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The Shocking Acceptance of Amnesty for Illegal Aliens by American Liberals

This Blogger supported the 1986 Amnesty; this Blog opposes the 2103 Rubio Amnesty Immigration Bill. In this linchpin of American history, when 11.5 million illegal aliens are demanding citizenship, what comes as a true shock is the acquiesce of American Liberals to their demands. This Blog is not capable of understanding the raison d’être of American Liberals in this regard. Perhaps no one is capable of understanding American Liberals  except perhaps COLONEL MATHIEU, the fictional French military commander in THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS, who asks this brilliant existentialist question of all Liberals ,  " Why are the liberals always on the other side ?" Why are they indeed, always on the other side? -AMERICAN LIBERALS’  ATTITUDE  TOWARD THE  BULLYING OF AMERICA It seems that if there is one tenet American Liberals all agree on, it is this tenet - Bullying is bad. My God how American Liberals hate Bullying; to them it is leprosy and anthrax combi...

The “Dumb” Swede Becomes The Smug Swede: Immigrant Riots Ensue

In the old days, before political correctness, an American was seen in Europe as a brave cowboy; in turn an American could work through Europe with a short hand of nationality stereotypes. The Dutch were dull; the French-rude, the Germans-tidy and efficient, the Russian-emotional, the British-fun, the Belgians-corrupt closeted the bourgeois, the Spanish-proud, the Norwegians-ethereal, the Danes-energetic, the Finns-tough, the Poles-courageous, the Italians-passionate. And the Swedes- the Swedes were “dumb”, nice but dumb. So dumb, that their Royal Family came from a French peasant who happened to be a French Napoleonic Marshal. The Swedes had been good soldiers, under the Vasas, but that was three centuries ago. One of them did invent dynamite then felt so guilty he financed the Nobel Prizes. Sweden turned out beautiful and sexy women, Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Gunnel Lindblom, Ulla Jacobsson, Liv Ullmann but the word association with Swede was dumb. Then the Swedes discov...

Channeling Gay Icon Quentin Crisp into A Blog on Gay Marriage, Same Sex Marriage and Marriage Equality

Quentin Crisp(THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT), in the Age of Tennessee Williams, William Inge, Andre Gide, Sir John Gielgud, Dirk Bogarde, Leonard Bernstein, Liberace, Rock Hudson, Clifton Webb, and  Edward Albee, was the most famous openly Gay English speaking Gay in the world. He believed that there was no inherent tension between straight women and Gay men, because Gay Men were the only males sympathetic to straight women’s female afflictions. He thought there was tremendous tension between straight men and Gay men because, “straight men do not like what Gay men do in sex, and don’t want it done to them .” Crisp’s analysis was an Ockham razor’s approach to Discrimination against Gays. Quentin Crisp On March 25, 2013, I received an email from a Parisian sophisticate; she wrote me after watching anti-gay marriage rioters battle French riot police on the Champs-Elysees. The rioters were fighting their way to the Presidential Palace, to personally attack French President Hollan...