This Blogger has received requests from his European Readers asking him to explain the Republic, in the wake of the Day of Rage unleased on the US Capitol by Trumpians and the Republican Party’s massive defeat in the special Georgia Elections.
America in 2021 can be summed up in three words: irony, Irony and IRONY.
America is being strangled by irony; on the day the Confederate battle flag was strutted around the US Capitol, the death of the last known Civil War widow was announced.
“America’s last known Civil War widow has died at age 101.
Their relationship began when Jackson’s father volunteered her to help Bolin with his chores on her way to school.
Bolin didn’t want to accept charity so he decided to ask Jackson to marry him in order to provide for her future and for her to collect his Union pension…”
Between 1861 and 1865, innumerable white and black Union soldiers died to keep the Confederate battle flag, the Stars and Bars, from being flown in the US Capitol; when General Early(CSA)’s Reb troops threatened Washington D.C.; Lincoln, in his tall hat, went out to look at the advancing Rebs. They took shots at Lincoln, triggering Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. to say, to the President:“ Get down you damn fool.’
What 19thCentury Rebels could not do, promenade the Stars and Bars on Capitol grounds, angry 21stCentury voters did do.
Globalists, and Liberals have made every effort to ban the Confederacy and its flag from the memory and sight of America; yet there it was, Faulkernian in its defiance.
The NEW YORK TIMES blamed President Trump for the Day of Rage; its headline today reads: ‘TRUMP INCITES MOB.”
WASHINGTON — Congress confirmed President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory early Thursday morning, overwhelmingly repudiating a drive by President Trump to overturn his defeat after it culminated in a mob of loyalists storming and occupying the Capitol in a shocking display of violence that shook the core of American democracy.
Obviously, the NEW YORK TIMES believes in the theory that History is shaped by the rise of dominating men.
This is the Globalist worldview; that Trumpism will wither when Trump leaves the stage. This Blogger disagrees; he believes that Trump is but a manifestation of cultural demons unleashed on American society by the ineptitude and malfeasance of Liberal Governance.
Liberals are blind to the whirlwind of hate their social engineering has unleashed; with all their sociology, they are clueless.
Why do Trumpians consider Pelosi Satan, incarnate; because she hates Trump? Many people hate Trump and are not hated in return. It is because of her unrelenting assault on cultural norms.
Pelosi takes a knee to support BLACK LIVES MATTER.
Pelosi changes the House rules to allow Rep. Ilhan Omar to wear a hijab on the House floor.
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday proposed a series of House rule changes that include banning the use of gendered terms in favor of more inclusive ones, ditching “he” and “she” for “they.”
Instead of using the pronouns “he” or “she,” members would be required to use “member,” “delegate,” or “resident commissioner.” Instead of saying “father” and “mother,” members would refer to that individual as “parent,” and “brother” and “sister” would be replaced with “sibling.”
Pelosi said the “unprecedented, bold” ethics and legislative reforms will make the House more “accountable, transparent and effective....National Review”
Pelosi would rather throw cultural hand grenades into the body politic than protect American workers from Communist China.
On May 9, 2012, this Blogger published the following:“…. the Republican Party is no longer the Republican Party of business and farmers. It is now an alliance of Roundheads and Carlists, an alliance of Fundamentalists, Traditional Catholics, Working Men of all races. ..... its bedrock, defining belief is intense, fierce opposition to the Social Engineering of the Democratic Party and its associate institutions, including the Media, and Academia......The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the workers; it is now the party of Lovers of SALLY BOWLES, and the Globalized Elite. No current Democrat puts the economic interest of the working class above social engineering the traditional values out of the working class. The Democratic Party now seeks power only to indoctrinate the working class Yahoos out of their so called ignorance and backwardness. The Obama Democratic Party is a throwback to the Artistic Left of the Weimar Republic, just Christopher Isherwoods and George Groszs. The Democratic Party is now run not for the benefit of the working class but for the self indulgence of artists and performers, and that includes the president.....Gerald Maxey."
It is an understatement to say that it is ironic that the white voters engaged in the storming of the Capitol took inspiration from Black Nationalist Malcom X; BUT THEY DID.
On May 30, 2012, this Blogger published the following:“We may be reaching the climax of irony in American history. In 1964, the martyred Black Nationalist, Black Muslim Malcolm X gave the famous BALLOT OR BULLET SPEECH in Cleveland. In the speech at Cory Methodist Church, Malcolm advocated that Black Americans use political means, the ballot, to address and redress political marginalization. If the Ballot failed then Black Americans were advised to use the Bullet for redress. In 2012 it seems that white American males ,above all others, are listening to his advice.
How ironic….. America in 2012 does not live in logical, normal times. President Obama has driven a great sub set of America, particularly American white males, into nihilism.
The crux of Obama's Change was to create a class of white American males who are now irrational; who just don't give a damn about bringing it all down. They are Cromwellian Roundheads, only lacking a Cromwell.
“Americans are buying guns in record numbers,..... preparing for potential mass civil unrest ...
How do we know that the guns are being brought by white Males?"FBI records.......Data released by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for the year reported 14,033,824 NICS Checks,....the overwhelming majority of the checks were on white males."
"14,000,000 guns and 14,033,824,000 billions rounds of Ammo sold last year alone." 14,000,000,000 BILLION rounds of ammunition, in ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!(That is 52 rounds per American gun) Let us put that in Malcolm X- perspective: ........."that is more guns and ammunition than the combined active armies of the top 21 countries in the world."
Does any reasonable Liberal or Progressive or Druid think that American white males have purchased 14 BILLION rounds of ammunition for no existential reason?
….And what is the Liberal answer to this arming of an increasing nihilistic citizenry? MSNBC host Alex Wagner wants to abolish the Second Amendment, which constitutionally protects the right to bear arms.She said: "I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights."
Her suggestion, if memorialized, is tantamount to Civil War in and of itself…….Liberals have a better chance of vacuuming the stars from the night sky than taking guns away from American white guys.
...The reconciliation this nation so desperately needs can only be engaged when Liberal pundits stop mocking white males who, until lately, believed in their country and still believe in their God. The only way white males will put away their guns is if Liberal Elites begin to put away their ridicule.
On November 6. 2015 this Blogger published this Blog:” Malcolm X predicts the Republican Party: "Maybe the revolution is even bigger than..... you are imagining"....
"Maybe the revolution is even bigger than .... you are imagining "
….… The Republican Party is not currently a political party; the Republican Party is currently a revolutionary party…..….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
On April 18, 2018, this Blogger published the following: “....Across the land,…neocolonialism has seeded and nurtured a coming backlash, a coming rebellion, a coming campaign of terror, a coming civil war which could well have been spawned from Frantz Fanon's fervid anti-colonial revolutionary matrix. The Liberal Elite is congenitally incapable of seeing this coming Frantz Fanon rebellion because the rebels are white males, and the Liberal Elite is terminally Afrocentric in seeing Fanon Revolutions unfold.
…..……Governance is the ability of the ruling elite to maintain the society in a civil state;
…..To many American white males, Donald Trump is their Frantz Fanon. Neocolonialist newspapers like the NEW YORK TIMES are not worried about legal Americans going Mau Mau on neocolonialists because they believe that it is not effective. That misconception is so Kenyan British Colonial.
….Terror can work for colonized peoples, or people who feel colonized , such as native born Americans.
"Colonized-come to settle among and establish political control over (the indigenous people of an area...."
If Frantz Fanon, the intellectual giant of rebellion against colonialism and neocolonialism were alive, he would be a Trumpian Crusader in Kansas,plotting terror against neocolonialist settlers. " Fanon claimed that decolonization is inherently a violent process, because the relationship between the settler and the native is a binary of opposites....the situation of settler colonialism creates within the native a tension which grows over time and in many ways in fostered by the settler. This tension is initially released among the natives, but eventually it becomes a catalyst for violence against the settler. His work would become an academic and theoretical foundation for many revolution."
Liberals,Globalists.... don’t understand that America is on the verge of a Frantz Fanon vicious, venal and merciless campaign of terror against illegal aliens, DREAMERS, and refugees, the neocolonialists….….THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
Looking at 2021 America, post Day of Rage, this Blogger sees this rage not as a political manifestation but as a cultural explosion, by a population which considers itself colonized by an Elite supporting, enabling and encouraging Mass Migration to undermine the Rooseveltian culture; a culture which defeated the Nazis and Soviets.
In 2021, after the Day of Rage, this Blogger does not believe that the Republic is moving toward civil war nor an insurrection, but a state that the Irish would call THE TROUBLES.
In the worst case scenario, that means the Republican party will be transformed once again, into an American version of Sinn Fein, the political wing of terrorist organization. Paging Gerry Adams.
Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Black Baptist minister, who preaches from Martin Luther King’s old pulpit, defeated Senator Kelly Loeffler, America’s richest Senator. Senator Loeffler was appointed to her seat by Governor Brian Kemp, over objections. She is a transplanted Northerner, and a Catholic. So, in Georgia, Republicans ran a millionaire Catholic transplant against a home grown Baptist minister, one of twelve children. Look pass the race, and look at this :“Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
Give me that old-time religion
Its' good enough for me"
This Blogger is extraordinarily pleased that the first elected Black Senator from Georgia is an American Black, with American slave blood coursing through his veins.
If there is one thing American History has taught us is that Black Baptist ministers know how to deal with Confederates and sons of the Confederacy; mainly because back in 1830, they both had the same ancestor.
This Blogger has Great Expectations that Rev. Warnock can help craft an AMERICAN not a Globalist, solution to the conflicts which rive the Republic. He walks into the Senate, with the conscience of American History on his side. Very Faulknerian
In the other Senatorial race, Georgia elected its first Jewish Senator, over a crook; who used his position to solidify his insider trading fetish.
It is ironic that Georgians, who lynched Leo Frank for being a Jew, have elected a Jewish Senator; he walks into the senate with the conscience of America on his side.
Stacey Abrams is a Black lady politician, who looks like she will die in a minute from diabetes; she has proven herself the most adept and skilled female American politician since Eleanor Roosevelt.
She ran for Governor of Georgia, and was defeated by Brian Kemp; she believed herself cheated out of her victory. So she decided to treat the Republican Party in Georgia like it was a divorced husband who asked for alimony, after stealing her mother’s gold teeth. She waged vendetta against the Republican Party.
Winston Churchill, in the middle of war, once paid tribute to Rommel, the Desert Fox, the general who had defeated the British in North Africa::"We have a very daring and skillful opponent against us, and, may I say across the havoc of war, a great general."
It behooves the Republican Party, across the havoc of defeat, to pay tribute to Stacey Abrams; and if she dislikes Communist China as much as she dislikes the Georgia Republican Party, she should be named Ambassador to Communist China.
Republican Governor Brian Kemp; he lost the state of Georgia to Joe Biden in the presidential campaign; he made a blood enemy of Stacy Abrams and he appointed the real housewife of somewhere to the U.S. Senate, insuring the loss of that seat.
We know from American History that Confederates were and are not gracious losers; which is another reason to exalt General Robert E. Lee, who was the MOST gracious of all the Confederate losers. Rather than tear him down for fighting against the Republic, America should exalt him higher for being a gracious loser. That trait will become paramount if the Republic is to be healed.
The Republican Party in Georgia is the bloodline descendant of the old Confederate bloodline. They are not people who will go quietly into the good night, but who are people who will rage and rage against the dying light.
Days of Rage against Joe Biden and his Globalist allies is a surety; especially since Jamaican/Tamil Vice President Elect Kamala Harris is both symbolic and emblematic of the fact that the Globalists want to treat American Nationalists as a defeated people.
What is the ironic upshot of that? If one feels treated as a defeated people, without a war; one might as well fight a war to see what happens.
If the Democrats had any sense whatsoever of where they and the Republic stand on the continuum of History; they would forget social change, and paths to citizenship for colonists, and concentrate on economic equity for the people, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
This Blogger hopes his past and present insights are of some help to his European Readers understand the mystery wrapped in an enigma which is 2020 America.
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