The key social conundrum in America’s first
antebellum period was triggered by the Dred Scott Decision; were runaway slaves
in free Union states freemen or merely misplaced property? That crystallized
the antagonism between Free States and Slave States and led to Civil War.
key conundrum in current antebellum American society is: Whether illegal
aliens are merely undocumented immigrants or claim jumpers, usurpadors? That crystallizes
the profound antagonism between the residents of 2016 America who believe themselves
to be Global Citizens ( 43%) and those in America who define themselves as
American Citizens( 57%)
Claim Jumper- “a supplanter, usurper - one who wrongfully or
illegally seizes and holds the place of another.”
The Global Citizens in America believe in Open
Borders, that nationhood does not matter, or that nationhood is racist. Global
Citizens believe that anyone, from anywhere in the world, have a right to come
to America illegally, violate the nation’s borders, and by working hard and not
committing another crime, become entitled to a path to Citizenship, American
American Citizens believe that American Citizenship
is the most prized commodity on earth, with a price beyond rubies; it is not a
honor to be scammed, regardless of how hard the scammer works. American
Citizens believe Nationhood matters; that it is a sacred trust, paid for in
blood at the Cowpens, Chickamauga, Tarawa and Ia Drang, by Americans who
perhaps did not work hard, nor pay their taxes but DIED WELL for the Republic.
Patriotism over Hard Work.
‘(Hillary)Clinton insists on nothing less than a path to full
citizenship for them. She also says that she wants to welcome back
people who have already been deported…...BLOOMBERG.”
Hillary Clinton is the epitome of a Global Citizen ( Global
Citizen Hillary Attacks American Donald Trump…............
As is President Obama, in November, 2014, President
Obama accepted the fact his Administration was incapable of protecting the Citizenship
value of Americans by declaring two programs for illegal aliens, by Executive
Decree, by fiat.
In reality President Obama, by decree, granted two defacto amnesties,
DAPA and DACA. The defacto amnesties would have allowed over 5 million illegal aliens
a reprieve from deportation, and issued to them Federal work permits so that
the reprieved illegal aliens could legally compete against Native born
Americans in the job market.
DAPA- (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents aka Deferred Action for Parental Accountability), would have granted deferred action status to
illegal aliens who have lived in the United States since 2010 and who are parents of either American
citizens or permanent residents of the United States. DAPA is not
full legal status but would have come with a three-year, renewable
work permit and exemption from deportation.
DACA- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
would have allowed illegal aliens who entered America illegally before their 16th birthday and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two-year
work permit and exemption from
To summate, DAPA was to grant work permits to
adult claim jumpers , and DACA was to grant work permits to young claim
America, supposedly a society based on the rule
of law, was going to legalize claim jumping on American Citizenship, for the
sake of Globalization. That was President Obama’s gift to the Republic.
The State of Texas sued the United State
(Unites States vs. Texas); and a Federal Appeals Court upheld the Texas’
position that both DAPA and DACA were unconstitutional, that only an American
Congress could change the status of so many illegal aliens, usurpadors, not a
Global Citizen President by fiat.
The Supreme Court deadlocked on the issue along
partisan lines; leaving the lower court’s verdict as valid. DAPA and DACA could
not be implemented.
It is fundamental, in this Blogger’s opinion,
that Americans believe in the value of their citizenship, and that their
possession of that citizenship cannot be compromised by claim jumpers,
regardless of how hard they work the claim they stole.
President Obama does not agree; the following
is excerpted from his remarks after the Supreme Court deadlock.
“…. one of the reasons why America is such a diverse and inclusive nation is
because we’re a nation of immigrants. Our Founders conceived of this
country as a refuge for the world. And for more than two centuries,
welcoming wave after wave of immigrants has kept us youthful and dynamic and
entrepreneurial. It has shaped our character, and it has made us stronger.
…..….Four years ago, we announced that those
who are our lowest priorities for enforcement -- diligent, patriotic young
DREAMers who grew up pledging allegiance to our flag -- should be able to apply
to work here and study here and pay their taxes here. More than 730,000
lives have been changed as a result. These are students, they’re
teachers, they’re doctors, they’re lawyers.
They’re Americans in every
way but on paper. And fortunately, today’s decision does not affect this
policy. It does not affect the existing DREAMers.
Two years ago, we announced a similar,
expanded approach for others who are also low priorities for enforcement.
We said that if you’ve been in America for more than five years, with
children who are American citizens or legal residents, then you, too, can come
forward, get right with the law, and work in this country temporarily, without
fear of deportation.
…….….the people who might have benefitted
from the expanded deferred action policies -- long-term residents raising
children who are Americans or legal residents -- they will remain low
priorities for enforcement. As long as you have not committed a crime, our
limited immigration enforcement resources are not focused on you.
But today’s decision is frustrating to those
who seek to grow our economy and bring a rationality to our immigration system,
and to allow people to come out of the shadows and lift this perpetual cloud on
them. I think it is heartbreaking for the millions of immigrants who’ve
made their lives here, who’ve raised families here, who hoped for the
opportunity to work, pay taxes, serve in our military, and more fully
contribute to this country we all love in an open way.
…. during election years, politicians tend to use the
immigration issue to scare people with words like “amnesty” in hopes that it
will whip up votes. Keep in mind that millions of us, myself included, go
back generations in this country, with ancestors who put in the painstaking
effort to become citizens. And we don’t like the notion that anyone might
get a free pass to American citizenship.
But here’s the thing. Millions
of people who have come forward and worked to get right with the law under this
policy, they’ve been living here for years, too -- in some cases, even
decades. So leaving the broken system the way it is, that’s not a
solution. In fact, that's the real amnesty. Pretending we can
deport 11 million people, or build a wall without spending tens of billions of
dollars of taxpayer money is abetting what is really just factually incorrect.
It's not going to work. It's not good for this country.
It's a fantasy that offers nothing to help the middle class, and demeans
our tradition of being both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.
We don’t have to wall ourselves off from those who may not look
like us right now, or pray like we do, or have a different last name.
Because being an American is about something more than that. What
makes us Americans is our shared commitment to an ideal that all of us are
created equal, all of us have a chance to make of our lives what we will.
And every study shows that whether it was the Irish or the Poles, or the
Germans, or the Italians, or the Chinese, or the Japanese, or the Mexicans, or
the Kenyans -- whoever showed up, over time, by a second generation, third
generation, those kids are Americans. They do look like us -- because we
don't look one way. We don't all have the same last names, but we all
share a creed and we all share a commitment to the values that founded this
nation. …. going to give them a chance, just like our forebears had a
chance, to take responsibility and give their kids a better future.
We’re going to have to decide whether we’re a people who
accept the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms
-- or whether we actually value families, and keep them together for the sake of all of our communities.
-- or whether we actually value families, and keep them together for the sake of all of our communities.
I promise you this, though -- sooner or
later, immigration reform will get done. Congress is not going to be able
to ignore America forever. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of
when. And I can say that with confidence because we've seen our history.
We get these spasms of politics around immigration and fear-mongering,
and then our traditions and our history and our better impulses kick in.
That's how we all ended up here. Because I guarantee you, at some
point, every one of us has somebody in our background who people didn’t want
coming here, and yet here we are.
And that's what’s going to happen this time…PRESIDENT
President Obama is living in the past, 2004. He
sees the world in a prism of the past, a world of abundance. In 2016, his world
view is deformed and dysfunctional, blinded by Liberal ideology and incapable of seeing the Climate Change has
created a Zero Sum World.
President Obama earned his living as a Constitutional
lawyer, yet he is obtuse to the fact that an amnesty of illegal aliens, even
deferred action for illegal aliens is a moral hazard,(
moral hazard-lack of incentive to guard against risk where one is protected
from its consequence). Illegal aliens took
the risk of entering illegally into America to exploit opportunity; they MUST
pay the consequences to keep America in balance.
As a Liberal, he believes in Climate Change; yet
he is obtuse to the Clear and Present ramifications of Climate Change; Climate
Change has ushered in an age of Zero Sum. There are not enough resources,
including jobs for everyone. The resources America has, including jobs, must be
hoarded for Americans. Every work permit granted to an illegal alien
potentially takes a job away from a Black American, a Native American, a white
American, a Latino American, and an Asian American.
Illegal immigration is the bastard child of
Globalization, the policy formulated in Davos to uplift the poor of the world
at the expense of the American working class. It is telling that a new Liberal
economic leitmotif, echoed strenuously by President Obama in his June, 2016
visit to Canada, is that Globalization is not causing job losses in America,
automation and robotics is the culprit. Even if one agrees with the President’s
position, it only highlights the need to stop illegal immigration by Draconian
methods( such as a wall on the Mexican border) to shrink the labor pool. Why
allow illegal aliens in the nation if working class jobs will be filled by
robots? ”… not every job lost is due to trade--automation has made plants
more efficient so they can make the same amount of steel with few workers.
These are the realities…President Obama.”
If robots are doing the jobs; of what value to
the Republic are illegal aliens?
Does America need hard working illegal aliens if there
is no work? Liberals never answer that question.
This Blogger firmly believes that the only way
the Republic can abort the maturation of an American under class surviving on
drug dealing and prostitution is to shrink the low skill and unskilled labor
pools. The only way that can be accomplished is by the banishment of illegal
aliens. There are not enough jobs in 2016 America for both Americans and
illegal aliens; someone must suffer, better the illegal alien than the
This Blogger is offering up a nasty business, but
a permanent American underclass would be
worse than nasty, it would be criminal.
One of seminal shibboleths of
American Liberals, Illegal Aliens, their advocates and apologists is the one
that the 12 million illegal aliens in America cannot be repatriated to their
It can be done.
On March 13, 2015, this
Blogger published a Blog which offered a plan to accelerate the self
repatriation of illegal aliens. A
Mexican Zapatista informs America
on how To Deport 12 million Illegal Aliens, by Use of RICO…….
The following is excerpted from
that Blog:
“This Blogger informed the
Zaptista that the Liberals say it
is impossible to deport 12 million people, without the use of the whip or the
The Zapatista replied:" Make them self-deport,
by a Liberal use of RICO.”
RICO is the :“Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act
or simply RICO…its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized
crime, its later application has been more widespread.
….the racketeer must forfeit all
ill-gotten gains and interest in any business gained through a pattern of
"racketeering activity."
….The Zapatista believes illegal
aliens will self deport by a date certain; if after that date certain all
their material possessions accumulated as a by-product of their illegal
residence and activities will be subject to forfeiture and civil lawsuits
because they are illegal aliens, and thus, by definition engaged in illegal
On June 24, 2016, John Berman substituted for host
Anderson Cooper on Cooper’s CNN program. One of the features was an interview with
an anonymous illegal alien whose father would have been amnestied by DAPA.
The father was depressed by the failure of DAPA
to be legalized, and the rise of Donald Trump; he was considering selling his home in
Chicago and moving to either Canada or back to Mexico. He wanted to leave America, “ with dignity.”
That Reader is the spirit of RICO being applied
without the law of RICO being applied.Repatriation of illegal aliens can be done,
without the whip of the gun, just by forfeiture.
In the end, the problem with amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens is Jungian; it is not that American opponents of amnesty don't want to grant amnesty on the basis of compassion; it is that they can't, on the basis of honor.
Compassion versus Honor, the American Antebellum conundrum. This Blogger can contribute only one thought to solving the conundrum; History shows that Republics based on Compassion will never survive; Republics based on Honor always survive.
If Survival is at stake, and the survival of the Republic is at stake, it is better to choose Honor over Compassion.

In the end, the problem with amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens is Jungian; it is not that American opponents of amnesty don't want to grant amnesty on the basis of compassion; it is that they can't, on the basis of honor.
Compassion versus Honor, the American Antebellum conundrum. This Blogger can contribute only one thought to solving the conundrum; History shows that Republics based on Compassion will never survive; Republics based on Honor always survive.
If Survival is at stake, and the survival of the Republic is at stake, it is better to choose Honor over Compassion.
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