Blogger believes that the Republic is in an antebellum time frame, Hillary has
a solution:'I Believe What We Need in America Today is More Love and Kindness'…Hillary.”
By her logic, the first Civil War surely would have been forestalled by more love and understanding
of Southern slaveholders. Whatever was Abe Lincoln thinking?
Blogger has been diligently reading and watching the Liberal Media as it
discusses the Dallas Ambush, in which a black army vet killed five Dallas Policemen.
things are obvious from that diligence:
ONE-the Liberal Elite does not have a clue on how to govern the Zero Sum America it created since NAFTA.
TWO-The Liberal Elite lacks a vernacular to articulate the America created by Globalization.
ONE-the Liberal Elite does not have a clue on how to govern the Zero Sum America it created since NAFTA.
TWO-The Liberal Elite lacks a vernacular to articulate the America created by Globalization.
the Dallas Ambush, Liberals went into group therapy mode, assuring each other
that there was no potential race war in America. Liberals did what they always
do, sacrifice the telling of truth for the mantra of feel good. The highlight was
MSNBC rolling out a world famous Presidential historian, who assured the common
people that Americans would always unite in crisis, and never divide. He based his assessment on History; yet America, in 2016, is so Diverse, that it has a population in which 14% is foreign born. That
mixture, so Diverse, has never been tested in crisis before; nothing in the past, when America had
a more homogenized population, can be predictive of the future, a future shaped by America going into the Diversity worship business. This Blogger thinks that the famous historian was delusional;there is no American core unity left, it has been diluted into extinction by Diversity.
Liberal Elite and the Liberal Media helped to create Globalization to uplift
the poor of the world at the expense of America’s lower classes. Globalization,
coupled with Climate Change, has created a Zero Sum world.
living in America, other than the Liberal Media and the Liberal Elite, know that
America is now experiencing a Zero Sum
Matrix and are acting accordingly, with silent wars between minorities everywhere.
“Two Latino gang members were sentenced Monday to 21 months in
prison after pleading guilty to charges stemming from racially motivated
attacks in a campaign aimed at forcing African Americans from Compton.
….Asst. U.S. Atty Reema
El-Amamy said "there is no evidence these victims were attacked for
anything but race."......….Los
Angeles Times.”
black family—a mother, three teenage children and a 10-year-old boy—moved into
a little yellow home in Compton over Christmas vacation.
a friend came to visit, four men in a black SUV pulled up and called him a
"nigger," saying black people were barred from the neighborhood,
according to Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies. They jumped out, drew a gun
on him and beat him with metal pipes.
attacks on the family are the latest in a series of violent incidents in which
Latino gangs targeted blacks in parts of greater Los Angeles over the last
with a population of about 97,000, was predominantly black for many years. It
is now 65% Latino and 33% black, according to the 2010 U.S. census…LOS ANGELES TIMES.”.
generally don't like African Americans," Pomona gang unit officer Marcus
Perez testified in that case. "If an African American enters their
neighborhood, they're likely to be injured OR KILLED""
have revealed that black residents in a Southern California city were under
years of attack by a Latino gang who conspired to terrorize them through racial
intimidation, threats and violence – all to display loyalty to the Mexican
Mafia prison gang.
attempt by Varrio Azusa 13 gang to drive out black residents Azusa, which is
near Los Angeles and has a population of about 45,000 residents, was unveiled
yesterday in a federal racketeering indictment unsealed on Tuesday…..wall street journal."
“….Mexicans tend to prey on blacks in West Coast cities where
they’ve already become an undisputed majority, while it’s blacks preying on
Mexican intruders in East Coast cities where blacks still hold a numerical
To blame this all on capitalism or white privilege or
institutional racism or ethnic redlining is to close your eyes, plug your ears,
and ignore the obvious. is a classic turf war .....And it’s only natural; rather than the ethnic harmony that
the salesmen keep trying to pitch us, diversity usually breeds conflict. If
demographic trends continue, Mexicans will have the clear numerical advantage
in this simmering war. They already seem to have an organizational edge—the Mexican Mafia has allegedly issued
orders from prison for Hispanic gang members to quit squabbling among
themselves and work together to drive out all mayates from the barrios. …Takimagazine.”
Hillary is right on top of the “silent war” raging between America’s minorities.
“....Clinton called on
white Americans to put themselves in the shoes of blacks "who fear every
time their children go somewhere; who have to have the talk about how to really
protect themselves when they're the ones who should be expecting protection from
encounters with the police."
"I'm going to be
talking to white people -- I think we're the ones who have to have to start
listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American
fellow citizens," she said….Los Angeles Times.”
Will Hillary be chatting about more love with the Mexican Mafia?
This Blogger believes that white cops are irrationally killing innocent blacks because the white cops believe that blacks are winning the Zero Sum Game.
Will Hillary be chatting about more love with the Mexican Mafia?
This Blogger believes that white cops are irrationally killing innocent blacks because the white cops believe that blacks are winning the Zero Sum Game.
Why would they believe that?
The President is a Black, and not even an American Black; Lupita,
another non American black, wins an OSCAR; Jay-Z, Beyonce,Kanye West dominate American culture; two blacks replace Jon
Stewart and Stephen Colbert, one of the two blacks is not even an American black. The
Attorney General is black, the leading transgender on television is black; the
Homeland Secretary is Black. The most famous ballerina in America is Black; every third television program has a black lead,
as does every third TV commercial. Black rappers win TONY awards for playing white founding fathers of the Republic, yet no white actor would be allowed to audition for the roles of Nat Turner, or Martin Luther King or Jackie Robinson. Any Martian landing on Earth, would make the
assumption, based on public recognition,
that blacks are more than one third of the American population. To white men with guns, blacks have won the zero sum war. That is a dangerous perception, for blacks.
The white cops feel socially and culturally oppressed, and the Liberal Elite
and the Liberal Media are incapable of communicating with them on that issue. That is dangerous for the Republic.
The Liberal Media and the Liberal Elite are so out of touch that
they are consumed with symbolism, overlooking the protection of the average black
person who has to walk the streets.
Take for example the kerfuffle over the Confederate Bars and Stars
flying over the South Carolina State Capitol. Liberals made taking it down a
cause célèbre because it did not represent love and understanding.
An Elite that knew how to govern a multicultural society on the
verge of a multi-pronged Civil War would have handled the Confederate flag
controversy more adeptly.
America’s Liberal President, Barack Obama should have stood up
and said: “I don’t give a damn if the Stars and Bars flies over South Carolina,
as long as white cops stop killing innocent blacks; in fact I don’t care if a
black actor is never again nominated for an OSCAR, #OSCARSOWHITEFOREVER, as long as white cops stop
killing innocent blacks. The killing of the innocent is more important than any flag or trophy.”
If the Liberal Elite intends to govern the Republic through
Multiculturalism to Survival, it must change its priorities.
The reason for the continued racial divide between whites and blacks in year seven of the Age of Obama is simple; the Liberal Elite, which governs the Republic, rushed headlong, recklessly in this Blogger's opinion, into Diversity, Mass Migration and Multiculturalism BEFORE they resolved the centuries long problem of the white-black divide in America.The Republic came close to resolving the white-black divide under President Nixon, a poor white boy who had lost two brothers to tuberculosis because his family was too poor to afford a doctor, and his introduction of Affirmative Action, married with applied Meritocracy.
But the Liberal Elite mandated Globalization before the American white-black problem could be resolved.
There are competing theories about the black Dallas sniper:
a) he is a Black Lives Matter jihadist.“When authorities searched (his) home on Friday, they found bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics….DAILY MAIL UK).”
That theory gained a lot of credence because his arsenal was enormous, in plain view of his mother and sister. But then again the sniper's sister is also a hater of whites.
BEFORE the sniper attack, his sister posted: " In Facebook posts on Wednesday, she accused 'white people' of 'killing us off' and 'hiding behind that blue suit' before adding: 'These cops need to get a taste of the life we now fear.'
She ranted: 'To all
my white or even other race friends that are on the wrong side of the law. If
ur opinions are one sided or rasict or vulgar im reporting and blocking you.
'Tired of y'all tryin'
[to] be on these cops side making it okay based off irrelevant info, when our
own get killed over unjust s***...DAILYMAILUK).
b) The black sniper was a lone wolf nut.
He had been discharged from the Army for sexually harassing a fellow soldier in Afghanistan, highlighted by buying her underwear from VICTORIA'S SECRET. She, the victim, recommended that he received mental help.
c) He hated white cops, but in reality he hated his WHITE step-mother. The black sniper who killed five white cops because he hated white cops had a white step-mother(talk about Hillary love), a teacher( see picture below of the step-mother and the sniper's father). The white cop killing was a projection of his hatred for his white step-mother.
d) He was committing suicide by cop on a grand scale, because of the vast hopelessness in black communities.
In the wake of the Dallas Shootings, the Liberal Media went on and on about the hopelessness and lack of jobs in black communities; there are no jobs in black communities because of NAFTA, China and Globalization. The black Dallas sniper was a veteran of war,yet after the war, the only job he could obtain was babysitting special needs kids.No wonder he was frustrated.
The upshot is that more love could not have forestalled the sniper,only self dignity would have done that.
This Blogger was raised a Trotskyite, so there is a residual strain of Marxism in his world view; the solution to the white-black divide is so simple that even non-Marxists can comprehend it.
First- forget love as a societal goal; American society should be about self dignity not love.
Second- end hopelessness in the black communities by bringing back jobs, not government jobs babysitting kids but real jobs, making things with lathes and CNC machines."Suicide was the No. 3 cause of death among black men ages 15 to 24, surpassed only by homicide and unintentional injuries, according to the CDC….Los Angeles Times.”
Under the Liberal Elitist Barack Obama, young American black males are either killing themselves, or are being killed by each other, or Mexican gang members or white cops. The cause of these massive American black deaths, according to Liberals, is flying the Stars or Bars or Nigerians not getting an OSCAR nomination.
American Whites and Native Americans are not doing any better in the Age of Obama:"In 2014, the highest U.S. suicide rate (14.7) was among Whites and the second highest rate (10.9) was among Native Americans and Alaska Natives....afsp."
These outrageous suicide rates are a direct result of the Liberal Elite's economic policies: Globalization, NAFTA and Mass Migration. To end the race divide in America, jobs must become plentiful, manufacturing jobs. Globalization must end. The unskilled labor pool must be shrunk by ending Mass Migration,making the labor of unskilled blacks valuable again, which will bring Hope and self dignity back.
Culturally, Diversity Imperialism must end.
The Liberal Elite created a world of Mass Migration,Globalization, and Diversity Imperialism; now they are incapable of governing it. That is the real lesson of the series of horrific violence in America.

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