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New York jury Convicts Trump of 34 out of 34 Charges; Liberals are SO Dumb

 This Blogger is not an attorney; but he has been on five criminal case juries, weighing innocence or guilt. Earlier today, a New York jury convicted President Trump of 34 out of the 34 charges against him. And America thought a perfect score was impossible.

This Blogger has been stupefied that a local city of  New York District Attorney, elected by a Democratic political machine, felt empowered to bring a case against the former President of the Republic,   for violating a FEDERAL LAW, eight years ago.
Dumb layman that this Blogger is; he thought there was a statute of limitations on every crime, save murder.
And he thought Federal prosecutors filed charges against  an American citizen, if they thought the citizen had violated FEDERAL law. Oh wait, federal prosecutors had evaluated President Trump’s alleged  violation  and had declined to prosecute.
 Alas for President Trump, the New York City's District Attorney’s office are avid viewers of MSNBC; and decided to let MSNBC drive the wheels of justice. The verdict was to be expected; MSNBC brays very loud.
As the verdicts were being read, President Trump sat stoically, as if he was a model for a  Caravaggio painting( see below).
One of the leitmotifs of this Blog is that Liberals are flat out dumb at governance.
This verdict is Liberal dumbness in extremis.
Dumb in both macro and micro ways.
In macro ways, the verdict in and of itself is not important; in a nation on the cusp of a civil war, it is the impact of the verdict which is important.
The indictment, the trial and the verdict is equal in impact to the following:
The Roman Senate denying Caesar,  immunity against lawsuits; which led to the Great Roman Civil War between Caesar and the Senate.
“Caesar  was given a 5-year proconsulship in Gaul after his term as consul in 59BC, which was extended another 5 years.
You could only be consul every 10 years.
Both the consulship and a proconsulship granted the person immunity from prosecution while holding the office. Caesar wanted to have his consulship start immediately after his proconsulship in Gaul ended so he wouldn’t have to face any lawsuits.
His enemies in the Senate wouldn’t let him return to Rome with immunity to run. ….The decision by the Senate was one of the dumbest strategic moves in history. ….”
King Charles I attempting to arrest five sitting members of Parliament: John Hampden, Arthur Haselrig, Densil Holles, John Pym and William Strode on trumped up charges. That was a key factor in bringing on the English Civil War.
The arrest, by slave catchers, of runaway slave Anthony Burns in Boston; his trial ended in conviction. The  slave catchers failed to prove the Black man arrested, Burns, was the runaway slave in question; but the Judge ruled against Burns.
Burns was carted off back to Virginia, a slave.
Riots ensued. Only the occupation of Boston by armed troops quelled the riots over this injustice.
The Burns Affair was a contributing factor to the American Civil War.
In California, Jury Foremen, Forewomen, are selected: either by lot, volunteering or the vote of fellow jurors.
In New York it seems that the presiding Judge, who allowed the trial to go forward, has a major impact on who is Jury Foreman or Jury Forewoman.
This Blogger was on a Manslaughter Trial Jury; Jurors went into deliberation and a retired Postman volunteered to be the Foreman. The jurors voted him in.
He immediately took a vote… was unanimous, all twelve voted for conviction, in twenty minutes.
The wise Foreman said that was too quick for the perception of justice.
So, the jurors sat around chatting; then had lunch.
They stretched out the deliberation until almost closing time; then convicted the defendant.
But the amount of time taken to reach the verdict, left the perception, justice was done.
The Trump verdicts occurred after just two days of deliberation. A jury, judged a former president guilty on 34 out of 34 counts, in just two days. They did this in a divided, hostile, itching for blood nation.
Liberals are dumb; this Blogger is making the assumption that it was a Liberal  dominate Jury because it was drawn from the same neighborhood as the fierce anti-Trumpian Robert De Niro.
If the wise Foreman of this Blogger’s Jury had been in command; he would have had at least 5 counts adjudicated as not guilty, to show an impartial, thoughtful jury.
Liberals are dumb; they can even masquerade injustice correctly.
Liberals are shouting from their pillars of dumbness that this verdict against Trump proves that no one is above the law; as illegal aliens are violating America’s borders without punishment, as illegal aliens are squatting in the homes of American citizens without arrest; as migrants are terrorizing American women in Chicago with impunity.
Liberals are dumb; so dumb a civil war seems baked into the future of America.
How else to get rid of Liberal dumbness, except by cauterization?

President Trump after verdict

 Caravaggios Trump


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