Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking asked his Readers to imagine a time without Time, before the Big Bang. If anyone can imagine a time before Time, without Time, one can believe in God. For it can be argued that God invented Time; for if TIME was a natural phenomenon, Mankind could go both back in time, and forward in time; physics tells us that should be possible. But against the laws of physics, Time is an arrow, going only one way- forward. If one built a time machine in 2019, one could go to the year 2050; but the Time Traveler would not be able to return to 2019. Time goes against physics, and anything which goes against the natural law of physics is Divine.
This Blogger believes that Death is a manifestation of the existence of God. If the Universe was created by natural forces, there would be no need for Death. Death is a Creation of God. All things die: men, trees, dinosaurs, even rocks. If one leaves a rock in the wind and rain; it too will die.
Why did God need Death? Simple, for Death is Change, or as Tolstoy noted: Change is proof of God.
Death is the currency of God, for it brings Change; and God seemingly likes change. He likes Change, not Progress, for Change can also be Entropy. It is the Artist in Him. Death is Creative Destruction at its highest level.
Clive James’ death in and of itself is not pertinent to proving God exists; but a tidbit in his obituary is.
“James’ father was taken prisoner by the Japanese at the beginning of World War II. He survived the entire war in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, and died when the American transport plane carrying him back home to Australia crashed into Manila Bay.’
Echoes of the wreck of the SULTANA;” Sultana was a Mississippi River side wheel steamboat, which exploded on April 27, 1865, in the worst maritime disaster in U.S. history. An estimated 1,800 people died in the sinking, most were Union soldiers who were going home, after surviving the war in Confederate prison camps.”
Any manifestation of Irony is a manifestation of God’s existence, on a granular level.
In London last week, a Sunni Muslim terrorist stabbed to death two people; that act does not prove the existence of God, merely the existence of Evil. But it was whom he killed which imprinted IRONY on the situation.
They victims were both exemplary young people, dedicated to rehabilitating terrorists.
‘LONDON — They were two bright, idealistic young people who believed passionately in prison rehabilitation and threw themselves into a program that educates inmates, aiming to give them hope and reduce their odds of reoffending.
….. Both recent Cambridge University graduates, they then became victims of a murderous rampage by a former prisoner, an alumnus of the very program they had dedicated themselves to.
The two victims — Saskia Jones, 23, and Jack Merritt, 25 — died and three others were injured in what the police have called a terrorist attack in central London……
They came from towns far removed from the urban crime that would become such a focus of their lives — Ms. Jones in Stratford-upon-Avon, in the West Midlands, and Mr. Merritt in Cottenham, near Cambridge.
She volunteered with Cambridge’s Learning Together program after graduating with a master’s in philosophy from the university in 2018. She had recently applied for a police recruitment program, her family said, and planned to specialize in victim support.
Friends and relatives described Ms. Jones as warm, determined and dedicated to the idea that inmates should have opportunities to reform and build the foundations for productive lives. Her family, …. described her as a “funny, kind and positive influence”….She had a wonderful sense of mischievous fun and was generous to the point of always wanting to see the best in all people,”….
Professor Loraine R. Gelsthorpe, the director of Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology, which the Learning Together initiative is part of, said in a statement that Ms. Jones’s “warm disposition and extraordinary intellectual creativity was combined with a strong belief that people who have committed criminal offenses should have opportunities for rehabilitation.”
Mr. Merritt was a program coordinator who began working with Learning Together after graduating from Cambridge, also with a master’s of philosophy, in 2017.
“Jack’s passion for social and criminal justice was infectious,” Professor Gelsthorpe said in her statement. “He was deeply, creatively and courageously engaged with the world, advocating for a politics of love. He worked tirelessly in dark places to pull towards the light.”
….“He believed in redemption and rehabilitation, not revenge, and he always took the side of the underdog,” the family said. “Jack was an intelligent, thoughtful and empathetic person who was looking forward to building a future with his girlfriend, Leanne, and making a career helping people in the criminal justice system.”….NEW YORK TIMES.”
Anything and everything Ironic is Divine; and what could be more ironic, or Divine than a terrorist knifing to death two wondrous kids who believed in rehabilitating bad guys.
What was the purpose of killing those two marvelous young people?Except to confirm the existence of God.
Irony is the mainstay of the Psychology of God.
For those Readers who find IRONY a much too poetic manifestation of the existence of God, last week offered another example of an astrophysical manifestation of God’s existence.
“This Newfound Monster Black Hole Is Too Big for Theories to Handle
Stellar-mass black holes aren't supposed to be so hefty.
"Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution," lead author Jifeng Liu, deputy director-general of the National Astronomical Observatories of China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, .
"We thought that very massive stars with the chemical composition typical of our galaxy must shed most of their gas in powerful stellar winds, as they approach the end of their life. Therefore, they should not leave behind such a massive remnant," Liu added. "Now, theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation….SPACE.COM.”
If Science says it should not exist, yet it does exist, that is a manifestation of the existence of God.
Mankind is living through an explosion of astrophysical science which is proving there are physical things which exist which should not exist, including the Universe itself.
On March 30, 2018, this Blogger published: Astrophysics and God-A Galaxy Exists without DARK MATTER, Which Should NOT Happen in a Godless Universe.
The following is excerpted from that Blog:
“….. Astrophysics is the easiest path to believing in the existence of God.
Lately, the only thing which astrophysics has been doing is proving the existence of a Creator, a God.
....Astrophysics is close to proving that Divine Mankind is the most intelligent life in the Universe, because intelligent life on Earth is the oldest intelligent life in the Universe because of GRBs. (The inexplicable THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD, in which mankind learned language and became Divine in practice is 50,000 years ago).
....The latest developments in quantum theory are leading astrophysics to the conclusion God exists…..Supposedly the speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, according to Einstein.
However, within the quantum theory there is the worm of ENTANGLEMENT, forever interlocking the fates of subatomic particles, regardless of their separation. So if a photon on one side of the galaxy spins up, an instant later on the other side of the galaxy its twin photon will spin down …..Suggesting that INFORMATION TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT.
This was very upsetting to Einstein, because the suggestion that information travels faster than light is a no-no in his special theory of relativity.
He dismissed it as unworthy “spooky things”, and invented the concept of hidden variables. Hidden variables are mystical science, much like miracles; consider them miracles for physicists. Their sole purpose is to find an explanation within the universal speed limit of light to explain the speed of information traveling above the universal speed limit.
European physicists did a test which banned Einstein’s hidden variables from the lexicon of physics. They proved mystical things are indeed happening in the speed of information, unexplainable by any scientific mumbo jumbo like hidden variables.
Einstein’s spooky things are God’s mysteries; ENTANGLEMENT may well be predestination pre- ordered by a Creator.
CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear research, it operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world at the Swiss/French border.
It was CERN that discovered the Higgs Boson-the God Particle.
CERN came close to announcing the existence of God, by announcing that the Universe should not exist.
“One of the great mysteries of modern physics is why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time.
….All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” says Christian Smorra, a physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration.
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”….The standard model predicts the Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter – but that’s a combustive mixture that would have annihilated itself, leaving nothing behind to make galaxies or planets or people….cosmosmagazine.”
Readers, Science, Physics, astrophysicists, and cosmologists are on the verge of proving the Universe, and Mankind SHOULD NOT EXIST.
But the Universe does exist.
What greater proof is there?
The Universe exists where and when it should not exist means that God exists.
Last week, astrophysicists announced another mystery, another something which should not exist in an Universe which should not exist, but does exist, a galaxy without DARK MATTER.
....…What astrophysics is proving is this- that the Universe which exists even though it should not exist, has too many consistencies (mathematical principles applicable though out the Universe) abiding with too many anomalies ( Galaxies without Dark Matter, ENTANGLEMENT) not to have been created by a Creative Divinity……THE MAXEY CHRONICLES.”
In 2019, Astrophysics is all Divine Confusion; astrophysicists are being bombarded with new discoveries of things which exist, BUT SHOULD NOT Exist.
Only the existence of a Creator explains the existence of things which should not exist, Einstein’s spooky things.
"Astronomers have discovered the most massive example yet of the dead stars known as neutron stars, one almost too massive to exist, a new study finds.”
The Big Rip, the Big Crunch, the Big Bang, spooky things, cosmic entanglement, information traveling faster than light,(which implies predestination, which implies John Calvin was the greatest astrophysicist ever), Black holes devouring neutron stars, …astrophysics is in A TOTAL STATE OF CONFUSION; cosmology is in a total state of confusion.
Confusion is the surety of God.
The Psychology of God. What this Blogger finds fascinating yet disturbing is that God seems to be accelerating the confusion of cosmology. Is that acceleration a sign of the End Time?

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