the old days, before political correctness, an American was seen in Europe as a
brave cowboy; in turn an American could work through Europe with a short hand
of nationality stereotypes. The Dutch were dull; the French-rude, the
Germans-tidy and efficient, the Russian-emotional, the British-fun, the
Belgians-corrupt closeted the bourgeois, the Spanish-proud, the
Norwegians-ethereal, the Danes-energetic, the Finns-tough, the
Poles-courageous, the Italians-passionate.
And the Swedes- the Swedes were “dumb”, nice but dumb.
So dumb, that their Royal Family came from a French peasant who happened to be a French Napoleonic Marshal.
The Swedes had been good soldiers, under the Vasas, but that was three centuries ago. One of them did invent dynamite then felt so guilty he financed the Nobel Prizes.
Sweden turned out beautiful and sexy women, Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Gunnel Lindblom, Ulla Jacobsson, Liv Ullmann but the word association with Swede was dumb.
Then the Swedes discovered SOCIALISM, and suddenly they became not so dumb.
They grew a State which took care of its people from cradle to grave, free healthcare, free nursery schools, free education. Their women became incredibly liberated and empowered with sexual freedom. They gave the world Ingmar Bergman and God as a Giant Spider.
They built a local home grown, formidable air force, built by Saab, hidden in secret mountain fortresses/air bases. The camouflaged fortresses would open up to allow the planes to fly forth, something out of a Star Wars sci-fi film.
The Swedes were no longer dumb, through Socialism they became the envy of the world.
The Swedish people got proud of what they had accomplished with Socialism…so proud that they achieved the fatal mistake of SMUGNESS. The Swedes got Smug (self satisfied in one’s own beliefs and morality to an annoying degree).
They came to believe they had found the keys to the kingdom of a perfect society, that the Swedish Socialist Way was the BEST way to govern, and everyone else was dumb for not seeing that. If only people could live under the beneficial Swedish socialism, their very DNA would be transformed into egalitarian goodness.
There were clues that the Swedish way was not worthy of such smugness; their Prime Minister, Olaf Palme was murdered on the streets of Stockholm, in front of his wife, and the killer was never caught; their Foreign Minister, Anna Lind, was stabbed to death in a Stockholm department store, and the killer was never caught. But the murders of two politicians can never deter a people from the Sin of Smugness.
The Swedes got so self smug that they decided to open their happy, fat and contented society of Swedes and minority Lapps (the Reindeer people) to foreigners.
That immigration would be no problem for the smug Swedes, since they were delusionary certain that after living a few years in Smug Sweden, every immigrant would love being in a Socialist country, with free housing, water, aquavit, and free sex.
The smug Swedes were so self confident they could make anyone modern Swedes, that they decided to import the other side of their cultural value universe; they decided to import believing, practicing Muslims.
What could go wrong?
A lot.
The Smug Swedes opened up their country, so much so that today 14% of Sweden’s population of 9.4 million are immigrants, Muslim immigrants, not apostate Muslims, but BELIEVING Muslims.
What could go wrong?
A lot.
In this Socialist paradise, faith in God has deteriorated, suicides have increased radically, and alcoholism has become rampant.
I remember the first time I was in Sweden, I walked out of a hotel in Karlstad into the square, and I walked into a scene out of a horror movie. The entire square, the entire square, was filled with students from Karlstad University, body to body, passed out on the pavement.
One could not navigate the square without stepping on a prone student. There was no free space on the square, all of the space was filled by passed out students.
The smug socialist Swedes invented binge drinking.
In their newly found infinite wisdom the smug, Socialist Swedes decided that their Socialist paradise could withstand massive importation of Allah fearing, non alcohol drinking Muslims from Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Syria.
And the Swedes massively imported them.
HUNDREDS of cars set on fire, a school in flames and angry youths hurling stones at the police. This is not the banlieue in France but suburbs in supposedly peaceful Sweden. Six nights of arson and violence in Stockholm’s poorer suburbs, where a majority of residents are immigrants, have shaken the Nordic country and created international headlines.
For much of this year, discrimination of immigrants and racism have been hotly debated in a country where 14% of its 9.6m people are foreign born. Now the riots could make immigration and integration the pivotal debate in Swedish politics.
The riots, which started in the suburb of Husby, are not as violent and widespread as those in Paris in 2005 and in London in 2011. But the quickly spreading rioting has shaken local residents and politicians, putting a spotlight on what many see as a long-time failure of society to integrate immigrants.
In suburbs like Husby unemployment is more than double the country’s average, income much lower and residents complain of being neglected by politicians.
Although Sweden is still one of the world’s most equal countries, recent reports by the OECD, a think tank, show income inequality is on the rise.”
The smug Swedes, in their smugness, gave us a God who was a Giant Spider… well, their immigration policy is a Gigantic Spider. What society in their right minds imports 14% of its total population with people who do not believe in that society’s values?
And how can any society be so smug as to believe they can convert 14% of their population that holds different values, fervently, to that society’s social norm.
Only the smug Swedes.
In response to the riots, the smug Swedes are falling back on universal solution–POLICE BRUTALITY.
“ there's an acrid stench of burning plastic, and flickers become visible around the footbridge that the group is now jogging towards. A dumper truck on the road below is burning as a crowd of young men look on. Most claim to be watchmen, but as soon as a fire engine arrives, 10 or more rush to the bridge and begin pelting a firefighter who runs up.
The crowd turns to see a phalanx of police in full riot gear marching up a ramp to the bridge, protected by a wall of transparent shields. Immediately, the stone throwers – most barely more than children – sprint into the darkness, while Hakim confronts the police. "Get lost! Please, just disappear," he says.
By Saturday morning, the usually calm Swedish capital had been rocked by six nights of disorder, with up to 200 cars set ablaze, fires in schools, police stations and restaurants, and about a dozen police officers injured. Police estimate that more than 300 young people have been directly involved, of whom 30 have been arrested.
What began in Husby last Sunday has spread to more than a dozen of the city's other suburbs. And on Friday night, while police reported a quieter night in the capital, fires and stone-throwing were also reported in Uppsala, Södertälje, and even further afield in Linköping and Örebro, in central Sweden.
The morning after the truck-burning, however, Husby seems idyllic. There's a busy vegetable stall in the main square and a group of elderly men sipping beer in the sun. The rows of seven-storey blocks, built in the 1960s and 1970s as part of Sweden's "million homes" project, are all freshly painted, the gardens and playgrounds well-tended. At the local school, the windows broken the previous night are already being fixed.
"If you have broken windows and they see it, they will crack other windows, so we must fix it immediately," says Christer Svensson, who has come in to do the work. "I don't care, I make money out of this."
Outside the new library, which opened last month, another white, ethnically Swedish handyman is busy painting. "This place behind me, they've just spent 40m kronor [£4m] on it," he grumbles. "They don't talk about that when they talk to the TV, do they? They talk about the problems, they don't talk about everything people are doing for them.
"These people, they should integrate in this society and just try a little bit more to be like Swedish citizens."
Scratch beneath the surface and this is a sentiment shared by many in a country that arguably has the world's most generous asylum policies. Sweden has taken in more than 11,000 refugees from Syria since 2012, more per head than any other European country, and it has absorbed more than 100,000 Iraqis and 40,000 Somalis over the past two decades. About 1.8 million of its 9.5 million people are first- or second-generation immigrants.
"This is one of the countries that treats immigrants the best," says Mohammed Hassan, a Bangladeshi studying in Husby's new library, who previously lived in Brick Lane in east London. "It's much, much better than any other European country in which I've travelled."
So it has come as a shock for many Swedes to discover the scale of resentment. It's not hard to find it. Aleks, whose parents came from Kosovo, says: "I hate the police.
I hate the cops. I think setting fire to cars in the neighbourhood should stop, but I don't think throwing rocks at the cops should stop."
The police then inflamed the situation last Sunday, reportedly calling young people causing a disturbance "monkeys" and "negroes".
"They seize people, and strip them and really embarrass them in front of their friends," complains Yusuf, a young Somali. Yusuf used to live in Birmingham, but says he prefers Husby. And there's no doubt Husby has better facilities than deprived areas in Britain. But it is also more segregated. About 85% of people here have their origins outside Sweden.
"The politicians are thinking the wrong way. They want to help people, but you never help people when you put 30,000 to 50,000 in one place," complains the man painting at the library.
Camila Salazar, who works for Fryshuset, a Stockholm youth organisation, says: "For a lot of people who live in segregated areas, the only Swedes they meet are social workers or police officers. It's amazing how many have never had a Swedish friend."
A third of the 2,500 white, ethnic Swedes who lived in Husby 10 years ago have left. "My children say: 'Why don't you leave there? All the Swedish have gone,'" complains Milos. "There's only three Swedish families left in this whole block."
Inequality has also grown faster in Sweden over the past decade than in any other developed country, according to thinktank the OECD, which puts the blame partly on tax cuts paid for by reductions in welfare spending.
According to official statistics, more than 10% of those aged 25 to 55 in Husby are unemployed, compared with 3.5% in Stockholm as a whole. Those that do have jobs earn 40% less than the city average. But Aleksandar-Pal Sakala, an IT consultant and politician for the centre-right Moderate party, has little sympathy. "It's nonsense, this leftwing propaganda that the schools are bad and there's no jobs.
Some people are too lazy. They feel they have less respect if they work in a low-status job," he says. "When I came here from Belgrade, I was cleaning. I worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week."
Kista, only 20 minutes' walk away, is Sweden's Silicon Valley, with more than 20,000 people working in IT, but Sakala says most Husby people can work only in Kista's giant shopping centre. "Many people living in the area are not qualified for IT jobs."
More than a quarter of Husby's adult population has only GCSE-equivalent education, compared with a tenth for Stockholm as a whole, and only a third have any further education.”
The smug Swedes had a smug paradise, but that was not enough for them, they had to proselytize their smugness. They just had to have DIVERSITY. They imported people who hate their values and culture, 14% of their population they imported. The smug Swedes now have 14% of their residents who hate their guts.
If you are a lion, you cannot import 14% hyenas into the pride and not expect a riot; if you are a cobra you cannot import 14% mongooses into the den and not expect a riot. If you are an aquavit loving, illegitimate, happily married Gay Swede you cannot expect to import 14% Muslim believers into your country and not expect a riot.
The Swedes, in their smug immigration policy, reverted to being dumb.
At their current birthrate the Muslim immigrants to Sweden will overtake the native born Swedes in population by 2050.
When faced with that fact, the smug Swedish government stated, that would not happen because the Muslim immigrants WILL NATURALLY CONFORM to the historic European Community declining birth rates.
Sure they will.
As I said, underneath the smugness, the Swedes are still dumb.
Thus all smugness ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Watching the Stockholm riots
And the Swedes- the Swedes were “dumb”, nice but dumb.
So dumb, that their Royal Family came from a French peasant who happened to be a French Napoleonic Marshal.
The Swedes had been good soldiers, under the Vasas, but that was three centuries ago. One of them did invent dynamite then felt so guilty he financed the Nobel Prizes.
Sweden turned out beautiful and sexy women, Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Gunnel Lindblom, Ulla Jacobsson, Liv Ullmann but the word association with Swede was dumb.
Then the Swedes discovered SOCIALISM, and suddenly they became not so dumb.
They grew a State which took care of its people from cradle to grave, free healthcare, free nursery schools, free education. Their women became incredibly liberated and empowered with sexual freedom. They gave the world Ingmar Bergman and God as a Giant Spider.
They built a local home grown, formidable air force, built by Saab, hidden in secret mountain fortresses/air bases. The camouflaged fortresses would open up to allow the planes to fly forth, something out of a Star Wars sci-fi film.
The Swedes were no longer dumb, through Socialism they became the envy of the world.
The Swedish people got proud of what they had accomplished with Socialism…so proud that they achieved the fatal mistake of SMUGNESS. The Swedes got Smug (self satisfied in one’s own beliefs and morality to an annoying degree).
They came to believe they had found the keys to the kingdom of a perfect society, that the Swedish Socialist Way was the BEST way to govern, and everyone else was dumb for not seeing that. If only people could live under the beneficial Swedish socialism, their very DNA would be transformed into egalitarian goodness.
There were clues that the Swedish way was not worthy of such smugness; their Prime Minister, Olaf Palme was murdered on the streets of Stockholm, in front of his wife, and the killer was never caught; their Foreign Minister, Anna Lind, was stabbed to death in a Stockholm department store, and the killer was never caught. But the murders of two politicians can never deter a people from the Sin of Smugness.
The Swedes got so self smug that they decided to open their happy, fat and contented society of Swedes and minority Lapps (the Reindeer people) to foreigners.
That immigration would be no problem for the smug Swedes, since they were delusionary certain that after living a few years in Smug Sweden, every immigrant would love being in a Socialist country, with free housing, water, aquavit, and free sex.
The smug Swedes were so self confident they could make anyone modern Swedes, that they decided to import the other side of their cultural value universe; they decided to import believing, practicing Muslims.
What could go wrong?
A lot.
The Smug Swedes opened up their country, so much so that today 14% of Sweden’s population of 9.4 million are immigrants, Muslim immigrants, not apostate Muslims, but BELIEVING Muslims.
What could go wrong?
A lot.
In this Socialist paradise, faith in God has deteriorated, suicides have increased radically, and alcoholism has become rampant.
I remember the first time I was in Sweden, I walked out of a hotel in Karlstad into the square, and I walked into a scene out of a horror movie. The entire square, the entire square, was filled with students from Karlstad University, body to body, passed out on the pavement.
One could not navigate the square without stepping on a prone student. There was no free space on the square, all of the space was filled by passed out students.
The smug socialist Swedes invented binge drinking.
In their newly found infinite wisdom the smug, Socialist Swedes decided that their Socialist paradise could withstand massive importation of Allah fearing, non alcohol drinking Muslims from Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Syria.
And the Swedes massively imported them.
The imported Muslims believe in a rigid,
patriarchal society, a society without liberated women or educated women, or female
sex outside of marriage. Muslims believe in an inferior status for women. Illegitimately
of birth is particularly frowned upon, “A
majority of children in Sweden are born out of wedlock.”
Muslims are notoriously anti Gay
Rights, “Same-sex marriage in Sweden has been
legal since 1 May 2009, following the adoption of a new, gender-neutral law on
marriage by the Swedish parliament on 1 April 2009.”
To summate, the smug Swedes imported 14% of their current population,
imported Muslims who hold social views anathema to the Swedish culture.
What could go wrong?
A lot.
“Muslims Riot in Stockholm
HUNDREDS of cars set on fire, a school in flames and angry youths hurling stones at the police. This is not the banlieue in France but suburbs in supposedly peaceful Sweden. Six nights of arson and violence in Stockholm’s poorer suburbs, where a majority of residents are immigrants, have shaken the Nordic country and created international headlines.
For much of this year, discrimination of immigrants and racism have been hotly debated in a country where 14% of its 9.6m people are foreign born. Now the riots could make immigration and integration the pivotal debate in Swedish politics.
The riots, which started in the suburb of Husby, are not as violent and widespread as those in Paris in 2005 and in London in 2011. But the quickly spreading rioting has shaken local residents and politicians, putting a spotlight on what many see as a long-time failure of society to integrate immigrants.
In suburbs like Husby unemployment is more than double the country’s average, income much lower and residents complain of being neglected by politicians.
Although Sweden is still one of the world’s most equal countries, recent reports by the OECD, a think tank, show income inequality is on the rise.”
The smug Swedes, in their smugness, gave us a God who was a Giant Spider… well, their immigration policy is a Gigantic Spider. What society in their right minds imports 14% of its total population with people who do not believe in that society’s values?
And how can any society be so smug as to believe they can convert 14% of their population that holds different values, fervently, to that society’s social norm.
Only the smug Swedes.
In response to the riots, the smug Swedes are falling back on universal solution–POLICE BRUTALITY.
“ there's an acrid stench of burning plastic, and flickers become visible around the footbridge that the group is now jogging towards. A dumper truck on the road below is burning as a crowd of young men look on. Most claim to be watchmen, but as soon as a fire engine arrives, 10 or more rush to the bridge and begin pelting a firefighter who runs up.
The crowd turns to see a phalanx of police in full riot gear marching up a ramp to the bridge, protected by a wall of transparent shields. Immediately, the stone throwers – most barely more than children – sprint into the darkness, while Hakim confronts the police. "Get lost! Please, just disappear," he says.
By Saturday morning, the usually calm Swedish capital had been rocked by six nights of disorder, with up to 200 cars set ablaze, fires in schools, police stations and restaurants, and about a dozen police officers injured. Police estimate that more than 300 young people have been directly involved, of whom 30 have been arrested.
What began in Husby last Sunday has spread to more than a dozen of the city's other suburbs. And on Friday night, while police reported a quieter night in the capital, fires and stone-throwing were also reported in Uppsala, Södertälje, and even further afield in Linköping and Örebro, in central Sweden.
The morning after the truck-burning, however, Husby seems idyllic. There's a busy vegetable stall in the main square and a group of elderly men sipping beer in the sun. The rows of seven-storey blocks, built in the 1960s and 1970s as part of Sweden's "million homes" project, are all freshly painted, the gardens and playgrounds well-tended. At the local school, the windows broken the previous night are already being fixed.
"If you have broken windows and they see it, they will crack other windows, so we must fix it immediately," says Christer Svensson, who has come in to do the work. "I don't care, I make money out of this."
Outside the new library, which opened last month, another white, ethnically Swedish handyman is busy painting. "This place behind me, they've just spent 40m kronor [£4m] on it," he grumbles. "They don't talk about that when they talk to the TV, do they? They talk about the problems, they don't talk about everything people are doing for them.
"These people, they should integrate in this society and just try a little bit more to be like Swedish citizens."
Scratch beneath the surface and this is a sentiment shared by many in a country that arguably has the world's most generous asylum policies. Sweden has taken in more than 11,000 refugees from Syria since 2012, more per head than any other European country, and it has absorbed more than 100,000 Iraqis and 40,000 Somalis over the past two decades. About 1.8 million of its 9.5 million people are first- or second-generation immigrants.
"This is one of the countries that treats immigrants the best," says Mohammed Hassan, a Bangladeshi studying in Husby's new library, who previously lived in Brick Lane in east London. "It's much, much better than any other European country in which I've travelled."
So it has come as a shock for many Swedes to discover the scale of resentment. It's not hard to find it. Aleks, whose parents came from Kosovo, says: "I hate the police.
I hate the cops. I think setting fire to cars in the neighbourhood should stop, but I don't think throwing rocks at the cops should stop."
The police then inflamed the situation last Sunday, reportedly calling young people causing a disturbance "monkeys" and "negroes".
"They seize people, and strip them and really embarrass them in front of their friends," complains Yusuf, a young Somali. Yusuf used to live in Birmingham, but says he prefers Husby. And there's no doubt Husby has better facilities than deprived areas in Britain. But it is also more segregated. About 85% of people here have their origins outside Sweden.
"The politicians are thinking the wrong way. They want to help people, but you never help people when you put 30,000 to 50,000 in one place," complains the man painting at the library.
Camila Salazar, who works for Fryshuset, a Stockholm youth organisation, says: "For a lot of people who live in segregated areas, the only Swedes they meet are social workers or police officers. It's amazing how many have never had a Swedish friend."
A third of the 2,500 white, ethnic Swedes who lived in Husby 10 years ago have left. "My children say: 'Why don't you leave there? All the Swedish have gone,'" complains Milos. "There's only three Swedish families left in this whole block."
Inequality has also grown faster in Sweden over the past decade than in any other developed country, according to thinktank the OECD, which puts the blame partly on tax cuts paid for by reductions in welfare spending.
According to official statistics, more than 10% of those aged 25 to 55 in Husby are unemployed, compared with 3.5% in Stockholm as a whole. Those that do have jobs earn 40% less than the city average. But Aleksandar-Pal Sakala, an IT consultant and politician for the centre-right Moderate party, has little sympathy. "It's nonsense, this leftwing propaganda that the schools are bad and there's no jobs.
Some people are too lazy. They feel they have less respect if they work in a low-status job," he says. "When I came here from Belgrade, I was cleaning. I worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week."
Kista, only 20 minutes' walk away, is Sweden's Silicon Valley, with more than 20,000 people working in IT, but Sakala says most Husby people can work only in Kista's giant shopping centre. "Many people living in the area are not qualified for IT jobs."
More than a quarter of Husby's adult population has only GCSE-equivalent education, compared with a tenth for Stockholm as a whole, and only a third have any further education.”
The smug Swedes had a smug paradise, but that was not enough for them, they had to proselytize their smugness. They just had to have DIVERSITY. They imported people who hate their values and culture, 14% of their population they imported. The smug Swedes now have 14% of their residents who hate their guts.
If you are a lion, you cannot import 14% hyenas into the pride and not expect a riot; if you are a cobra you cannot import 14% mongooses into the den and not expect a riot. If you are an aquavit loving, illegitimate, happily married Gay Swede you cannot expect to import 14% Muslim believers into your country and not expect a riot.
The Swedes, in their smug immigration policy, reverted to being dumb.
At their current birthrate the Muslim immigrants to Sweden will overtake the native born Swedes in population by 2050.
When faced with that fact, the smug Swedish government stated, that would not happen because the Muslim immigrants WILL NATURALLY CONFORM to the historic European Community declining birth rates.
Sure they will.
As I said, underneath the smugness, the Swedes are still dumb.
Thus all smugness ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
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