SWEDEN Brings Back the Draft-
Sweden was
a homogeneous, SAFE nation until 1975, noted for its equality of women.
Then, in a flush of Globalization zeal, the ideological Swedish
Socialists decided it was good to make Sweden a multicultural nation, and by
definition, an unsafe nation.
Sweden has opened its
doors to Sunni Muslims, not just mundane Sunni Muslims, but Sunni Muslims from
countries and communities deeply imbued with fundamentalist Salafist and/or
Wahhabi interpretations of the Koran and hadiths, i.e. Pakistan,
Afghanistan, and Somalia. Fundamentalist Sunni Muslims are renowned for being anti-feminist, nay, anti-women.
"103,901 green cards
were issued in 2014 bringing the total number issued to migrants from the
Middle East from 2001 through 2014 to an astounding 1,114,453.”
Which means as this Blog
is being written, one out of ten residents of Sweden is a Muslim migrant, most
likely Sunni.
“Sweden had 162,000 asylum applications in 2015 and one of the
highest figures in the EU when it comes to requests per million inhabitants.
Of the 162,000, around 46,000 were male aged between 18-34,
according to Eurostat….The number of rapes has increased in Sweden.
UN data shows police recorded 64.9 rapes per 100,000 Swedish
inhabitants in 2014, by far the highest number in Europe, and up from 25 in
Swedish Global Elitists
sacrificed Swedish women on the altar of multiculturalism.
Sweden is now multicultural
and unsafe for its women.
Its third largest city,
Malmo is 40% migrant, and unsafe at any speed.
The right wing Swedish
Democrat Party has asked for Swedish Army troops to occupy Malmo:” Sweden Democrats have demanded soldiers should be sent to Malmo
to reestablish law and order as violent thugs have turned the city into a
‘no-go zone’
The Global
Elitist Swedish Government responded by bringing back the Draft to Sweden.
The decision means that
4,000 men and women will be called up for service from 1 January 2018, a
defence ministry spokeswoman told the BBC.
They will be selected
from about 13,000 young people born in 1999, who will be asked to take
psychological and physical tests, Marinette Radebo said.
Sweden, a neutral
country, is worried about Russia's Baltic military drills.
In September, a Swedish
garrison was restored to Gotland, a big island lying between the Swedish
mainland and the three ex-Soviet Baltic states.
Ms Radebo said the
return to conscription was prompted by "the change in our neighbourhood...
Russian military activity is one of the reasons"…..
d"If we want full and trained military units, the voluntary
system needs to be complemented by compulsory military service," Defence
Minister Peter Hultqvist told Swedish public broadcaster SVT.
Sweden had military
conscription until 2010, but previously only men were drafted.
Ms Radebo said that
"70% of parliament is behind the decision to strengthen the military and
co-operation with the countries around us".
Swedish government report
on defence priorities for
2016-2020 says recruitment of reserve squad leaders, soldiers and sailors has
"proved to be problematic".
has about 52,000 full-time military personnel - 20,000 of them permanent staff
and most of the others Home Guard members…...BBC.”
Continuing its
nefarious and foolish anti-Russian Campaign, the Global Elite of Sweden, joined
by the Liberal Elite in America has declaimed that Sweden, in bringing back the
Draft, is reacting to Russia.
Blogger begs to differ; the Russian Army under Vladimir Putin is the finest in
the world, thanks to President Obama’s unseemly administration of the Military.
The Russian Army has, in March, 2017, 1,
070,000 serving members, with another 2,000,000 in active reserve.
Global Elite calling up 4,000 Swedish boys and girls, born in 1999, to
supplement 20,000 serving troops, and a Home Guard of 32,000 will not delay a
Russian advance for more than twenty minutes.
If the
reason for re-instituting Universal Service in Sweden is to counter Russian
Baltic Aggression, then that reason is fallacious. The Swedish Draft will have
no impact on Russia.Therefore
this Blogger discounts Russian Aggression as the reason for a renewed Swedish
real reason is that the Global Elitist Government of Sweden needs the extra
4,000 troops if it intends to reinstall law and order on Sunni Migrants in Sweden.
Reintroduction of the Swedish Draft is a direct response to the multicultural
dystopia which is current Sweden.
On the
same day that the Global Elitist
Government of Sweden announced the return of the Draft, three Sunni Migrants
raped a Swedish girl, and broadcast the rape live on FACEBOOK.
“The first suspect's in
the rape is Emillem “Lemon” Khodagholi…. Khodagholi was on probation for a
variety of crimes (theft, assault, drugs crimes, and death threats) when he
participated in this horrendous crime. Shortly before he and his friends raped
the poor woman at the point of a gun, Khodagholi announced his plans to his
followers. "Listen, today I will f*ck. I swear it on my mother," he
said, adding that he would cause "a rampage."
long after, he and the other two suspects entered the young woman's apartment
in the city of Uppsala. They raped her for a full three hours. The entire crime
was broadcast live on Facebook. Yesterday, footage was released of Khodagholi
bullying his victim when she was calling someone for help. ……. the second
suspect is an immigrant…. His name is
Maisam Afshar. The identity of the third suspect has not been released yet…..localse.”
Swedish women are not safe in
multicultural Sweden because of Sunni Migrants; that is an empirical fact,
dismissed by an obtuse, clueless and dishonest Global ELITE.
On June 6, 2016, this Blogger published: Bleak Future for Swedish Women, Until The Russians Come; and The
Russians are Coming............. http://themaxeychronicles.blogspot.com/2016/06/bleak-future-for-swedish-womenuntil.html
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
What is the
fate of Swedish women?
What is the future of
Swedish women?
….“As long as the
Sunnis make up about 1%, they are generally considered a peace-loving minority
who do not bother anyone.(the Current state in America).
-At 2-3%, Sunni start
proselytizing to other minorities and disgruntled groups, especially in prison
and among street gangs.
-At 5%, Sunni have an
unreasonably large influence relative to their share of the population. Many
demand halal slaughtered meat, and have been pushing the food industry to
produce and sell it.
-At 10%, Sunni
lawlessness increases. Some start to complain about their situation,
start riots and car fires, and threaten people they feel insult Islam.
-At 20%, Sunni violent
riots erupt, jihadi militia groups are formed, people are murdered, and
churches and synagogues are set ablaze.
-At 40% of the
population, Sunnis conduct constant terror attacks and militia warfare.
-At 60%, Sunnis conduct
uninhibited persecution of non-Muslims.
-At 80% Sunnis attempt to
take control of the government apparatus committing violence in the
name of Islam or political power.
-At 100% Sunni- the
peace in the house of Islam is supposed to come -- hence the claim that Islam
is the "religion of peace....THE HAMMOND THRESHOLDS."
No one has suffered more
from the social attitudes and mores of the Sunni Migrants reaching the 10%
threshold of population than Swedish women.
There is an epidemic of Rape of Swedish women by Muslim
migrants, and the Migrants seem to be competing for who can be most vicious in
their rape of Swedish women.
…..The Globalized
Elite’s answer to Sunni Migrant crime is that there is no Sunni Migrant crime,
and all Sunni Migrants are paragons of virtue.
….As the Sunni population
expands in Sweden, the future of Swedish women will become bleaker and
bleaker,and much more dangerous, because of demographics. Sweden has imported
so many Sunni males that there is now a demographic disparity in Sweden, too
many men for too few women, that will cause even more rapes.
"….Sweden's biggest male
surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100
girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of
last year's record number of asylum-seekers - including more than 35,000
unaccompanied minors - is reflected in the population statistics…..….AP”
…..Swedish women have only
one hope for a non bleak future- Vladimir Putin.
The Russians are coming
to liberate Sweden, and Swedish women from Sunni tyranny.
….And when the Russians
come, they will be welcomed with gratitude by terrorized Swedish women.
Sweden, with all its
Sunni migrants is incapable of defending itself.
…..Other than liberating
Swedish women from being constantly raped by Sunni migrants, why are the
Russians coming?
Vladimir Putin is the
finest geo-strategist in world leadership, with the finest military. His Black
Sea Fleet, based in the liberated Crimea, is bottled up by Sunni Turkey,
led by the increasingly fanatical Sunni would be Caliph, Recep Tayyip
The Swedish Global Elite
has prepared Lutheran Sweden to be transformed into a Sunni nation; Putin
cannot allow a Sunni power on his Baltic flank, bottling up his Baltic Fleet.
When Sweden goes Sunni,
in 2030, Putin’s Russian Orthodox Russia will be bottled up in the South by
Sunni Turkey, and in the North by Sunni Sweden.
That is unacceptable to
any competent geo- strategist.
During the Cold War, Communist Russia could abide its Baltic Fleet being bottled up by Lutheran nations, for they were all off shoots of the same Western Civilization. Russian Orthodox Russia will not, cannot, shall not, tolerate a Sunni Sweden bottling up its Baltic Fleet at the whim of some Sunni Caliph or Mahdi.
Sweden wanted
multiculturalism at any price; the price was rape of its women….THE MAXEY
Sweden’s only hope to
remain free of Sunni tyranny is to join forces with Russia and save Western
Civilization in Sweden by using Russian troops to root out and deport Sunni
Migrants in Malmo and other cities as needed.
DENMARK, Blasphemy-
Modern Denmark has a Blasphemy Law, making it criminal to offend religions. In Denmark,an enlightened bastion of Western Civilization, the Law has been made obsolete by Modernity. Modernity triumphed, until Sunni Migrants complained, about a Koran burning. Now, in response to Sunni complaints, it is being used.
Danes have burned the
Bible, publicly, at will, without
incident, for Denmark is a a modern civilized nation.
Then a Dane burned a
Koran, and is being prosecuted for Blasphemy.
The result of Sunni
Migration to Denmark is that it is perfectly politically correct to burn a Bible,
but burning a Koran is a crime.
The 42 year old burner of
the Koran, filmed it and loaded it up on YOUTUBE.
The Danish Global Elite
reacted this way:”It is the prosecution's view that circumstances involving the
burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a
violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of
….Only four blasphemy
prosecutions have ever been attempted in the country.
the last was in 1971,
when two Denmark Radio producers were acquitted after airing a song mocking
Two people were
previously fined in 1946 after acting out a “baptism” at a ball in Copenhagen,
while four others were sentenced for putting up anti-Semitic posters and
leaflets in 1938….THEINDEPENDENTUK.”
The Global Elite worships a false religion; it firmly believes
you can have Modernity and Multiculturalism. The Global Elite is wrong; it is a
Zero Sum Game, either Modernity or Multiculturalism but not both. Believing a Western Society can have both Modernity and Multiculturalism is oxymoronic.
Global Elitists have convinced themselves that Multiculturalism is good for the economy; what they have dismissed, for ideological reasons, is that multiculturalism is detrimental to the safety of the original inhabitants of any Western society. Western Leadership should always choose the safety of its people above the economy of its people.
Global Elitists have convinced themselves that Multiculturalism is good for the economy; what they have dismissed, for ideological reasons, is that multiculturalism is detrimental to the safety of the original inhabitants of any Western society. Western Leadership should always choose the safety of its people above the economy of its people.
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