Sentient observers of the American Republic are already crafting autopsies to explain its decline and extinction. Liberals are blaming the breakdown in Congressional cordiality, as will be noted in the NEW YORK TIMES article excerpted in this Blog. This Blogger blames the banyan tree of Multiculturalism; the same Multiculturalism which strangled the Roman Republic. As this Blog is being written, the Republic is involved in antebellum foreplay; a black Trump supporter in Milwaukee, Bernell Trammell, was gunned down amid his pro-Trump paraphernalia; in Austin, Texas, a white, armed BLACK LIVES MATTER protestor, Garrett Foster, was gunned down while pushing the wheelchair of his black fiancée, at a BLM rally. The next step down the ladder to Civil War is the tic for tac assassinations of celebrities; exchange the assassination of Primo de Rivera for the assassination of Garcia Lorca. Then will come vicious street battles be...