the last American Civil War, in 1861; there
is an existential conflict between American Liberal Priorities and American
Nationalist Priorities, a conflict which begs resolution outside of communal
On February 9, 2017, American
Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) agents arrested an illegal alien, a
Mexican transgender woman, Irvin Gonzalez in a Texas courthouse, where she had
gone to get a protective order against her
Liberals were outraged that federal
law enforcement agents would be in a courthouse, and would arrest an illegal
alien in a courthouse. What audacity!
Liberals wanted to add courthouses
to places where Federal authorities could not arrest illegal aliens, places
such as Sanctuary Cities, school houses, college campuses, churches, mosques,
Disneyland, dog tracks and cock fights.
California’s top judge, Chief
Justice Tani-Cantil Sakauye went so far as to write a letter to Attorney
General Jeff Sessions declaring that California courthouses were beyond the
pale of Federal authorities.
“I am deeply concerned about reports from some of our trial
courts that immigration agents appear to be stalking undocumented immigrants in
our courthouses to make arrests….… Courthouses should not be used as bait….Tani
Cantril Sakauye.”
When a state and its deluded
officials believe that it has a right to defy federal law, be it slavery,
segregation or immigration, that is Nullification.
In Oregon, a Liberal Judge,
Monica Herranz, nullified Federal Law by
ALLEGEDLY helping an illegal alien,Diddier Pacheco Salazar, in her court for a
DUI hearing, evade ICE agents by smuggling him out of the courthouse through
her private chambers….because she believed that ICE had no right to arrest
illegal aliens in a courthouse.
Judge Herranz is no better
than those Mississippi Judges who helped Ku Klux Klan members defy Federal
attempts to bring Civil Rights to American Blacks.
The State of California, a Liberal
bastion, has decided to codify Nullification, with the same vigor as white
supremacists Theodore Bilbo,or for that matter, John C. Calhoun.
“A state bill that would prohibit state law enforcement from
cooperating with federal immigration enforcement was approved Monday to reach
the California State Senate.
If passed, Senate Bill 54, or SB 54 — also known as the
California Values Act — will prohibit law enforcement agencies, including
school police, from using public resources to “investigate, interrogate,
detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes,”
according to the bill text. The bill was introduced by Sen. Kevin de León and
co-authored by Sen. Toni Atkins, Sen. Richard Pan and Sen. Scott
SB-24 is illegal alien
supremacy; SB-24 is Nullification and is a major step to an American Civil War, a Civil
War for which American Nationalists have been hoarding ammunition( averaging 14
billion rounds per annum and counting) since the election of President
The foundational principle of
Liberal Priorities is that America needs more people, 325 million is not
“....Anyone who says he can predict what the world
will look like in 2035 risks being viewed as either a “lunatic or a charlatan,”
conceded the American Enterprise Institute’s Nicholas Eberstadt… of the
world’s leading political economists and demographers….
argued that the demographic fundamentals of the US and Canada look
“quite positive” through 2035—perhaps the best in the world…..
Before laying out his country-by-country,
region-by-region demographic outlook, Eberstadt provided a snapshot of the
twentieth century. The world’s population quadrupled between 1900 and 2000,
increasing by 4 billion people, a growth rate and scale unprecedented in human
The reason? “It’s not that we were breeding like
rabbits,” he said, “but we stopped dying like flies,” as healthcare advances
reduced mortality rates.
…..In the next 20 years, the working-age
population, roughly defined as those between the ages of 15 and 64, will grow
by about 800 million, half as fast as it grew in the previous 20 years,
Eberstadt said. And almost half of that 800 million will come from the 50 or so
countries of sub-Saharan Africa—the poorest,
least-educated region of the world.
…Eberstadt sees US demographic trends as mostly
positive. The US, the world’s third-most-populous country (321.4 million
people) and largest economy (GDP of $18.1 trillion), ....The US still has a positive replacement-level fertility
rate, augmented by continued immigration…. the country’s growing
Latino-American and Asian-American populations are “fantastically healthy,”
Eberstadt noted…..
The demographics of the so-called NAFTA zone—US,
Canada, and Mexico—compare favorably to those of the EU, Eberstadt said. Mexico
gets bad press for its drug wars and political scandals....….Eberstadt sees immigration in the US and Canada
as a “fantastically positive experience” for those countries, but one
threatened by public backlash. He noted that immigration has always been an
“explosive political issue”….. FORBES.”
Readers, this Blogger will
risk being called both lunatic and charlatan,but he knows what the world will
look like in 2035. IT WILL BE OVER POPULATED.
There will be 8.8 billion
people on Earth in 2035, zooming to 10 billion in 2050. The sub Saharan state
of Niger is pumping out 8 kids per family, and since Niger is incapable of
supporting its current population, those excess kids will want to come to
America or Western Europe.
”A third of adults in sub-Saharan Africa say
they would like to migrate permanently. So would a fifth of Latin Americans and
one in 10 South and East Asians, according to a Gallup World poll from
2010. About a quarter of these potential migrants —
145 million adults — would like to live in the United States…...NEW
By 2035, the United
States will be in the midst of a robotic/automation revolution, making this question seminal: With robots doing unskilled jobs, are imported unskilled Somali refugees, or Niger kids or Mexican farmers of any benefit to the American economy?
Yet one of the Liberal
Priorities is to continue importing unskilled labor, why?
American Nationalists
believe that this fetish for importation of refugees must have a deeper meaning
than merely adding to the Labor force.
American Nationalists
believe that American Liberals are currently in the process of depopulating
America of Native born Americans so that they
can be replaced by a Global population, subservient to a Global Elite(George Soros). The Liberal Priority of
depopulating America is the
reason Liberals such as Obama, and Globalists such as George W. Bush countenanced
the drug epidemic in America.
In Ohio, native born
whites are dying at staggering rates from drug overdoses.
“Statewide,(in Ohio), the numbers are staggering…. the number of
opioid-related deaths skyrocketed from 296 in 2003 to 2,590 in 2015 — a
775 percent jump over a 13-year period….
“In 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, West Virginia's drug overdose death rate stood at 41.5 cases per 100,000 residents, the highest rate in the country and nearly three times the national average. In 1999, the state's overdose fatality rate was below average….. West Virginia, overdoses claim more than three out of every 100 fatalities. And among certain demographic groups, the likelihood of overdose is much higher: roughly 8 percent of all fatalities among white men age 35 to 64, for instance, and over 28 percent of deaths among white males age 15 to 34…..WASHINGTON POST.”
Drugs, under the Globalist George W. Bush and the Liberal Obama are decimating the white American male population. Native born American blacks also are dying like flies from a heroin epidemic approved of by the Global Elite.
—‘…HEROIN the most powerful drug there is on Earth. It’s
a wonder I’m still alive,” Lancaster told WTOP in 2014, just weeks before his
was one of thousands of D.C.-area residents who have died of a heroin or opioid
overdose in recent years. Opioids are the No. 1 cause of injury-related deaths
in the nation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
crisis has reached a boiling point in the region, as a new breed of designer opioids
has infiltrated the region’s drug market.
the deaths continue to be tallied, at least 1,600 people in D.C., Maryland and
Virginia died from heroin or opioid overdoses in 2016, and that’s just a
preliminary figure…..WTOP.”
In the 18th Century, the Global Elite cleared the Highlands of the clans for sheep, the Highland Clearances; this drug epidemic is a Heroin Clearance, clearing America of native born Americans for immigrants.
And what are these new immigrant Americans contributing to America?
They re-write the Pledge of Allegiance.
seemed to be just another normal morning in New Mexico history teacher Galen
Blum’s seventh-grade classroom at El Camino Real Academy, a dual-language
school on the south side of Santa Fe that serves about 880 students, the
majority of whom speak both Spanish and English.
But as
Blum stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at 8 a.m. that Wednesday last
month — a daily ritual for the school — she noticed she was standing alone. Her
class of about 20 students remained seated and silent, their faces impassive.
They had decided to not
recite the pledge that morning because they no longer felt that it spoke to
….That was three weeks
ago. Since that time, the students — as well as students in the school’s other
three seventh-grade classrooms — have mostly sat out when others recited the
…. Blum’s students and
other seventh-graders at the school have taken this act of civil disobedience
one step further, writing a new version of the pledge, which reads in part, “I
pledge for all those immigrants that came here for a dream and for all those
kids that want to have a better future and career … all immigrants are
…“Immigrants made America
what it is today,” student Vianney Morales said.
…. The phrase “liberty and
justice for all,” they told her, doesn’t work because not all immigrants
receive justice and not all of them have freedom to be who they want to be in
this country because they fear arrest and deportation.
….The El Camino Real
seventh-graders say they may never recite the Pledge of Allegiance again…...
“I hope President Trump
gets to understand that we want the same rights for everyone, and that means
the same rights for immigrants because we are all the same people,” said
student Princesa Menjiver.
“Many of us come here
with a dream,” she said, “and people don’t always understand that.”
…(Blum) remains a solitary
figure as she stands and recites the pledge alone in her class every morning.
“I think it’s a beautiful
pledge,” Blum said. “I always felt a deep love and passion for my own country,
no matter who is president. It’s like a vow you take in marriage. … It stands
before you as an agreement to the values that you are both going to work for, each
and every day to the best of your ability……Santa Fe New Mexican."
One does not have to be a lunatic or a charlatan to understand that if the students of El Camino Real school prevail, what America will look like- Mexico, a narco-state.
“The top prosecutor in
Mexican state of Veracruz has confirmed that more than 250 skulls have been dug
up in what appears to be a drug cartel mass burial ground on the outskirts of
the city of Veracruz.
Jorge Winckler, the state prosecutor, said ...."For many years, the
drug cartels disappeared people and the authorities were complacent,"
Winckler said, in apparent reference to the administration of fugitive former
Governor Javier Duarte and his predecessors.
……Winckler said
excavations have covered only a third of the lot where the skulls were found,
and more people may be buried there. "I cannot imagine how many more
people are illegally buried there," Winckler said, noting that the state
has reports of about 2,400 people who are still missing."Veracruz is an
enormous mass grave," he said.
Veracruz had long been
dominated by the ferocious Zetas cartel. But the Jalisco New Generation cartel
began moving in around 2011, sparking bloody turf battles.
Drug cartels in other
parts of Mexico have deposited victims' bodies in mass graves before.
In the northern state of
Durango, authorities found more than 300 bodies in a clandestine grave....
….Authorities have
identified the remains of Pedro Alberto Huesca, an official from the state
attorney general's office. He disappeared four years ago after helping
dismantle a local cell of the Zetas cartel…ALJAZEERA.”
Contrary to Liberal shibboleths, it is not a long path from
California nullifying American laws, to mass graves. Respect for the law is
As for the Veracruz Zetas; this Blogger believes that President
Obama already allowed them in.
On June 26, 2014, this Blogger published The Unaccompanied Children Invading US are LOS ZETAS' Attempt to
Establish a "Deep State" in America
The following is from that Blog:
“As this Blog is being written,
the United States is suffering from an invasion of over 90,000 unaccompanied
children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The children, ages from 8
months to 16 years, have trekked, ostensibly alone, across the entire length of Mexico; a trek taking
from 9 to 17 days, That is a trek of, at a minimum, 2700 kilometers, a trek of
over 1700 miles. The vast majority of the unaccompanied children arrived safely
at the United States border.
….90,000 unaccompanied children, transported
safely 1700 miles is a logistical miracle, worthy of the Boer trekkers,
Sherman’s March to the Sea, or an Anabasis. It is equal to an Exodus, but
without manna from God. However, the manna did come from somewhere.
this wave of unaccompanied children is not happenstance, nor a spontaneous
refugee flight but a well organized invasion. But who organized the invasion?
This Blog
believes that the people who supplied the organization, the transportation, the
manna are the ZETAS. The ZETAS are a band of former army soldiers, Special
Force soldiers. They defected from serving the Mexican Government to the Gulf
Cartel, to become the Gulf Cartel’s hit-men. However, they got ambitious and
started their own Cartel, a vicious, murderous, cunning, dangerous Cartel,
capable of applying their military training in violence, organization and
logistics to a Master Plan, to a Strategic Plan, the establishment of a “deep
state” in the United States.....
….…..…It is the
ZETAS, the wonderfully efficient, military trained ZETAS who have
conceived, organized, launched and operated this invasion of unaccompanied
Why are the
ZETAS doing this?
Because they
see America , in the words of Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal, as a “soft
state”, an incapable state, a pitiable giant, incapable of defending itself or
its interests.
The ZETAS are
trained military men; they recognize a soft state when they see it. America in
2014 is a soft state; the symptoms are everywhere for the ZETAS to see. A
defining characteristic of a soft state is that it will cherish and uplift the
uninvited, outsiders, and strangers before it uplifts its own. America,
by definition, is in the throes of being a soft state; it will
lavish resources on uninvited illegal aliens while letting its veterans, who
risked everything for it, die in droves waiting for their earned medical care.
That, by definition, is a soft state.
America will
allow Native Americans to live in third world reservations while lavishing
funds on Third World nations overseas. That, by definition is a soft state.
The strategic
thinking ZETAS see the soft state of America, and know it is ripe for the
planting of a deep state, using the tactic of cherub invasion as the agent of
ZETAS’ imperialism.
believe that the soft state Liberal Elite will grant blanket amnesty to the
unaccompanied children. LOS ZETAS will then have 90,000 American residents who
owe their loyalty to the people who transported them across Mexico, LOS ZETAS,
and not to the Republic. 90,000 is a deep state critical mass.
imperialism must be thwarted as quickly as possible; the unaccompanied children
must be airlifted home, ASAP, to show the ZETAS, America can still defend
itself from deep state grafting…THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
Immigration still has value, but America must preserve the right
to cherry pick who it wants as Americans.
Somalis have no value to the Republic; they did not have a Latin
Somali alphabet until 1972, when Shire Jama
Ahmed invented Somali Latin spelling.
In the 21st Century, a century to be
dominated by education, and science, of what value is the illiterate Somali
except to the cottage industry of Liberal/Globalist Resettlement?
“….In January, President Trump, as part of an executive order aimed
at curbing entry to the United States by people from Muslim-majority countries,
put a four month halt on all refugee resettlement and unilaterally slashed the
number of people who would be admitted in the current fiscal year from the
110,000 set by President Obama…..More than 60,000 refugees were already in
various stages of approval before Mr. Trump’s first order went into effect on
Jan. 27. The State Department, realizing that the new cap meant that there was
only room for about another 17,000 refugees, slowed down the machinery to space
out arrivals to 400 per week.
But the
slowdown meant the agencies faced budget cuts. The State Department pays each
refugee agency $950 per person to cover administrative costs, with another
$1,125 going directly to the refugee or to cover expenses like rent……In
Columbus, Angie Plummer, the director of Community Refugee and Immigration Services, let go of eight full-time employees last month. Four
had come, themselves, to the United States as refugees, from Somalia, Egypt and
Ethiopia. They worked as drivers, case workers and translators……
Mohamud, 28, a Somali caseworker who was laid off, said she was worried about
being unemployed but “the people who have been in the refugee camp who are told
there’s no room for them anymore – that’s going to hurt more than me
especially Muslims refugees, are really feeling unwelcome now,” said Mark
Hetfield, the chief executive of HIAS, one of the national resettlement agencies. His group
had been prepared to bring in 4,794 refugees this year, a number that was then cut
to 2,912. Now HIAS is unsure what its final tally will be. “That damage has
been done, even though we’re doing a great job of countering it, saying this is
not what America is all about.”….In Columbus, Ms. Mohamud wanted Mr. Trump to
understand the contribution Somali refugees, in particular, have made to her
adopted city. Only Minneapolis resettled more Somalis in 2016.
The Somali
community is concentrated in the northeast part of the city. “About three years
ago, this area used to be abandoned,” said Ms. Mohamud, a former sports
journalist in Somalia who arrived nearly four years ago. “Now people are opening
businesses and restaurants.”
But the
city’s embrace of refugees also drew attention in November when a Somali
refugee teenager, Abdul Razak Artan,
stabbed 11 people on the campus of The Ohio State University before being shot
dead by a police officer. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the
attack……New York times.”
Does America really need more Somalis in Ohio? To become case
workers? To become restaurateurs?
American Nationalists believe that the Government is resettling
Somalis in Ohio to replace the native born American being cut down by the Bush/Obama
importation of unlimited heroin.
Liberals should give up importing Somalis; if Liberals want to
import Muslims, may this Blogger suggest more Iranians.
Iranians are value added to the Republic.
“The International Mathematical
Union established an award to honor excellence in mathematicians under the age
of 40. The award was named after Canadian mathematician John C. Fields, and has
often been described as the “Nobel Prize of mathematics.” The Fields Medal has
been awarded every four years since 1936. Maryam Mirzakhani is a professor at
Stanford University is the first woman ever awarded the Fields, for her “outstanding
contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli
Born in
Tehran, Iran, Mirzakhani’s excellence in math extends back to when she was in
high school.”
If Liberals give up Nullification of Immigration Laws, Amnesty
for all Illegal Aliens, Somali Refugee Resettlement, and begin working with their fellow
Americans on ending the Heroin scourge, then a Civil War can be averted.
If not, it will be American Liberal Wit and Ridicule against American
Nationalist Bullets… does not take a lunatic nor a charlatan to predict who
will win that war.
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