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A Seminal Moment to America's Future: What to do with the Cowardly Uvalde cop, pedro pete arredondo?

This is a seminal moment in American culture, and history; that cannot be overstated.  The resolution of how to react to the coward  pedro pete arredondo  and his conduct during the Uvalde massacre, is seminal to America's confrontation with its future.

It is obvious, that this century will feature more lawlessness, more killings by cartels, more random killings, more nihilism,  and more, normalized mass killings of school kids, in their school rooms, by kill crazy males; the nation must decide, in order to maintain its culture and civilization,  how to deal with cowardly law enforcement officers. 

This is a new problem for the nation, which has produced heroic lawmen like Frank Serpico, Wyatt Earp, Masterson of Kansas, Ed Masterson, Virgil Earp, Frank Hamer, Bass Reeves, Bill Tilghman, Elfrego Baca, Charlie Bassett, Pat Garrett, Texas John Slaughter, Wild Bill Hickok and Eliott Ness. 

But recently, American society, drowning in Afternoon Specials, elevated the value of sensitivity in police officers over courage; the results are apparent. 

In the Parkland Shooting, the police officer hid behind a pillar while high school students were massacred; in the Uvalde Massacre, the sensitive head of Uvalde Consolidated School District’s Police Department,  pedro pete arredondo, showed maximum cowardice. He marinated in cowardice, while 19 children and two teachers were slaughtered by a kill crazy teenager. 

A cop is not a cop; unless he runs to the gunfire and places his body between the bullet and the innocent. A cop should not be a cop for the pay, or uniform or retirement benefits; he should be a law officer as a vocation. A modern American cop, in this increasingly dangerous society, must be a secular Knight Hospitaller. 

pedro pete arredondo knew what to do in the hour of his crucible, run to the gunfire and neutralize the shooter as quickly and as efficiently as possible. He knew. He was trained, and took an oath to do it. And he did not do it. 

He stood outside the school counting gunshots while the children of his friends, were consumed by the Devil.  

Even worse than being an individual coward, pedro pete arredondo made cowardice the new normal at the scene of the massacre. Using the arcane command structure that placed him in command as Incident Commander, he forbade the 18 other police officers, 18, on the scene, to take down the shooter. 

Parents arrived at the scene, and offered to go in and stop the slaughter; he forbade the parents from doing that; he ordered them restrained and handcuffed  some.

“A gunman who killed 19 children and two teachers at a South Texas elementary school walked unopposed onto school grounds, state law enforcement officials said Thursday — and once he was inside, it took police an hour to stop him. 

In the days after the massacre at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, officials with the Texas Department of Public Safety said the shooter encountered a police officer employed by the school district before charging through a back door — and gave conflicting accounts about whether the officer fired at the gunman. 

Agency officials now say there was no police officer on campus when the shooter first arrived — but did not explain why they first believed there was. The gunman crashed a truck in a ditch near the school at 11:28 a.m., fired at two passersby on the street, then entered the school 12 minutes later through a back door before police arrived, DPS officials said Thursday. 

“He was not confronted by anybody,” Victor Escalon, a DPS official, said during a press conference Thursday. The agency is leading the investigation into the shooting along with Uvalde police…….At a Wednesday press conference in Uvalde, DPS Director Steve McCraw said that a school police officer “engaged” with the gunman before he entered the school but did not exchange gunfire with the gunman. Other DPS officials were quoted in media reports saying there was an exchange of gunfire at that moment.

Later on Wednesday, a DPS spokesperson told the Tribune that the gunman "encountered a [Uvalde school district] officer, but at this time we do not know if they exchanged gunfire. They're still in the process of interviewing him, and everyone else." 

After a chaotic and confusing press conference Thursday in 90-degree heat, the state’s top law enforcement agency still has not answered key questions, including why it took so long for officers to stop the 18-year-old gunman and why an entrance to the school appeared to be unlocked, allowing him to enter the building in the middle of the school day. 

….local police officers were the first to arrive at the school — about four minutes after the gunman entered — but had to fall back after taking gunfire. Officers tried to negotiate with the shooter, he said, but the man “did not respond.”…..It took officers an hour to kill the gunman once he was inside as law enforcement officers called "everyone that's in the area" to help, then waited for "specialty equipment" and body armor and organized a tactical team to reenter the school, Escalon said. 

……Uvalde police received the first call about the gunman around 11:20 a.m., when his grandmother called 911 after he shot her in the face at their home about two minutes from the school. The gunman then fled in her pickup truck, crashing it in a nearby ditch — prompting a 911 call from a neighbor, a DPS spokesperson told The Washington Post. 

At 1:06 p.m. Tuesday, the Uvalde Police Department posted on its Facebook page that the shooter was in police custody. Authorities later reported that the shooter was shot to death by a Border Patrol agent who responded to the scene. 

Videos have circulated on social media showing frustrated parents confronting police officers outside the school while the gunman was inside — and debating whether to charge into the school themselves. 

Onlookers shouted, “Go in there! Go in there!” at officers outside of the school after the attack began, but officers did not, according to a resident who spoke with The Associated Press. 

…..police are now trained to immediately enter and try to subdue the shooter, even if they’re alone on the scene, he said….TEXAS TRIBUNE.” 

Uvalde has forty police officers and a SWAT team; which they paraded around the city. Yet they did not arrive to save their own children. In January, 2022, the Uvalde Police Department received $500,000 from the state of Texas to purchase body armor. Uvalde spends close to 40% of its general fund to finance its police department, roughly four million dollars a year. Yet none of that armor and none of those police officers were deployed to stop a slaughter of their town’s kids. 

As this blog is being written, one has to ask: where are all those officers who did not stop the slaughter of innocents? Where are they now? On their knees in front of the bereaved parents, begging for forgiveness? 


They are, on around the clock protection detail, in from of pedro pete arredondo’s home, protecting the coward from his vengeful neighbors. 

pedro pete arredondo started his career in law enforcement as  a 911 operator; he understood the importance of reacting to 911 calls. He was an adept politician, and actively campaigned to be Chief of the school district’s police department. Recently, he was elected to the Uvalde City Council. Good ole sensitive pedro pete. 

From inside the bloody classrooms, terrified students were calling 911, over and over again, pleading for the 19 policemen outside their classroom door to come in and save them; they could hear the policemen, and were bewildered as to why the cops would not enter and be their salvation. 

pedro pete  arredondo was commanding the scene without his police radio; so, technically he could plausibly say he did not know the kids were pleading for help. How convenient. 

As Chief, he had/has  a staff of  five cops, and a security guard; most of their time was spent on sensitive chores, like anti-bullying initiatives, including sponsoring an anti-bullying poster contest. 

The poster contest was won by Alitha Ramirez, a fourth grader at Robb Elementary. 

The poster was in the de rigueur rainbow letters and said “KINDNESS TAKES COURAGE!.” 

Alas, what this society seems determined to ignore is that in life and death situations, courage, atavistic courage, courage bound by oath, has more value than kindness. 

The young Ms. Ramirez was slain during the carnage of the Uvalde Massacre, while kind but cowardly, pedro pete waited outside, without his police radio. 

Please send the police now,” a child begged after placing a half dozen previous calls over 44 minutes, the first of them 33 minutes after the killer entered the classroom and more than 30 minutes after the cops pursuing him should have been ordered to enter. 

By stepping down today as quickly as he should have responded on Tuesday morning, Arredondo could signal to the grieving families that he is holding himself responsible for a police failure that numerous other law enforcement commanders have termed “disgusting.” 

He has so far sought only to save himself from added shame by taking down his Facebook page on which he proudly announced on March 22 that his department had “hosted ‘Active Shooter Training’ at the Uvalde High School.” 

“Our overall goal is to train every Uvalde area law enforcement officer so that we can prepare as best as possible for any situation that may arise,” he said at the time. “We have hosted several of these courses and plan to continue to do so. I would like to thank UCISD Officers.”…the daily beast.” 

This Blogger believes that Arredondo’s resignation is not a proper punishment. Neither is taking away his pension. 

He is afraid of death; he must be humiliated, as an example, so that all future cowardly police officers fear humiliation more than death. 

He must suffer a degradation ceremony, the ritual dismissal of a person from a position of authority for cowardice. 

All the police officers at the Uvalde Massacre must be mustered on a parade ground; Arredondo must have his symbols of authority stripped from him, ripped off  his shoulders; his badges and insignia stripped; his cap knocked away, and his medals torn off and dashed upon the ground, to be stepped on by the other officers. 

He must submit to  the Civil War practice of degradation, and have his head shaved. Alas, society cannot do that with pedro pete, for obvious reasons; his head is already shaved.

This cowardice in American police forces must be cauterized by humiliation, before the battle for civilization is lost. 

“In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, Arredondo held a press briefing:“At 11:32 AM this morning. there was a casualty incident at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas,” he began. “The school has children that are in second, third and fourth grade. I can confirm right now that we have several injuries, adults and students. And we do have some deaths.” 

…..Unless Arredondo is oblivious beyond reason, he must have known by then that the point at which the killer died would become an issue, along with his failure to provide the families with the service they most needed by sending in those numerous law enforcement officers. He must have been aware that the students had been safely released only after a team from one of those agencies, the Border Patrol, became fed up with his inaction. 

But he actually posted a video of his press appearance on his now vanished Facebook page. Earlier postings announced his election on May 7 as the representative from District 3 to the Uvalde city council. The election was held in the town’s civic center, where the Robb parents would gather to await news of their children. The tally shows that 67 percent of the vote out of a field of four candidates went to the affable hometown hero known as “Pete” who had become chief of the schools police in April of 2020 after his predecessor was alleged to have pulled a gun and threatened a man in a bar. 

The onetime 911 operator had actively sought to become chief and he had parlayed that into becoming a council member-elect….how could Arredondo as a chief and a council member help lead Uvalde through its grief when the whole town knows he did nothing while kids called again and again for help?...DAILY BEAST.”

Then again, perhaps the only thing Ameerica should do to pedro pete is remove his 24 hour, seven day a week police protection.

the Cowardly Uvalde cop, pedro pete arredondo


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