This Blogger believes that the only way to maintain and sustain the American Dream ,for Americans, is restricting the unskilled labor pool, which means denying unskilled migrants a place at the American table. The cull has to begin soon, because robotics are coming to decimate unskilled jobs.
Liberals do not want to cull the labor pool of unskilled migrants; they love diversity and multiculturalism too much.
Instead Liberals have turned Luddites; they want to TAX American Businesses who implement robots, A ROBOTICS TAX.
“New York’s mayor has a plan to address the displacement of workers through automation: Bill de Blasio wants the federal government to enact a “robot tax.” De Blasio’s proposed law stipulates that when a company introduces labor-saving automation, such as a forklift on a loading dock, it would have to pay the federal government five years’ worth of payroll taxes for each worker that the innovation displaces. The employer would have to find new jobs for the workers at their same pay or give them severance. Further, the law would invent a new federal agency to determine which jobs were eliminated by automation and how much robot tax employers owe. De Blasio has even come up with a name for the agency: the Federal Automation and Worker Protection Agency (FAWPA). Separately, he would have Washington eliminate all tax incentives for innovation; though he uses the word “automation” instead of innovation, it amounts to the same thing.
.... his law would also drive businesses overseas. An American company that saw opportunities to apply robotics to its operation would, if faced with de Blasio’s robot tax, simply build abroad. All the high-paying technical and maintenance jobs attached to the robots would depart as well. The company might close its onshore, non-automated operations, and since no robots were immediately involved, those layoffs would cost nothing in robot tax. Some American firms that have already gone overseas to take advantage of low wages have used the efficiencies of robotics to bring these operations back home. In the face of a robot tax, more firms will stay abroad…NATIONAL INTEREST.”
America will not be able to retrain all the workers displaced by robotics; but America is capable of retraining AMERICAN workers displaced by robotics.
Rather than deport illegal alien workers, Democrats want to tax America back into the pre-industrial age; that is not only unacceptable but folly.
On November 3, 2016, this Blogger published: Note to Liberals- Open Borders Means the Death of Liberalism, Socialism and the Welfare State
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“Open Borders, Hillary Clinton’s preferred answer to the near future Mass Migrations, will mean the end of Liberalism, Liberal Socialism and the Welfare state.
........….This Blogger believes that the ONLY way, America can offer decent living to its unskilled labor force is by shrinking the unskilled labor pool, which means mass repatriation of illegal aliens(by use of RICO), repatriation of refugees from non war zones such as Somalia, and Uganda, and a suspension of refugee programs.
Illegal aliens must be repatriated for the benefit of unskilled American workers because
Robotics are coming, in full force. As this Blogger is being written, there is a robotic pizza parlor opening in Silicon Valley; pizzas made by Robots, which will further shrink the pool of jobs for unskilled Americans. Robotics is enough of a competitor for unskilled Americans; they should not have to compete with unskilled illegal aliens, or migrants, or refugees…..THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
This Blogger believes restrictions on entry of unskilled migrants has to be done ASAP, for robotics will soon be upon society.
On January 13, 2018, this Blogger addressed this issue when he published: The Fierce Urgency of Repatriating TPS Migrants-Jobs and Robots
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….Astute Futurists understand that there is a fierce urgency to cull the American work force before the coming of A.I., Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and ROBOTS.
“….Just this week, the McKinsey Global Institute released a report that found that a third of American workers may have to switch jobs in the next dozen or so years because of A.I……..all of this stuff is happening now, not 25 years from now......” NEW YORK TIMES.”
Soon, very soon, the Republic will not be able to have enough jobs for its people; the answer to that coming social catastrophe is to cull the labor force, by repatriating illegal aliens, DACA Recipients, and TPS migrants.
…. The American Labor Pool must be culled, must be shrunk, before the advent of robotics or all will be social turmoil; the Republic must maintain the balance between human dignity and machine efficiency, and that can only be accomplished by repatriating the pool of labor which should not be in America…..
On January 27, 2019 this Blogger published:: A Non Racist Reason to Limit Immigration, Legal and Illegal
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“As Readers of this Blog are aware this Blogger is avidly and ardently opposed to America’s current immigration policy. The Republic is bringing too many people for the Republic to maintain social cohesion in the future.
Liberals state that such an attitude is Racist; this Blogger believes that it is not racist to understand that Artificial Intelligence is well on its way and that America will have barely enough unskilled and semi-skilled jobs to employ native born and legal Americans; because of Artificial Intelligence and robotics there will not be enough jobs in the future for the volume of immigrants, legal and illegal, America is allowing into the nation.
One of the monumental shibboleths of Liberal thinking concerning immigration is that the Republic needs a continuous stream of freshly minted immigrants to offset the aging baby Boomer population. That is not true; robots will offset the economic consequences of an aging population.
How will the new immigrant contribute when there will be no jobs?
There are limits to the amount of immigrants who will be able to find work as Civil Rights attorneys, Somali translators, social workers and political activists.
What Liberals don’t seem to understand is that their concern for growing the workforce is misguided; the Republic must cull the work force in order to insure the viability of the American working class as humans are replaced by robots.
“ DAVOS, Switzerland —
A 2017 survey by Deloitte found that 53 percent of companies had already started to use machines to perform tasks previously done by humans. The figure is expected to climb to 72 percent by next year.
The corporate elite’s A.I. obsession has been lucrative for firms that specialize in “robotic process automation,” or R.P.A. Infosys, which is based in India, reported a 33 percent increase in year-over-year revenue in its digital division. ….a longtime technology executive, predicts that artificial intelligence will eliminate 40 percent of the world’s jobs within 15 years.
Terry Gou, the chairman of the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn, has said the company plans to replace 80 percent of its workers with robots in the next five to 10 years……..
A report by the World Economic Forum this month estimated that of the 1.37 million workers who are projected to be fully displaced by automation in the next decade, only one in four can be profitably reskilled by private-sector programs. The rest, presumably, will need to fend for themselves or rely on government assistance….…..NEW YORK TIMES.”
When the Robots come into the factory, it will be impossible to save both the American worker and the migrant. One has to be more valuable than the other. This Blogger picks the American worker over the refugee, the asylum seeker, and/or the illegal alien…..THE MAXEY CHRONCILES.”
To reiterate, this Blogger believes that the labor pool must be culled of unskilled migrants before the advent of robots, to mitigate the impact of robots on American workers.
Neither Communist China, Japan, or Russia have an illegal alien problem; consequently they will have no Liberal mentality about taxing robotics; consequently the 21st Century will belong to them, BY DEFAULT.

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