This Blogger believes that the only way to maintain and sustain the American Dream ,for Americans, is restricting the unskilled labor pool, which means denying unskilled migrants a place at the American table. The cull has to begin soon, because robotics are coming to decimate unskilled jobs. Liberals do not want to cull the labor pool of unskilled migrants; they love diversity and multiculturalism too much. Instead Liberals have turned Luddites; they want to TAX American Businesses who implement robots, A ROBOTICS TAX. “New York’s mayor has a plan to address the displacement of workers through automation: Bill de Blasio wants the federal government to enact a “robot tax.” De Blasio’s proposed law stipulates that when a company introduces labor-saving automation, such as a forklift on a loading dock, it would have to pay the federal government five years’ worth of payroll taxes for each worker that the innovation displaces. The employer would have to find...