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The Liberal cognoscenti  and commentariat have denounced believers in the QAnon Conspiracy    theory as unfounded and ungrounded fools.   “The QAnon conspiracy theory is vast, complicated and ever changing, and its adherents are constantly folding new events and personalities into its master narrative. But the gist of it is that national Democrats, aided by Hollywood and a group of “global elites”, are running a massive ring devoted to the abduction, trafficking, torture, sexual abuse and cannibalization of children, all with the purpose of fulfilling the rituals of their Satanic faith..... the guardian.”   Obviously, only a demented   troglodyte  would believe in that.   But that obvious is less secure since the recent revelations concerning the Lincoln Project.   Lincoln Project was founded by    never Trumpers,   former Republicans,  defrocked randy priests, cardinals and bishops of the Party, when it was an elitis...

On 2/12/2012, Gerry Maxey Predicted the January 6,2021 Sans-culottes Jacquerie: Senators Romney and Murray

Sinclair Lewis, in his masterpiece ELMER GANTRY, has this succinct comment about prayer :  “It does  a man   good to  get  down on  his knees  once in  a  while.”   This Blogger thought about Sinclair Lewis’ insight as he viewed the video of Sen. Mitt Romney running for his life in the face of the    sans-culottes   mob on January 6, 2021.   Perhaps, just perhaps, theoretically, it is good for Elitist politicians, once in a while,  to run for their lives from a mob of the common man.   The  sans-culottes   were the common people of the lower classes of pre- Revolutionary France …. “  The  sans-culottes , most of them urban labourers, served as the driving popular force behind the revolution. They were judged by the other revolutionaries as "radicals" ....." This Blogger was surprised that Sen. Romney did not stand firm, and face the san- culottes mob with his mantra  “Corporations ar...