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Showing posts with the label Boris Nicolaevsky

CORONAVIRUS: Organic Mutation? or Communist Chinese Designed Pathogen?

This Blogger believes that there are two theories of the case concerning the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. One theory is that the CORONAVIRUS is organic, a natural mutation or evolutionary response to over population. Over population always causes new diseases. On August 2, 2009, this Blogger published this: “I, Gerry Maxey, believe that the planet    Earth is living in the Anthropocene, a geological epoch caused by man-made activities. One of the man-made activities is Climate Change, which will result in famine and drought, mass migrations and social disruption. I believe that the Anthropocene is caused by over population( According   to the 2006 Revision, the world population will likely increase by  2.5 billion over the next 43 years, passing from the current 6.7 billion to 9.2 billion in 2050); the planet Earth can reasonably sustain 3 billion people. …...If Mankind does not slow down the population explosion, Nature will, for Nature always corrects over population......GERRY MAX